Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, March 20, 1903, Image 2

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Regular March Term of the
County Board.
And many other aches to which women
Kre peculiarly subject are generally the
result of a diseased condition of the
womanly organism. When this dis
eased condition is cured, sideache, back
ache, headache, etc., are cured also.
Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription
establishes regularity, dries the drains
which weaken women, heals inflamma
tion and ulceration and cures female
weakness. When these diseases are cured
the aches they cause are also cured.
I will drop you a few lines to-day to let you
biow that I am feeling well now," writes Miss
Annie Stephens, of llelleville, Wood Co., West
Va, I feel like a new woman. I took several
bottles of 'Favorite Prescription' and of the
'Golden Medical Discovery.' I have no head
ache now, no backache, and no pain in my side
ny more. No bearing-down paui any more. I
tllink that there is no medicine like Dr. Pierce's
medicine. I thank you very much for what you
Y.avc done for me your medicine has done me
snnch good."
The People's Common Sense Medical
Adviser, a book containing 1008 pages,
is given away. Send 21 one-cent stamps
tor expense of mailing only, for the
Tjook in paper covers, or 31 stamps for
the volume bound in cloth. Address Dr.
K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
Change in Management
Changs in Business
The ptore of M. Mich
ael will be remodeled
and refitted as a firet
class up-to-date cloth
in? and gents furnish
ing parlor. None but
the best union made
goods will be sold at
the lowest prices. We
invite yonr thorough
inspection, soliciting
the former patronage
and hope to increase
same. Respectfully
The Kind You Have Always Bxgtt
y 1110 miiu iuu navB niwaya
Mysterious Circumstances.
One was pale and sallow and the other
fresh and rosy. Whence the ainerencer
8 he who is blushing with health uses
Dr. King's New Life Pills to organs thef
compel good digestion and head off con
stipation. Try them. Unly zo cents, at
Ueo. A. Harding Druggist.
the most healing salve in the world,
For Infants and Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
Sears the
You Will Be Happy if Well.
Paine's Celery
Bestows that Health and
Vigor that Makes Liv
ing a Pleasure.
If you ate sick and otit-of-sorts, it is In your
power to make yourself healthy, strong, nd
There is not the slightest reason why you
shouM 0 through life feeling sickly, miserable,
languid, and melancholic. To be well and
itrong, means happiness and true oy.
It you are sleepless, rheumatic, neuralgic,
dyspeptic, or have the shadows of disease
hovering over you i il you are not as bright,
energetic, and strong as you were some weeks
ago, the use of Paine's Celery Compound will
tone up and fortify your whole system, cleanse
the blood, correct digestion, sharpen the
appetite, and conduce to restful sleep. Thous
ands once in a halt-dead condition owe their
present good health to the use of Taine'i
Celery Compound. Mr. Win, S. Gibson, of
Pleasureville, Ky., who, through sickness and
aaflering, was brought near the dark grave,
writes as follows, regarding his marvelous
' I have been broken down in health and
akength, nervous system shattered, kidneys
eut of order, had nervous and trembling spells
fi and on for the last ten years. I have taken
tiree bottles of your Paine's Celery Compound
and all of the above-mentioned troubles have
felt me, and I can now do a good day's work.
1 go alxnit my business all day long and it
Wt worry me, and I now feel better than I
fcwe in ten years. I have a good appetite,
and can ent mul got around on foot as active
as when I was a boy. My age is 65 years."
:-ffT.tyw.fiiaw'Mg'. . ream
Color Jackets, Coils, Capes,
Ribbons, Neckties, Waists.,,
Stocking! will not Ui, of crock whin dvcJ with
DUmond Dyts. Direction took ,ni .? iv umnla
W DIAMOND DYoS, Durlmsu...,
In the matter cancelling county war
rants drawn by error. Ordered that
said warrerit be cancelled.
In the matter of the payment of rebate
on wide tire wagons. Ordered that no
wan ante issue for wide tires . here
after. In the matter of report of viewers of
Fellows road. Report read and laid over
until to-morrow.
