Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 13, 1903, Image 6

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Kejular December Term
of the County
John Lewellen,
T. B. KUlIn, and
State of Oregon, county o( Clackamas,
Before the board of county commiS'
pioners of.Uie state of Oregon for the
i- .nntv of Clackamas.
Be i remembered, That at a regular
frm 'of the Board of County Commis-
levners for the county of Clackamas,
Kate of Oregon, begun and held at the
itmrt house in said county and state on
Wednesday, the 4th day of February, at
If) o'clock a. m., of said day to transact
onnty business when were present Hon
John Lewellen, Hon. T. B. Killin, Hon.
William Biobst, commissioners; John
it. Shaver, sheriff; F. A. Sleight, clerk.
In the matter of warrants drawn in
B Austin support of Ira Phillips. .$10 00
John Avins support cl JohnAvina 8 00
M rs Adams support of Mrs Adams
& family. 15 00
fillen Bridges Buuport of Ellen
Bridges 8 00
yiank Busch support of Kussian
family 10 00
U E Burns support of Johanna
(Indian) 5 00
King Bohall support of Phoebe
Hastings 7 00
.4lice Carr support of Alice Carr. . 10 00
.Mrs Maria Clark support of Maria
Clark & family 10 00
Mrs J T Drake support ot Eliza
beth Wilhoit 25 00
Win Dean sup of Miss Forrester. . 0 00
Paul Freytag support of J H Jones 10 00
E N Foster support of L, Keynolds
nd family 8 00
J J Gorbatt support of Wm Stone 5 00
T Gardner snppoit of Boys &
Girls Aid Society 10 20
J M Heckart sup of Carl Gadke.. 8 00
fary Haley support of Jas Wilson 13 00
.1 W Jones support of J B Patton. 6 50
M Krueer support of M Kruger &
family 7 00
Menry Lewis sup of Henry Lewis 8 00
Klias Miller sup of D Mortimore 30 00
r-ilias Miller support of C O Lewis. 12 00
Geo Mooney support of Godfrey
Bchmale 8 00
E L Morley sup of John Conner. . 10 00
L Matheson sup of L Matbeson. . 7 00
Owen Parry Bupport of John Jones 14 00
Gns Pirkle Bupport of Gus Pirkle
& fumily 10 00
8 B Pepple support of S B Pepple 5 00
Clyde Phillips support of Clyde
Phillips 10 00
Wm Scott sup of J & M Mahan... 30 00
A M Shibley sup of MmGriudHtafT 8 00
Mrs K Saunders sup of E Saunders 10 00
Mrs Rosa Trieckler support of Mrs
Rosa Treickler 10 00
W T Tinsley sup of W TTinsley. . 5 00
Mrs M Volckers support of Mrs M
Volckers 8 00
Mrs Hattie Woods support of Mrs
Hattie Woods 5 00
W H Mattoon support of A II
Wheeler 8 00
John S Churchill indigent soldier 5 00
Robert Wicklmm indigent soldier 10 00
Mrs S E Valentine support of Mrs
HE Valentine 10 00
In the matter of reports of Road Su
pervisors. District No. 1.
Western Storage & Transfer Co. -t 5 25
Harry Gilford 3 00
Fred Zimmerman 3 00
Geo Hiveily 1 50
WII Counsell 12 00
District No. 2.
A Mather 2 70
I W Johnson 9 00
O Rodarmel 3 00
Roy Durham 3 00
JRLandis 7 50
LD Jones 12 00
District No. 3.
R'Mllun Brothers 42 50
J O Elliott & Co 4 00
Warren Greenwell 25 50
(ieorge Greenwell 10 50
Kd Oshorn 0 50
Roy White 3 75
Richard Witzell 31 50
A II Ritzan 45 00
NWellidan 150
Herm Ret tig 5 25
District No, 5.
A Hhiz 12 00
If Hera 12 00
K Hickey 0 75
V liernegger 18 75
V Rich 10 50
I Timmertmin 4 GO
K Hers IS 00
J 8 Birdsall 44 00
B Elliott & Co 7 00
IVrt Richie 10 5()
fcl Hickey 3 00
District No. 0
Vleiuig Bros 7 75
t' 1. Idlonian 4 85
W Calvin 5 25
Beebe 1 50
T Ionian Clark 4 50
Clark 4 50
Jn Miirony. 3 75
A Revenue 3 00
A Strow bridge 1 50
.l-.!tph Wilcox 75
II Revenue 7 00
District No. 7.
