9 OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1903. REALTY TRANSFERS. Cocfc Furnished Every Week by Clacka " I bad a terrible cold and could hardly breathe. 1 then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral , and it gave me im mediate relief." W,C. Layton, Sidell, III. How will your cough be tonight? Worse, prob ably. For it's first a cold, then a cough, then bron chitis or pneumonia, and at last consumption. Coughs always tend downward. Stop this downward tendency by takingAyer's Cherry Pec toral. Three ilien : 25c, 50c, SI. All drtijjrlsts. ' Consult your doctor. Tf he lp.y take it, than do an he f;iyn. It he telU you not to taKe It, men aou i ihkb . hb suvhi. Leave it with him, W" are willing. I f IVUlt tl t ...null W.aa Change in Management Change in Business The store of M. Mich ael will be remodeled and relitted as a first class up-to-date cloth ing and nents furnish ing parlor. None but the nest union made goods will be sold at the lowest prices. We Invite yonr thorough inspection, soliciting the former patronage and hope to increase same. Respectfully M. MICHAEL Hand Laundry WORK done in f Irstcfau style and at reasonable prices By MRS. FORD Opposite Huntley's Drug Store LOG CABIN Is the place to go when vou want a SALOON" G. H. Young, Proo." World's Best Medicine. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Has Made People Well When ' Every. Other Remedy Has Failed. Faine's Celery Compound cures disease! It has saved the lives of thousands of sufferers. It has made the weak strong, vigorous, and happy. l'aine's Celery Compound purifies the blood and builds up the nervous system as nothing else can do; it is pre-eminently the great life giver and health maker. Overworked and tired women stand in ur gent need of this health giving prescription to make and keep them well. All women should take advantage of the remarkable power of this best of medicine for restoring vigor to the blood and strength to the nervous system. The all-important thing for nervous, run down, and sleepless women is that l'aine's Celery Compound fortifies the whole physical system, and by correcting digestion and regulating the nerves, it insures sound, refreshing sleep. In every case of sickness l'aine's Celery Com pound completely and permanently brings Lack health. Mrs. Mary M. Myers, Haiti more, Ohio, saved by l'aine's Celery Compound after the failures of able physicians, gratefully writes as follows: "I Buffered for eight years with nervous prostration and the general debility common to women, and had such pains in my back that I could not get around the house. I used several remedies and consulted several of the best physicians without obtaining any relief, l'aine's Celery Compound restored me to health. ' " I also want to say to all mothers that Faine's Celery Compound is a splendid medi cine for their children." Diamond Dyes Home Us Tier Me o mi new. Dlrertton book and 46 dyed Pantnli'ft free. DIAMOND IYK8, Burlington, Vt, Dizzy? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from bilious ness, constipation. Ayer's Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard Family Pill. Small doses cure. Mia"ii'u. ""vtiiut Y.'ir ''mi'i"il-lii' m wru bulitul brown .,'r rlrli ll H-W t Thou u.e Rlir.KINGHAM'S DYEwhi8hV WWW' I CO NMi N M, mas Abstract & Trust Co. B F Swope to A W Cheney, tract in Fiaher elm 2-2 e: 21G. E Kasemussen to E i)ionne,lot 8, blk 15 Willamette Falls; $850. A H Lee to E Somerfleld, tract -in Lee elm 3- ej 1(115. B B Newman to L Crlteneen, blk 6, 15, 16, 24, 25 and 27; $2820. E F liiley to L G Miles, of ne of . sec 26, 6-1 e ; $(10. MOatfieldtoPTOatfield.lOO acres in sec 12, 2-1 e; $5. J T Darke to M A Asl.Iey, 20 acres in sec 12, 6-1 e; $1 J B Moore to C S Hoskins part blk 98 Oregon City; $1000. I L Clark to 1J Cruckshank, part of elm 45, 2-3 e; $3C30. N Van Wie to W H Van Wie, lotll.blk 