In' the matter of report of viewers of
Corral Creek and Willamette river road
Report read and laid over until to
morrow. In the matter of Board of Health to re
gulate and to provide for expense. Or
1 ered that same be laid over until next
In the matter of resignation of Ed
Kapper, Supervisor of District No 8.
Ordered that said Supervisor file report
and statment of property on hand.
In the matter of petition of B. P.
Werfdle for change of road at Poliukc,
hill. Laid over for further consider
ation. In the matter of bridge across Rock
Creek in district No. 27. Laid over un
til next term.
In the matter of petition for assistance
n opening the Hoist road. Ordered laid
over until next term and Supervisor to
be notified.
In the matter of the petition of John
A. Ridings and others relative to open"
ng ".hagan mill and Ulad Tidings road.
Supervisor ordered to open same on
surveyed line of same.
in the matter of Union Hall and
Canby road. Ordered opened on sur
veyed line.
In the matter of opening the "Sprague
road". Laid over for investigation.
In the matter of the bond of Frank S.
, Bagiy with Andrew Todd aB surety
in improvement of Rock Creek and pud
ding nyer. Ordered that said matter
be said over.
in the matter 01 the report of viewers
of Elwood & Bitner mill road. Report
read and In id over until to-morrow.
In the matter or petition of Leonard
Schaber for return of fees paid into pro
bate court. Ordered that said matter
be referred to Probate court.
In the matter of petition of E. F. Rilev
for concellation of mortgage tax. Order
ed laid over for further information.
In the matter of petition of P. H
Marlay for refund of $10 on land
purchased at tax sale. Ordered that
petition be denied.
In the matter ot Chris Bitner road.
Report of viewers read second time and
approved, Supervisor ordered to open
road with worn ot petitioners.
A Lacey, one day, ten miles $3 00
Branch Tucker one day, 12 miles.. 3 20
Ed Clusner, one day, 12 miles 3 20
W T Henderson, one day, 2 00
I D Surfus.oneday, 2 00
E M Bittner, one dav 2 00
E P Rands, one day, 40 miles 19 00
In the matter of petition of Alrlch
Aemesseger and others to set aside that
portion of road belonging to Bradley and
liichey road. Ordered that petition be
In the matter of the R Schuebel road
Argued and taken under advisement un
til March Uttrtt 10 o'clock a. m.
In the matter of purchasing county
supplies, Ordered that matter be left
with County Judge.
In the matter of James Wilson a
county charge. Ordered that further aid
be discontinued.
In the matter of the application of L
M Duvidson for order directing the
County treasurer pay to said L M David
son $4 out of school funds of Bchool
District No. 47. Ordered that petition
be denied and petitioner advised to pre
sent cl im to Board of Directors of said
school district.
In the matter of Fellows road. Ob
jections presented. Ordered that said
matter be laid over until first day of
April t'TO).
In the matter of the Corral Creek and
Willamette river road. Report read
second time and approved, Supervisor
ordored to open road with work of
Joe Graham, one day, 6 miles .... f2 GO
M N Crissell, one day, 8 miles. . . 2 80
8 M Kelso, one day, 6 miles 2 60
M Adoll, one day.. 2 00
Chris Wilhtilm, one day .... 2 00
Andrew Johnson, one day 2 00
11 11 Johnson, one day, SO miles. , 13 00
In the matter of petition of tax payers
protesting agtiitiBt abandonment of a
portion of Sandy and Oregon City road.
Ordered that petition be grunted and that
order made at February term of county
Oommi-nioiHirs be stricken out so far as
to relate to said Sandy and Oregon City
road .
lu the matter of II Herrick a county
charge." Ordered that further assistance
lju discontinued.
In the matter of aid for Mrs Oulo from
indigent soldier fund. Ordered that she
be allowed $5 per month.
In the matter of the bills of costs in
Justice of Peace court. Ordered that
hereafter Justice of Peace file with bills
of costs of statement regarding each
case under which said bills of costs and
expellee were incurred.
