Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 27, 1903, Image 8

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In order- to make room for our Spring, order of Leather
Goods, we will make big reductions on all Chatalain bags,
Wrist bags, Purses, Card cases and Cigar cases,
Chatalain and Wrist Bags that sell regular at $i,oo, $1.35,
$2,25 and $2.50, will be sold now for 70c, $1.00, $1,70, $1.90.
We have a few very fine, regular price $5.00, now for $3.25.
PURSES that selll regular at 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and
$2.00, reduced to 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.20 and $1.50, and a few
of the most expensive $3.00, $4.00 and $5.00, to $2,00,
$2.75 and $3.50, '
Washburn Guitars from $15.00 up
Other makes from $5. 00 to $ 15,00
Violins : from $2.50 to $30.00
Banjos '. from 5.00 to 00
Washburn Mandolins. .; from $15.00 up
Other makes trom $5.00 to $15.00.
Accordeons ...from $2.00 to $12 00
Harmonicas, all makes ....from 10c to $1.50 0
Strings and extras for all instruments.
Browne's Cameras, No. I, size 2x2, 1....J1.00
Browne's Cameras, No. 2, size2 xli 3.00
Flexo Kodak 5 . 00
Eastman Kodaks $1.00, $12.50 and 17.50
Special discount of 20 per cent, on Pocos,' Premos and Century Cameras.
We have a few SECOND HAND CAMERAS which we offer at very
low prices.
Our Photographic Papers are always fresh.
Complete stock of supplies for all makes.
The Oregon City Jewelers
Suspension Bridge Corner, Oregon City.
8888 Correspondence 8888
February the twenty-third finds the
people of this country in good health
and as hopeful as ever.
0. 8. Boylossteped in his home Satur
day night unexpectedly, in good health
oilu. malliini. Hi mil II fl f.tlA (ItlBD SHOW.
He is hopeful of making something fn
return, lor ins troume anu bxitouod,
iimKa i..nw. nn tik hiLih mountains.
UlUDI plvnB Jt. l"v
Lying out in the snow without bedding
id uaru.
Chas. Pelkey's house in this neighbor
hood which was occupied by a family by
the name of Melton, was burned to ashes
in daylight a few days ago. It is suppos
ed it was robbed for he said he had $240
or $500 in gold in the houBe and noth
ing of the money was found excepting
a nickle and a penny. It iB hard to be
robbed 1 1 your hard earnings . Nothing
was saved but a few things on the open
The great timber Bales along the
.Molalla seems to be a failure. from some
L. 11. Trulllngor is going to leave us
for a few months, lie expects to go to
Eastern Oregon to work.
A man by the name of Howe is going
to live on the Trullinger place. Mr,
Howe is lately from the Kast.
The Rusaollville school commences
Monday next with Miss C. Hamilton as
Mrs. Wingfliuld'a youngest daughter
and grand-children gave her a birthday
tinner at Mrs. O. ti. Boylea, Mr.
Winglleld was 50 years of age.
Mrs Hall and family moved to
Canemah last week.
Mrs. E. N. FoBter has been visiting
friends in Portland the past week.
Later, Mrs. Sheer's mother, Mrs.
LeiderB, died Monday night.
New Era.
Mr. Mead and Dr. Furgason were do
ing business in Oregon City Monday.
Grandpa Orader is very low, also
Grandpa Reynolds..
Newt Oriteser is also on the sick list.
Mr. and Mrs. Slyter and daughter
Hazel, spent Sunday with the liates
lamily of Canby,
Herman Anthony is improving his
poultry ranch by adding a lot of wire
Antone Shefchich, of Portland, was
en on our streets Sunday,
Mr. Gtiltperlet and Gilbert Randal, of
Utntral Point, are improving their farms
tn the way of tiling,
Joe Keif is contemplating building a
w house.
The dance at Mrs. Schindlers Monday
kijht was one of the moat pleasant ones
-I the season.
Carl Burgoyne, the wood-hauler did a
rushing business last week.
Geo. Kellan was seen on our streets
Tuesday with a load of lumber. Wonder
want it meausT
Mr. and Mrs. August Scheer and Mrs.
Mb w berg visited Mrs. Sheer's mother at
ktio St Vincent hospital in Portland
John Vaughan has returned home
and is visiting his parents and friends
for a short time.
Wm. Morey and wife of Portland are
visiting relatives and friends for a few
Jessie Adkins is very low and! is not
expected to live. His children are all
called to the bed side.
VV. H. Cochran, of Needvand dauditers
were pleasant callers Sunday.
The new shingle mill, it is said.
going up on the Klinger place is to cut
wmie ur Biungieas well as cedar.