;l4imCook 4 50
K Andre ... 3 00
.Mlin W Kylor 75
ifSFegtes 75
I. lUvdwi 150
.ro W Wods 3 00
l.sFegles ; 13 00
District No. 11.
W F Harris 11 08
Mm E Smith 20 0
Bott 3 25
a Richardson 0 18
i ; l.aek 3 50
S Jones 4 81
V." W Smith 87
I. Himler 87
4 Forsythe 3 05
B Bmith 1 75
District No. 13.
ir& Uicinbothem 2 S.l
tO Richardson 1 50
w Hughes 1 50
A T Fullam i 9 00
District No. 14.
J Eyerhart 3 7i
. K-leinsmlth 3 10
v.poACo 2 00
1 F Harris 12 25
i F Gibbs 50 00
T W Gibbs 21 00
Sink Beard 3 00
'run Howard 0 00
!: iM Howard i 50
a Gibbs 30 00
B Btiortlldge 2tS 60
Shortlidge 18 75
...mas Shelly 18 00
Wry Shelly 28 50
W D Hodge f) 00
T S Irwin 8 25
Frank Irwin 9 00
District No. 16.
Wm Kruger 4 25
A N Gregory 4 00
Geo Rider 4 75
C Rider t. 4 00
Aug Staehely . 6 00
District So. 18.
Lindnley & Son 47 43
T B Thomas 1 00
Schoenborn Bros 50 00
John Stiannon 10 00
A Schoenborn 4 5 1
F B Schoenborn 6 00
Francis Shannon... 6 00
M E Landon 3 00
John Shannon 18 00
District No. 19.
Pope & Co 3 50
D LTrullinger 20 11
J J Mallatt 5 00
A Larkins 3 00
J J Mallatt 4 00
W M Yance 1 50
J M Mallatt 1 50
District No 22.
Louis Staudinger 1 66
Wm Staudinger 2 60
OT Kay 75
H J Rastall 3 00
District No. 24.
Levi Erb 84 04
Joe Meyer 3 00
C Schtnucker 38
John Egge 75
WH Yoder... 4 50
Emil Montandon. 1 00
Bagbv& Dixon... 4 09
Ben Emmett 3 00
E A Montandon 11 00
J K Hurt , 8 50
W H Yoder 10 50
C G Hoffman 4 00
District No. 25.
John Darnm 2 25
Henry Stear 1 50
E M Morris 6 00
Will Hummel 5 25
Frank Busch 4 00
Joseph Rosse 6 25
M Borkholder I 2 25
C Nepsinger 2 25
E M Morris 7 00
District No. 26.
E Austin . 4 60
M S Hungate 75
S L Dart 75
William Miller ;. 1 75
WHEngle.. 3 06
District No. 27.
J M Groshong 3 00
M D Leabo 1 87
Joseph Conrad S 00
C Giger 3 00
John Partb - 9 00
District No. 28.-
B F Boyles 2 00
District No. 30.
C W Kruse 60 40
George G Kruse 8 30
Thos Fox 12 00
C Kruae . 5 00
District No. 31.
John Aden 6 00
District No. 34.
John Morris 5 25
FB Petit 5 25
D C Shaw 5 25
Jeff Shaw 41 00
District No. 35.
JO Graves & Co 6 90
Procter ABaers.... 13 20
Fred Wagner 7 00
District No. 36.
