OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1903. Oregon SaoUNH and Union Pacific The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice oi THREE TRAINS WO VIA THE OREGON SHORT LINE 9:00 a.m. 9:00 p. m. TO , v SALT T-KE, DEN'v , OMAHA, CHICAGO and KANSAS OITY. ONE VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN 6:00 p.m. TO SPOKANE,. MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave Portland Jeverv 5 Days lor SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam' ette and Columbia River Points. H.Tn,l,r etoimara in China anil Janan For full information call on or address, nearest O. K. & N. Tloket Agent, or address A. L. CHAIO, G, P. A., Portland, Oregon GO EAST VIA Only transcontinental line passing directly through Salt Lake City, Leads We, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Throe splendidly epulpped trains daily to an points bast. Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars. The most mairnifieent ecenery in America bv davliirht. Stop overs allowed on all classetof tickets. For choapesfrates and.descriptlv literature address J. D. riANSFIELD, General Agent, 24 Third Street, Portend, Oregon PORTLAND-ANTORIA ROUTE STR. BAILEY GAT2ERT Dally Hound Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD Leave Portland 7 A. II . Leave Astoria 1 V.li THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE SIRS. TAH03IA nnd JHKTLAKO Daily Trips Excepc sundry STR. TAHO V V Leavo Portland, lion., Wed. and , V H Leavo The Hallos, Tuos., Thuis. STR. METLAKO Leave Portland, Tuos., 'I burs, and Bat. l.oave Links, Mon., Wed. and Frl i A Lauding, Foot Alder Street ' BOTH WUIlilta, MAIN 8T1I PORTLAND, OllEuU. AGENTS A. J, Taylor Astoria, Ore J. W. Crichton The Dalles, Ore A. K. J tiller Ilood Kiver, Ore Wolt'or;! fi Wy ers. White Salmon, Wash Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash John T. Totten Stevenson, Wash J. O. Wvitt Vancouver, Wash E. W. CRIOUTOV, PORTLAND, ORE msmsm&mtmBWBsasati ILLINOIS Is an important state andrf5i.9 per cent of its popula tion is located on Chicago, tliegreau m commer cial center of the West, is best reached from the Northwest by this famous railroad The Norlh-Veslcrn Limited Daily between Minneapolis, St. , Paul and Chicago is the peer of all line trains For lowest rates, time of trains and full Information write to H. L. SISLKR, Urneral Agent li8 Alder St., Portland, Or. T. W. TEASDALE, 1 1 n ir al PaMln rr Agent, St. Paul, nin. E3kV"i msasssmsss Grove's hes stood tbe test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One and a Half MiHIoa bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to vou ? No Cure. No Pav. 50c. unciosM witn every pome is Ten Cent package Of Crove's a." a. iJ-m.. . kj-r .vtr a- T'-p .'flii idff " -I. j iw iriiiiitfiig ya v'4 cn. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and -which has been, in use for over 30 years, has home the signatnre of and has been made under his per-. sonal supervision since its infancy. fuzfyy. -cUcJU, Allow no one to d eceive y ou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nd allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THt CCNTAUR COMPANY, TT tiifm"f - California Wine House MAIM STREET Bet. 4th and 5th Per Gallon California Port $i oo Extra Tawny Extra Old Port I 25 Delicate and Mellow . Superior Old Port and Sherry 1 50 Belected For Medicinal Purposes Extra Old California Sherry 1 05 Medium, Pale, Delicate and Dry California Tokay 1 00 Excellent Table Wine Sweet Muscatel. . 12; Fine Wine Sweet Catawba... 1 25 Rich Angelica 1 05 Soft, Full and Fine. Extra old Calif'rnia Angelica I 25 Superb old dessert wine. Extra Dry California Tameut Wines. Sparkling Burgundy 85c A clear, sparkling wine. Sonoma Claret 65c Rich, fruity wine. Extra Sonoma Zinfandel. . , 75c Nous betteri a well matured wine. Extra Sonoma Riesling. . . . 75c A white wine tliat will please you. Sonoma llock : 65c Quality unsurpassed Sonoma Sauterne 1 00 A flue old white wine. Fine Calif. Grape Brandy .. 2 75 The genuine; good as Imported. Only Wine Vaults in the City City Orders Delivered Tree. Order through Your Grocer. 6. JR. Brady. DR. KING'S HEW DISCOVERY FO? THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Coiisumptiou,Coughs, Colds, lJronchitis, Asthma, Pncumonia,IIayFevcr,Pleu risy, LaGrippc, Hoarseness, Aore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. rlc 50c. and $ I . T&"1 BOTTLES FREE New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposite Caufle'.d Block OREGON CITY Tasteless Chill it. -J- - a-...