S. Wright's two dous caused a little ex.
citement to-day. Men went and got
their guns and broke for the woods
where they expected to see a bear, but
it was only a grey squirrel up a tree.
The hayseeds are busy this gold
weather. They are seeding at a lively
All of the spring birds are here so it
must be spring.
Stock is thin but the grass ia starting
and will not be more then a mouth's
Quite a nice band of quails are in
th.B section. Now boys let them aloue.
J. E. Coates launched his new boat,
and he put on a full head of steam and
went up Btream as fast as a salmon
could swim. Swift water is rtot in his
dance, in which Dr. Goucher took 1st
rark Place.
Miss Daisy Rivers, daughter of Mrs.
Mac Rivers, one of the sweetest and
beet young ladies of this place, was
married in the Calvary Baptist church
Portland, Wednesday evening, to Chss.
Johnson, a moulder. The parents and
the brother and sister of the bride went
down to witness the ceremony. We
wiBh them, all the joy and prosperity
obtainable in this life.
Mrs. T. F. Brown went to Portland
Wednesday to witness the JohnBou
Rivers wedding.
Mrs. Cunningham, of Portland, came
up to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Brown Sunday.
Mrs. Blood returned to the home at
St. John's Sunday. Lucas has gone to
Albany to spsnd a week among friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Uollee went to Tort
land Sunday to meet Mrs. Coffee's
mother, who was expected from Clin
ton. Iowa. But. aa shn rama a Httla
later than was expected she came on np
i 1 IV . T.l n
mm urnvuu at x arx i lace on me o. r,
nhnilt. tllO aanta fiina fhaf T. mil Tia
w..v W.....W v.ii.u .tin. ... 1 . cvuu itaio.
Coil'ee left on the electric for Portland.
sne win remain with her daughter for
me present.
Ollr tlttl artMai Tt.a i .....nnn
socially and financially. H. E. Cross
was the eflicient and humorous
auctioneer. V rmilinH 17 fr.mi (!
pies. The highest price paid wua a
uuimi. on, mil was tue lucKy man
wno secured it.
A. L. Jones and wife are on the sick
list this week.
Abe Hratt is able to be about after a
serious illness.
George Helvey stayed over night at
Will Jones Monday night.
Clyde Smith is working for Dodge A
Ernest Davis was in our burg Sun
day. Adam Bany and E. Jones were a
"duck" hunting Sunday for particulars
call on Adam Bany, Uanby.
Ralph Howard is hauling lumber for
Chas. Spence. We wonder what struck
Wlll.Jones is grubbing out his hop
yard. r
The dance at Ed Howard's Saturday
WAS a decided Bih-pam uU. "C,i.l,....n
Dr. and Mrs. R. Goucher called on
ben Faust of Graham Sunday.
Sam Crmlur I, It. I,.,., i
Th ittlnOA ,n,1 . . n IT... -
...v .. UAH, nbumveyv was
a success, especially the supper and clog
Mrs. Hay ward, of Oregon City was a
visitor ai uarue a tew daya last wees.
Mrs. Vonderahe is on the sick list.
Evert and Hurt) Green, of Oregon City
visited John Siedham and family Sunday.
Miss Edna Dish spent Saturday
eveuing with Mrs. Grisenthwait of
weaver ureek.
John Stedhain was a visitor, at Port
land the first part of the week.
John E. Jones and Mr. Reese, two
young gentlemen of Carus have bought
a farm at Beaver Creek "Girls wear
your best smiles" for they will now need
Frog Fond.
Farmers in this section are busy plow-
inu anu seeding,
Road Supervisor Aden has commenced
opening the new road from Shipleys
bridge to Saums mill.
Miss Eva Saldren, of Portland is visit
ing her Bister, Mrs. Farmer.
Dock Aden is einploved as floor
walker at Peter Bros', at'Wilsonville.
William Peatt, better known as Billy,
has again made his rounds and found a
stopping place at J. A. Turner, where
he wdi have employment for the
summer. ,
AdamSchnuber died Fehruarv 21th..
from a short illness of tbree davs.
She was interred In the Stafford cemet
ery, under the auspicious of the A. O.
U. W. in which he carries an insurance
of $1000.
The M. B. A. lodge will initiate eight
new members at their next u. eeting.
There will be a meeting held at the
Frog Pond school house. February 28
at 7 :30 p. m . for the purpose of organiz
ing a Democratic club. Mr. Westover
of the Courier will be present. Every
body cordially invited .
Mrs. M. Peters celebrated her 56th. .
birthday last Wednesday with a number
of friends and relatives in attendence.
Emma Peters and. Ellen Aden were
visiting Mrs. Heinze of New Era this
Farmers are taking advantage of the
fine weather by plowing and doing farm
work. '
P. L. Schamel seems to be under the
weather for he stays in the house.