In the matter of the claim of Jacob
Spangler for trees for for Ailing canyon
in Lewis road. Laid over for informa
tion as to who contracted same.
In the matter of resignation ot J C
Sprague, Supervisor of District No. 12
Resignation withdrsfwn.
In the matter of petition (or rebate of
L E Gardner for double assessment.
Ordered that warrants, issue to said
Gardner for $6.10.
Iu the matter of bridge over Clear
Creek In District No. 33, where same
was destroyed by tire. Ordered that road
supervisor of District No. 33 rebuild said
bridge provided the same can be replay
ed at a cost not to exceed $125.
In the matter of Deed of Chas Eider
lor roan inmnot ao. 33. urdered that
bounty surveyor survey snut land so
that proposed description can be obtain
ed lor deed.
In the matter of Trestles in county road
near Macksburg. Ordered that road
supervisor of District No. 25, be instruct'
ed to report as to the estimated cost and
necessity for same.
In the matter of Cave in the road
above Baker bridge. Ordered that
supervisor District No. 3, report regard
ing extent of and estimated cost of re
pairing same,
lu the matter of book typewriter.
Do not take chances on it wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation
which will only half cure it at best, and leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and
susceptible to attack from the germs of Consumption.
0EE7 fiffl T
not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and pre
vents serious results from a cold.
It Saved His Life After the Doctor Said He Had Consirtnptlon.
W. R. Davis, Vissalia, California, writes:"There is no doubt but what FOLEY'S HONEY
AND TAR saved my life, I had an awful cough on my lungs and the doctor told me I had
consumption. I commenced taking FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR and found relief from
the first and three bottles cured me completely.
25c, 50c and $1.00
bP. WJ..IJU Will JW.llli n M
Ordered that in order to ancertain the
relative value of machine and hand work
the Recorder hereafter report unmber
of instruments recorded by each one in
his office.
In the matter of R Schuebel road.
Ordered that petitioners of remoustrators
be granted and that proceedings relative
to the location of said road be dismissed.
In the matter of petition of Emma
Samson for reconsideration of order of
last term directing supervisor of Dictrict
No. 1 to open Price Fuller road. Order
ed that said be denied.
In the matter of statement of warrants
issued for scalps. Ordered that clerks
report of $82 issued in payment of scalp
bounties be approved
In the matter of monev paid for sup
port of non-resident paupers. Ordered
that bill for same be forwarded to secret
ary of state for allowannce and pay
Chronic Diarrhoea.
Mr. 0. B. Wingfield, of Fair Play.Mo.,
who suffered from chronic dysentery for
thirty-five years. eayB Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
did him more good than any other medi
cine he had ever used. For sale by G.
A. Harding.
Saved Her Child's Life.
"In three weeks our chubby little boy
was changed by Pneumonia almost to a
skeleton," writes Mrs. W. Watkins, of
Pleasant City,' O. "A terrible cough
set in, that, in Fpite of a good doctor's
treatment for several weeks, grew worse
every day. We then used Dr. King's
Now Discovery for Consumption, and
onr darling was soon sound and well.
We are eure th's grand medicine saved
his life." Million know it's the only
sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Luug
disease. G. A. Harding guarantee
satisfaction, 50c, $1. Trial bottles
Resolutions from K. O. T.JY1.
KeniB Manure Spreaiers
Culver Drag Saws
Myers Pumps -
Hay Tools and
Bicycles, Implements
Hall of Clackamaa;Tenl No.40, K.of M.
Marquam, Or., March 7, 1903.
Whereas, It has pleased tbe Almighty
to entr our Tent and remove from us
a beloved Brother Sir Knight in the
person of Brother N. Birtchet. The.
amp of life has gone out, and he has
reached his last long resting place. No
more will he meet with us in our re
views. No longer will his presence-
free .cheer us, or his voice be heard in our de
liberation. The years of warfare through?
which he has passed are ended. He-
contended for a grand and noble cause
and his memory will be enshrined in.
the hearts of his brothers. He was not
without his faults. "To err is human, to
forgive divine." No one is perfect. Per
fection only comes in that higher life.