- jl.-. .m.t.gt Family WINES Mi mil D J n1 UJ Signature of MURRAY STREET. NEW VORR CITY. - i - -totMifltir3-"---'A,., j. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TO CREDI TORS. Notice Is hereby ghen that the undersigned hsib'fii duly ap oinltd by the County Court ot Clackamas county, "rcgon, executrix ot trie last will of William It. Bsgbj. late of said County. All persons haying claims "gainst the estate of said deceased, are notified to file such claims with the proper vouchers and duly venfted ac cording to law with my attorney, C. H. Dye Corner fith A Main St., Oregon City, Oregon within six months from (late of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, December 19th 1002. HARRIET W. BAGBY, Executrix as afore said. CONTEST KOTICE. Department op the Interioh, United States Land Office, Oregon City. Or.. December 18th. 1902, A snfflolent contest affidavit having been filed In this ofliee by Peter Granatzki, contestan t against Homestead Entry no. 12018, made Vecam ber IBd, 1896, for iw)4 of swK section 2S, town ship 4 south, range 4 east by James Myles, coo testee, iu which it is alleged that contestan knows the present condition of the same: also tha said James Myles has Wholly abandored said claim for tne past two year; that he has not fra proved the same as required by law, nor had any one make any improvements thereon for him: tha to my best knowledge and belief said Jamea M)les never resided or settled upon said claim at al (and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to ids employment in the Army Navy or ItlHrlna Corps of the United States as private soldier, officer, .seaman or marine doring the war with Spain, or during any other war iu which the United States may he eugagedi. baid parties are hereby notified to appear, re spond and offerevidenee touching said allegation at 10 o clock a. m. on March 2tlth, 1903, bciore the Register and Receiver at tho Uuited Slates Laud clliue in Oregon City, Oregon,. The said contestant having, in a proper afQ davit, filed Daoomber 15th, 1902, set forth facts which show that afterdtie diligence personal ser vice of this notice can not be made, was ordered and directed that such notice be given by due an a propur publication. Geo. W.Bibee, Receiver, SUMMONS. In the Circuit. Circut of the State of Oregon for Clackamas County. A. i, Lutouretle, trus'ec, plai t,tlff, vs. John. F. Anderson and Oustav Ualilke, defeudan ts. To John F. Anderson and tiustav Dulilke, dc fendants, ami each of you; iu the name ol of the state of Oregon you and each of you are hereby summoned and required to appear and answer the complaint against you, tiUd iu the above cltitle.l suit, on or hcidre'the last day of Hie tune proscribed in the onler for piillic;i tion of summons herein, wnieh is six ne; Us from the date of the tlrMt pitbliciuiuu hereof v!i:ch date isthe2:ird day of January, 1901i, and you and each of you will take notice that if von iuil to no appearand answer the complain; filed against you In the above. e.Uiih-d sun on or before the. said last day of the time prescribed in said order, the niaiutiii' herein will apply u the Court for the, relief demanded in the compl-iint in this suit which is f(.r the fereclosu-e of a nmrtgao; !r lt'0-bcsides interest upon the foiluwing de scribed property to-wit: Beginning at ihe northwest corner of the 8. D. Francis fioiialion LaiidClaim Numbcr-1, iu toun hip 2 south, range 2 east of the Willamette Mer idian anil ruiniui' thence east 2J.0S chains; thence north l minutes west ti. so chains west 22.0li chains lo the east boundary of tho L. 1) C Latmueite liouatiou I, and ("laini Number 4o. Thence sonih ir, iuinnte east along south bound ary line of said Donation Land Claim Number -15, to the place of hejinniiig continuing 15 acres more or less and that plainiiil will apply for such oihei'and further relief as to equity may belong. I'Uhluhcd bv unler id' sanl Curl O, 1) 4 U. 0. LATorRETTK. Attorneys for f laiulifT. Dated, Jan. 10. llWi. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Clackamas Couiitv. W, Ai Parker, Plaintiff, vs. Hattie Belle Parke Defendam. 