OREGON CITY COUBIER, FRIDAY, FEBrUAY 27, , 190 . THIS AD SOLD JAS. BATY'S FARM ON DICKEY PRAIRIE INVESTIGATE THIS 318 ACRES; 100 cultivated, 100 almost ready for cul tivation; fine soil; 25 cows, 25 goats, team, farm implement, plent) of eed, two barue, good house; $5000. IF YOU HAVE ONE AS GOOD, list it with us. We advertise at home and in the East. We have 10,000 descriptive pamphlets of Clackamas county to distribute in the East. Send your address and we will mail you some for you to send your friends in the East. C N. Plowman & Co. Oregon City, Oregon New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposite Caufleld Block OREGON CITY for Sale Lot 105x66 feet in most mk in Oregon City. Two cot tages on lot. One has six rooms, large cantrv and hzth Thp nthpr hniKP tM - . ---- Mnas tnree rooms, gooa duck . flnpc onnA wpll nf water and nice lot of fruit. Close to school building. Good 4.-4. nA if2 cellars, sawuusi waus, aim Ug good outbuildings. Property V can always De reiueu. Jll For price and terms ap- WA ply at 1 Thc H Courier Offi ice PORTLAND-ASTORIA ROUTE STR. BAILEY, GATZERT Bally Round Trips, eicept Sunday TIME CARD , Leave Portland 7 A. M Leave Astoria ? F. M THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STRS. TAHOMA nuu M KTLAKO Dally Trips Excen r.iul'v STR. TAHOV Leave Portland, Mori., Wed. and u Leave The Dalles, Tues., Tljurs i STR. METLAKO Leave Portland, Tues., Thnrs. and Sat Leave Dalles, Mud., Wed. and Frl i i Landing, Foot Alder Street BOTH PHONES, MAIN 851 PORTLAND, OREiiO AGENTS A. J. Taylor, .t Astoria, Ore J. W. Cfichton The Dulles, Ore A. K. Fuller Hood River, Ore Wolf or d & Wyeis. While Salmon, Wash Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash John T. Totten Stevenson, WaBh J. O. Wvatt Vancouver, Wash E. W. CRICHTON, PORTLAND, ORE I ii TT TT TTkTATn Id Is an important state and 51.9 per cent of its popula tion is looted on Chicago, tiie greatest commer. cial center of the West, is best reached from the Northwestby this famous railroad The North-Western Limited Daily between Minneapolis.St. Paul and Chicago is the peer of all fine trains For lowest rates, time ot trais and full Information write to H. L. SISLER, Oeneral Agent aai8AIJer St.. Portland, Ore. T. W. TEA DALE, .nerl 'mi 1 If V31. St. K1UI, J I 3. I 7 . ss3 if Ives 'tood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales bottles. DoestLisreccrdcfmentcppealtoyou Enclosed with every JX'ff I XUum, i 111 1 1 J I The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in uso for over 30 years, has borne the signature of rt '" ' " - and has been made under his per- ' sonal supervision since its infancy. taf7 cucuZi AlIow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys. Worms nd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. . It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR! A ALWAYS Si Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE OINTAOH SOMMNV, TT MURRAY ITKITi HCW YORK CITY. nTICMBf I'J Willi H.IMHIIJII IMW.J HIWI.M I .. I l-WIM nlii ?ittWmmAimmmm&miimmmMmm mrtm n-i rnim: in SUMMONS. In the Circuit Courf of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas county. Ethel J. Tobln, plaintiff, vs. Esmond D. Tobln, defendant. To Kemond D. Tobln, defendant. In the name of the state of Oregon, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled came within six weeks from the date of the flrst publi cation o this summons; service of said summons having been ordered served upon you by publi cation, by order of T. 1 Ryan, judge of the county conlt of the state of Oregon, ior the county of Clackamas, d ted Feb. 23, 1U03 The said action is brought to obtain a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be IweeiCplaint ff and the defendant, and for such other relief as the court may seem equitable. And your are hereby notified, that if joufail to appear and answer the said comp.aint. as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded tnerrin. EDWARD T, TAGGAKT, At orney for Plaintift. Date of flrst publication, Feb 27, 190S. Date of last publication, May 1. