OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDYA, MARCH 6, 1903 CITIZENS MEETING " mm . t i B-fy)liH-Wijmi I i)wwiirTOwiiiniuiiliini.i " "v, . :;1..jir.-i 1MI:.: : ' -- " - ------- - --j.-4---- .a &..-. .i '"''"- 1 " I had a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. I then tried Ayer's I ! Cherry Pectoral, and it gave me in g S mediate relief." m ffl W. C. Layton, Sidell, 111. i 8 How will vour couffh 1 HI be tonight? Worse, prob ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by taking Ayer's Cherry Pec toral. Three sizes: 25c, 53c., $1. AH dniztfsis. Comnlt your doctor, IT be says take It, then do as lie savs. If ho tells you not to take it, then don't take it. He kuows. Leave it with him. Wp am willing. J. J. AYKIt CO., Lowell, Ma. Change in Management Change in Business The store of M. Mich ael will be remodeled and refitted' as a first class up-to-date cloth ing and gents furnish ing parlor. None but the nest union-made goods will be sold at the lowest prices. We invite yonr thorough inspection, soliciting the former patronage and hope to increase same, Respectfully M. MICHAEL LOG CABIN SALOON G. H. Yoimr, Pron. Is the place to go when vou want a good time and have money to spend. Op. Electric Hohl World's Best Medicine. PAINE'S CELER' COMPOUND Has Made People Well When " Every Other Remedy Has Failed. Taine's Celery Compound cures disease t It has saved the lives of thousands of sufferers. It ha made the weak strong, vigorous, and happy. l'aine's Celery Compound purifies the blood and builds up the nervous system as nothing else can do; it is pre-eminently the great life Ijiver and health maker. Overworked and tired women stand in ur gent need of this health giving prescription to make and keep them well. All women should take advantage of the remarkable power of this best of medicine for restoring vigor to the blood and strength to the nervous system. The all-important thing for nervous, run down, and sleepless women is that l'aine's Celery Compound fortifies the whole physical system, and by correcting digestion and regulating the nerves, it insures sound, refreshing sleep. In every case of sickness Taine's Celery Com pound completely and permanently brings back health. Mrs. Mary M. Myers, Haiti more, Ohio, saved by l'aine's Celery Compound after the failures of able physicians, gratefully writes as follows : "I suffered for eight years with nervous prostration and the general debility common to women, and had such pains in my back that I could not get around the house. I used severul remedies and consulted several of the !est physicians without obtaining any relief, l'aine's Celery Compound restored me to health. " I also want to say to all mothers that Taine's Celery Compound is "a splendid medi cine for their children." STEPS ARE TAKEN LOOKING TO THE IMPROVEMENTS OP ROADS IN CLACKAMAS COUNTY. The Resurrection of the Board of . Trade Proposed, and Also Steps Taken to Adver tise County. Good Meeting Monday Evening. A meeting of the business men of Ore gon City was called at the court house Monday evening to take some action rel ative to raising a fund for the improve ment of the road to Viola. About 25 representative citizens merchants,law yers, doctors and farmers were preiient. Hon. H. E. Cross presided over the meeting. He stated its purposes, which was to take aclion towards raising a fund to improve the road to Viola and Red- land. A number of short talks were made by those present, all agreeing that the proposed movement was the only course topersue. Some warm talks were mads by Judge Ryan, Mayor Dimick, G. A. Harding, Frank Busch, F. T. Griffith, Mr. Charman and several others pres ent. The country was also pretty well represented at the meeting, there being half a dozen or more representative citi zens from the vicinity of Viola and Red land present. After spending a courjle of hours dis cussing the question and the most leas able way of accomplishing the improve ment of the road, it was decided to be the will of the meeting that the chair shouH appoint a committee of fotir who would look after securing subscriptions for tl.at purpose. Accordingly, the fol lowing parties were appointed on the committee: C. H. Dye, E. G. Caufield, G. B. Linaick and 0. G. Hunllev. It is proposed to spend several thousand dol lars on the improvement of this road and it is hoped that the committee will be able to raise the money without much effort. The people of Viola and Redland are very anxious for it. The business men of Oregon City are also quite anxious that the matter be pushed as it will mean more patronage from that very rich section of the countv. After the road question had been set tled the plan of reviving the defunct Board of Trade was discussed, and the linion that it should be revived was mous. The plan to appropriate dollars for advertising purposes discutsaed and the members of y were unanimously in favor of is proposed to take advantage