OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1903. BUSCH THE HOUSEFURNISHER Spraying Does Pay And fs Necessary to Insure Crops The subject of spraying fruit trees and small fruits has been so thor oughly discussed and written up in all its details and differrent phases' in fruit growing periodicals ad and agricultural journals, coupled with the fact that every fruit grow ing State has its own Experiment Station, Agricultural Society or College from which documents and bulletins are issued free to its resi dents on application, giving results of experiments, different formulas for all kinds of insects and trees, in the ; most aDDroved and scientific it will throw a stream 2o feet high mamler containing complete infor mation, and how and when to apply it, thus establishing the fact that spraying does pay, and is necessary to insure crops 1V1 PIPE EXTENSION'S'" BUCKET - Spray 1 PIPE EXTENSION Price without Pipe Extension ..25 $3 A Hard Worker Needs the best imple ments. He's foolish to depend on imperfect tools when the latest and best improved cost so little. We tell you about how how they are made the work they will do, and the advantage we offer in prices, Wall Pajjer Buyers We call your attention to our last year's stock of Wall la)cr Same will be sol J at a re duced price. Some odds and ends as cheap as , 5c a table roil. Come early. The Building Season Makes it necessary for much Hardware that is especially appropriate for carpen ters or for the finishing of the house. Our stock of Building Hardware is com plete. Our doors are all made of cedar, and prices as low as cash can buy them anywhere. We keep a full stock of Doors and Windows on hand. I Barbed Wire and Wire Hefting We quote prices on demand. See how far . your cash will go with us. BUSCH THE HOUSEFURNISHER m Correspondence gggg Hood View. Archie Seely, of Newberg, spent Sun day with his parents. Mill's and Ira McOonnell left for Oak Point Monday morning to work in a log King camp at that place. Thursday evening some mincteant Btole a number of Mark Beely's chick ens. Mark tracked them up the next morning and found out who they were, but tie will will not prCiaecute them. Frank Itrolmt visited bia Bister, Miss Ellen, at Forest Grove on bnday. Influenza and la grippe are quite prev alent in this vicinity. Mm. Hansen, who has been very ill Tor several weeks is much improved at tins writing. Mies Helen Murray spent several days of last week in Portland, returning home on bnturUuv. liedland. Uev. (Jhilds, of Orient, lias been ap pointed on Viola circuit. Qnnrtotly meeting for Yiola circuit will b huld at liedland M. 13. church On Jut services at night mid Sunday 11 h, ut. Kev. Dr. Waters will preside. J. Ha ryhas purchased a IT. 8. cream Koparalor of Mr. Kxon, who has the agency for this part of the county. Born, to M.S. Herman Fischer, a girl. Smith it Storm are running their mill full Ilium. They have eiders on hand tor two l otiaeB and one large barn to be wetted m Logan. They expect to have a pliuie It. mulled in a short time. Uev. Dr. Walters, of Salem, held the quarterly meeting at lvdland M. 1 church Saturday lor Viola ciicuit. Andrew Dingier is very low. Merman Fisher is nut rustling, cause a big K'rl arrived at his Lome. All are doing well. HiV. Ohilds, who accepted the minis tiy for Viola charge, has reinnod, ow ing to ill heal h. Union Hall. Ohnrlio Thomas made a business trip to Oregon City one day last week. Mr. and Mis. J. H, Bums were the Keuts of Otto Striker and wife last Sun day . Mrs. Martha Bums Is visiting rela tives in New Era this week. t-"iu Wilkerson and f unily, who have Ihwii living over on the coast for the mstyer, have returned to this vicinity, 'i'hey intend to make this place their florae i a the future. Miss Mary Thomas, of Portland, vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Tboiuts last Monday, John Burn went to the Stnrguea Hivw.' sawmill one day last ween to see tlieiu u imsinets. Mrs. Nancy Bui ns, w ha has been very t-l t . 