22 Cambridge ; $300. N Van Wie to Waverly Assctn lot 10 blk 22 Cambridge; $100. W H Van Wie to Waverly Assctn lot 11 blk 10, Cambrideg; $100. G W Prosser to G O Garfield, part blk 5 Oswego; valuable. T F Ryan aaent to G O Garfield, same property; $650. J Hamsberger to S Frust, lot 1, blk 6 Canpmah ; $i0, A tjr Wetz'erto It Swales, sw of sw of sec 29, 2-3 e : $1)00. J Kirk to Jones & Roer, wl-2 nl-2 of Re wl.2 of nl-2 of pw, w 1-2 of sl-2 ot sl-2 of ne of sec 23, 3 2 e ; $3400. American & Gorman Mtg I Co to F S Morris, part in Campbell elm 2-2 e; $975 . G A Steel to C B .Bellinger, 5 acres i l elm 27, 2-2 e; $5. R H Wilson to J II Hvddleson, lots 3, 4, 5, 11, 12, 13 and 14, blk 29, Oswego; $1506. C H Thomas to C E Miles, wl-2 of ne of SPC 26, 6-2 e ; $21J. R L Pollock to Wm F Yeo, lets 9 and 10. blk 36. Oswego; $2Q. F G Dement to E W Mellien, lot 8, blk 123 Oregon City; $1. R Dundas to W B Shompson, nl-3 of se ot sec 30, 3-2 e; $I70U. F D Sturges to R W Lewis, 21 acres in sec 6. 5-2 e ; $275. C G NorbergtoJ K Morris, lot 1, blk 140 Oregon Uity; $7U(). D W Stauger to M G Smith, part sec 3 0-1 e; $2300, Foley1 s Honey and Tar ifcbiMrta,8f,$un. bio opiates. PORTLAND) MA RKET. Wheat Walla Walla. 70c; bluestem, 88c; valley, 78jc. Barley teed, $23.50 per ton J brewing $24. Flonr Best grade, $4.30 4 85; grah am, $3.45 3.85. Mlllstuns Bran, 118 to 19 per ton; middlings, $23 0 24; shorts, $19 20; chop. $18. Oats Mo. 1 white, 1.15 1.20; gray, $.124 eg 1.15 per cental.. Hay Timothy, $11 12; clover, $8 9; cheat, $9 10 per ton. Potatoes Best burbanks, 60 75c per sack; ordinary, 40&0c per cental; growers' prices; Merced sweets, $2 2.25 per cental. , Poultry Chickens, mixed, 12c; young, ll12c; bens 12j4c; turkevs alive, 1610c; dressed, 1820c; ducks, $7(")7.oU per dosen ; geese, $7(38.50. Cheese tull cream, twins, 1 ()17H c; Young America, 17X18c; factory prices, lUgC lees. Butter Fancy creamery, 3032c per pound : extras, 30c; dairy, 2022 c; store, 1618c. . . Kg b 2d(25c der dozen. Hops Choice, 2227c per pound. "Wool Valley. 12i6(S)15c: Eastern Oregon, 8I4c; mohair, 2628c. Boet irross, cows, dtajac ; per pound steers, 4(4c; dressed, 7JC Veal-78c. i Mutton Gross, 4c per pound; dressed 7Jc- Lambe Gross, 4o per pound; dresseJ 7c. Hogs Gross, 6aC per pound ; dressed 77c. .-.V When your lungs are sore and-inflamed from coughing1, is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. run iaft? stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that "retards recovery from , a cold. .FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe anrTnever failing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Tha Dac.ars Said Ha Had CsnsumptSon-A Marvelous Curs,' L. M. Ruggles, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I had con sumption and 1 got no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helped me right from the start and stopped the spitting of blood and the pain in my lungs and today I am sound and well. THREE SIZES 23c, GOc, and $1.00 . r REFUSE SUBSTITUTES SOLD MB RECOHaERSED BY . mmmsm8Sm r- CHARMAN & CO., CITY DRUG STORE, OREGON CITY, OR. Notice to the Public. Notice is hereby given that I will not in any case be responsible or liable for debts contracted by my wife, Ca.harine M. Taylor, for goods, wares or merchan dise and for any thing she may buy after this notice. Feb.. 10, 1903. Thomas M. Taylor, Sellwood, Ore. What is the best rye whiskey? They are all good but red-top rye stands at the top of the lift. Kelly & Eucokich. When yon feel blue and that every thing goes wrong, take a dose of Chsm berlain's Stonach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse and invigorate your stomach, regulate your bowels, give" you a relish for your food and make you feel that in this old world is a good "place to live. For sale by G. A. Harding. County Treasurer's Notice. I now have money to pay road war