E Kenagy 21 75
Amos Yoder 3 00
Silas Yoder 3 00
P D Christner '. 1 50
Ivan Broadwell 75
Wm Owings , 75
John Owings 75
H Jensen 1 50
Bud Thompson 6 110
Elsworth Bcott 75
H Jensen 1 50
Bud Thompson.... 4 00
In the matter of bills examined and
John Lewellen Commissioner
(last month) $ 35 00
r a Kiiien Commissioner (last
month) 83 30
Wm Brobst Commissioner (last
month) 30 40
L L Porter Printing delinquent
list 1050 00
O D Eby Ins Shipley Bridge
75 00
Livy stipp J P Court State vs
Isaac Miller 12 45
ii s Mowy j r uourt state vs
Isaac Miller
Simon Y der J P Cuurt State vs
Isaac Miller
Amos Sias J P Court State vs
Isaac Miller
23 30
4 70
4 70
Bon Emmett J P Court State vs
Jnbho Miller
4 70
II S Moody J P
Court State
Jbubo JVliller
Sain Mill- r J P Court State vs
Isaac Miller
Alex Miller J P Court State vs
luaac Miller
II Kaufman J P Court State vs
lnaiie Miller
Richard Prier J P Court State vs
Jshuc Miller
Fred S Baker J P Court State vs
Isaac Miller
E R Williams J P Court State
vs Isaac Miller
1 70
4 70
4 70
4 70
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
1 00
7 05
5 10
3 2ft
1 70
1 70
6 30
4 10
1 70
1 70
1 70
A J Tufts J P Court State vs
Isaac Miller
Weldon Shank J P Court State
vs Isaac Miller
R H Tabor J P Court State vs
Isaac Miller
I.iyy Stipp j p court State vs W
b Kyler
H S Moody j p court State vs W
S Kyler
Feme Kylor j p court State vs
W P Kyler
EdnaKvlerj p court State vs
W P kyler
George Kyler j p court State vs
W P Kyler
Livy Stipp j p State vs F Clifton
C E Bums same
Mrs Sugarman same
Mrs Tolpolar same
C A Willey same
uvy stipp J p Ste vs W Marony
10 60
H S Moody same 42 20
James Jones same .;. 6 50
Thos Hardy same 6 50
H Haforson same 6 50
Chris Johnson same 0 50
8 Andrews same... 6 60
H L Power same 6 50
T G Jonsrud i p St vs J H Stone 1 60
Bert Jonsrud same 3 60
Thos Hardy same 2 10
W Castersou same 2 10
C Johnson same 2 10
T G Jonsrud j p State vs Hall. . 2 40
Bert Jonsrud same 14 70
Otto Melnig same 2 30
J Btrowbrldgesame...... 12 20
L Stipp j p io 00
II 8 Moody p 10 00
T ti Jonsrud drawing jury list. . 3 65
L G Carlson same 2 00
Gilbert Jonsrud same 2 00
M E Kandle same - 3 00
Ed Harrington same 2 00
B Sullivan same
Adams Bros Pauper
W H Smith do
0 1
' i
Mary Haley do 15 00
Keel rront l Jo do 10 00 1 ling
Sugarman & Son do 9 75an(j
u rsiunm ao o gu
W W Tucker Insane 1 50
WECarll do....
Frank Millard do
10 00 ;
9 40 i
J W Powell do 10 00
W L Holman Coroner 10 45
WLHolmando 15 00
P Roos Inquest Wm Warner
witness .'
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
1 70
' 1 20
1 20
1 20
1 20
1 20
1 20
23 45
Henry Teats same
M G Irwin same
Henry Roos same
Thomas Waak
S Purdom Inquest Wm War
ner juror
R E Woodward same
S J Burford same..
P Nehren same
J C Sawyer Bame . ...
T Iy Randall same
R L Holman inquest of Wm
Warner coroner
E A Sommer inquest Wm War
ner post mortem 10 20
R L Holman examination body
of Robt Graham 10 10
T P Randall inquest Roy Sun
derland niror
1 40
1 40
1 40
1 40
1 70
1 40
J C Sawyer same
K Hi Woodward same
Eli Maddocksame
J E Jack same
S S Walker same
H C Carmack inquest Roy Sun
derland witness
C Dull same
A Haman same
Fred Miller same
C R Curtis same
C Medeson same
H S Moody inquest Roy Sunder
land constable
R L Holman inquest Rov Sun
7 50
derland coroner 48 65
E A Soramer inquest Roy Sun-
land autopBy 10 20
Telephone Co 6 55
H 8 Moody sheriff 15 50
D R Dimick same 100
J R Shaver same 5 00
L L Porter printing & stationery 207 45
J F Neif-on assessor 79 00
Elma Albright dep assessor. ... 26 00
Eli Williams same -. 38 00
Echo Samson clerk 14 00
FA Sleight 2 00
A Howard recorder 36 00
H E Stevens same '. 5 00
H II Johnson same 19 50
C Catta meals for jury 6 50
Enos Caiiill treasurer 100
J C Zinser school snpt.. 23 08
Huntley Bros stationery 25 30
M Michael court house 140
P Nehren court house 5 90
P Nehren board prisoners .'. 33 49
Lulu Hankins extending tax roll 22 75
Nettie Chase same 23 00
S Dillman same 20 25
Reta Pierce same 12 00
Roebling Son's Co road diat No 5 6 63
Vaughan's Livery Stable 5 50
J W Loder premium on sheriff's
bond 62 50
John Lewellen commissioner. . . 55 50
Cummins & Co road dist No 14 78 50
Wm Brobst commissioner 20 60
J W Meldrura surveyor 18 00
Old History.
