Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 20, 1903, Image 8

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1 u u
In Oregon City Teb. 25, for One Week
the Biggest Show
You Ever Saw
of Spring Woolens
Our cutter, Mr. E. Mansfield will be at the CLIFF
HOUSE on above dates with a complete -line of Imported Spring
and Summer Suitings, which he will be pleased to have you call
and examine. Remember and don't forget that this is a golden
opportunity to get a suit or an overcoat made to your measure for
Call and be convinced of this opportunity. We guaran
tiee fit and workmanship and all linings.
Glasgow Wookn Wills Company,
men's tailors
1416 Second Jive.
Seattle, Wasl).
47 Stores
in America
J 4 Stores
in Europe
Eiler's Piano House
the most extens'm and reliable piano concern on the coast
More pianos and a greater variety are carried hero than by any other
store in the Northwest. They are such as the Decker, Vose, Victor, Hobart
M. Cable, Tease, Schumann, Crown Orchestral, Bush & Gerts, Haddorff, Leiter
and many other. , And lest of them all is the great piano trininty.
The Chickering Piano, of Boston, the Weber of
New York and the Kimball of Chicago, the three
finest pianos in the world.
We handlo the peerless Kimball Pipe Organ,
in all styles, suitable for Sunday schools, churches
and homes.
Also the Pianola, which makes the finest mu-.
! - Ml. !.. 1 1 ,1 . .
siu pussiuie in nomes wnere mere is no musician.
Most excellent instruments on which to gain the rudiments of a musical
education. First and foremost, and by all odds, the 2heapest, we have our own
specially constructed "Pacific Queen." on which wo are at present making an
introductory offer of only $10.00, payments $8.00 down and $4.00 a month.
Other fine organs wo have the Needham, Burdett, Crown, and finally, the great
est of all, the peerless Kimball.
These organs are in both plain and fancy finished casings, and can be
purchased for as little as $lb'.00 to $80.00, delivered freight paid to any railroad
station or boat landing in Oregon. Terms, $0.00 to $3.00 down and $3.00 to
$5.00 a month. And the best is, after you have had your organ as long as two
years, if you then want to buy a piano you can turn your organ back to us, and
get credit for just what you have paid for it, on a fine piano.
Our reasonable prices, easy terms and fair dealings have made our house
famous and popular. Wito for circulars. All information you want will bo
cheerfully furnished.
Washington Street, Corner Park, Portland, Ore. "
Other Stores, San Francisco and Sacremento
New Era'
Miss Hattie Foster, nf Portland ioito1
her parents of this place Mondaj .
Grandpa Reynolds is on the sick list,
and is very low.
Mrs. Robert TCnlUnH in ft) an BliltaiMnn
with the dropsy.
Mr. Eisert is coins into t.hn wnrH
Saturday morninc (ha maurn
registered 20 above zero.
I.hftfl Rnnmnil FollLnaJ Inn. U
ivt"i mob wcon,
fro a Gray's River, Washington, and
reported the snow being one and a half
feet deep on the hills.
Fred Burgoyne arid Miss Maud Obrock
of Portlan j, were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. J. Burgoyne Saturday and Sunday.
J. Schindler and daughter left Satur
day morning for San Francisco, San
Jose and Santa Rosa, California, for a
tnree weens stay in the "sunny south."
Chas. Slyter is working for J. Hoff
Mr. Solle ha? built a new chicken
bouse upon his new possesions.
The dance at Mr. Shefchicks Saturday
night was a decided success.
Young wheat is suffering.
There is much sickness among the
horses here. It is caused by the cold
weather, but some have staggers.
Elder Moore is expecting to hold a
series of meeting in the Ogle school
house in the near future.
Aa there has not been much fall wheat
some people think it will be a better
pries next fall. Seed for spring; wheat
is scarce.
The upper or Becker mill is in running
Logging goes slowly as there is much
snow in that section,
O. S. Boyles is still in Southern Oregon.
Something must be wrong with
weamer ciern ior we navn t bad any
rain for some time, but clear days and
frosty night. The past several days of
sunshine pleases all exceot some of the
farmers who want to plow but owing
to me iroet can not ao so.