rants endorsed prior" to June 14th, 1902. Interest will ceape on warrants included in this call on the date of this notice. Enos CAniLL.Treas. Clackamas County, Or. Dated this '5th day of Feb,, 1903. Bean the The Kind Von HavB Always BougM Cured Cousumption. Mrs. B.W. Evans, Clearwater, Kan., writes : "My husband lay sick for three months; the doctors stated he had quick consumption . We procured a bottle of Mallard's tiorehound Syrup and it cured him. Tint was six years ago, and since then we always kept a bottle in the house, We cannot do without it. For coughs and colds, it has noeoual." 25c, 60c and $1.00 bot tle at Charman k Co. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Rromo Quinine Tablets. druggists refund the money if it fal.s to cure. K. W. Uroves'8 signature is on each box. 25c. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Swamp-Hoot, Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Koot, and the address, lSmghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. .A'orfce. Notice In hereby eiven that anv one trusting Mrs. Anna L. Clouser, will do Boat their own wish, for I will not be re sponsible lor any bills she may contract. John Clouskr. Fine Old Whiskies, Wines, and Cigars Can always be found at the new saloon, corner Fourth and Main, Oregon Gty, Some of our special brands are: Fine Old Green River Bourbon Old Grand Dad, Roxbury Rye And Finch's Golden Wedding Rye, best in United States We also handle the celebrated Wilhot Sprinp-s Water. Billiards and Pool. Courteous treatment too all. FRANK ASTMAN Oregon City and Canby, Oregon E&k mitchelu Wagon Kemp Manure Spreaders Cnlyer Drag Saws Myprs Pumps Spray Pumps ' Hay Tools and SANDERS DISC PLOWS TRIUMPH SULKEY PLCW BMfilES, WA.fiOMS icydes, Implements . . . . 'r O R E G FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. PORTLAND A Famous Remedy for Sick Headache. The cause of this complaint is not in the head at all, it comes from the stomach. A stomach tha has been hint by over eating, drinking or abtiee in any manner, will warn you by bringing on. sick-headache. Cure the pains and? distress in the stomach, and the head ache stops of itself. All billious attacks dyspepsia, belching, bad taste in the ,mouth, muddy complexion and yellow- eyes, are C'lrea Dy this Kemedy. It is--called Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills,. id is sold by Druggists all over the U. lor 'lb cents oer box. One pill for a dose or we will send them by mail on re ceipt of price. Samples free. Address Bosanko Co., Philadelphia. Pa. For sale Ly Charman & Co., Oregom City. GASOLINE ENGINES . . . Cream Separators . . . f 17" Ta OVEfv f383! Q Case Plows MITCHELL WAGONS Hoosier Drills Mitchell and J Bee Line t:-J BUGGIES - AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATOR c ii A for Catalogu e WEAK AND LOW-SPIRITED. A Correspoudent Thus Describes His Experience. "I cttn strongly recommend Herbine as a medicine of remarkable efficacy for indigestion, loss of appetite, sour taxte in the mouth, palpitation, headache, drowsiness after meals with distressing mental depress' ons mid low spirits. Herbine must be a unique preparation for cases such aa mine, for a few doses entirely removed my complaint. I won der at people going on suffering or spend ing their money on worthless things, when Herbine is procurable, and so cheap. ' 60c a bcttleat Charman & Co.V M.'rlte us a Letter. We want to advise with people who are sick and want to get well, A person that says "I would give $50 if I felt as well as I did one year ago," is the one we are after and we do not want the $50 either. People that suffer with nervous diseases have weak watery blood, with tallow complexion, and a tired, outdone nervous feeling, loss of sleep and anxious days cause waste of flesh and strength. Pimply, pale, weak people can be cured by Dr. Gunn's Blood and NerveJTonic, it