'lollatlie Belle Parker, the above named de fendant; In the name ol the state of Oregon you hereby required lo appear and answer the com plaint here ill on or before t ie 2d d iv of Marsh 1903, which will hi after the esplrattou of sx weeks from the date of the Hint publication of tin. ununoii. and if you fail so to appear and answer said complaint on or before said date, th. plaintiff wnl apply tn the unit for the relief rje uianded in sahl complaint to-w it : for a decree dissolting the bonds of matrimony now existing boiwoou you and the plaliititl h rein end for such other furl her rebel as to the jourt shail seem Jin and equitable . Tills summons If publlheil bv order of the Hon, Thomasi A. Mcllrv!., Judge of the above en titled court duly niadeou ihe tlth day of Jauu Ary, 1903 The dste of the first publication' of this sum mons is the loth da' of Jauurv, HUM, NKeVTtIN McCOV, Attorney for Plaintiff Tonic Black Root. Liver Pflls. Resolutions of Respect. (Hall of Clackamas Grange No. 298 Patron's of Has bandrv, Clackaa as, January 31st 1903. Whereas: It has pleased the Al mighty to enter our fold and remoie from us a beloved brother in tne person of Brother Joseph Helimeyer. Resolved : That our hearts go out in sympathy to the brother and sister and other members ot the family in this hour of their affliction, that we com mend them to the God of all mercies who alone is able to comfort them and console in this their loss. Resolved: That a copy of the fore going resolution be presented to the bereaved relativos, that the same be spread upon the records of our Grange, and a copy thereof be sent the Grange DaDer and our county papers with a re- auest to publish the same and that cur charter be draped in mourning lor a period of thirty days in memory ot de ceased. Sisters, Gengelback and K, Koonery. READ ALL OF THIS. You Never Know the Moment When This Informatiou May Prove of Infinite Value. It ie worth conaiderable to any reader to know the value of arid use of a medi cine, for if there is no occasion to em ploy it in the meantime, frail humanity ib subject to many influences and un foreseen contingencies that the wisest are totally unable to gauge the future. Know then, that Doan's Ointment will cure any case of hemorrhoids, commonly know as piles, or any disease of the cuti cle or skin,' general termed eczema One application convinces continuation cures. Head the prool : T. H. Thomas, attorney, of 500 E Bennett Ave., Cripple Creek, says: "I just as emphatically endorse Doan's Ointment to-day as I did in the month of June 1899 At that time 1 went to the drug store for a box which I used for itching hemorrhoids. A few appli ca'i&ns gave wonderful relief, and a short continuation of the treatment cured me, There hav8 been symptoms of a recurrence since but a few appli cations of the remedy never fails to bring positive relief. My opinion of Doan's Ointment, the expressed, is the same to-day as it was when it was first brought to my notice." For sale by all dealers. Price 50c Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U.S. Remember the name DOAN'S and take no substitute. Cancer Cured. nr. U7 to T.:i,f' Qm:,t,fiM Til illl, I, .. I, i llltJ.Dlt UlillbUUCIU. Ill,) writes, September 10th, 1901 : "1 had been suffering several years with a can cer on my face, wn en gave me great an noyance and unbearable itching. I was using Ballard's Snow Liniment for a sore leg, and through an accident, 1 rubbed some of the liniment; on the cancer, and as it gave me almost instant relief, 1 de- cided to continue to use the liniment on the cancer. In a short time the etnejr came out, my, face healed up and theie is not the slightest scar left. 1 have im plicit faith iu the merits of this prepara tion, and it cannot be too highly recom mended." 25c, 50c -and $1.00. For sale by Charman & Co. Cured Cousumptlon. Mrs, B. V. Evans, Clearwater, Kan., writes: "My husband lay sick for three months ; the doctors stated he had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's Ilorehound Syrup and it cured him. Tint was six years ago, and since then we always kept a bottle in the house, We cannot do without it. For coughs and colds, it hasnoequal " 2oc, 60c and $1.00 bot tle at Oaarman & Co. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Groves's signature is on each box. 25,;. The 1'oeti'u of the Orange. "It appeals to you, when the fruit hanns ripe and sweet on the tree late iu tebruury, or early in March. 