1 l. 1., 1. la HIT Ult) IHl' pvirmt nvDc, uiuiu Sliubel. M. Moebnke and son are building a saw mill. They will saw their ovn lumber for their new building. VVesly Hill had a lively runaway one dav last WRftk. tin urn thrown nnt nt l,u wagon on his face. Fortunately be was Harry Hill and wife are visiting with W . D. Hill and family for a few weeks. Mrs. E. A, Ouinina returned from a two month's visiteast of the mountains. E. Ouming is thinking of going to Washington to tike a hoinnHtrtml Mr. Pool, our school teacher went to uHHiBm uregou ior two weeks ou busi' ness, but failed to return at the ap pointed time. Cumins & Co are rushed with orders at present. They are sawing road plank and ties. S. E. Peck has moved out near Clarkes liOltolllce. A fiimilu Nebraska will move in the h,use vacated ny mm. Mrs. Wm. Monhnkn ImhIowIv iiig from her illness. Q A. S. iuvroved in health. I Backwoods. Ely. Ollite a nnnihnr frnm tli'ra nlma fl Ill the "Who's Who" MisumUvU lat week. Kddie llornschnsh ia nnit nick on.l under the caie of Dr. Summer. Mrs. J, unin IWiia in viniiina t,Ur nephew, Allen Frost of Maple wood farm. Lennie Seeltu-. wlir lino Infulu I...I.1 responsible position in Meier & Frank's store in home 011 a vacation. Mrs. Oiliir imva a t.in f,,i tl.u T ...ll...,' - . .n B , w V..M .ut k..o uauicg Aid Society last Saturday afternoon from two o'cl ck until live. A very en joyable time was had. Mrs. G. W. KlV lnHt TIhii'hJhv mi, I fitting neighbors. Mrs. M11H111 ami ,tun,rl,i.r m,,,,,i v Bited friends in Portland the la'stof the week. v Kly Bro's , have dissolved partner ship, E P. tarter having bought out Uiorge Eiy's interest in the store, Mr. Carter is well known for honest business integrity bavins been a resident of this county ior over thirty years. , A committee has been appointed to arran.e for another social to be held about th 12ih of March. The ladies are taking great pains to make this eutertainmeut one of the best of the season. Mr. Lewellyn and son are working on their new building on Maiu street this week. Willey May's house is nearly finished and the partitions have been removed from the halt over the store so it will be ready lor use in a short time, A Kksioknt. . Canby. 9-.,,. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton, of Portland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rosenkrans this week. Don't fail to attend ihe local teach ers' meeting at Canny Saturday, Feb. 28. State Superintendent Ackerman will be present and deliver a lecture on 'Oregon School Law " Frank Murdock, of Maoksburg, was in town Saturoay. Miss Hattia I'tvin.nf Rur!,-.. Canby visitor Saturday, "Dad" Deyoe has gone into the vege table business. His nrnannt m,U ll ; r.wuwuw ulu .0 celerv. Mr. and Mrs. TMtnh Sh anlr anA f and Mrs. Oharlna Msittrvlru n. guests of Mr. Stalnaker Sunday. Miss Grace Hampton has returned from Portland. Harrv Tahk. nf firooliain ;, ;.;i:. relatives and faiends in tawn this week. The Geonriu Hirnnr nnimiit. finished a thren niuliiu' nrday night They furnished a hitrh- grade enteriainmeut, and their special ties were well worth seeing. Howard Eccles and Arln were Aurora visitors (Sunday morning. Misses Mnrv SchimllHr ami I... v.m. borry werj Canby visitors Friday. Mr. Westover wan in Ounliu Sitn.J.. on newspaper business. Mr. and iira Phil Tni.irar r ,iA,. burg, spent Sjlurday in Cunhy. Mr. Hurst, of Hurst & Co. made a uusiness trip 10 uanby Siturday. Oanhv's tnnsoriul mlkt l.o. n,u that is rather unpleasant but expects that with irood limit hu uili i,oq arranged that by Monday his customers will see his smiling face at the same old stand. H. it. White mailn a himinci ... Portland Mondr.y. John DalV. of Miu-kahnro through Canby euroute to Portland Monday. Dr. B. F, Giesy was in town Monday. Albert Lee has remodnlpH I04 hull l.i, a neat two room Btore building. Miss Cora Bloseer. of Hubbard, visited friends in Canny this week. Kick Buruhardt. nf MarmiAm 1 ously ill at the home of Williau Knight Kix Ki'M Rouse. The Dentist: Beat ie and Beatie are the dentists in the Weinhard building. Xht-.r rooms eve numbers W, 17, 18, For Cvee Sixty Years. An old and u'u.t.triuil vt,,...li, Ar .... , , ' .vu.i.v., iUIH. VVlUSloW's S n'hinir Purlin I..... I . I : e IWU used for over sisty years by millions of mothers for the' - children while teeth ing. Willi nprftl. Qil,.,uaa T. the child, softens the gums, allays all jj.u, vurea w uiu cone, and is the heist remedy for DiarrhoHH. la i,lu...i taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five Tents a botte. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wiuslow's Sooth ing Syrup, and take no other kind. TJCUttW OJLU IV OVB DIV Take Laxative Brooio Quinine Tablets. All druggists retuud the uioiwy it u tails ocurer E W. Grove's signature is on ach box. 23c. Stafford. Henry Schatz's goats have so reduced the brush in bis woods lot that clearing of the land is made possible. John Schatz is doing some carpentei work for his father. Chas. Polifka has commenced hauling bis spuds to Portland. Onion men are not overly jubilant with onions retailing at 50 cents a Back ' Adam Schauber died on the 21st. He was a member of the A. 0. U. W. lodge at this plaee. The remains were placed in their final resting place with lodge rights and ceremonies. It is the first loss this lodge has suffered. Sore eyes and la grippe are going the rounds. Our merchant is increasing his stock until space in his store is becoming bc iree. There is still strong talk of putting a rural delivery in operation here, when that time comes, as it eventually will. This star route wih be no more. I have for sale a No. 1 milch cow, big milker and batter maker ; none better. H. W. Gard, Clarks, Or. ESCAPED AND AWFUL FATE. Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla., writes, "My doctor told me I had Con sumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given up to die. The offer of a fiee. trail bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, in duced me to try it Results were start ling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe all to-Dr, King's Ne Dis covery. It surely saved my life," .This great cure is guaranteed for all throat and lung diseases by Geo. A Harding druggists. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. Planet Whiskey is a good thing to have in the bouse. Kelly & Ruconich, Sole Agents. Only one remedy in the world that will at once stop itchiness ot the skin in any part of the body ; Doan's Ointment, At any drug store, 50 cents. yy ANTED To increase my list of farms and lands for sate, in all parts of the county. Lands owned by non-residents represented and Bold. H. . Cross, At torney at Law. Coughs and could, down to the border land of consumption, yield to the sooth ing healing influences of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syiup. JNDIVIDUALS MONEY to Loan to you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on land or chattels. John W. Loder, at-torney-at-law, Oregon City. Byspepsia bane of humam existence. Burdock Blood Bitters cures i prompt ly, permanently. Regulates and tones the stomach . It is a burn? Use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. A cut ? Use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. At your druggists, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a number of years ana have no besitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, colds and croup I have ever used in my family. I have not a word to express my confidence in this itemed)'. Mrs.. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For sale by G. A. Harding. NEARLY FORFEITS HIS LIFE. A runaway almost ending fatally started a horrible ulcer on the lee of J B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. For four years it defied all doctors and ail re medies. But Bucklen's Arnica Salve bad no trouble to cure him. Equally good tor burns, bruises, skin eruptions and piles. 