OREGON CITY GOUBIER, FRIDAY, FEBrUArY 20, 1903. use H THE HOUSEFURN ISH E R Spraying Does Pay And is Necessary to Insure Crops The subject of spraying fruit trees small fruits has been so thor- jghly discussed and written up in its details and dmerrent phases in fruit growing periodicals ad and agricultural journals,' coupled Avith the fact that every fruit grow ing State has its own Experiment 4-fiI Station, Agricultural Society or "J BUCKET - College from which documents and YERS SPRAY Jfym bulletins are issued free to its resi- JLV1 PIPE EXTEIIONWttfl , .. . . ' dents on application, giving results Price without Pipe Extension 0f experiments, different formulas StP25"' for all kinds of insects and trees, in the most approved and scientific it will throw a stream 20 feet high manner containing complete infor mation, and how and when to apply it, thus establishing the fact that spraying does pay, and is necessary to insure crops A Hard Worker Needs the, best imple ments. He's foolish to depend on imperfect tools when the latest and best improved cost so little. We tell you about how how they are made the work they will do, and the advantage we offer in prices, 1 Wall Pa3er A Buyers We call your attention! to our last year's stock of( Wall Pafrer Same will be sold at a re duced price. Some odds and ends as cheap as 5c a double roll. Come early. The Building Season Makes it necessary for much Hardware that is especially appropriate for carpen ters or for the finishing of the house. Our stock of Building Hardware is com plete. Our doors are all made of cedar, and prices as low as cash can buy them anywhere. We keep a full stock of Doors and Windows on hand. ESCAPED AND AWFUL FATE. Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla writes, "My doctor told me I had Con sumption and nothing could be done for me. I was given ud to die. The offer of a f iee trail bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, in duced me to try it Results were start ling. I am now on the road to recovery and owe all to Dr, Kine's Ne Dis covery. It surely saved my life," This great cure is gua anteed for all throat and lung diseHBes by Geo. A Harding druggibts. Price 50c and $1. Trial bottle free. 0000000660000009300000003000309000000000500000006 M I m m m 0 a m I BON TON RESTAURANT Main Street, next door to Postoffice. Barbed Wire and Wire netting We quote prices on demand. Sec how far your cash will go with us. BXJSCH THE HOUSEFURNISHER I 1 II ' : Z 1 n I Highland. 8888 correspondence 8ggg Cams, Miss Edith Jackson's basket took the Brat prize at Union Hall social Saturday night. Will Jones is building a picket ience this week. The dance and party at 0. Smith's Friday night was a most decided suc cess. Robert ishubol has returned from Salem. v Veva Jones is sponding a fow weeks at Fhilomuth, Benton county, visiting friends. John Ilelvey has gone to help drive piling on the Molalla. Chas, S ponce bad a breakdown Tues day while hauling lumber. It seems to hurt some of our good peo ple to sue Charles Thomas in our burg but don't mind them Chailes, come all the more. The baHkot social and dance at Union Hall was a gr.md success on Saturday evenining. ltUHtiell villi. Marmot. The weather has changed from snow to rain. , When it rains it seems more like Oregon to the old residents. Mr. Menslnger is to start up his saw mill soon. Mrs. John Kayler has not been in good health for rometime. Joseph Wall.of Salmon River.who has been ,sick for Bometlme is improving tery rapidly. A very successful basket social was given by the Maraot Bchool February, 7th. The enterprising people of this plaee and the ball will coon be heard from 1 he school house. The school is a very successful one, being taught by Miss Anna Bachman of Stone. School began November 10 and will close April 10. Euasellviile is a pretty lively burg this winter. The boys are having a good time at all of the parties given this win ter. We have been viaited by quite a snow for the past week and some cold weather, Friday is the last day of ltussellville school. We expect it wili be the teach er's last term as there is a young man that talks of hiring her for a permanent teacher. We all .wish her success. Miss Mary Boyles has been quite ill lor the past eek, but is better now. O. 8. Boyles is in Southern Oregon cruising for timber and expects to be gone some time. Bcott Carter was seen going to the mountains Sunday. John Marts and C. W, Hardy expect to return to Waitsburg in a Bhort time. and people can quench their thirst and Miss Tearl Russell exoecta to aa to 1 have a K001 time, as McLaren will be Wllhoit. This date finds the garment of snow off of Russellville. The snow was about five inches deep and lasted nearly two weeks, making more wo.k for the stock men. Some horses are alUicted with the in flauiatory rheumatism and staggers. Some will probably die. Now comes stormy weather, and is a good time to sit by the lire and nod. Timber along the Molalla river is cre ating much excitement. Many acres of timber land has been sold. What will timber be worth within ten years? Timber is being used faster than the young timber grows. We are expecting a drive of tiea daily from the Russellville Bros.' sawmill. Much work will likely be done on the Molalla river for the running of timber. The outlook is that much work will be done this Bpring and summer and laboring men certainly will find plenty of work to do at fair wages. Soda water is still going to waste. We 1 .1- A 1 .1 ... uupe uint goou weaiuer win soon come Highland is still prospering. Most of (lift fitrmora ara Ar! this pleasant weather. Many of the young men of this vicin. ity are going to Eastern Oregon to spend lunr uuuiesieaa rignt. May success be wren tnem. Clous Krohn. of Idaho, is in our hnrff again. Mrg. ("?. W Wn.tli i, u been quite poorly with erysipelas in his uuu,uu iu roau 10 recovery . Mr. Lewelling, of this place, had the misfortune to lose one of his best horses a few days ago. Mrs. Martha .Tnnpg is .0 'wj 111 TV 11,11 a bad cold and symptoms of pneumonia. i d uupo to see uer wen again soou . Dr. Pruden is the attending physician. He is also tending on T R Innaa ; , n - " w ii .u , riliu ID quite poorlly. The Mothodist church is holding Sun day school every Sunday and services on the first and third Sundays at High land hall, and all are well attended. Tile MiflSOS Mvrt'a liar, J Mey Maytield were the guests' of Mrs. F. t . uurtu ittsi ounaay. Miss Mabel Jons is her severe attack of la grippe. (SAUNA. Portland to have an operation per formed next week. Berrying has been good in Russell ville this winter. Dell Rich and G, A. Harts are the champions and are run ning a close race. Miss Leila Boyles has returned home from. Tortland. Dell Rich was seen on the road to Ore gon City Monday. There is a dancing school at Vorhies' very Saturday night. Covuar. ready to receive them with gladness. For Over Sixty Years. An old and well-tried remedy. Mrs, WltiBlow s Saothlnir Svruo ha hBn used for over sixty years by millions of mothers for the'r children while teeth ing, wun periect success. It soothes me cnua, aoitens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remeuy ior inarrnoea. is pleasant to 1 taste. Sold by druggists in everv ra rt nt fhA U'rtvlil I1 a ' oott.e. its value is incalculable. Be sure ana as lor Mrs. Winslow's Sooth. ing syrup, and take no other kind. THE DINNER PAIL BRIGADE. A thousand jewels gloaming IncRndesont, Shone from the river to the oilff nlmvn- Whlle over Sunset hung the new monu 'creteut in picefnl pronhocv of hone and luv. Fair whs the winter night, and fair the city. He stood upou the white bridge, you and I, And listened to the passiug of an army, J he Dinner pall Brigade was marching by. The riotous river routing all resistance, llo.lea Irom Canemah down. then siwnd wa Past Boltou, with Its home-tights In the diitanoe To eck the Oregon, and rind thn Se Its nuny volcet sang of looms and spin dies; ui mini ami dynamos, and labor paid; While over all ruse labors, censeless chorus; The tramping of the Dlnner-pall Brigade. No blazoned banner, boasted deeds of glory, No martial mmlc there, of nff and drum. But to my thoughts there oame a sweeter story in tne ecno or their footsteps hurring home, For weary fathers, hunbands, sons nd brothers, Turned to the homei their Induetrv bad Inai1 Where netted ohlldren were, and wives and mothers To welcome back the Dlnner-pall Brigade, Brave were the boys, who faced the gun and sabre To held our Flag aboVe Manila's walls. And brave are theae, who IIts, love and labor The safe guard of the city by the Falls. In the City by the Falls of our Willamette, Are many happy homes their hands, have made Let capital reward, and all men honor This host of peace, the Dlnner-pall Brigade. Ansik Tufts. Planet Whiskey is a good thing to have in the bouse. Kelly & Ruconich, Sole Agents. Only one remedy in the world that will at once stop itchiness of the ekin in any part of the body ; Doan's Ointment. At any drug store, 50 cents. ANTED To increase my list of farms and lands for Bale, in all parts of the county. Lands owned by non-residents represented and sold. H. E. Cross, At torney at Law. Coujihs and could, down to the border land of consumption, yield to the sooth ing healing influences of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. INDIVIDUALS MONEY to Loan to you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on land or chattels. John W. Lodeh, at-torney-at-law, Oregon City. Dyspepsia bane of humam existence. Burdock Blood Bitters cures it, prompt ly, permanently. Regulates and tones the stomach . o a a 0 . 0 a & ' m & 0 0 o 0 0 0 It is a burn? Use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. A cut? Use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. At your druggists, "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for a number of years ana have no hesitancy in saying that it is the best remedy for coughs, colds and croup I have ever used in my family. I have not a word to express my confidence in this Remedv. Mrs. J. A. Moore, North Star, Mich. For Bale by G. A. Hard ing. . NEARLY FORFEITS HIS LIFE. TO CUKE A COLO IN ONE DA T Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If It fails ocurer E. W. Grove's signature is on ach box. 25o. The Dentist: Beatie and Beatie are tha dentists In the Weinhard building. Their rooms are numbers 16, 17, 18. A runaway almost ending fatally started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J, B. Orner, Franklin Grove. 111. For four years it defied all doctors and all re medies. But Bucklen's Arnica Salve had no trouble to cure him. Equally good for burns, bruises, skin eruptions and piles. 25 cents at Geo. A. Hard ing's drug store. Mysterious Circumstances. One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosv. Wnence the dinerence.' She who is blusMne with health uses Dr. King's New Life Pills to organs the com Del eood digestion and head on con Btipation. Try them. Only 25 cents, at Geo. A. Harding Druggist. Mr. Wheeler Got Rid of His Rheumatism. "During the winter of ls!)8 1 was so lame in mv ioints. in fact all over my body, that I could hardly hobble around when I Dougnt a DOtue oiunamueriain h Pain Balm From the first application I beean to met well, and was cured and have worked steadily all the year. R. Wheeler. Northwood. N. Y. For sale by G. A. Harding. Removal of Office. 6. B. Dimick "and George L. Story have moved their law office from the Stevens block to rooms 2 and 3 in the new Garde building, up stairs. Simple Colds; flannei in ha simnln. if at all Droloneed The safest way is to put them aside at the very beginning. Ballard's Hore- nnnnrl Svmn fit.onB a cold and removes the cause of colds. 25c, 50c and 1 at (Jharman & Uo.'s City urug store, ure gon City, Or. ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL NOTICE. Regular Meals - - - 15 Cents Chops and Steaks - 15 Cents and Up Fresh Oysters -Any Style. NICK MATOSIN, Prop. - m 0 a 0 0 O 0 0 0-. 1 JM. -4 W. 1 W intiiiiiiininiifliiiii We carry the only complete line of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and Linings in Clackamas County. We have the only First-Class Hearee in the County, which we will furnish for lees than can be had elsewhere. Embalming a Specialty. Our prices always reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. SHANK & BISSELL, Undertakers Phones 411 and 304. Main St., Opp. Huntley's. I,:;3T1;- 'ir1'1' l,IH'3r'l,'.!:ll'r3r:"iTTr !HliiT,. m.i-,1.11 iiiuh I:,7r,",inrr,'",i7: 'i-TTTiiifTT "Billy" Rowan's Restaurant and Lunch Counter W. I. ROWAN, Proprietor Opposite Electric Hotel, is the very best place irf Oregon City to get a Dainty Lunch or Open at All Hours, day or night SQUARE MEAL hoe Sale 1 See windows for f Reduced Prices 1 Big S ODDS AND ENDS AT LESS THAN COST .JfEARKS.SHOE'CO. 253 Morrison St., Second Door from Third, Portland, Or. Undertaker Two Doors South Courthouse COFFINS. ROBES. CASKETS Calls Promptly Attended, Night or Day. Embalming Carefully and JNeatly Done. Hearse rurmshed at Lowest Kates Phones 476305. Oregon City, Oregon J Notice Is hereby given that the undenlKtieii, ad minlDtratrix lie Bonis son of the entate ol W. A Kr.mlipiis. disused, has this dav filed her final ac count in aald estate and that the Honorable Conntv Court of Clackamas Comity. Ores.m, has fixed and appointed Monday, the day of Starch, 1903, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., 01 said day at the county oourt house in Oregon City in said county, at the time and place fur hearing any objection! to such final acccount and for the settlement tlieio f. MKS. MINNIE STEPHENS, Administratrix De Bonis Non of the Estate of W. A, Stephens. Deceased. Dated thU 9th day of February, ltlOS. Foley's Honey and Tar cures colds, prevents pneumonia. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. Tii8 Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Fine Old Whiskies, Elk Horn Livery Feed 3 Sale Stable HORSES BOUGHT AND SOLD FineRigstoLet at Reasonable Prices D. R. DIMICK, Manager, TTo OBEGOIT 1 CITT, OREGOIT Brown & Welch -Proprietors of the Seventh Street Meat Market A. 0. U. W. Building OREGON CITY , O EGO N Wines, and Cigars Can always be found at the new saloon, corner Fourth and Main, Oregon Gty, Some of our special brands arc: Fine Old Preen Kiver Bourbon Old Grand Dad, Roxbury Rye And Finch's Golden Wedding Rye, best in United States We also handle the celebrated Wilhot Springs Water. Billiards and Pool. Courteous treatment too all FRANK ASTMAN Oregon City and Canby, Oregon. Brunswick House and Restaurant NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS Meals at All Hours Ooen Dav and Niaht Prices Reasonable Only First Class Restaurant in the City CHAS. CATTA, Prop. Opposite Suspension Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE S. J. V AUG HAN'S Livery Feed and Sale Stable Nearly Opposite Sugpemion Bridge First Class Rigs of all Kinds at Reasonable Prices Oregon Gty Oregon