Everybody and their whole family at
tended the ball last Saturdav niaht
The floor was wellfilled.there were about
as'many spectators as there were danc ra
which made the hall very crowded.
The. music was furnished by Garretts'
orchestra which was number one.
Everything passed off qu'.etly except a
drunk or two. It does seem strange that
some young men cannot, or at least do
not attend a dance without nourinc
enough tangle foot down them to make
them crazy. Those boys had better take
a timely warning and cut tbe whiskey
uusmess out.
Uncle' O. L. Robbing is having a
serious time with one of his eyes. A few
days ago a bush struck bis eye, it com
menced to inflame. He called in Dr.
Leavitt who advised him to consult an
eye specialist at Portland. Mr. Robbi ns
is now in Portland.
Only two valentines were either sent
or received hree as far as we know.
lhere is a scheme beinc worked hv
the young men of Molalla and especial
ly those that attend dances to form a
kind of pint stock company and Dur-
chase a piano to be placed in the school
house. Should they succeed, it will add
much to the music in place of the or nan
that is now used.
If we ever find out who sent ' us a
valentine recently there will be a duel
X. Y, Z.
In the Circuit Court of th state of Oregon, for
Clackamas County.
Susan K. Jones, Plaintiff, ts. Benjamin F
To Benjamin V. Jonea, the abore named de-
In l.h. nftmn nf tha fitnfn nf ahm.h An i
P.nnlniH tr .nn... anA ......... .1... i .1. .
filed against you In the above entitled suit within
-1 u uaro ji 111. untl puDlluailon OI
thli summons to-wltt Alter the 13th day of Febru-
J " ' i jv. on w ,u appear auo
answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to
un auun iiniuou uuuii ,ur iub reiiei aeniandeu id
her complaint to-wlt: For a decree dtssoMns: the
uuuub v uiauuuuuji iiuw eAiiung Detween you
snd the plaintiff.
This summons is published in absonce of Cir-
- ' , "vuhij duuri ui uie stale
of Oregon for Clackamas county, dated February
11, 1003. Date of first pul-'iiatlon Febrnary 13
1903, last, March 27, 1903. ' "
Attorney for Plaintiff.
Pacific Mutual
Life Insurance Co.
of California
Offers you distinctive
profitable forms of
Life and Endow
ment Insurance....
Payable either In a single sum or
in installments. It ha9 the safest
and best organization for Policy
holders of any American company.
Room 5, Oregon City
Stevens' Blk. Ore.
Call or write for Samrle Prlicy.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, fo
Clackamas County. 61
Drfendanl' FMMB' VS' MIr"n'Ja Sn?a
To Miranda RnkiW nl,,,., mi. . .
- -'.ri..., .ii.auuiQuiuutu ooienaanl
Xou are hereby summoned to appear and an
swer ihocnmiiiuir,, flin-i i..., "Vrr' Bn
j r---" . aRaiuBb you in ine aDove
eutitled court and cause on or before the lith
day nf Marnh loos !i .... f "e' lne l4tl?
j . ii jun mu ho to appear and
answer said complaint the plaintiff will thereupon
anu v to the court, fnr th j .' ?". ."
said comnlni nt . ta.i;.lK""'"'JTu.,"r.,n nl!
T A MnS ' Published by orderof the Hon.
L,Iff de,Juc1g?of tho circult co"f for the
Knuary, llK)3?n' 6 nd 8Ut6red the28tB dftr '
The first publication is on the'vTo Het'ff
The last publicaUon on the 20 day of March, 1903.
Snow fell on last Tuesday to the depth
of about four inches. Some of it re
mains on the eround yet. the nights are
clear and cold and in only gets warm
enough through the day to soften the
snow a little.
Two farms have chanced hands in the
past ten or twelve days.
August Stubbe sold forty acres to Mrs.
