OREGON CITY- COURIER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1903. Oregon and Union Pacific , ?HE EAST The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice of THREE TRAINS AIM" WO VIA ONE VIA THE OREGON THE GREAT SHORT LINE NORTHERN TO - to SALT T AKE, DEN', ax., SPOKANE, OMAHA, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO and ST. PAXIL and KANSAS CITY. CHICAGO. 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for V illam- etteand Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan. For full Information call on or address, nearest 0. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address A. Ii. CEAIG, G, P. A., Portland, Oregon GO EAST VIA mmsss igmhb Only transcontinental line passing directly through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Three pplendidly epuipped trains daily to all points East. Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars. The most magnificent ecenery In America bv daylight. Stop overs allotted on .all classes. 01 tickets. For cheapcBtJratea and descriptive literature aaarcBi J. D. riANSFIELD, General Agent, S4 H.ird Street, Tortfrd, Oiefjon PORTLAND-ANTCRIA ROUTE STB. BAILEY GATZERT Dally Round Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD leave Portland 5 Leave Astoria 7 P. M THE DALLES-PORTLAND ROUTE STBS. TA110MA and jVKTLAKO Dully Trips Excepi iruuav STR. TAHOrtV Leave Portland, Hon., Wtd. and . . 1 Leave The IJalles, lues , 'lhura. a.i STR. METLAKO Leave Portland, Tucs., '1 hurt, and Sat. Leave Uallis, Hon., Wed. and Krl i A Landing, Foot Alder Street i0TH HIOHKi, J1A1N 861 1'OKTI.AKD, OlIKiH AGENTS A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore J. W. Crichton The DalleB, Ore A. K. Fuller Ilond River. Ore WoHottl & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash Hon ry Olimitead Carson, Wash John T. Totten RteveiiBon, Wash J. 0. Wvntt Vancouver, Wash E. W.CKICilTOX. PORTLAND, OKE r 1 ILLINOIS Is an important state and 51.9 per cent of its popula tion is located on Chicago, me git au.suuinmer cial center of the West, is best reached from the Northwest by this famous railroad The Norlh-Mc-slcrn L:m.led Daily between Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago is the peer of all line trains For lowest rates, that of trains anj full liitornution writ to M. L. SlSl.P.R, General Agent 1ji8 Alder St., Portland, Ore. T. W.TEASDALE, General Posslni r Agent, ft. Paul, Din. Grove's I has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One md a Half Million bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. 50c. Firlrwrd with evrrv fcnttla U m Ten rn. siro-.& rsM. m.. n t tim. 4 The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has beea in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of 0 and has been made under his per tr Lj(rf'frfL' a sonal supervision since its infancy. Wiafyy, J-CUcAjM Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but. Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms 9 nd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CCNTAUM OOMMNV, TT Family WINES California Wine House MAIN STREET Bet. 4th and 5th ' Per Gallon California Tort $1 00 fcxtra Tawny Extra Old Port 1 25 Delleato and Mellow Superior Old Port and Sherry 1 50 Selected For Medicinal Purposes Extra Old California Sherry 1 05 Medium, Pale, Delicate and Dry California Tokay. 1 00 Excellent Table Win Sweet Muscatel. 1 2$ Fine Wine Sweet Catawba 1 25 Rich Angelica 1 05 Soft, Full and Fine. Extra old Calif'rnia Angelica 1 25 Superb old dessert wine. 6tra Dry California Tamoua Wines. Sparkling Burgundy 85c A Olear, sparkling wine. Sonoma Claret 65c Rich, fruity wine. hxtra Sonoma Zintandel. . . 75c, None bettor; a well matured wine. Extra Sonoma Riesling. . . . 75c A white wine that will please you. Sonoma Hock 65c Quality unsurpassed. Sonoma Sauterne 1 00 A fine old white wine. Fine Calif. Grape Brandy .. 2 75 The genuine; good as imported. Only Wine Vaults in the City City Orders Delivered Tree. Order through Your Grocer. 6. Jl. Brady. DR. KING'S try flEW DISCOVERY FCW THAT COLD. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Cougris, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, LaGrippe, Hoarseness, .Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. JMcuBOc. and$l. T8'L BOTTLES FRE8 New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposite Cau field Block OREGON CITY Tasteless Chill - fwwku , v w s Signature of MUBHV STREET. NCW YORK CITY. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE TORS. TO CREDI- Notice Is hereby Riven that lie ur.dorslcned hi bfen duly 8)' ointed by the County Court of Clackamas County, 'wgon, executrix of the last will of William R. lingbj, lata of wild County. All persons having ilalnia "gainst the estate of said deceased, are notified to file such claims with the proper vouchers and dulj veiifled ac cording to law with my attorney, C. H. Dye corner 6th & Main St., Oregon City, Oregon within six months from date of this notice. Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, December 19th 1IHB. HARRIET W. BAQBY, executrix as afore said. CONTEST NOTICE. Department or the Ikteriob, United States Land Office, Oregon City. Or.. December 18th. 1902. A sufficient contest affidavit having bean filed In this office by Peter Granatzkt, conlestan I against nomenieaa itntry iso. tails, made Decsm bar 28d. 1896. for 8W'f of swV section tnwn. ship 4 outli, range 4 east by James Myles, con. testes, iu which u is aiiegea ual eontestan knows the present condition of the same; also tha said James Myles has wholly abandoned an Id claim for the past two years; that he has not km proved the same as required by law, nor bad any one make any improvements thereon for him; tha to my best knowledgeand belief said James M)les never resided or settled upon said claim at al (and that said alleged absence from the said land was not due to bis employment In lh. Army Navy or Marine Corps of the United States as private soldier, oilicer, seaman or marine daring the war with Spain, or during any other war in which the United States may be engaged). bald parties aie hereby notified to appear, re spond and offer evidence touching? said alienation al 10 o 'clock a. m. on March :26th, l!M),t, before the Kofiister ana Kecetver a,t tho United Slates Land Office In Oregon City, Oregon,. The said contestant having, In a proper flffl dnv t, filed December 15th, 11)02. set forth facts which show that afterdue diligence personal ser vice of this notice can not be made, was ordered and directed that such notice be given by due an d proper publication. Geo. W. Bibee, Receiver. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Circut of the State of Oregon for Cla.kamas County. A. &. Latouretle, trustee, nlal utllT, vs. John F. Anderson and Oustav Dahlke, deftmdan ts. To John F. Aiidenon aud Uuatav Dulilka, de fciidanta, ami each of you; in tile name ol of the state of Oregon you and each of yuu are hereby summoned ami required to appear and answer the complaint against you, filed in the above eiltilletl suit, on or before the last day of Ihe time prescribed In the order for publica tion of summons herein, which is six we, ks from the date of the fir at publication, hereof which date is the 2;lld day of January. liHW. IM ,... ,,, each of you will lake notice thai if von iiiil to so appearand answer the complaint tiled against you in the above entitled .diui on or before tlie said last day oi the time pne-ci IVd in said order the nlaiiiiitr herein nill apply H the Court fur Ihe relief demanded in the complaint lu this suit which Is for Ihe fcrcclosure of a mortgag, fr Ico-liesules in' crest upon the following de scribed property tn-wit: " llegitiidng at the northwest corner of the S r Kiaeeis liouiuion hand Claim Number 18 in town ship 2 south, range east of tha ViiUiueii n,. lilian nud running thence east, 2-.'.(i0 chains; V .u wr!il"-N chains west A.Wi chains to the east boundary of the I,. I) c l.atourette Donation I. and claim Number 4r. irienee sooiii i;im;noies east along south bound ary line f said lMnatioll Ijind C limn mi, it.ip .1 to the place of beginiiinir contnining ir, Horl. moie or less and tliat plaintiff will apply for such C, D & I). 0. I.ATOI'RETTR. n . , t , , , Attorneys for plaintiff. Dated, Jan. 19, WO". SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, foi Clackamas Coiintv. W, A. Parker, Plaintiff, ys. Hattie Bell Parke Defendant. 'lo llattle Belle Parker, the above named de fendant: Itith. name of the state of Oregon you at hereby rcqulnd to appear and answer the com plaint here in on or before the 2u dav ot March l!3, which will hi after the expiration ol sht weeks fnm the date ol the first publication ut this ummoin and if you fail so lo appear and .nswer sa:d complaint on or before said date, the plaintltf will apply to the coiut for the rebel de manilid in said complaint to-wtt: for a decree dismdvlng the bonds of matrimony now existing between you ami the plaintltl h -rein and for such other further rebel a to the jourt shall seem jus aud equitable. This summons If published hy order of Ihe Hon. Thomas A, Mellrii'e. in lire of Ibu .luiv tllleii court duly madeoti tha Klh day of Janu ar.v, 11H.U The date of the first publication' of this sum mons ti the ltilh dav f Jannrv, 1(H. NE'eVTOs McCOT, Attorney foi 1'iaiunff. Tonic ui& x.sjjj uvcr rius Said a business man to the Courier man-about-town the first of the wmk: "If I were running a newspaper in Ore gon City, do you know what I would do? I would jump on to these fellows witn antiquated awnings which nanp in tatters before their stores aud give the town a loos of general disrepute and write them up. Do vou see thoee old awnings acrosB the street there?" And be point id to some awnings that looked ae if they might be relics of some prehis toric age. "They are what I refer to. "They are a disgrace to civilization and especially to a live town like this. Then there are other things that have a look of ancientness in this end of town. Look at those flaring posters over there. Look at the date on tbem Aug. 1902. They carry with them an air of dilapidation ttiat has do place here, and a stranger in the town would get a wrong