1 lieu the blossoms break out, ami the trees are yellow vith sto'doii globes, and white witlroraiue rl iwers. fttntybe that a flurry of snow luta whitened the mountain tops, and tlun yon have au attiatic background for a tropical forest. The air is full of sunshine, and heavy with fragrance as night comes on, and then, if the moon ba shining, you may hear at midnight through open wind iws the sing of the micking-bird in the scented grove, and it never seemed so melodious befoie. An experience like this is possible any winter, n id it is worth a j niriiev of a tlioti-iiitl miles, while you can have it, by Inking ilia scenic fShasta Unite through the grand a'nl picture-si ie Siskivou and Shasta Mountains, l Soul hern California. Complete in formation about the trip, ami descriptive matter, telliug about California, may be had from auy Southern Pacific Aeut or W. E, Comas, Gen l'as GtS. P. Co.,' Lines in Oregon Portland, Oregon. Something That Will Do You Good. We know of no way In which we can be of more service toour readers than to telt them of something that will be of real good to them. Fur this reason we want to acqu.tint them with what we consider one of the very best remedies on the market for coughs, colds, and that alarming complaint, croup. We refer to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it with such good results in our family so Ion- Miat it has become a household necessity. By its prompt use we haven't any doubt but that it has time and aain prevented croup. The testimony is given upon Our own experience, and we suggest that our readers, especially those who have small children, alway? keep 't in their homes as a safeguard against croup C mden (S. C ) Messenaer, For eale by G. A. Harding. Rural,Dell. The past week has been some-what like Eastern weather, but at present old web-foot has returned with gentle showers . School closed week ago Friday, quite a number of visitors were present. Mr. Warren Haskin spent past week at Hubba.d trimming and spraying Prof. Bucks orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Schwltzer, of Canton, Ohio, are visiting at the formers sister, Mrs. Fred Eyman. Miss Rosa Yoder spent a few days of last week in Portland. Fred Smith has been improving his farm by a new picket fence. W. S. Sconce has been extracting a few treea and stumps from his field. The Oddfellows met at Needy last Saturday evening for the purpose of or ganizing a lodge. Ask T, H. Sconce how to ride the goat for he was not seen Sunday. John Crocker is slowly improving. A few of fhe young folks gave a pleas ant surprise at the home of L. B. Yoder last Friday evening. Ice cream and cake was served. Those present were Lula Lidia, Rose Eyman, Ollie and Lefa Hardisty, Ernest Amy, Eva Sconce, Leonard and Gilbert Wyland, Chailes Crocker, JeBsie Taylor, Dolly and John McCoriuac, Loran Bogan, Qrant and Anna Yoder, John Walter, Watson, Nan Swartz, Aaron Nell, Albert Yoder, Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Yoder and Master Claud, There was quite a large congregation at the Smyrna church Sunday, Grant Yoder was Been ascending the Ring hill Sunday evening. How did that happen, what will Bid say to that Gladys? There will be church at the Rural Dell school house the second Sunday in March. Quite a number of young ladies are taking music leseous oi Prof. Yoder and all are improving nicely. ' HlA"ATHA. Sure Cure for Piles. Itching Piles produce moisture and cause itching, this form, as we as Blind Bleeding or Protruding, Piles are cured by Dr. Bo-san-ko's Pile Remedy . Stops itchms and bleeding. AbBorbs tumois. f"1; a iarat DruegtBts, or sent by mial Treatise free. Write me about your case. ur. DosaiiKo rnuada, ra. Dor sale by Charman & Co., Oregon City. Forget your troubles and cares and take your neighbor by the hand and come and see the VVhos's Who Minstrels at Shivelv's. Feb. 19. Abi by the way, maybe you can bring yoar netgliDor s big girl. Are You Restless At Night. And harassed by a bad cough ? Use Ballard's Uorehound Syrup, it will Be cure you sound sleep and effect a prompt anu ramcai cure, doc, ouc and fi.txi bottle at Obarman & Co. Selling hose at half price. Racket Store, Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys end bladder right. r The matter of feed is of tremendous importance to the farmer. Wrong feeding is loss. Right feeding is profit. The up-to-date farmer knows what to feed his cows to get the most milk, his pigs to get the most pork, his hens to cet thc""mo5t ecs. Science. But how about the children j Are they fed according tc science, a bone food if bone; ire soft aud undeveloped, r 1-jsh and r.r.'