UKEUUfl tllk , CUUlULli,""i-lULAl, iihiUAKl n"lb,TI 1 1WT My Hair "I had a very severe sickness that took o(7 all my hair. I pur chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor and it brought all my hair back again." W. D. Ouinn, Marseilles, 111. One thine is certain, Ayer's Hair the hair grow. This is because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair and the hair grows, that's all there is to it. It stops falling of the hair, too, and al ways restores color to gray hair. . 11.00 bottle. All dronlitj. 1 If our drneeist cannot supply you, send ua one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sore and give the name of your nearest express ofhee. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. Ely. J. H. Howard and family moved up home attain this week. Mrs. Smalleyand family, accompanied by Miss Grace Good, will leave this week for "cattle, where they will make their future home. The Salvation Armv held services again in the church Monday night. Mrs. Deane visited Mrs, Ketchnm, of Maple Lane last Friday. Mrs. Warner is Buffering, with an at tack oi rheumatism in her right arm. Mr. Parrish went out to his farm at Highland laBt Thursday. Miss Nora Hale, of Currinsville, wa the guest of Mrs. Craig over Sunday, Mrs. Huelat is again enjoying good health aud visited Mrs. Warner one day laat week. This community has surely been blessed with religious meetings this win ter. Services have been held almost continually every evening'since the first of the year. Our Methodist Brethren have done much good in this place and their meetings have been well attended. A large audience greeted Elder Fitch both morning and evening last Sunday. A KE8IDENT. Change in Management Change in Business The store of M. Mich ael will be remodeled and refitted as a first class up-to-date cloth ing and gents furnish ing parlor. None but the best union-made goods will be sold at the lowest prices. We invite your thorough inspection, soliciting the former patronage and hope to increase same. Respectfully M. MICHAEL Hand Laundry W O R K 4one in -ftrstclass atyleanrj at reasonable prices By MRS. FORD Opposite Huntley's Drug Store LOG CABIN SALOON G. H. Young, Prod. Arbureta. Is the place to go. when you want a good time and have money to spend. Op. Electric. Hotel People are flocking into Arbureta every day looking for the new town, with the electric road. It seems they have ntver heard of the place until its name ap peared in the Courier, which goes to show that the ''Courier" has a great many readers in this part of the country,! Last Tuesday evenging, Mabel Le- Fevre and Bertha Akin were arouBed from their evening reverie by a party of young people from Heaver Creek. Xhe party consisted ol the Misses Hugnes. Messrs Frank and. nenry enannon. Henry and Ed Hughes. The evening was passed pleasantly by plaving games, singing and music upon the violin and piano. Mr. Bazlev. who is running one of the construction engines on the Columbia, Northern R. K. from Lyle to Uoldendale Washington, is home for a few days on account of high water in that part of the country, which has done great damage to the new road being built. Miss Hilda Erickaon, of Portland is visiting her parents for a few this week. Tuesday was a gala day for the people We heard a strange whistle and alwayB on the alert, the whole town mounted stumps and fences to hail the approach of what we supposed was a new electric car. As the whistle sounded nearer and nearer, our hopes rose higher ahd higher and we shouted forgoy. But our hopes sank lower than ever before as we gazed disappointedly on Mr. Snannon's bail ing engine coming up the road. Axiom. mmE When your lungs are sore and inflamed from coughing-, is the time when the germs of PNEUMONIA, PLEURISY and CONSUMPTION find lodgment and multiply. FfffilUE if BAHsmtf sUaUKkM Bui "iir D9E3EV 11 TAB stops the cough, heals and strengthens the lungs. It con tains no harsh expectorants that strain