M. S. Hungate intends building a barn
this spring.
M. R. Boyles has been working for
major n ungate ine past wees.
Luke Schulties bought some spring
wnean oi jonn uariess.
Arndt Elmer, of Canby, was a pleas
ant caller here last Saturday.
Wonder what has delayed the motor?
Perhaps the power gave out.
The melodious tune of the frogs so
I could not help but hear,
As I wrote and slowly wrought
At thinking what I thought.
Oswego .
John Noble was up yesterday from
The Pine frmmlrv haa atint. ilnvn few a
j uuvuvi. u
Bhoi t time in order to line up the cupola.
Oswego needs a doctor and a drug
Store verv harilv. Th nooroct
store ia five miles away.
Oswego is not behind with lodges and
will not be with dancing schools either.
We h.'ve two dancing clubs. '
MlSSHS Macririo A lira onr! Tnnl,
Halliman, Frances and Lester Walling,
made a flying trip to Sherwood.
The Oswego depot is being repainted.
Rev. Grav hnlilo
town twice a month and Rev. Fairchilds
holds Services at old town n limit. lanc h
-Mrs. Asa Conn nnrl furnilu mnuoil n
to the new town.
Richard Janice voaa initiator! la of
Saturday night into the mysteries of
the United Artisans.
SlCknefia lH VPrV Rprinna anrl nmmnn
- - J xv MUU VVU1UJU11
there. .
Otto Larson has been sick for RnmA
time with pneumonia.
Ed Church is in the hosoitar with a
carbuncle on his hand and thinks blood
poison has set in.
Miss Ella Bullock is very sick.
Miss Edna Kinkade is on the eick list.
Mrs. Warren Kendall is very sick, at
her home in Canby. An operation was
performed Monday and she is resting
Chas. BurcbarJt, of Marquaifl, is in
Canby this week.
Fred Ronea is in Portland this week.
Mrs. George Knight and Mrs. Bair,
were Portland visitors Monday.
F. O. Beaton, the general school supply
man was shaking hands with old friends
John Stalnaker has purchased an in
terest in the livery stable at Canby.
Rosco Mack is working for C & R.
Mr. Butterneld who has been pros
pecting in aoutnern ureuon has return
ed to Canby.
fe.E. Mott has purchased 10 acres of
land of H . uee near the Miller place.
Mr. Mott will build at o ice.
Mr. Adkins is reported very ill and
not expected to live His son, ames,
isengaedin the milline business' at
Mr. Rockwell went to Oregon Citv
last Saturday to spend Sunday with F.
a. cieigni B people.
L. Mack was in Oreeon Citv last
Tuesday on legal business.
S. D. Gurley from Arlington came to
Canby last week to attend Fred Marks
Geo. Maines who has been down with
a lever in Oregon City for the past two
months, returned last Tuesday" to stay
with Ken Knight kt a few weeks rest.
Fred Mark who has been ill for the
past year died at his home last week,
lie leaves several daughters and sons and
a wife to mourn his loss. The body waB
buried in Canby cemetery.
Fine weather is prevailing with the
thermometer above 40: from the 10th
to the 20th, not a drop of rain or a flake
of snow fell here.
We hear so much said about Marconi's
wonderful invention the wireless tele
graph. We think this invention was
made by the Lord when he pronounced
Adam and Ev. as man and wife. Hur
rah I For the new invention. I'm sure
it will make you laugh, the lovers' tele
Since our last report death has reaped
its harvest and called into eternity three
of our most popular young people, the
first being in the person of Mrs. Hattie,
wife of Frank Murdock. Next followed
her was her six months' old infant, and
last but not least one of our best liked
young men in the whole community,
George Harmes. He was one ot the
most hnmerous and jolliest boys we ever
knew of, and his untimely demise was
indeed a very sad one. He was also one
of Clackamas county's champion wheel
men who carried off first prize in most
of the wheel races. How cruel is the
Angel of Death, who comes like a thief
in the night to sever the tiea of our most
intimate aud beloved sons and daugh
ters, wives, busbands and all who fall
before the morning sun.
cepted a position.
Miss Marv Mnrrnv anil Mn T.ni.
came up from Portland Saturday to visit
the former's parents. They retumed
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Mahan are being taken
care of at the home of Mr. Engel.
Columbus Comstock, who has been
out here improving his place for the past
two months, expects to return to Port
land in a few days.
The dance given by the A. O. TJ. W.
Saturday evening at Wilsonville was
laruelv attended and
joyed by those present.
The Seattle Daily and
Sunday Times
Occupies Its Own Building
Cor. Union S t. and Second Ave.