Since Oregon City is so intimately as
sociated wi'h the earliest events con
nected with the growth of Oregon, it is
important that the exact location or site
where some of these historic events took
place be correctly fixed. With that idea
in mind, for some time past I have been
endeavoring, in interviews with early
pioneers, to find the exact site of the
printing office of the Oregon Spectator,
the first newspaper on the Pacific coast ;
also to locate the building in which the
first legislative session was held. As
to the printing office, there seems to
be substantial agreement that it was on
Third Street, about six feet west of Main
and faced south, looking towards the
Allan, McKinley & Co. store, which
stood on the comer where the northern
end of the woolen mill now stands. The
legislative building Btands.it is believed,
on the east side of Main street, at the
southeast cornel of Sixth. As the effort
to locate hibtoric points is being made
in the interest of the Oregon Historical
Society, it is desirable that evefy means
possible shall be made use of to secure
accuracy before a permanent record is
made. Hence if any one knows the
above statement to be inaccurate in any
respect, I hope he will kindly notify me.
Gko. II. Himes,
Assistant Sec'y.
Oregon Historical Society.
Pretty Safe Rule to go by.
When there is a feollna that the heart
or lungs, blood oi liver, brain or nerves
are diseased, at once commence to
doctor the stomach. That is the foun
dation of the trouble in 90 cases out of
every 100. Commence to reirnlate the
digestive organs, get them in healthy
working condition, and the other
troubles will leave of themselves. Dis
ease which have their beginning in f ie
stomach nniBt be cured through the
stomach. The medicine for stomach
disorders and half the ills of life, is Dr.
Gunn's Improved Liver Pills. These
pills put all the digestive organs in good
condition so that disease has no basis
to work upon. They are sold by all
Druggists for 25 cents per box. Oue pill
is a dose. We will send a box post-paid
on receipt of 25 cents or to anybody who
wants to try them we will send 2 pills
free. Send name and address to Dr.
Bosanko Co.. Philada, Pa. For sale by
Charman A Co., Oregon City.
Don't make any mistake, but remera-
Der ine name, Swanip-Koot, Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp.Root, and the address,
Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet.
All druggists refund the money U it fails
0 curer E. W, Grove'i signature 1b oa
arh box. 25c.
Mr. H. Haggins of Melbourne, Fla..
writes, "My doctor told me I had Con-
mimntinn and nnt.hinar rvuiM ha Anna
for me. I was given up to die. The
offer .of a fiee trail bottle of Dr. King's
Wpnr UlHnnVftl-u tnf 'inantnn inn in.
I duced me to try it Results were s'tart-
1 am now on the road to recovery
owe all to Dr, King's New Dis-
covery. It surely saved my life," This
I LrrttAt. PlirA in ana nntuorl f.-ii all fhrnaf
anA ltinff dinAAAPD hv dart A PTanlinc
driiLfoii.ts, Prino fifl on1 1 Trial
bottle free.
' . w VVV MUU U.I A 1 u.
For Over Sixty Years.
An old and well-tried remedy. Mrs.
Wiuslow's SoO'hing Syrup "has been
UBed for over sixty years by millions of
mothers for the1' children while teeth
ing, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best
remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
taste. Sold by druggists in everv Dart
of the world. Twentv-five cents a
bott e. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup, and take no other kind .
Planet Whiskey
is a good thing tq
nave in tne nouse.
Kelly & Riiconich
Sole Agents.
Only one remedy in the world' that
will at once stop itchiness of the skin in
any part of the body; Doan's Ointment.
At any drug store, 50 cents.
ANTED To increase my list of farms
and lands for sale, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residents
represented and Bold. H. E. Cross, At
torney at Law.
Coughs and could, down to the border
land of consumption, yield to the sooth
ing healing influences of Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syiup.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattels. Jons W. Loder, at-torney-at-law,
Oregon City.
