Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 13, 1903, Image 8

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All Household
Lowest Prices
Frank Busch
T h e Housefurnisker
All Household
' at
Lowest Prices
The Faultless Sprayer
Throws a Spray as Fine as Mist
Adapted for the Destroying
Every of Kind of Insect
One-half tablespoonful of Paris Green and one filling with water
is sufficient to destroy all the bugs on a thousand plants ' :
The Faultless Sprayer is absolutely the best constructed sprayer
of its class ever offered For strength and durability it has no
equal. The tapering "point to air chamber gives great force to
the spray, carrying it to the greatest possible distance
It kills, drives away and exterminates every living thing obnox-
ious to yourself, your animals or your crops
P R I C E 50c
yew Era.
Ab New Era haa not been heard of for
some time, I will endeavor to let tha
outside world know how that we are
still on top of the mud and doing busi
ness at the old stand.
Potato sacking seema to be the order
of the day.
Our spring term of school commenced
Monday with A. M. Stephens, of Monta
villa wielding the rod of correction.
Four Mahogany logs from the Philip
pines have been received at Doenbeck
ers' sawmill of this place.
Who says New Era is not keeping
pace with the world?
Messrs. E. Bradtl, John Reineman,
John Whaland and William Grishaber
were transacting business in Oregon
City Monday,
Mark Slyter. "of Portland, visited his
parents last Sunday.
Grandpa Grader is quite feeble this
Miss Katie Newbury was called to
Portland Monday evening to wait upon
her aunt, who accidentally fell down a
flight of Btaira and hurt her ankle yery
Mr. Burgnyne went to the metr polis
Monday evening and . returned Tuesday.
Mr. Stahley, our road road supervisor,
did some good work on the road north of
here last week.
Henry Hougharn, of Portland, but
formerly of New Era, left Monday night
for Bloomington, 111., to spend the re
mainder of his days.
An entertainment was given at the
Beaver Lake school house February 7th,
for the purpose of raising money to buy
a globe, which was well attended con
sidering the stormy night.
The snow is gone but the rain i6 with
us again and it looks like it is going, to
Many cattle have died in this locality
during the past from the effects of the
rough weather and the poor stabling.
John Groshong lost a valuable cow
Friday and Mr. Furgeson lost another
one Monday. Several more died the
same day.
J. Marquam, of Marquam, Is very ill
at the present writing.
Mrs, S. E. Harms is on the sick list
at this time.
Miss Tesbie I.arkins.of Marquam, who
is teaching the Beaver Lake school, was
visiting here Saturday.
Quite a number of our young people
spent the night Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Wj land.
A dance at Mart Boyles' Friday night
was a highly enjoyable affair.
Mr. Wyland, of Rock Creek, brought
in a wildcat last week, the first one for
him this winter.
Mre. Side Williams has a number of
chickens just out of their shells and
several hens setticg. Can you beat that
for a widow? Sim's an expert with
Mies Florence Haynes spent Saturday
and Sunday with Mrs. Gilbert and Mrs.
Mr. Griffin and family moved into
their new home.
Mr. Kuntz bought a fresh cow last
week and took it out to their ranch.
Messrs. Chas. and Duane Ely were
making calls in this berg last Sunday.
, Grandpa and Grandma Kays have re
turned home again.
Miss "Myrtle Boenis visiting with her
sister, Mrs. Maud Currin this week.
Mr. Euntz has bo ught Bix tons of
wire fencing.
Room 5, Stevens Block, .
OrtgonCity, - - Oregon
Mountain Vieiv,
Mrs. Stedham visited her sister, Mrs.
Green, of Oregon City, the first part of
the week.
Ivan Irish is on the sick list.
Miss Rachael Lewis visited Mre. Jones,
of Greenwood, Sunday.
Mr, Vonderahe has improved the
looks of his house very much by paper
ing it .
William Davis is hauling his prunes
to market.
Mr. and Mrs. Grisenthwait, of Beayer
Ureek, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bpeuce
Miss Katie Jones has gone to Port
A number of the Carus young folks
took the white car and attended the
party at Mr. Smith's home last Friday
evening and reported having a good
There is still lots of sickness. '
Mrs. Edgcomb's father is quite ill.
Mrs. Taylor is still seriously ill.
Mrs. Hurlet Bradley expects to spend
the summer at New Port and has rented
her garden and orchard to Mr. Smith of
Oregon City to care for it during her
Miss Hester Linn is in our berg now,
having started a dressmaking establish
ment with Mrs. Matthews at Molalla.
Mrs. Kaylor aud daughters and Mrs.
Boswellof Molalla are visiting with Mrs.
Craig this week.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Orogrm, fo
Clackamas County.
Alfred W, Snyder, Plaintiff, vs. Miranda Snyden
To Miranda Bnyder, the above named 'dof endant
You are hereby summoned to appear and an
ewer theoomplaint Blel against you in the above
entitled court and cause on or before tue lMtt
day of March, 1903, or If yon fill so to appear ana
answer said oomplaint the plulutiff will thereupon
apply to the court lor tne reuei prnyeu iur m mj
said complaint, to:wit: Fo- the dissolving of
the bonds of matrimony agisting between your
self and the plaintiff.
This snmmoi.s Is published by orderof the Hon.
T A. MeBride, judge of the circuit court for the
Bute of Oregon, made aud euterea tuelistli day of
January, l'JO:).