7 Days a Week SO Cents PerWdntfy
By Mail ob Careieb
Mountain TUw. 1
Death has again entered our burg and'
taken from our midst an old soldier,
Grandpa Rowan, who was taken sick
Saturday and died Monday evening. Fu
neral was held Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Annie Williams is very sick.
Harvey Hickman came home from
Portland last week unde.' the doctor's
Mrs. Taylor is thought to be a little
Frank Albright's mother is very low
with pneumenia.
Eddie Hornschuch is absent from
school on account of sickness.
Mrs. J. W. May's brother from Illi.
nois and his daughter are visiting with
Miss Julia May and her cousin, Miss
Linn, visited relatives at Wood burn last
Miss Lennie Seely is visiting at home
with her pa-ents for a few days.
A missionary tea was given at the
home of of ot Mrs. Craig Saturday.
Mrs. J. W.May will give a mission
ary tea at her home on Wednesday
afternoon March 11. All cordially in
vited to attend.
There will be preaching services at
the Mountain View church next Sun
day afternoon, March 7, by Rev.8. A.
The members of Myrtle Lodge No. 24,
D. of H., will celebrate the ninth anni
versary of the order on March 10.
Notice Is hereby given that On tie 20th day of
FeDruary, 1903, J. 0. Grove & Co of Cottrell, Ore
gon, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that
n "r??e.?,tlnK of ni!i creditors will be held at
Koom 600. Chamber of Commerce Building, Port
land, Oregon, on the 10th day of March 1903, at 10
0 olock a. m at which time the eaid creditors
my attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee,
examine tne bankrupt and transact such other
businesB as may properly come before said meet
ing. DuteU, Portland, Oregon February 21, 1003.
Referee in Bankruptcy.
Owner of the exclusive franchise for rric i l
8eattie of the AS.SOOiATKD liA vtimi,
and the Publishers' PRESS SUNDAY JIORN1.SU
Local news, state correspondence and literary
unexcelled. More JJEPAKTMEN'iS more
ILLUSTRATIONS, more NEWS and larger
papers for the money than is offered by any other
paper in the state.
THE DAILY TIMES now exceeds 31,000clrcula
tion, while THE SUNDAY TIMES has passed 33
000. No Othbr newspaper, North of San Feancisco
and Wist of Minneapolis has ever achieved so
large a circulation.
THE DAILY TIMES consist of 14, 16 and 20
pages, whil THE SUNDAY TIMES ranges from
40 pages to 50 page, according to the Issue.
of paper a week to publish THE DAILY, THE
If you want the Bust, the Loest, and yet
the Cheapest for actual oash i ail, subscribe for
one of these editions.
Ths Times Printing Company
Seattle, Washington.
How's This!
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured bv Hall catarrah cure.
F. J. Cheney & co., Props, Toledo, O.
We the unilersigned,.have knows F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve him perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's catarrh cure is taken internally
actiDg directly upon the blood and muc
ous surfaces of the system. Price 75c,.
per bottle. Sold by all drnggists.
Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
For best repairing go to Miley's har
ness shop, Main street.
Mysterious Circumstances.
One was pale and sallow and the other
freBh and rosv. Whence the difference?
She who is blushing with health uses
Dr. King's New Life Pills to organs theA"
compel good digestion and head off con
stipation. Try them. Only 25 cents, at
Geo. A. Harding Druggist.
this is Your Chance
to Buy Goods at Prices
to Suit Your Purse
We have just finished stock-taking 'and must reduce
stock to make room for spring and summer goods.
Will Sell Everything
at a Big Reduction
Shirt Waists and Skirts, Latest Styles; Dry Goods,
Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, Etc. of the best make and
Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats,- Gloves, Mackin
toshes, Etc. at prices that no prudent buyer ever ovej-looks".
Come and See for Yourself
Court House Block, Oregon City Oregon
The Best Laundry is the Cheapest
The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best
Does not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent.
Hood View.
Martin Taucbraan is erecting a new
chopping mill in thecreek near his place
and he expacta to run his chopper by
water power.
Miss Alice Baker left for Portland
Thursday morning, where she hai ac-
New Era Flouring Mills
We have purchased of Strejc Bros. thfNew Era Flouring Mills and
are now in possession and diing business at the old stand. We guarantee
satisfaction to all who may oome our way. To our friends and patrons we
ask a continuance of their kindness and courtesy to us and assure them
that we shall do our very beBt to please them.
Bread is the staff of life, without good flour you can not have good bread
Good Bread Wakes Btypp domes
dive ns yonr trade and we will give you kind treatment and the
BEST FLOUR that can be made.
Sevcik Bros. New Era, Ore.