We cover the faults of our brother witb
a broad mantle of charity.
Resolved, That our hearts go out in
sympathy to the wifa and child and
other members of the familv in this
hour of their affliction, that we com
mend them to God of all mercies who
alone is able to comfort them and con-
sole in this their loss.
Resolved, That a copy of the forego
ne resolution be presented to the he-
reaved relations. That the same be
spread upon the records of our Tent and
copy tnereof be sent the conntv na.
per with a request to publish the same
and that our charter be draped in mourn
ing for a period of 30 days in memory o
the deceased.
Barton Jack,'
Osier Harmon,
A. F. Jack.
New York Qalle y
Has moved on Main St. .opposite Electric
Hotel. Call and see Turnev. thn nhn.
tographer, before you get ycur photos
taken. Nice line of new mounts, frames,
etc. Prices light.
Cream Separators
J 4
Case Plows
Hoosier Drills
Mitchell and
"1 Bee Line .
; : ' ....,,: " ' I
fe w :-
Scud for C a t a I o
ii e
Cures Consumi)tion,Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma,
risy, LaG rippe, Hoarseness,
Sore Throat, Croup and
Whooping: Cough.
Prlc 5Cc. and S 1 . TS'tL BOTTLES cRt$
Canby, Ore.
Calls Promptly Attended
Hearse furnished at lowest rates.
Prices Reasonable
Satisfaction Guaranteed
Then your liver isn't acting
well. You suffer from bilious
ness, constipation. Ayer's
Pills act directly on the liver.
For 60 Yea:-; ! have been
the Stsnd-rd Fr.milv Pill.
Small doses cure, ah deists
, i-
V.iil viir "i
Votrn or rich Mm-Ss ? 't'lifll
nnntmt;'' s s?'0 HVC for the
. c-
Bucklen's Arnica Salve. -
The best and moat famous coiapnund
the world to conquer aches and kill
aine. Cures Cuts hpnlfl Ttnrna anil
Bruises, subdues Inflammation, man-
ters Piles. Millions of Boxes sold vear-
lv. Works wonders in
Felons, Skin hruptions. It cures or no
store 8t Ge' A' IIardiDS's drufr
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
and or chattels. John W. Loder. at-torney-at-law,
Oregon City.
So Sweet and Pleasing In Taste.
Mrs. C. Peterson. fi?s i.nbo ti
Kan., speaking of Ballard's Horehound
oyrup, says: "It has never failed to give
entire satisfaction, and of all cough
remedies, it ia my favorite, and I must
confess to mv many friends that it will
do, and has done, whatsis claimed for it
bottle t Charman & Co.
Dr. Francis Freeman rlnoimo an
nounce to his many friends that he ia
now in larger and .more commodious
quarters in the Garde building,
Million Put to Work.
The wonderful activitv nf tv.o
century is shown by an enormous de
mand for the world's best
Dr. king's New Life Pills. KY.r rn
stipation, Sick Headache, Billiousness'
or any troub e of Stnm. r ;.,.. I
Kidneys they're unrivaled. Only 25c at
b. A. Hardine's drn ttnm
" n v.w
Removal of Office.
G. B. Dimick and George L. Story
have moved their law office from the
btevens block to rooms 2 and 3 in the
new Garde building, up stairs.
Cures Sciatic Rheumatism.
Mrs. A. E. Simpson, 509 Craig St..
ten"T'i,Teiln" Write9' J 10th
IX? w1 hav? b,een trying the batts of
Hot Springs Ark., for sciatio rheumat
ism, but I get more relief from Ballard's
Snow .Liniment thB any medicine or
anything I have ever tried. Enclosed
find postoffice order for $1. Send me a
bottle by Souths TJsi-epp." SoM bv
Charman vJ, ' '