Dyspepsia bane of humam existence.
Burdock Blood Bitters cures it, prompt
ly, permanently. Regulates and tones
the stomach .
It is a burn? Use Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. A cut ? Use Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. At your druggists,
"I have used Chamberlain's Oontrh
Remedy for a number of years ana have
no Hesitancy in saying that it is the best
remedy for coughs, colds and croup I
have ever used in my family. I have
not a word to express my confidence in
this Remedy. Mrs. J. A. Moore, North
otar, Mien, iorsale by G. A. Hard
A runaway almost ending fatally
started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J,
B. Orner, Franklin Grove, 111. For four
years ii defied all doctors and all re
medies. But Bucklen's Arnica Salve
had no trouble to cure him. Equally
good lot Durns, cruises, skin eruptions
aim piles, zo cents at Geo. A. Hard
ing's drug store. ;
Mysterious Circumstances.
One was pale and sallow and the other
fresh and rosv. Whence the difference?
She who is blushing with health uses
Dr. King's New Life Pills to organs theX
compel good digestion and bead on con
stipation. Try them. Only 25 cents, at
ueo. A. Harding Druggist.
Mr. Wheeler Got Rid or His Rheumatism
"During the winter ot ls'JS I was so
lame in my joints, in fact all over my
body, that I could hardly hobble around
when 1 bought a bottle of Chamberlain i
Pain Balm' From the first application
I began to get well, and was cured and
have workpd steadily all the year. R
Wheeler, Northwood, N. Y. For sale
by G. A. Harding.
Removal of Office.
G. B. Dimick and George L. Story
have moved their law office, from the
Stevens block to rooms 2 and 3 in the
new Garde building, up stairs.
Simple Colds;
Cease to be simple, if at all prolonged
The safest way is to put them aside at
the very beginning. Ballard s Hore-
nound Syrup stops a cold and removes
the cause of colds. 25c, 50c and t-1 at
Charman k Co.'s City Drug Store, Ore
gon City, Or.
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colas, prevents pneumonia.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Fine Old .Whiskies,
Wines, and Cigars
Can always be found at the
new saloon, corner Fourth and
Main, Oregon Gty,
Some of our special brands are:
Fine Old Green River Bourbon
Old Grand Dad,
Roxbury Rye
And Finch's Golden Wedding
Rye, best in United States
We also handle the celebrated
Wilhot Springs Water. Billiards
and Pool. Courteous treatment
too all.
Oregon City and Canby, Oregon.
Main Street, next door to Postoffice.
Regular Meals - - - 15 Cents
Chops and Steaks - J 5 Cents an4 Up
Fresh Oysters Any Style.
An.iAnAinfl; flliMMi'Ilhi Ikiiidkiiiilti nHimniithniiflii
SHANK & BISSELL, Undertakers
Phones 411 and 304
u irQIi""!!!!'!! iqim iigiu migpiiiiHigiiiii liiiiiHUigpiu 11 i.B.iHiiiiiiiiiiiig:iinii)iii n
"Billy" Rowan's Restaurant
and Lunch Counter
W. I.
Opposite Electric Hotel, is the very best place inOregon City
to get a Dainty Lunch or
Open at All Hours, day or night
Big S
253 Morrison St., Second
Two Doors South Courthouse
Calls Promptly Attended, Night or Day. Embalming Carefully
andNeatlv Done. Hearse Furnisher! at T
Phones 476305.
Elk Horn Livery Feed s Sale Stabl e
FineRigstoLet at Reasonable Prices
D. R. DIMICK, Manager, ToX
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Meals at All Honrs
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension Bridge
Yellow Denver Onioa Seeds
JOSEPH BACH MANN, stone, Oregon
ii iHn-nA t 11 ilk.Ji mt
lllfclllllfcllliBl'il l!K
We carrv the onlvcomDlfitfiline
of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and
Linings in Clackamas County.
We have the only First-Class
Hearse in the County, which we
will furnish for less than can be
had elsewhere.
Embalming a Specialty.
Our prices always reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Main St., Opp. Huntley';
's. f
ROWAN, Proprietor
hoe Sale
See windows for
Reduced. Prices
Door from Third, Portland, Or.
Oregon City, Oregon
Brown & Welch
Proprietors of the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
a. 0.
U. W.
Open Day and Night