Attorney for Plaintiff.
The first publication is on the 7 day of Feb., 190S.
The last publication on the 20 day of March, 1903.
9 C H 0 PL
Turney will conduct a dancing
school at Beaver Week hall. Meet
every Wednesday evening: dance
starts at 8 o'clock sharp; close at
12. Admission, Gents 50c : :
Ladies Free
Eiler's Piano House
the most extensile and reliable piano concern on fit coast
More pianos and a greater variety are carried here than by any other
store in the Northwest. They are such as the Decker, Vose, Victor, Ilobart
M. Cable,, Tea so", Schumann, Crown Orchestral, Bush & Certs, Iladdorff, Loiter
and many other. And Best of them all is the great piano trininty.
The Chickering Piano, of Boston, the Weber of
New York and the Kimball of Chicago, the three
finest pianos in the world.
We handle the peerless Kimball Pipe Organ,
in all styles, suitable for Sunday schools, churches
and homes.
Also the Pianola, which makes the finest mu
sic possible in homes where there is no musician.
Must excellent instruments on which to gain the rudiments of a musical
education. First and foremost, and by all odds, the cheapest, we have our own
speciallv constructed "Pacific Queen." on which we lire at present making an
introductory oi'l'cr of only f-lfl.UO, payments $3.00 down and $4.00 a month.
Other line organs we have tho Needham, Burdett, Crown, and finally, the great
cstof all, tho peerless Kimball.
These organs are in both plain and fancy finished casings, and can bo
purchased for as little as $1(5.00 to $80.00, delivered freight paid to any railroad
station or boat landing in Oregon. Terms, $(5.00 to $3.00 down and $3.00 to
$5.00 a month. And the best is, after you have had your organ as long as two
years, if you then want to buy a piano you can turn your organ back to us, and
get credit for just what you have paid for it, on a fine piano.
Our reasonable prices, easy terms and fair dealings have made our house
famous and popular. Write for circulars. All information you want will bo
cheerfully furnished.
Washington Street, Corner Park, Portland, Ore.
Other Stores, San Francisco and Sacremento
The people of tbia vicinity were all
glad to see the rain which melted the
enow that had laid on the ground for
several days, but their feathers dropped
when it began snowing again.
Mrs. Teunie North is on the sick list.
Frank ana Charlie Kirk have returned
from "Bunch Grass" where they have
taken up ranches.
Things are getting pretty hot up at
the store lately. Our merchants had
better keep their chairs cut of reach or
Jack's skull will be cracked next time.
Mrs. George North's health is quite
Mr. Le welling had the nisfortune to
lose a valuable horse a few days ago.
. Milo Polic has gone to Shubol to run
the engine for Eugene Cummins.
Frank Nicholas is laid up with a lame
Some of the people of this vicinity at
tended the dance at the home of Eugene
Cummins last Saturday night. All re
ported a good time.
Elstin Ley was agreeably surprised
last Friday evening by a patty of young
people. Tlio evening was spent playina
games until a late hour when they de
parted for their several homes.
Frank Holloway had his "befst" girl at
church Sunday.
H. W. North has a Bick horse.
Mr. and Mis. George Stephens were
visiting relatives aud f lends in Oregon
City a few days last week.
Misses Vena and Mary Mayfild will
leave us iu the ne ir future to attend col
lege at Monmouth. May success go
with them.
The Methodists have organized a Sun
day school at the hall, and will meet at
10 o'clock.
Jack improved his time sleigh riding
while the snow lasted, but he found the
Khrone line almost impassable. Mr.
Road Supervisor, please investigate.
Joe Wallace's smiling face any be
seed on the streets of Colton m st any
S u inlay.
Charles Welsh talks of moving hit
family to Eastern Oregon to live in the
future. John looks out of the corner of
his eye at Ora and says, "don't go."
Mrs. G. U. MilUrhas been seriously
ill at her father's home in CI irk i, but we
are glad to say that she is improving.
Miss Mabel Jones has entirely recov
ered from infUmation of the spine.
She was able to attend church Sunday.
St. Valkstisb.
this is Your Chance
to J3p Goods at Prices
to Suit Your Purse
We have just finished j stock-taking and must reduce
stock to make room for spring? and summer, goods.
Will Sell Everything
at a Big Reduction
Shirt Waists and Skirts, Latest Styles; Dry Goods,
Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, Etc. of the best make and
Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Gloves, Mackin
toshes, Etc. at prices that no prudent buyer ever overlooks.
Come and See for Yourself
GEO. T. HOWARD, Prof).
Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon
The Best Laundry is the Cheapest
The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best
Docs not wear out or destroy your linen.
Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and
deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac
tion assured.
E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent.
New Era Flouring Mills
W have mirehased of Mreio Bros, the New Era Flourinz Mills and
r. . I, ...
are now in possession anil a ling Dimness ai me oiu siunu. t e guarantee
satisfaction to all who may some our way. To our friends and patrons we
ask a continuance of their ii dness and courtesy to us aiid assure them
that we shall do our very best to please them.
Bread is the staff of We, without gooj nour you can not nave go-a oreaa
Good Bread ttl)kts J5wP fiomts
( ive us vour trail an I w will give you kiui treatment and the
BEST FLOUR that can be made.
Sevcik Bros. SIESTA New Era, Or.