2b cents at Geo. A. Hard ing's drug Btore. Mysterious Circumstances. One was pale and sallow and theothe freeh and rosv. Wheuce the difference? She who is blushing with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to organs theA" compel good digestion and head otr con stipation. Try them. Only 25 cents, at Geo. A. Harding Druggist. Mr. Wheeler Gat Rid of His Rhsumatism. "During the winter of 1898 I was so lame in my joints, in fact all over my body, that 1 could hardly hobble around when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm' From the first, application I began to set well, and waB cured and have worked steadily all the year, Rj Wheeler, Northwood, N. Y. For sale by Q. A. Harding. Removal of Office. G. B. Dimick and George L. Story have moved their law ollice from the Stevens block to rooms 2 and 8 in the new Garde building, up stairs. S mplt Colds; Cease to be simple, if at all prolonged. The safest way is to put them aside at the very beginning. Ballard'B Hoie nound Syrup Btops a cold and removes the cause of colds. 25c, 50c and H at Oharman Co.'s City Drug Store, Ore gon City, Or. ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE, s Notice Is hereby given that the unnersljnmt, ad mooatmirix I) Bonn son of the estate ol W. A. S'i'pheiis. d CPHSed. hiw this dny tiled her final o eimut in laid estate and that the Honorable County Court of Clackamas County, Oregon, has tiitdanrt appoinud Mondav, th 2:ird day of Mureh, l!w, at me nour 01 tu o eioen a. m., 01 ..o.i.inv attria Mumtv court house In Oregon C'ltv 111 said county, at the time and place for heHrinK ny oojecllon to aucn nnai aceeuum ana for the seltlemeut theie I. M. M1SNIE SrEPHESS, 'dmlnUtra'rix l Bonis Non of the Kstaleof W. A. Stephens. Utaaed. Hated this !)th day of February, ln03. Foley s Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Be Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature I Not what is said of it, but what it does, has made the fame of the Elgin Watch E ' and made 10,000,000 Elgins neces m' sary to the world's work. Sold by jj every jeweler in the land; guar- . J anteed by the greatest watch works. bJ ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. jX Elgin, Illinois. HIOGHf? ANHJ.nrCYI3 m - 01 Mm THE SCENIC LINE Through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pfieblo, Colorado Springs and Denver, and the Famous Rocky Mountain Scenery by Daylight to all points east. 3 Fast Trains daily between Ogden and Denver Modern equipment, through Pullman and Tourist Sleeping Cars and Superb Dining Car Service.... Stopover Allowed For rates, folders and other information, address W. C. WcBrMe, Gen. Jlgt 124 Third St. PertianTaOrt. A:.(tillp:lfl"i:rfci,'!a Tlllln. .irllUri- illllliimil'JIli.iiiil nil alt Ill ij fi1,!ilil,.lA ill HJf. tPf We carry the only complete line of Casket a, Coffins, Robes and Linings in Clackamas County. We have the only Firet-Claea Hearse in the County, which we will furnish for less than can be had elsewhere. Embalming a Specialty. Our prices always reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. 4 SHANK & BISSELL, Undertakers Phones 411 and 304. J'piifiiilliNiiiiipm!iiiiupiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipiiim Main St., Opp. Huntley's. y'HI up H 'ilBpi'i"itp ipimipmnipiiiiiip ODDS AND ENDS AT LESS THAN COST Big Shoe Sale See windows for Reduced Prices t MARKS ME CO. 253 Morrison St., Second Door from Third, Portland, Or. Tj K dolman Undertaker Two Doors South Courthouse COFFINS, ROBES, CASKETS ; Calls Promptly Attended, Night or Day. Embalming Carefully I dnuicauy ijone. xiearse .furnished at Lowest Rates X Phones 476305. Oregon City, Oregon Brown & Welch Proprietors op thb Seventh Street Meat Market A. O. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, O EGON Brunswick Hcuse and Restaurant NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS Heals at All Hoars Ouen naxr nri v. Prfcea Reasonable Only First Class Restaurant in the City CHAS. CATTA. Prod Opposite Suspension Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE . J. V AUG HAF Livery Feed m Sale Stable Nearly Oppcxlte Suspension Bridge First Class Rigs of all Kinds at Reasonable Prices Oregon Gty : : . 0rcgoa