Cassie Epperson lor $1300,
W. H. Holder sold to Walter Snuffin
73.2 j acres for $1500. These tracts of
land are eituated within one and a forth
miles of Garfield postolfica. The Dost-
offlce will be within one and a half
mile of the new electric power plant
that is going up near the Clacka as
Last Sunday the attendance at Sunday
school was fifty seven.
The Garfield Grange gave a basket
social last Friday evening that brought
in $00, The basket that sold the highest
was Miss Cora Yocuiu's, it brought $ t.
If their is another neighborhood in
the county that can beat G irfleld.
It is a nice little dace and it will nnl
L. L.ll I , 1, . . . .
oe nan nour s waiK irom ine new electric
u.e which is now bbing constructed from
Portland to the Clackamas.
Boom 5, Stevens Block,
OrtgonCity, Oregon
Turney will conduct a dancing
school at Beaver Creek hall. Meet
every Thurssday evening: dance
starts at 8 o'clock sharp; close at
12. Admission, Gents 50c : :
Ladies free
Mountain View.
Many readers do not know where
Mountain View is, so I will state that, it
is an add to t) Oregon C.ty, and Ely
is in the center.
The thermnniftlpr rpoialura OR dtuvraaa
That seems cold to the Webfoot but just
inuiK 01 eastern Dlizzards.
Grand. ia Kava is snllVrino' with a mm
Albert Jairl, of the Vancouver militia,
was here Saturday calling on his cousins,
Mrs. ISmalley and Miss Goode.
MissLavern Craig is visiting with
Mrs. J. MoClarnan, of Portland.
Born, to Mrs. McKinley, Feb. 13,
1903, a sou. Dr. Summer in attend
ance. Oaarterlv meeting nf rha M v
church Houih closed last Suuday.
Every service was greeted with avtry
large audience. Presiding Eider Fitch
expieased himself as well pleased with
the attendance and order. Also with
the aci'ouimodiuions tendered the mem
bers from other parts of the circuit.
Mrs. Smalley and children, accom
panied by Miss Grace Goode, weut to
Seattle Tuesday, where Melvin Suialley
has work,
There will be a napkin tea at Mrs.
Craig's on Saturday afternoon from 2 to
4 o'clock. All are cordially invitud.
Theobiect of the mnetlnir ia tr
a Ladies Aid Society.
Died, Feb. 17th, Mrs. EJgecome's
J. R. Cole made a trip to Oregon City
lat .Saturday for our merchant, L. W,
Christ Zweirel and family, of Needy
were visiting relatives here Sunday
C. H. Gibson, who recently came
from Missouri, has bought a ranch abjut
wo miles south of here.
The Molalla wood dealer is doing a
rushing business this winter. J
Arthur and Nathan Zweifel have quit
".feMuis tump mm are at home at
The masquerade ball was
ended. Among those who
this is Your Chance
to Buy Goods at Prices
to Suit Your Pirse.......
We have just finished J stock-taking and must reduce
stock to make room for spring and summer goods.
Will Sell Everything
at a Big Reduction
Shirt Waists and Skirts, Latest Styles; Dry Goods,
Underwear, Hosi ery, Shces, Etc. of the test make and
.Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Gloves, Mackin
toshes, Etc. at prices that no prudent buyer ever overlooks.
Come and See for Yourself
GEO. T. HOWARD, Prof).
Court House Block. Oregon City, Oregon
The Laundry 'is the Cheapest
The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best
Does not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent.
well at'
New Era Flouring Mill
We have purchased of Strejc Bros, the New Era Flouring Mills and
are now in possession and d ring business at the old stand. We guarantee
satisfaction to all who mav me our way. To our friends and patrons we
Bk a continuance of their kirdness and courtesy to us and assure them
that we shall Jo our very best to please thfin.
Bread is the stan 01 ine, wuuum kuuu uuur you can not nave go-d bread
Good Bread Wakes Bappp domes
t W na vonr traii and we will give you kind treatment ..
BEST FLOUR that can be made.
Sevcik Bros. SrC New Era, Or.
:roui uregjn City were S. J
and wife.
, Vaughan
TfCDi, i