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas co.roly. Ira N. Jar vis, pla intlff, vs. Bose Jarvls, defend, ant. To Rose Jarvis, defendant. In the name ot the state of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and answer the com nlalnt filed against vou in the above entitled cause within six successive weeks from the date nf the flrst publication of this summons; servioe of of said summons having been ordered served upon you by publication, by order of T. H. Ryan, Judge of the county court of the state of Oregon, lor the county of Clackamas, dated Feb. jd, 1993. The said actio u is brought to obtain a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing be tween the plaintiff and the defendant, and for such other relief as the court may seem equita ble. And yon are hereby notified, that II you fall to appearand answer the said complaint, as above required, the said plaintiff will apply to tbe court for the relief demanded therln. EDWAKDT. TAGGART. y Attorney for Plaintiff. Date of first publication, Feb. 27, 1903. Date of last publication. Slay 1, 1803. Oregon assd Union Pacific Three trains to the east daily. Through Pullman standard and Tourists sleeping curs daily to Omaha, Chicago, Spokane; tourist sleeping cars daily to Kinsas City; through Pullman tourist sleeping cars (personally conducted) weekly to Chicago, Kansas City, St. Louis ' and Memphis; reclining chair cars j (seats free) to the East daily. WO VIA THE OREGON SHORT LINE 9:20 a. m. 8:15 p. m. TO SALT 1 AE, DEN OMAHA, CHICAGO and KAN8A8 CITY. ONE VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN 6:00 p. m. TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam- ette ana tjommuia iviver miiim. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan. For full information rail on or address nearest 3. R. A N. Ticket Ageut, or address A. L.CRAIO, O, P. A., Portland, Oregon Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic bottle is a Ten Cent, package of Crove's Signature of EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TORS. TO CREDI- Notlce Is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly ap ointed by the County Court of Clackamas Countv, "regon, exeoutrlx of the last will of William B. Bagby, late of said Connty. All persons having claims -igainst the estate of said deceased, are notified to file such claims with the proper vouchers and duly veiifled ac cording to law with my attorney, C. H. Dye Corner 0th & Main St., Oregon City, Oregon within six months from date olthls notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, December 19th 1902. HARRIET W. BAGBY, Executrix as afore Bald. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Ihteriob, United States Land Office, Oregon City, Or., Deoember 18th, 1902. A sufficient contest athdaTit having been filed in this office by Peter Qranatzkl, contestan t against Homestead untry fto. 12U18, made Decem ber 23d, 1896, for of swji. section 28, town ship 4 south, range 4 east by James Myles, con testee, in which it is alleged that contestan knows the present condition of the same; also tha said James Myles has wholly abandoned paid claim for the past two years; that he has not 1m proved the Same as required by law, nor had any one make any improvements thereon for him; tha to my best knowledge and belief said James Mj les never resided or settled npou said claim at al (and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to his employment in the Army Navy or Marine Corps of the United States as private soldier, officer, seaman or marine daring the war with Spain, or during any other war in which the United States may beengagedi. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching said allegation al 10 o 'clock a. m. on March 26th, 1903, before the Register and Receiver at tho United States Land Office in Oregon City, Oregon,. The said contestant having, In a proper aril davit, filed December 15th, 1902, set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal ser vice of this notice can not be made, was ordered and directed that such notice be given by due an il proper publication. Ceo. W.Bibee, Receiver, SUMMONS. In the Circuit Circut of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. A. IS. Latonretie, trustee, plai i,tiff, vs. John F. Amk'rson and Gust'iv Dithlke, defendan ts. To John F. Anderson aud Uusiav Dahlke, do fendants, aud each of you; In the mime ot of the slate ot Oregon you and each of you are hereby summoned and required to Rppear and answer the complaint against you, filed in the above edtitled suit, on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publica tion of summons herein, which is six weeks from the dato of the first publication hereof which date is the 23rd day of January, 1903, anil you and each o you Will take notice that if vou fail to no appear ana answer me complaint nied against you in the above entitled Vmit on or before the said lat day of thc time prescribed in said order the nlaniMlf l:erein will apply the Court for the relief deiuundc I in the complaint In this suit which Is for Hie foreclosme of a mortgage fur (lOO-beside. lniereM upon the following de scribed property to-wit: Heginning al ihe northwest corner of the S. D. Francis lunation bind Claim Number 18 Intown ship 2 south, range 2 cast of the Willamette Mer idian 4nd running thence east 22.05 chains; thence nurih 15 minutes west 0.80 cnains west 22.015 cliairiH to the east boundary of the L. D. C. Lalouiette Donation Lund Claim Nuniber4f. Thence south l.i ui'nutes east along south bound ary line of said Donation Laud Claim Number 45, to the place of beginning containing 15 acres more or les aod that plaintiff will apply for su. h other and further relief as to equity may belong. Publi.