and irritate the lungs, or opiates that cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR is a safe and never failing remedy for all throat and lung troubles. Tha Doctors Said Ho Had Consumption -A Marvelous Curs. L. M. Ruggles, Reasoner, Iowa, writes: "The doctors said I had con sumption and I got no better until I used FOLEY'S HONEY AND TAR. It helped me right from the start and stopped the spitting of blood and the pain in my lungs and today I am sound and well, THREE SIZES 25c, 50c, and $1.00 REFUSE SUBSUITUTES SOLD AND RECOMMENDED BY CHARMAN & CO., CITY DRUG STORE, OREGON CITY, OR. Notice to the Fubllc. Notice is hereby given that I will not in any case be responsible or liable for debts contracted by my wife, Catharine M. Taylor, for goods, wares or merchan dise and for any thing she may buy after this notice. Feb., 10, 1903. Thomas M. Taylor, Sellwood, Ore. What Is the beet rye whiskey? They are all good but red-top rye stands at the top of the lift. Kelly & Ruconich. V&t T" 'J PROF. EDWARD K. PHELPS, M. D., LL. D. Greatest of All Physicians. Eminent Discoverer of PAINE'S CELERY k COMPOUND Trot. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., -was bom in Connecticut and graduated at Yale. I lis unusual talent soon brought him reputa. tion and prominence. First he was elected to the professorship of anatomy and surgery in the Vermont University. Next he was ap pointed lecturer in Dartmouth College. The following year he was chosen to the most imnortant Drofessorship in the country, a nines that he occupied when he made his world-famed discover)- of Tainc's Celery Com. nniind. This infallible cure for those fearful ills that result from an impaired nervous system and impure blood, has endeared the great doctor to the world.' 'IIIIHI 'III P 111111111 II Mill DIAMOND DYES COLOR ANYTHING ANY COLOR. Dresses, cloaks, suits, ribbons, coats, feathers, stockings-everything wearable, Diamond Dyes make to look like new. We hive a apaclsrl department of advice, and will answer fre ny question, auout uvuiug. cw ample of good, when po.alble. Direction book and 45 dyed aamplea free. DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, Vt. Dizzy ? Then your liver isn't acting well. You suffer from biiious Uacc ennstination. Aver s VPilU n'ct direct! v cn the liver. For 60 years they have been the Standard ramny rm Small doses cure. kv&& Writ bo.uuIul .,..,, r tic!. Mack ? Thru BUCKINGHAM'S DYEv? for the hi&Kers a. M. When yon feel blue and that every thing goes wrong, take a dose of Chan herlain's Stotrach and Liver Tablets. They will cleanse and invigorate your stomach, regulate your bowels, give you a relish for your food and make you feel that in this old world is a good "place to live. For sale by G. A. Harding. County Treasurer's Notice. I now have money to pay road war rants endorsed prior" to June 14th, 1902. Interest will cease ' on warrants included in this call on the date of this notice. Enos Cahill, Treas. Clackamas County, Or. Dated this '5th day of Feb,, 1903. OASTORIA. Bear th 1118 KM 1,011 aVB BoHgW PORTLAND MARKET. Wheat Walla Walla, 76c; bluestem, 88c: vallev. 78 Barley Feed, ijUiJ.DU per ton ; Drewing 24. Flour Best grade, $4.30 4 85 J grab am, $3 45 3.85. Mlllstutts Bran, 118 to 1 per ton middlings, $23 24; shorts, $19 20; chop, $18. Oats No. l wnite, w l.zu gray, $1'.12J4 1.15 per cental. I Hay Timothy, $ 11 12; clover, ?H 9 ; cheat, $9 10 per ton. Potatoes Best burbanks, bU7&c per sack; ordinary, 4050c per cental; growers' prices; Merced sweets, $2 2.25 per cental. ' foultry Uhickens, mixea, jz2c; young, insure; nens 12J4C; turuevs alive, 1516c; dressed, 1820c; duckB, 77.5J per dosen ; geese, $7(2)8.50. Oheese Full cream, twinB, l y.i7 Young America, 17)18Xc; factory prices, l(:iVaC lees. Butter tancy creamery, 3032c per pound: extras, 30c; dairy, 20222 e; store, 1518c. Kg s 23(;y25c der dozen. Hops Choice, 22(')27c per pound. Wool Valley, 12k)15c; Eastern Oregon, 814)c ; mohair. 2628c. Boet Gross, cows, 3l;3c; per pound steers. 44c; dressed, a. Veal-7(;8Jic Mmton Gross, 4c per pound ; dressed 7 . . , . , i hambs uross, id per pounu; uresepj VI. .. ' Hogs Uross, 04C per pounu ; uresaeu Don't make any mistake, but remem. Vor name. SwaniD-Koot, Dr. KU' mer's Swamp-Root, anil the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. Letter Lint, Following is the list of letters remain ing in the Oregon City postoffice on Feb. 12, 1903: Women's List Mrs. John Leichtweis, Miss Mox, Mrs. Fannie Meador. Men's List Ferman Busbee, L. L. nhnnman. John' H. fleener, Hank Gregory. Phil Hastie, A. G. Hubbell Rrf Hunter. -W. E. Howell 2, Ben McCoormack, Rev. C. b. Weber, Wyman. G. F. H obto n, P. M H. D ath's Harvest. Foley9 s Honey and Tar lor, sure. tVo opiates. Mrs. Emily Smith, 58 years ol age, a well-known lady of Park Place, died in Los Angeles, Cal., last week at the home of her daughter from the effects of paralytic stroke. Mrs. Smith had gone to California a f?w days previous to her death to visit ber daughter. The re mains were shipped to this place Thursday last on the overland and were buried in Springwater cemetery Friday afternoon. A huBband and four grown children survive her. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Kotloe is hereby given, that the nndrlgne1 ha been duly app'Hnu'U eammiMraioroi me amine oi u.. i Knnilr!and. dweafed. and all peraOni taai"g claiuii a?illnet llie sain eawie. muei presuin them io the uiiieri?tiMi, duly Terified, at the office of (irant B. Diujiclc, attompy at law, Ore gon City, Orrg n witliin aix monlliB from the date of this notice. Jjaied this February lr.lh, 1903. GRANT B. HIMMICK, Attorney lor Administrator. fiio W. Biker, Administrator of the estate. I rSS j aaaMWdJ ,'.-,?:.' M WW MITCHELL WAGON Kenm Manure Ssreate Cute Drag Saws Myers Pumps Spray Pumps Hay Tools aui SANDERS DISC PLOWS TRIUMPH SULKEY PLOW BVCrCrlES, 'ff A-ftO N'S . . . . Bicycles, Implements . . . . r OR E G FIRST AND TAYLOR STS. PORTLAND N GASOLINE ENGINES Cream Separators rovER I "5 Case Plows MITCHELL WAGONS Hoosier Drills Mitchell and Bee Line BUGGIES MIIIWIIIM I Rl IL I 1U rfe1-. i. -jrifr''LJ fesrij !3L. STOVi-rl -,AvLiitt LkiOINc. AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATOR Send f or C a t a I o u e A Famous Remedy for Sick Headache. The cause ol tbia complaint la not in the head at all, it cornea from tin stomach. A stomach tha1 has been hurt by over eating, drinking or abuse in any manner, will warn you by bringing on sick-headache. Cure the pains and distress in the Btoraach, and the head' ache stops of itself. All billions attacks dyspepsia, belching, bad taete in the mouth, muddy complexion and yellow eyes, are aired by tins Kemedy. it is called Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills, and is sold by Druggists all over the TJ. S. for 25 cents ner box. One pill for a dose or we will send them by mail on re ceipt of price. Samples free. Address Dr. lsoeanko Uo., i'lnlatlelpliia, la. For sale by Charman & Co., Oregon i City. A Letter From Lltch field Nebraska. Thomas Clancy, of Litchfield, Neb., wrote us a few weeks ago about his ex perience with Gunn's Blood and Nerve Tonic. As bis case may be similar to others it naturally would be of interest to them to know the result of his test. He had been haunted for years with a gradual growing weakness until he wag reduced to a shadow. His complexion Was sallow and pimply, had dizzy and sinking spells, with a loss of memory and ambition. Always felt tired ana outdone, suffered greatly with nervous ness, and felt that his heart's action was weak. Ilia digestion was so poor hii system recieved no nutriment. He says he commenced the use of this Tonic taking one tablet after each meal. He did not notice much change after using one box only he enjoyed his meals better still he kept on until he had used six boxes. He used the last box more than six months ago. When he stopped the use of the Tonic he weighted 28 pounds more than he did when he commenced Has not been sick a day since, and is well in both mind and body. Dr. Gunn'g Blood & Nerve Tonic is the beet medicine in the world for pale, weak or sickly women. Sold by all Druggists for 75 eta. per box, or sent by mail cn receipt of price. Write us about your caBe. AddreBR, Dr. Hosanko Co., Pa, For tale by Charman & Co. '1 BANNER SALVE tho most healing salve in the world. WEAK AND LOW-SPIRITED. Correspoudent Thus Describes His Experience. "I can strongly recommend Herbine as a medicine of remarkable efflcHcy for indigestion, loss of appetite, sour taste in the mouth, palpitation, headache, drowsiness after meals ith distressing mental depressions and lotf spirits Herbine muet be a unique preparation fnr fMi uch as mine, for a few doses entirely removed my complaint. I won der at people going on suffering or spend ing their money on worthless things. when Herhine is pracurable, and eo chpnn.'' 50c a bottle at Charuian. & Co.'a. "'rite us a Letter. We want to advise with people who are sick and want to get well, A person hat says "I would give $50 if I felt as well as I iid one year ago," is the one we are after and we do not want the $50 either . People that suffer with nervous diseases have weak watery blood, with sallow complexion, and a tired, outdone nervous feeling, loss of sleep and anxious days cause waste of flpsh and Btrengtb. Pimply, pale, weak people can be cured by Dr. Gunn's Blood and Nerve Tonic, it makes rich red blood, feeding the nerves, and making solid flebh at the rate of 1 to 3 poutda per week. This Tonic Is in tablet form, and is sold for 75 cents per box, or 3 boxes for $2, by all druggists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. We will send a pamphlet that tells what diseases this Tonic will cura and what it is good for, free. Write us about your jcase, that, costs nothing. Address Dr. Bosanko Co., Philadelphia, Pa. For sale by Charman & Co., Oregon C'ty. For Sale Twenty-three head of stock sheep one good team of horses and a farm wagon and harness. D. F. Lb Fkvbb, Beaver Creek, Or. THE iTRYEN TiKlE In a youtijj 'girl's life is reached whqj Nature leads her uncertain steps acrota the line which divides girlhood from womanhood. Ignorance and neglect at this critical period are largely responsible for much ol tue after misery of womanhood, Not only does Nature often need help in the regular establishment of the womanly function, but there is' almost always need of some safe, strengthening tonic, to over come the languor, nervousness and weakness, com monly experi enced at this time. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription establishes regularity. It is ft strengthening tonic, soothing the nerves, encouraging the appetite and inducing restful sleep. It contains no alcohol neither opium, cocaine or other narcotic. I wlah to tell you the benefit we Jiavs received from ualni? your remedlea," writea Mra. Dan Hall, of Unxlhead, Green Co., Wla. "Two yeara my dauxhter'a henHh tieg-an to fail. Kverytliing that could lie thought of waa dooo to help her but It waa of no uae. When ahe begnn to complain ahe waa quite atout ', weighed 170. the picture of good health, until about tht l?e of fourteen, then in all month, the waa ao tun down her weight waa but i. She kept failing and I gave up, thinking there waa no uae, ahe muat die. Frtenda all aaid, 'You will low your daughter.' I aaid I fear I ahall. I inuat aay, doctor, that only for your ' Favorite preacription ' my daughter would have been in her grave tolay. When ahe had taken one half bottle the natural function waa cataMlahed nd we bought another one, milking only two txjttlea in all, aud atie completely recovered. Since then (he ia aa well at can be." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one -cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address l)r. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. PI