.tcle food if the xvo. thin and weak and a blood food if there is anemia ? Scott's Emulsion is a mixed food ; the Cod Liver Oil in it makes flesh, blood and muscle, the Lime and Soda make bone and brain. It is the standard scientific food for delicate children. cv.- Send for free sample. ' ki. jS? T-jJ i-mulsion you buy. Wf& Scott&Bowne Mm CHEMISTS, j$Sg 409 Pearl St., N.Y i'TftVwUfWM 50c and $li all drugjiiU DHn 44 IBtZW Hnlf Dstd Half. The dvsneotic may well be represented pictorially as being half masculine and half feminine, and combining the least desirable characteristics ot either sex. He has all the stubbornness of the man with the peevish ir ritability of a sick woman. tie s not pleasant company at home or abroad. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures dyspepsia and other diseases of the stomach and associ ated organs of diges-1 tion and nutrition. vA o It renews physical health which carries I with it cheerfulness l of temper, and makes WJ life a pleasure instead of a penance. The "Discovery" purifies the blood by eliminating the cor rupt and poisonous accumulations from which disease is bred. It increases the ac tivity of the blood making glands, so increasing the supply of pure rich blood, which gives life to every organ of the body. It gives new life and new strength. . Your 'Golden Medical Discovery' ha per--formed a wonderful Cure," writes Mr. M. House, of Charleston, Franklin Co., Ark. "I had the worst case of dyspepsia, the doctors say, that they ever saw. After trying seven doctors and everything I could hear of with no benefit, I trieel Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery and now I am cured." Accept no substitute fo; "Golden Med ical Discovery." There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs, f The Common Sense Medical Adviser, loo8 large pages in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. THE MORNINQ TUB cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason of detective plumbing or heatinp apparatus. To have both put in thorough working order will not prove expensive if the work is done by F. C. CADKE Oregon City Secoiid-IIand & Junk Store HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SEO V" TA TT XTT nftT,(, ftllw, tnun METALS OF ALL KINDS, ETC. All kinds of Farm Implements and macnineiy.. Second-Hand (foods Bought and Sold RING PHONE 416 FOR JUNK. Sngarman & Co. Annual Clearance Sa le a3a- of Shoes and Rubbers at Extremslylow prices is now on. Call and see us. Krauss Bros, CONTEST NOTICE. Pepsrlment ofthe Interior, United State Lan Office, Oregon Cliy, Oregon ftovember 11th 1902. A sufficient comest affidavit having been filed" In this cilice l,j AuRust E. Sperling, contestan sgairist lioms ead entry No. laioO. made Oe 15 lwiO for wy, -of i !.' Section 17, Township 2 s' Knnge 7e, hy William H. Usher coiitesiee. in which it i alleged Unit Contestant "knows the present condition of the ssmo: also that taid entryruan has wholly abandoned said claim and that he has never resided iinnn n, ni,i...j or trrprovert tbe samo m whatever since making entry thereof or at all nor has any one acting for him and that said alleged aba, nee from the said land was not do. olnsernploxnient in the armt, lavy or Marin. Wrnsofth. United States s 'a pnvafe Sier officer seaman, or marine, during the was with spa n ar d.n..R any other war ,n wh?eh th. I lilted btates may teengaKedi" said parlies are a , on Msich More the" u'e s.erTnS The said contestant having, In a proper a!Bdav i ,i ..'gc.iue personal service of thia 3 2SL,?h. . ?2 iu.. " ordered and . ,. iluut.e ue given t,v rju, un proper publication. ' n . Geo. W. Bibi. Receiver. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice Is heieby jrlveD that the undersigned ha been appointed by the County Uourt of clack ama. County, -Oiegon. ..dministrator of th. eSufl of tacy Jane Beatie, deceased. All perln haying claim, againrt said estate orthec&ES. Adn,,,.is,,ator0,;lre8t;i1eEo,HEI,Ut8' Dated January fi,h. l7 dece..d. Hedges Jt orifliih, Attorneys. ieirt tli. 1"B Kind You Have always Boctfl 1 m r ' j pa rw i ' i l.li'kM '