-licd by order "f aid can. C, D D. C. LATOURETTE. ' Attoruujs for flaiultfT. Dated, Jan. 19, 1903. MJMMOJK t . I'l the Circuit Court of tie State ot Oregon,.'or Clackamas County. W, A. Parker, Plaintiff, ys. Hattla Belle Parke r Defendant. loHatlie Belle Parker, the above named de fendant; In the name ot the state of Oregon you ar hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint here In on or before the 21 d ly of March 1103, which will b after the eiplratlon of ii w-ks from the dute of the first publication of this summoni and If you fail so to appearand answer said complaint on or before said date, the plaintiff wid apply to the court for the relief de manded in said complaint to-wit: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you and the plain ff herein and for such other further relief a to the court shall seem Jus and equitable. This summons If published by order of the Hon. Thomas A. Mcllrie, Judge of the ebove en titled court duly madeon the SUb, day of Janu ary, l'Jtti Trie date of the first publication of this kunj mons is lhe-16lh da" i f Janurv, KEfVTOff MoCOV, Attorney lor Plaintiff 1 over One end a Half Million CVIM0! 50c. Black Root, Liver Pills. akes short roads. XJLE nd light loads. MEASE 'ood for everything that runs on wheels. Sold Everywhere. Had. by STANDARD Oil. CO. READ ALL OF THIS. You Never Know the Moment When This Information May Prove of Infinite Value. It Is worth considerable to any reader to know the value of and use of a medi cine, for if there is no occasion to em ploy it in the meantime, frail humanity is subject to many influences and un foreseen contingencies that tbe wisest are totally unaUe to gauge the fuire. Know then, that Doan's Ointment will cure any cane of hemorrhoids, commonly know as piles, or any disease of the cuti cle or skin, general termed eczema. One application convinces continuation cures, jteaa tiie prooi : T. II. Thomas, attorney, of 500 E. Bennett Ave., Cripple Creek, says: "I just as emphatically endorse Doan's Ointment to-day aB I did in the month of June 1899 At that time 1 went to the drug store for a box which I used for itching hemorrhoids. A few appli cations gave wonderful relief, ana a short continuation of the treatment cured me. There have been Bymptoins of a recurrence since but a few applt cations of the remedy never fans to bring positive relief. My opinion of JJoan a Ointment, the expressed, is the same to-day as it was when it was first brought to my notice." For sale by all dealefs. Price 50c. Foster Millmrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name DOAN'S and take no substitute. Cancer Cured. Mr. W. W. Prickett, Smithfleld, 111., writes, September 10th, 1901 : "I had been Buffering several yeara with a can cer on my face, wh eh gave me great an noyance and unbearable itching. I was using Ballard's Snow Liniment for a sore leg, and thrQUgh an accident, I rubbed some of the liniment on the cancer, and as it gave me almost instant relief, I de cided to continue to use the liniment on tbe cancer, In a short time the cancsr came out, my face healed up and theie is not the slightest scar left. 1 have im plicit faith in tbe merits of this prepara tion, and it cannot be too highly recom mended." 25c, 50c and $1.00. For sale by Cbarman & Co. Something That Will Do You Good. We know of ho way In which we can be of more service to our readers than to tell them of something that will be of real good to them . For this reason we want to acquaint them with what we consider one of tbe very best remedies on the market for coughs, colds, and that alarming complaint, croup. We refer to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it with such good results in our family so Ion that it lias become a household necessity. By its prompt use we huven't any doubt but that it has time and again prevented croup. The testimony is given upon our own experience, and we suggest that our readers, especially those who have small children, always keep it in their homes'i as a safeguard against croup C mden (8. C.) Messenger. For sale by G. A. ilardiug. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court o f the State of Oregon, fo Clackamas County. Alfred W, Snyder, Plaintiff, vs. Miranda Snyder Defendant. To Miranda Snyder, the above named defendant Von are hereby summoned to appearand an swer the complaint filed against you In the above entitled court and cause on or before the 14th day of March, 19U3, or If you fail so to appear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will thereupon apply to the court for the relief prayed for In his said Complaint, toiwit: Fo- the dissolving of the bonds of matrimony Existing between your- sen ana llie piainr.a. This summons Is published bv orderof the Ifon. T. A. Mi'Bride, Judge of the circuit court for tbe State of Oregon, made and entered the 28th day of January, iw, JUC.MAHON. Attorney for Plaintiff. The first publication Is on the 7 day of Feb., 1IHH. The last publication on the 20 day of March, l'J03 SUMMONS.. Ill the Cir. ult Court of the state of Oregon, for Clack :mas Cotmly, Busan K. Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Bonjamln F. Jones, defendant: To Benjamin K. Jones, the above named de fendant. In the name of the state of Oreirnn v nn am hers. by required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks after the date of Ihe first publication of this summons to-wit: Alter the 1,'ith day of Febru ary A. U.. l'.Wf. and If you 'ail to so anoear and answer for waul thereof the plaintiff will apply to the above named court for the relief demanded In her complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing between you slid tha plaintiff. 'I his summons is published In absmce of Cir cuit Judge Thomas A. MoUride by order of Tbos. r. Kyan, Judge or the Countv Court nftheatate of Oregon for Clackamas county, dated February ii, isu.i. uateoi nrst pu'"ieation February 13. 1!W3, last, March 47, WW. JOHN W. t'JDKR Attorney for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, that tb nndrlgne d has been duly appointed administrator ef the estate of lloy P. fcumterlanl, d cea.e 1 and all iwr.nns having claim" aai"s the said ost'ite. mint present them to the undesigned, duly verified, at the oniie or Urint Ii. iiinilmr, mtirn-v at law. Ore gon dry, Oregon wiiliiu ai months from the date of this notice. Dated this February lCih, 1903. GRANT B. DIMMICK, Attorney for Administrator. (Sto. W. Biker, Administrator 0J the Mbte, A (hi PAYINQ TAXES. People From All Parts of Count Pouring Into Sheriff's Office. Sheriff Shaver commenced collecting taxes for 1902 Monday and many peo ple from all parts of the county have been pouring into the sheriff's office all the week. County Clerk F. A. Sleight has extended the tax roll, the total be ing $177,462.94, divided as follows: Polls .$ 945 00 County... 54,357 60 Special Echool ; 26,957 . 82 State 27,173 64 Road 40,768 24 School 22,649 05 Oregon City 4.606,5 J Total.:........ $177 462,94 HYMENEAL VOWS Taken by Miss Rosle Sugarman and Jos. Ruensky. Miss Rosie Sugarman and. Joseph Ruensky were married Sunday after noon at the Willamette hall in tbe pres ence of about a hundred invited guests . The couple are Hebrews and the mari tal rites were . celebrated with all tbe pomp and splendor of the Jewish wed ding, The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Mr. Abrahamson, of Portland, After the ceremony was performed there was a grand march and banquet, afr,3r which the guests engaged in a dance which continued until II o'clock. Mon day morning the newly mated pair left for Salem where they will remain with friends for a week, after which they will go to Portland where they will reside. Tbe bride is tne daughter of a prami nent Oregon City business man and is a very charming young lady who has many warm friends in Oregon City. The groom ts a prominent young business man of Portland and is an ail around fine fel low. This is the first wedding between He brews in Oregon City ever, celebrated after the fashion and custom of that tionality and religious faith.: - Sure Cure for Piles. Itchine Piles produce moisture and cause itching, this form, as we as Blind, Bleedina or Protruding, Piles are cured by Dr. Bo- san-ko's Pile Remedy . Stops itchine and bleeding. Abeorbs tumots, a jar at Druggists, or sent by mial Treatise free, write me about your case. Dr. Bosanko Philada, fa. ior sale by Charrnan & Co., Oregon City. Foroet vour troubles and cares and take your neighbor by the hand and come and see the Whos's Who Minstrels at Shivelv's, Feb. 19. Abt by the way, maybe you can bring your neighbor's big girl. Are You Restless At Night. And harassed bv a bad cough ? Use Ballard's Horebound Syrup, it will se cure you sound sleep and effect a prompt and radical cure, aoc, ouc ana fi.uu bottle at Cbarman & Go. Selling Store. hose at half price. Racket FOR SALE, about 20 tonsof baled hay. For particular j call on or wr'te Lindaley & Son, Ely Oregon. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder right OF The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows ' to get the moot milk, his pigs to get the moat pork, his hens t-j get the most egg B;:t hov::l)Ci;t Are they fed Scien :c. according t,n food if Lone? ":ience, a oonc 're soft and undeveloped, bsh and Tnuscle food ii! they ire. thin and weak and a blood rood if there is anemia ? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food ; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. Send for free sample. Be sure that this picture in tiie frtrra of a label la nil the wrapper of every bottle of Emulaion you buy.. Scott &Bowne CHEMISTS. 409 Pearl St., N. Y. 50c and $ i all drutf j'jti. ORGANIZED 1066 THE Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. of California Offers you distinctive profitable forms of . Life and Endow ment Insurance.... Payable either in a siriele sum or in installments. It has the safest and best organization for Policy- noiaers 01 any American company. IVY PARK. Room 5, Oregon City Stevens' Blk. Ore Call or write for Samrle Prlicy. DANCING SCHOOL Turney will conduct a dancing school at Beaver Creek hall. Meet every Thurssday evening: dance starts at 8 o'clock sharp; close at 12. Admission, Gents 50c : : Ladies Free THE MORNINQ TUB cannot be enjoyed fa a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason of defective plumbing or heating apparatus. To have both put in thorough working order will not prove expensive if the work ia done by F. C. GADKE Oregon City Sccond-JIand & Junk Store HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-HAND GOODS, HIDES, JUNK METALS OF ALL KINDS, ETO. . All kinds of Farm Implements and Machinery. Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold RING FHONE 416 FOR JUNK. Sngarman & Co. Annual . Clearance Sale swfs' of Shoes and Rubbers at Extrcmslylow prices is now on. Call and see, us. Krauss Bros, CONTEST NOTICE. I)eprtmeit of the Interior, United Slate I.m ( like, On guu U:y, UrcKuu November llth 1M2. 'A snfllidintciiniMtalllclavit having been filed in ihlsilllce b AuKimt K. fipurlliiu, contestan, sRiniist liiimsiead intry No. laifto, madu Oct 16 luoi) for wi of fi Section 17, Township 1 Kiinge7e, by William II. Usher conteatee. la which Hii aliened that ConteMant "knowa tha prefent condition of the nuiiiei also that mid intryman ban wholly abandoned said claim and that he baa nevur resided upon or cultivated or improved tu samu in auy manner whatever since making entry thereof or at all nor has anyone acting for him and that aaid alleKcd absence from the said land waa not do. tu his employment In the ami), Navy or Mailn. Corin of the Lulled States as a private aoldier, officer seaman, or marine, during Ihe waa with Spain or doruig any other war il which tli. United Stated may be eiiKairedi" tald parties are hereby noticed to appear, rewiiil and offof evidence touching said alienations at 10 o'clock a. m.on Match no, Una, before, the Keitistcr And lleceiver at Hie United States Laud Ofllco lu Ore gon C'Hy Oregon. The said contestant having, in a proper affldav filed November lit l!HK, ant forth facta whle ahow that after dllllgence personal terrioa of Hit notice can not be made, it waa ordered and directed that such notice ueigiven by due au proper publication. 'J BO. W. Bibik, Kucelver. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice la herebv fflven thai lh ,i,,AH.in.j been appointed by lh County court ot Claok ... ""'; "iB",-iimairir oi tne estate of Nancy Jane Itcatle, deceased. All iieraun tlHVillir clnllriB Miruitittt aul.1 niil.ln ... ..' vnt.,u in .iiu ueceaae are required lo present them, with proper vouoher atiri rtutv vitri ll,.rt ul liln ,1. i. . . t :i. ientloD of Una notice, to the iird-rxler-uel a iiui Jtialathe V.Vtil,n! hi-li it ......... 7- cj.iit. " , , , . . J jeKPfl K. IIKDtiliB, Admihbitiator of tha estate of Nancy Jane ileal ie, doceswd. Dated Januaiy fllh, l!!i. Ii educe UilllHIi, Attorneys, OABTOHIA. Beam the Hi Kind Vou Ham Always Boigjf 1f fJT' WJ-W w 'fey