of , jnt bill passed by the Legislature alt., jvintr anv county to appropriate a thousand dollars of the county funds for advertising purpose. It .8 also pro posed that another thousand dollars be solicited, and if it ia 2000 instead of $1000 be used for this purpose. It is believed that this amount of money would be well spent in using printers' ink, distributing pamphlets over the Eastern dates and in Portland. i v &) When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing-. Is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungsor opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. F.OLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. The Doctors Said Ke Had Consumption -A Marvelous Cure. L. M. Ruesles, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I had con sumption and I got no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helped me right from the start and stopped the spitting of blood and the pain in my lungs and today I am sound and well. THREE SIZES 25c, 50c, and $1.00 REFUSE SUBSUITUTES CHARMAN SOLD AND RECQUMEHDED BY CO., CITY DRUG STORE, th..Mi-.a.i OREGON CITY, OR. Cures Sciatic Rheumatism Mrs. A. E. Simpson. 509 Craig St.. Knoxville, Tenn., writes, June 10th, 1900: "I have been trying the butts of Hot BpringB, Ark., for sciatic rheumat ism, but I get more relief from Ballard's Snow Liniment than any medicine or anything I have ever tried. Enclosed find postoffice order for $1. Fend me a boitle by Southern Express. Sold by Charman & Co. Boon th f Me Kind Vou Haw Always BongU Bucklen's Arnica Salve. ' The beet and most famous compou' d in the world to conquer aches and kill pains. Cures Cuts heals Burns and Bruises, subdues Inflammation, mas ters Pi'es. Millions of Boxes sold year ly. Works wonders in Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Skin hruptions. It fures or no pay. 25c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. Million Put to Work. The wonderful activity of the new century is shown by an enormous de mand for the world's best workeia Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. For Con. stipaiion, Sick Headache, Billiousness, or any trouble of Stomach. Liver or Kidneys they're unrivaled. Only 25c at G. A, Harding's drui( store. , , Chronic Diarrhoea. Mr. 0. B. WingQeld, of Fair Play.Mo., who Buffered from chronic dvsentery for thirty. five years, says Chamberlain's Colin, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy did him rn"re good than any other medi cine he had ever used. For sale by G. A. Haidirg . i The Seattle Daily and . Sunday Times Occupies Its Own Building Cor. Union St. and Second Ave. 7 Days a Wetk-SO Cents PerWoutfy ' By Mail ob Carrieb For a long time the two year old child of Mr. P. L. McPherson, 69 N. Tenth Bt Harrisburg, Pa., would sleep but two or three hours in the early part of the night, which made it very hard for her parents, llur motner conciuuea that the child had stomach trouble, and gave her half of one of Chamberlain's stomach an J uiver Tablets, which quiet ed her stomach and she slept the whole niKiit through. Two boxes of these Tablets have i ffoeted a permanent cure and she is not well and strong, for Bale by Geo A. Harding. W 8 . JkiiSnm Diamond Dyes Home Use Ttey Kate Old Clothes . Look; to. Direction book mid 45 dyed samples free. DIAMOND DYKfl, Itulllngtou, Vt, Fine Old Whiskies, Wines, and Cigars Can always be found at the new saloon, corner Fourth and Main, Oregon City, Some of our special brands arc: Fine Old Green River Bourbon Old Grand Dad, Roxbury Rye And Finch's Golden Wedding Wakeful Children. Letter Lint. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the Oregon City postoffice on Feb. 26, 1903: Women's List Miss Grace Crawford, Miss IVWy Gnst. MieB Minnie Jones, Lin- nio Miller, Warma Mitddox, Frederica Hichter, btella Seley, Alias Mablel Woodruff, Miss Edenia Williams. Men's List Jay D. Green, John Pul ley, Louie Davis, Andy Fromong, Chas. N. Green, James Hong, t.ee haymond, Joseph Leonard, Jacob Miller, Will Urn- baugh, m. Wanberg, Jak Wormsie, F. lloiiTos, P. M. Taste. So Sweet and Pleasing In Mrs. U. Peterson, 6ai LakeSt.lopeka Kan., speaking of Ballard's Horehound Syrup, says: "It has never failed to give entire satisfaction, and of all cough remedies, it is my favorite, and I must confess to niv many friends that it will do, and has done, wliat'iB claimed for it to pleaBing in taste." 25c, 50c and fl a bottle it Charman & Co. 1 MITCHELL WAGON Kemp Manure Spajers Cnlyer Drag Saws 1 Myers Pumps Spray Pumps Hay Tools and 8AHDEB3 DISC FLOWS TRIUMPH SULKEY PLOW B51U&1ES, WAGONS Bicycles, Implements T O ' R E G FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. PORTLAND Owner of the pxchisive franchtnes for servine Id Seattle of the ASSOCIATED PRESS ItY WIRE, and the Publishers' PRESS SUNDAY MORNING IRE. Local news, state correspondence and literary nexcellcd. More DEPARTMENTS mora- ILLUSTRATIONS, more NEWS and larger papers for the money than is offered by any other paper in tne state. I tlE DAILY TIM ks now exceeds 31.W0clreulR- tion, while THE SUNDAY TIMES has passed 33- 000. No Other newspaper. North of SanFeancisco- and West of Minneapolis has ever achieved so lariye a eirculfltion. THE DAILY TIMES consist of 14. 