OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1903. i. o. o. r. My Lung BOCK CHEEK LODGE 17 ARE THEY OJ " An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. My friends said I had consumption. I then tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and it cured me promptly." A. K. Randies, Nokomis, 111. 1G Organized at Xeedy Last Saturday Xight. You forgot to buy a bot tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back on. Three iliei : 25c, 50c, tl. All dnittfsis. Consult your doctor. If he says take it, then do as he lays. If he tells yon not to take it, then don't take It. He knows. Leave it with him. We are wining. J . C. A YER CO., Lowell, Mass. Lodge Xeivs From Various Parts of Countg. Change in Management Change in Business Tlie store of M. Mich ael will be remodeled and refitted as a first class up-to-date cloth ing and nents furnish ing parlor. None but the best union-made goods will be sold at the lowest prices. We . invite your thorough inspection, soliciting the former patronage and hope to increase same. Respectfully M. MICHAEL Hand Laundry WORK done in f i rstcfass style and at reasonable prices By MRS. FORD Opposite Huntley's Drug Store LOG CABIN SALOON G. H. Young, Proo. Is the place to go when you want good time and have money to spend Op. Electric HoH PROF. EDWARD K. PHELPS, M. D., IX. D. Greatest of All Physicians. I Eminent Discoverer of PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Trof. Edward E. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., was born in Connecticut and graduated at Yale. His unusual talent soon brought him reputa tion and prominence. First he was elected to the professorship of anatomy and surgery in the Vermont University. Next he was ap pointed lecturer in Dartmouth College. The following year he was chosen to the most important professorship in the country, a place that he occupied when he made his world-famed discovery of Paine's Celery Com pound. This infallible cure for those fearful ills that result from an impaired nervous system and impure blood, has endeared the great doctor to the world. DIAMOND DYES COLOR ANYTHING ANY COLOR. Dresses, cloaks, suits, ribbons, coats, feathers, stockings.-everything wearable, Diamond Dyes make to look like new. We have a special department of advice, and will answer free any questions about dyeing. Bar ample ol good when possible. Direction book and 45 dyed samples free, DIAMOND DYES, Burlington, Vt. j Dizzy? (Then your liver is"t acting .well. Vou suffer frcui bus iness, constipation. Avers Pills act directly on the liver. For 60 years they hav been .th. Standard Ftmil Pill. IUV sw w "Small doses cure JSC AH druggist. Want your inmi.tr- brown or ricu i . or ... arda Uoa'dliXul TUi-i. u.e for the -...,.... t sin nurfo HI r.&iXLXiA kl d UI C Whiakera Foley s Honey and Tarfi Laat Saturday night an Oddfellow's lodge was organized at Needy, this county.SThe name of the Dew lodge is Rock Creek and the number is 164. The work was put on the floor by the Oregon lodge of Oregon Ciiy and the Canby lodge, aesis'ed by Aurora and other neighboring lodges. The instituting oflicer was Judge Thomas F. Ryan, oi this city. There were 26 charted members of the new. lodge which s:arts off on the most flattering of circum stances. The meeting was held in Thompson's Woodman hall and the lodge will continue to hold its meetings at that place until a new building can be erected. The following officers were elected to served for the first six rronths : Noble Grand, B. F. Smith; vice grand, H. Johnston ; secretary, J. 8. Noe ; treasurer C. .Yweifel; warden, T. H. Seence; inside euar-lian, F. S. Hart; outside guardian, Chas. Konschat; conductor, A. R. Staufk-r jR. S. N. G., A. F.Chap man; L. S.N. G., S. R.Taylor; R. S V.G., Wm. Konscbatji. S. V. G Harry Oochran; R. S. 8., Geo. A. Kreu ger; L. S. S., F. M. SamBon; chaplain, B. Hein. Twelve parties from Oregon City at tended the meeting as follows: Judge F1. Ryan, S. S. Walker, H. W.Trem- bath, J.W.Noble, E. J. Noble, E. L. Waldron, F. H. Welch, W. A. Hedges, B. Fairclough, J. K. Morris, A. F. Reddaway and one other gentleman whose name was not obtainable. The organization of tbe lodge Wis well attended, Canby, Auroia, Hubbard and Oregon Cily turning out in large numbers and the degree work was put on the floor by Oregon City and Canby and was (.one in first class style. A new Oddfellows lodge will be organized at Molalla in a few weeks. The date has not yet been arranged, but the work will probably not be done un til the weather has somewhat settled. It is likely that there will be 60 or 65 charters members of this lodge and it is expected that it will be the strongest country lodge in the county. The Ancient Order United Workmen had a banquet at their meeting last Saturday evening. There was a large crowd present, three candidates were initiated into the mysteries of the order, speech-making and songs were engaged in and a sumpuous repast was served. Altogether, the affair was a very pleas ant one. The banquet celebrating the tenth anniversary of th e organization of (he Wacheno Tribe of Red Men in this city, which will be held next Saturday even ing, promises to be one of the best meet ing of its kind ever held in Oregon City. There will be a large number of Red Men from out of town points in attend ance, speech-making will be engiged in, after which the celebrated banquet of corn and venison will be served. The Red Men will each be privileged to in vite friends, so others beBide members will be present. The 39th anniversary of the organiza tion of Pythianism will be celebrated at Silverton on the 19th inet at night. Mayor Grant B. Dimick is one oi ins orators engaged for the occasion. A banquet will be served, followed by speech-making and a dance. On Friday the 18th inst, the K. Ps., of this city expect to in a rrnnncr cele brate the 39th anniverfiny of the o-ganization of their order in Oregon. No program has yet W'n arranged but one will be, which will bi m every way appropriate. The Woodmen of the world will have a grand meetinp i Lciu this evening. An open session will ha held, speakers of coneidewbie nr to will be present, music on the half shell will be served while dancing wiii be indulged in to a late houi and a general good time is expected. O e;on City assembly, United At ham. crave an entertainment and dunce in Woodmen ball last evening A fiiiH en "ram was rendered. The meeun; vae held too late to get parties ara tor this week's paper. The following officers have been e l'jc'td by the Columbia Hook and Ladder Company for the coming -term: Pre' lent.'M. Bollarck ; vice-president, Joe Jeaulieu; foreman, Chas Pope; assist' ant foreman, Pete Younger; secretary, J. E. Rhode; George Brown was nominated assUtant chief of the fire de partment and J. McUinnis rec.ived the nomination for fire commissioner. The following officers have been elect ed by Cataract Hose Co., No. 2 for the ensuing year: President, C. E. Kamsby, vice-president, F. B. Pratt; secretary G. B.Dimick; treasurer, John Loder; foreman. Ed Reckcer; first assistant foreman, O. F. Williams; second assistant foreman, Joe Meldrum ; Janitor C. L. Block. After the business meeting smoker was enjoyed by those present 7 ELL? Unless they are, good health is impossible. Every drop of blood in the body passes through and is filtered by healthy kidneys every three minutes. Sound kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood, diseased kidneys do not, hence you are sick. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CUKE makes the kidneys well so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. It removes the cause of the many diseases resulting from disordered kidneys which have allowed your whole system to become poisoned. Rheumatism, Bad Blood, Gout, Gravel, Dropsy, Inflammation of the Bladder, Diabetes and Brighfs Disease' and many others, are all due to disordered Kidneys. A simple test for Kidney disease is to set aside your urine m a bottle or glass for twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment or a cloudy appearance, it indicates that your i Kidneys are diseased, and unless something is done they become more and more affected until Brighfs Disease or Diabetes develops. Di 0L.EY'u, KIDNEY CURE is the only preparation which will positively cure all forms of Kidney and Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently. It is a safe remedy and certain in results. If You are a sufferer, take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once. It will make you well. Some Pronounced Incurable Mr. G. A. Stillson, a merchant of Tampico, 111., writes: "FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is meeting with wonderful success. It has cured some cases here that physicians pronounced incurable. I myself am able to testify to its merits. My face today is a living picture of health and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has made it such." Had Lumbago and Kidney Trouble Edward Huss, a well known business man of Salisbury.Mo., writes: "I wish to say for the benefit of others, that I was a sufferer from lumbago and kidney trouble, and all the remedies I took gave me no relief. I began to take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE, and after the use of three bottles I am cured." Two Sizes. 50 Gents and $1.00. SOLD hm EECQKNiED BY CHAPMAN & CO., CITY DRUG STORE, OREGON CITY, OR. Xotice to the Fublic. Notice is hereby given that I. will not in any case be responsible or liable for debts contracted by my wife, Catharine M. Taylor, for goods, wares or merchan dise and for any thing she may buy after this notice. Feb.. 10, 1903. Thomas M. Taylor, 8el!wood, Ore. What is the best rye whiskey? They are all good but red-top rye stands at the top of the lift. Kelly & EucoKicn. County Treasurer's Xotice, When yon feel bine and that every. thing poes wrong, take a dose of Chnm-1 berlain's Stotrach and Liver Tabli-tp. They will cleanse and invigorate your stomach, regulate your bowels, give you a relieh for your food and make yon feel that in this old world is a good place to live. For sale by G. A. Harding. I now have money to pay road war rants endorsed prior" to June Hth, 1902. Interest will cease on warrants included in this call on the date of this notice. Enos CAnnx.Treas. Clackamas County, Or. Dated this 6th day of Feb,, 1903. OABTOIIIA, Baar th jf Iha Kind You Havtt Always BoogM ' mitchell Wagon Kemp Manure Spreaders Culver Drai Saws Myers Pumps Spray Pumps Hay Tools and SANDERS DISC PLOWS TRIUMPH SULKEY PLCW IK U G fir I E S, W AGONS icjc.es, Implements . . . . r O R E G FIRST AND TAYLPR STS. PORTLAND N GASOLINE ENGINES Cream Separators FT Case Plows MITCHELL WAGONS Hoosier Drills "TOT?"'" ""I xs-X f t- Dec iine BUGGIES" 4 W rim. STOVtR GASOLINE ENGINE AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATOR Send for Catalogue A Famous Remedy for Sick Headache. The cause of this complaint is not in the head at all, it ' comes from the stomach. A stomach tha'lms been hmt by over eating, drinking or abuee in any manner, will warn you by bringing on sick-headache. Cure the pains and distress in the stomach, and the head ache stops of itself . All billions attacks dyspepsia, belching, bad taste in the mouth, muddy complexion and yellow eyes, are c ired by this Remedy. It is called Dr. Gunn's Improved Liver Pills, and is sold by Druggists all over the U. S. for 25 cents tier box. One pill for a dose or we will send them by mail on re ceipt of price. Samples free. Address Hi. HoBanko Co., 1'biladelphia, la. For sale by Charman & Co , Oregon City. A Letter From Litchfield Nebrasxa. Thomas Clancy,' of Litchfield. Neb., wrote us a few weeks Ago about his ex perience with Gunn's Blood and Nerve Tonic. As his caee may be similar to others it naturally would be of interest to them to know the result of his test. He had been haunted for years with a gradual growing weakness until he was reduced to a shadow. His complexion was sallow and pimply, had dizzy and sinking spells, with a loss of memory and ambition. Always felt tired and outdone, suffered greatly with nervous ness, and felt that his heart's action was weak. His digestion was so poor his system recieved no nutriment. , He says be commenced the use of this Tonic. taking one tablet after each meal. He lid not notice much change after UBing one box only be enjoyed his mealB better still he kept on until he had used six boxes. He used the last box more then six months ago. When he stopped the use oi the Tonic be weighted 28 pounds more than he did when he commenced. Has not been sick a day since, and is well in both mind and body. Dr. Gunn's Blood & Nerve Tonic Is the best medicine in the world for pale, weak or sickly women. Sold by all Druggists for 75 cts. per box, or sent by mail en receipt of price. Write us about your case. Address, Dr. Bosanko Co., la. for sale by Charman & Co. WEAK AND LOW-SPIRITED. Correspondent Thus Describes His Experience. "I can strongly recommend Herbine as a medicine of remarkable efficacy for indigestion, loss of appetite, sour taste in the mouth, palpitation, headache, drowsiness after meals with distressing mental depressions and low spirits. Herbine must be a unique preparation for cases such as mine, for a few doses entirely removed my complaint. I won der at people going on suffering or spend ing their money on worthless things, when Herbine is procurable, and so cheap." 50c a bottle at Charman & Co.'d. Miss Mary E. Conyers will give a con cert in the W. O. W. hall on the eve ning of February 24. This concert promises to b ' one bf the best yet given by Miss Convert, which Is an assurance that it will be well worth going to see. Th' talent secured to assist in the per ioral ance is well-known to Oregon City people. Among those who have been secured for occasion are Mrs. Walter Heed, Mr. Dom Zan, Marion Lawrence, daughter of J. M.Lawrence, former y of this city, and Miss Veda Williams and Mrs. K. A. Miller. A chorus from the Dertbick Club will also assist in the entertainment. The A. O. U. W. will give a smoker and banquet next Saturday evening in their ball. John and Gene Lewellyn have bought into tne nrm oi a airciougn liros., com mission merchants. The new firm has not yet decided under what name it will sail but the erection of a new building has been definitely decided on and ground is oeing broken for it. When the new structure is finished a line of farming implements and hardware will be placed in the store. While the new structure will be only one story high it will be a substantial building and have the conveniences of an up-to-date busi' nees bouse. Jas Blancbard has bought Jas Ellis' farm at New Era of 120 acres for the sum $1350. Mr. Blanchard will put force of men to work cutting cord wood on his new possessions shortly. BANNER SALVE the moat heating calve In the world. TIIZiTRYIHG Tin,7C In a young girl's life is reached whop Nature 1-ads her uncertain steps across the Hue which divides girlhood from womanhood. Ignorance and neglect at this critici.l period are largely responsible for much ot tne after mi ery of womanhoo.l. Not only does Nature often need help in the rc'jular establishment of the womanly function, but there is almost always need of some safe, strengthening tonic, to over come the languor, nervousness and weakness, com monly experi enced at this time. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription establishes regularity. , It i a strengthening tonic, soothing the nerves, encouraging the appetite and inducing restful sleep. It contains no alcohol neither opium, cocaine or other narcotic "I wish to tell yen the btnefit we hsve rrceivrd from using yuitr remedies," wrlt Mrs. Imn Hall, of Brotlneil, Green Co., Wis. "Two yean to my daughter's health began to fail. Kverything that could foe thought of was don to help her but it was of no use. When she began to complain she wis quite stout i weighed 17a, the picture of good health, until about the age of fourteen, then lu months she was so run down her weight w:is but i. She kept Billing and 1 gave up. f ruiting there w,,s no . use, she must die. Hritmls all said, ' Vou will lose your daughter .' I r.ad I fear I slmlL I must iy, doctor, that only for your ' Favorite Prescription' n.y daughter would have bten in her grave to-day. When she had taken one hair Imttle the natural fui!-tion was established and we bougnt another Li,e, making only two bottles in all, and she completely recovered. Since then she is as well as can be." Dr. Pierce's Comuicn Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent fret on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Fierce, Buffalo, N. V. . . . 'iajl r tor cnuarta,snie,surc bio opiates. ;