makes rich red blood, feeding the nerves, and making solid flesh at tbe rate of 1 to 3 pounds per week. This Tonic is in tablet form, and is sold for 75 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $2, by all druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. We will send a pamphlet that tells what diseases this Tonic will curs and what It is good for, free. Write ne about your case, that, costs nothing. Address Dr. Bosanko Co., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by Charman & Co., Oregon City. For Sale Twenty-three head of stock Bheep. Also one good team of horses and a farm wagon and harness. D. F. Li Fkvbb, Beaver Creek, Or an A Letter From Litchfield Nebraska. Thomas Clancy, of Litchfield. Neb. .. wrote us a few weeks ago about his ex perience with Gunn's Blood and Nerve Tonic. As his case may be similar to otherB it naturallv would be of interest to them to know the result of his test He had been haunted for years with a gradual growing weakness until he was reduced to a shadow. His complexion' was sallow and pimply, had dizzy and" sinking spells, with a loss of memory and ambition. Alwavs felt tired and outdone, suffered greatly with nervous ness, and telt that bis heart 8 action was weak. His digestion was so poor his system recieved no nutriment. He says- ne commenced tne use ol this Tonic taking one tablet after each meal. He did not notice much chance after usincr one box only he enjoyed his meals better sun ne Kept on until he had used six: boxes. He used the last box more than. six months ago. When he stopped the- use of tbe Ionic he weighted 28 Dounda- more than he did when he commenced' Has not been sick adavsince. and-is well in both mind and body. Dr. Gunn's Blood & Nerve Tonic is the best medicine in the world for pale, weak or sickly women. Sold by all Druggists for 75' cts. per box, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Write1 us about your case.. Auaress, lit. Bosanko tio., fa. jf or eale by Charman & Co. BANNER SALVE" the most healing salve In the world. PUNISHMENT. . Social progress has done away with a great many forms of punishment once administered under the laws of enlight ened people. But nature never changes or modifies her penalties. She still haa tne same pumsn nient for the man who neglects o r abuses his stomach, as she had in the far off days " when Adam delved and Eve span." The physical dis comfort, dullness, sluggishness, irri tability, nervous ness and sleepless ness which are visited upon the man who eats care lessly or irregularly have been from the beginning the evi dences of disease of the stomach and its associated organs of digestion and nu trition. , Dr. Pierce's Gold en Medical Discovery cures the diseased stomach and enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of food, so that the sluggishness, irritability, nervousness and sleeplessness which result from innutri tion are cured also. "I wa taken sick nine years go with fever " writes Mr. M. M.Wanlwell. of Lin wood, Leaven worth Co., 'Kansas. "Had the doctor and he broke up the fever all rijjht, but I took diar rhoea right away; he couldn't cure it and it became chronic, and then he gave up the case. I got so weak with it and hail piles so badly I couldn't lie down, nor hardly sit up was that wav two or three months ; thought I would never be well again,' but picked up one of Dr. Pierce's Memorandum Books one day and saw your description of catarrh of the stomach. I thought it hit my case. We had a bottle of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery in the house that was got for mother. Vou recommend it for catarrh of the stomach, so I went to taking it. The one bottle nearlv cured me. I got two bot tles next time and took one and one-half and was well. I haven't been bothered with diar rhoea since." Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. l