16 and 20 pageH, while THE SUNDAY TIMES ranges from 40 pages to 50 psges, according to the is.sue. II requires wi.vn mis thui samj pih'MJS of paper a week to publish THE DAILY, THE SUNDAY and THE WEEKLY TIMES. If you want, the Best, the Largest, and Tec the Cheapest for actual cash paid, subscribe for one of these editions. Dr. Francis Freeman desires to an nounce to his many friends that he is now in larger and more commodious quarters in the Garde building, CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havs Always Bought' Bears the Slsnature of 16jtfZ7-&CcU4i Mysterious Circumstances. One was pale and sallow and the other- fresh and rosv. Whence the difference?- She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to organs the compel good digestion and head off con stipation. Try them. Only 25 cents, at Geo. A. Harding Druggist. N" School Work. Rye, best in United States We also handle the celebrated Wilhot Springs Water. Billiards and Pool. Courteous tieatmcnt too a!'. Jt RANII ASTMAN O rgon City and Cauby, Oregon An exhibit of the school work done in the various schools of Clackamas county during the present school year will be held at the close of the present school year, in June. A committee of teach ers consisting of T. J. Gary, Gertrude Nefzger, Francis Myers Jessie Humph reys and Catharine Canto have been ap pointed to take charge of the matter and arrange a Beries of prizes which have been pledged by the business houses of Oregon City. A Phyisclan Writes "I am desirous of knowing if the pro fession can obtain llcrbine in bulk for prescirbing purposes? It has been of great use to me in treating cases of dyspepsia brought on by excesses or overwork. I have never known it to fail in restoring the organs effected, to their healthful activity." 00c bottle at Char man & C). GASOLINE ENGINES . . Cream Separators . . . F over" '"""I 1 ? -V n,i.U rr cr Case Plows MITCIIELLIWA.G0NS' Hoosier Drills Mitchell and Bee Line BUGGIES I 'v. ( SlwVtM UASULINb tllUltlt I AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATOR Send for C a t a 1 o tr 11 e DR. KING'S try NEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, Pncumonia,IIayFevcr,Fleu- risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. . Pries 5Pc.Md$1. li'AL BOTTLES FR'3 OTTO EVANS Undertaker Canby, Ore. COFFINS CASKETS Calls Promptly Attended Hearse furnished at lowest rates. Prices Reasonable . Satisfaction Guaranteed Dizzy? Tr, vmir liver isn t acting well. You suffer from bilious nAcc rnnstioation. Ayer s Diiic art rlirectlv on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard ramuy rm Smrll d0co; f''r,". AH drueirlst. Ik :. Oil Us' Snty.ur n-...i..u " Wn,rtl(h Mark. 11 BUCKINGHAM'S OYEwi for the rtisners Tbk Times Pbintinq Compant Seattle, Washltigton. BANNER S A LVE the most healing salve In the world. PUNISHMENT. Social orosrress has done away with m great many forms of punishment once administered under the laws of enlight ened people. But nature never changes or modifies her penalties. She still has tne same punisu ment for the man who neglects or abuses his stomach, as she had in the , far off days " when Adam delved and. Eve span." The physical dis comfort, dullness,, sluggishness, irri tability, nervous ness and sleepless ness which are visited upon the man who eats care lessly or irregularly have been from the beginning the evi dences of disease of the stomach and its- associated organsot digestion and nutrition. Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery cures the diseased . stomach and enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of food, so that the sluggishuess, irritability, nervousnessand sleeplessness which result from innutri tion are cured also. I was taken sick nine years ago with ferer . writes Mr. MM. Ward well, of Linwood, teaven wortn Co., Kansas. "Had the doctor and n broke up the fever all right, but I took diar rhoea right away; he couldnt cure it and it became chronic, and then he gave up the ja" I got so weak with it and had piles so badly I couldn't lie down, nor hardly sit up. Was that way two or three months ; thought I would. ' never ne well again,' but picked up one of Dr. Pierce's Memorandum Books one day and saw ?our description of catarrh of the stomach. I hought it hit mv case. We had a bottle of Dr. Pierce s Golden 'Medical Discovery in the house that was cot for mother. Vou recommend it for catarrh of the stomach, so I went to takinglt. The one bottle nearly cured me. I got two bot tles next time and took one and one-.."-, aim wi.s well. I haven't been bothered wuh rhcea since." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness.