ORE QON CITY COURIER. OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1903 20th YEAR; NO. 4 (COMMERCIAL BANK or OREGON CITY CAPITAL (100,000 Transact! a general banking tmsinesi Hakes loans and collections, discounts bills boys and sells domestic and foreign exchange and receites; deposits subject to check. Open from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. D. C. iiATOCBITOK, IT, J. Meyib President Cashle Qt N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1865) Prompt delivery to all parts of the eity OREGON CITY OREGON J D, & D. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON DR. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST ATI workarranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty Canfield Building OREGON .CITY OREGON EIH. COOPER, Notary Public. Real Estate and Insurance, Titles Exam ined, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Etc., Drawn. E I. SIAS DXALIB IN Silverware' and Spectacles CANBY OREGON Q E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Bteveni BnildIng,?opp.;Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY . OREGON QRANT B. DIMICK Attobsey and Counselor at Law Will practice In all Oonrts In ihe State, Circnit and District Oomrts of the United States. Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Offloejln Gard:Buildlng, Oregon City, Or.' (JEO. T. HOWARD , T. , ; NOTARY PUBLIC RKAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red front. Court House Block" OREGON CITY " OREGON JJt C. STRICKLAND, M. D. '' PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Poes an Up-To-Date General Praotice Special attention given to suruery and diseases of women. Office in Garde Building, 7th and Main 8ts. OREGONUCITY, OREGON J. W. Norms, M. D. J. W. Powell. M. D. JfORRIS & POWELL, Physiciansjand Surgeons. Calls in city or cou ntry promptly attend ed Garde Building, Oregon City. Jt F. CAUFIELD WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER All Work Warranted Watches that others have failed to make run properly especially sonuiea. Main Street, - Opposite Huntley's OREGONJCITY. OREGON. OSTEOPATHY DR. C. D. LOVE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate of- American School of Osteopathy, MrKsvuie, Successfully treats both ate and chronic dis eases. Call for literature. Consultation and Examination Free. tt . I 8 to 12 A. M. Office Hours: ito4 PiB, (Or by appointment at any time. 4 and 8. Steveus Building, Main St OREOOS CITY, OBFOOK. JJOBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW O. D. EBY, NOTARY .PUBLIC. ..i Tj.oia hnnVit and mid. money loaned titles examined and abstracts mude cash paid for county warrants, rniunio -court business and insurance. , BOOM 8, WEINKARD BUILDING OREGON CITY. - - - - OREGON, O. SCHDEBXL ITREN & W. 8. C'REN SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW ttutf Act HbDolai Wiirpractioe 'In all courts, make collections nd settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend Ton money anil lend ymir muney on first mortgage. Office in Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OREGON Choicest Meats AT R. PetZOltls Meat Mark3t 0M) POSITION BACK. JUDGE RYAN BACK ON THE COUNTY COMMISSION EBS BENCH. So Ends an Old Fued Among the Republicans of Clackamai' County. Judge Thomas F. Ryan is now the real county judge of Clackamas county. When Governor Chamberlain signed the bill on last Friday restoring him to the bench and abolishing the present board of county commissioners of thie county an end was put to an old Repuplican fued in this county. A few years ago when Senator Brownell was in the Senate as was Hon. L. L. Porter JUDGE THOMAS between them they agreed to clip the wings of Judge Ryan, who was then on the bench, and they had a bill pass cre ating a Board of County Commission ers of which Ju Jge Ryan was not a mem ber. Since then the county judge has had nothing to dp with the managing of the fiscal affairs of Clackamas county and in many respects has been but a figurahead. He kept his timber how ever and bided his time. As every "dog has his day" so did Judge Ryan's day come. In the course of nature the Sen- MASTER OF THE NATIONAL GRANGE TO VISIT US. B. G. Seedy, Master of the Ore gon State Orange, We take great pleasure in announcing that Hon Aaron Jones, of South Bend, Indiana, master of the National Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, is coming on an official visit a ad will remain in the state from March 10 to 19, and will address meetings that have been arranged for the different parts of the state as follows : Portland, March 10 and 11; Oregon City, March 12; Macleay, March 13; Salem, March 13 ; Monmouth, March 14 Albany, March 15; Oorvallis, March 16 McMinnville March 17; Forest Grove, March 18, Columbia County, probably at Rainer, March 19. 'He will then spjnd a week in the state of Washington; On the morning of March 30, he will leave for California add while enroute will stop off at Eugen J and ad Ireas tin people of Lane county. "Coming here as the official head of the greatest National farmers' organiza tion, with its half a million members, we feel that the state is indeed very highly honored, and he should be accorded a reception in keeping with the high position which he holds." PUBLIC BUILDING FOR ORE JON CITY. Senator Simon Introduces Bill in Senate Asking for Appropriation. ' Oregon City may get a hundred thousand dollars public building, and ajain she may not. Senator Simon has introduced a bill in the senate of the United States authorizing the purchase of a site and the erection of a building to co-t not more than a hundred thousand dollars,and the Courier eiucerf ly hopes the bill will pass. A hundred thousand dollar public building would materially help the looks of the town. It would give us prestige, and it wou'd be a good thing in many ways. With the great rush of immigration that is coming from the east-Oregon City ought to grow to a town of ten thousaud in a few years ind she no doubt will Oregon City ought to have a govern ment office building and she is entitled to one. She will have a free delivery system within two years if everything goes right and it looks like things are going right. Oregon Cfty is destined to be a great town, and the "knockers" bad just as well quit knocking for they can't help the matter any, she is going to be a great town anywa -. atorial term of Senator Porter expired Brownell was reelected and so was Judge Ryan. Senator Brownell having come to the conclusion that Judge Ryan would be more useful as a friend than as an enemy and the whirl gig of polititics having brought around many changes, decided to restore his old time enemy to the bench. He intro duced the bill, fathered it and pushed it and it is now a law. In addition the salary of the county judge has been in creased from 600 to $1,200, which ought to satisfy the judge. In fact nobody ought to kick very much about the sal ary if the duties of this onerous position are discharged to the satisfaction of the county. Judge Ryan is a very capable officer and deserving citizen and should be congratulated on his good luck. The meanest thing about the entire business is that Chairman John Lew- ,3 i F. RYAN. ellyn who not so many years ago was a Democrat of the dyed in the wool va riety and held office as a Democrat and "swapped horses crossing the stream" and ran on the Republican ticket and was elected the last time, gets it in the "neck". The party for which he gaye his all has legislated Ctira out of office, given him the "Grand bounce", fired him so to speak. Political parties are not grateful as Brother Lewellyn prob ably knows by thi ijtime. Tbmenda an other chapter in the melodrama of Re publican politics in Clackamas county. The setting for the next act is in prep aration. MARRIED IN CALIFORNIA. Former Oregon City Girl Wed ded at Ventura. . A pretty wedding occured Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Wood, on Ash street, when in the presence of fifty or more relatives and frieuds. Mabel Gertrude Wood and David Kirby Bradley were made man and wife. The lowering skies of a week past gave way to bright sunshine as if to rive more 5ov and gladness to the wedding of these popular young people, The hall and parlor were prettily decorated is white and green. Smilax and crape paper being used with artistic skill. Between the folding doors was a curtain oi smilax atruded with flowers. The dining room was in pink and green The ceremony was periormed by the Rev. J. A. Wickham, beneath floral bell ofVhite carnations and smilax, the ring service being used.' The bride was most beautiful in a wed ding gown of pearl grey crepe de chine, trimmed with white satin and white applique lace. She carried boquet of white hyacinths and ferns. MiBS Carrie Durr, the bridesmaid, was becomingly gowned in white organdie. The groom was attended by his brother John Bradley. After the ceremony the bridal party partook of a dainty collation, the host ess being assisted in serving by Misses Lena Utmer, Rath Dennis and Edna Wood. Mrs. Bradley is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wood. She is very popular in church circles and has been a leader in Y. W-C. T. U. work. Mr. Bialley is a son of C. H. Bradlt-y of the Avenue, and is now holding a responsible position in ios Angeles Bride and groom leave this evening for Lis Angeles to make it ttieir borne, The bride i well known in Orpgon City, beinii the nieoe of Mrs. Chas. Caiid, of the Brunswick, and she has many warm friends here. Ventura, California, Free Press. This is not only the lust week of the Legislative session but this is the last duy of the session. It does not take forty days long to pass when they are filled with good deeds. The flood lasted forty days and forty nights. It can do that most any old time in Oregon. Forty days of Legislation however is time enough to do a lot of good and some barm. Quite a number of meritorious bills have been enacted into law and some bad ones have also found their way into the statute books. On the whole it has been an orderly and decent legislature. The boys have be haved themselves fairly well and will go home with the respect and confidence of their people. CORN AND YENISON. WACHENO TRIBE OF RED MEN CELEBRATE TENTH ANNIVERSARY. A Banquet and. Smoker Keens the Crowd in Good Humor Other Lodge Items. The Wacheno Tribe of Red Men, No. 13, celebrated their 10th anniversary last Saturday at their hall. The anni versary was celebrated in a fitting manner. There were stacks of "corn and venaion" on the tables, besides all of the other good things that any one could wish for. Chas. W. Kelly presided over the meeting and made a speech that showed he was a good deal of an orator. He was foltowed by John Bradley and C. Weismandel, charter members of the order in brief and brilliant talks. During the evening musical and v cal selections were rendered by Dr. Paul and J,x A. Semler, 0f the Willamette Tribe of Portland. Walter Little, H. Kenningson, Ernest Hatch, Dick Long and the Maccabee. quartette. After the musical and literary features came the banquet. Great credit is due to H. T, Halliman, C. W. Kelly, L. Ruconich, John Brad ley and J. W. Front, the committee in charge of the arrangements. The pipe of peace was smoked after the banquet and the mid-night hour was tolled before the last redman bad gone to his wigwam. SETTLERS MOVING WEST 1500 on First Great Northern Train Out of St. Paul. Everest, Wash., Feb. 16. At the Great Northern superintendent's office here it is said that a west-bound over land in three sections is on the way, carrying 1500 settlers for Pacific Coast points. The train will arrive here on Tuesday evening. Missouri River common points, St. Louis and Chicago went into effect yesterday, but the weather in the Mis sissippi Valley and Rocky Mountain country was too forbidding for a large movement of passengers westward, the Great Northern being the only road re porting. Eastern people will not start on a long journey with a snow blockade staring them in the face. A heavy settlers' movement. Is assured as soon as the weather is propitious in the East. The rate is based on $23 from Missouri river common points to the Pacific Coast, the rates applying to California as well as to the Pacific Northwest, which has heretofore bad a monopoly of the business under settlers' rates. This time the California lines have gone as far aa to extend the time a month and .a half beyond the limit quoted by the Northern lines to June 15. As a matter of course, however, the Northern lines will be obliged to meet this movement of the southern lines. QUEER BUSINESS. JUDGMENT FOR $2,000 TAKEN AGAINST CLACK AMAS COUNTY AND NO DEFENSE. Motion Set Aside and Judgment Will Probably Not be Allowed, Mention was made in these colu.nns some two weeks ago that Li nick & Story had brought suit for A. Lu ;llen against the county of Clackamns for $1,462 and interest. The Buit was to recover certain fees alleged to have been paid out by Mr. Luellen when he was county treasurer. The Board of County Coinmisaioneis refused to pay the bill and the suit was the result. Now strange to Bay the county, by . its proper officials, failed to file auy answer to this suit. The result is that Mr. A. Luellen has a judgment against the county for the entire amount of his claim, which, together with Interest and coet will amount to about $2,000. It seems tliat it wa the intention of the Board oi Uounty vjommissioners to ngru ine pnyinetit of ibis claim and that it was the duty of Mr. J. U. Campbell to pre p tre and file the county's answer as he is the county district attorney. Mr, Campbell was in Salem where lie had secured another job i i the Legislature and he sent the matter o the district attorney at Astoria and he failed to act, and there you are. It looks a little pe culiar that a big rich county like Ciaika mas should lut a deft. y It judgment go asainsl it without even making a fig t. If this judgment is not set auue tin rj is going to be so some pretty warm talk among the taxpayers The moral of this story is that one office at a time is enough lor the average citizjn. Take Laxative Bromo jjuinme Tablets, Seven Million boxes told In post IMPROVE ABERNETHY. THE Judge Ryan in Favor of Plank ing and Madadamislng this Important Thoroughfare. One of the most important of the p lblic roads that enters Oregon City is the road up Abernethy creek for twelve miles . It runs through a thickly settled part of the count and a part of the best farming lands in the county. It ia the intention of. Judge Ryan if the Board of County commissioners will agree to improve this road during the coming summer. A part of the road will be made of plank and a part of it of sand and macadam. To improve the entire road will cost about $10,000,00 and this sum would be taken out of the road fund. WILL We Want Your Trade at Harris Grocery And are going to make special induce ments to close buyers. Cash and Small Profits is Our Motto. J. W. COLE, Fine Whiskies and Cigars All goods bought in bond. , Purity and quality guaranteed SOME FAMOUS OLD BRANDS James E. Pepper, Kentucky Burbon Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon Old Roxbury Rye Cor. Railroad Ave. abd '41aSn ' St. .... 8 1 Wilson $ Cooke I HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF OLIVER AND Also Harrows, Cultivators and Seeders g WE ALSO CARRY Q Stoves, Tinware, Hardware, Cutlery, Woodchoppcrs' j& and Loggers' Supplies q We have also added to our stock, a large shipment of STEEL ENAMELED WARE. Lisk's g anti-rust Tinware.' Jit Prices that Cannot bt Duplicated in the City 0 Wilson & Cooke $ To Cure a Cold in One Day 12 month. i nis KiTnamr?;. THIS AD SOLD JAS. BATY'S FARM" ON DICKEY PRAIRIE INVESTIGATE THIS-318 AORES; 100 cultivated, 100 almost ready for cul tivation; fine soil; 25 cows, 25 goats, team, farm implement, plentj of eed, two barns, good house; $5000. IF YOU HAVE ONE AS GOOD, list it with us. We advertise at home and in the East. We have 10,000 descriptive pamphlets of Clackamas county to distribute in the East. Send your address and we will mail you some for you to send your friends in the East. C N Plowman & Co. Oregon City, Oregon EXTRAS (8 && Cures Crip In Two Days. on every a rj A DOX.Z3C. - '