concep tion of Oregon City if he were to drop into the town just now. Oregon City is all right but some other business men should nxke up to the fact that "a thing of beauty is a joy forever." The Cour ier thinks like the business man. Let us clean up. Foley's Kidney Cure makes kidneys and bladder rignu READ ALL OF THIS. You Never Know the Moment When This Informatiou May Prove of Infinite Value. It Is worth considerable to any reader to know the value of and use of a medi cine, lor if there is no occasion to em ploy it in the meantime, frail humanity is subject to nianv influences and un foreseen contingencies that the wisest are totally unable to gauge the future. Know then, that Doan's Ointment will cure any case of hemorrhoids, common v know as piles, or any disease of the cuti cle or skin, general termed eczema One application convinces continuation cures, liead the proof : T. H. Thomas, attorney, of 500 E Bennett Ave., Cripple Creek, eavs: " just as emphatically endorse Doan's Ointment to-day as I did in the month of June 1899. At that time I went to the drug store fur a box which I used for itching hemorrhoids. A few appli- can&ns gave woncietlul relief, and a short continuation of the treatment cured me. There have been symptoniB ot a recurrence since but a few appu cations of the remedy never fails to bring positive relief. My opinion of Doan's Ointment, the expressed, is the same to-day as it was when it was first brought to my notice." For Bale by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster Milbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sole agents for the U. S. Remember the name DOAN'S and take no substitute. Cancer Cured. Mr. W. W. Pric'tett, Smithfield, 111., writes, September 10th. 1901 : "I had been Buffering several years with a can cer on my tace, wli en gave me great an noyance and unbearable itching. I was using Ballard's Snow Liniment for a sore leg, and through an accident. I rubbed some of the liniment on the cancer, and as it gave me almost instant relief, I de cided to continue to use the liniment on the cancer. In a short time the cancar came out, my face healed up and theie is not the slightest scar left. 1 have im plicit faith in the merits of this prepara tion, and it cannot be too highly recom mended." 25c, 50c and $1.00. For sale by Charman & Co. Cured Cousumption. Mrs. B. W. Evans. Clearwater. Kan,. writes: "My husband lay sick for three months; the doctors stated he had quick consumption. We procured a bottle of Ballard's Horehound Syrup and it cured him. Thtt was six years ago, and since then we always kept a ootue in me nouse, vve cannot do without it. For coughs and colds, it has no equal" 25c, 50c and $1.00 bot tle at Caarman & Co. To Cure a Cold In One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. E. W. Grovea's signature is on each box. 25s. j. The Voetvyofthe Oranye. "It appeals to you, when the fruit hangs ripe and sweet on the tree late iu February, or early in March. Then the blossoms break out, and the trees are yellow vitii golduu globes, and white with oraue fbwers. It in ty be th;it a flurry of snow has whitened the mountain tops, and then you have an aitiatiu background for a tropical forest. The air is full of sunshine, and heavy wit n iitij;rance88 nigm comes on, and then, if the moon ba shining, you may hear at midnUht through open wind iws 'ho song of the mocking-bird i:i tha scented grove, and it nuver seemed so melodious before. An experience like this ia possible any winter, and it, is worth a j mrnev of a lioinnd miles, while vou can have it. iy tukii g the scenic .Shasta Route 'lirongh the grand and pp-tureaque Siskiyou and Shasta Mountains, to Southern .California. Complete in formation about the trip, and descriptive matter, telling about Caliiornia, may be had from any Southern Pacific Agent or W. E, Comas, Gen Pa s Ggt S. P. Co., Lines in Oregon, Portland, Oregon. Something That Will Do You Good. We know of no way in which we can be of more service to our readers than to tell thm of something that will he of real good to them. For this reason we vant to acquaint them with what we o. filler one of the very best remedies on the market for coughs, colds, and that alarming complaint, croup. We refer to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. We have used it with such good results in our family so long that it has become household necessity. By its prompt use we haven't any doubt but lli.it it has time and again prevented croup. The testimony is given upon our own experience, and we suggest that our readers, especially those who have small children, al way keep t in their homes as a safeguard against croup Camden (S. C.) Messenger. For sale by G. A. Harding. The Courier office has had n general overhauling and cleaning up and is putting in some new faces of type and will in the future be in better position to turn out first-class job work at reas onable prices than ever before. If you have a little printing to do, no matter ol what nature, you will do well to consult us befote going elsewhere. We guar antee satisfaction. - Who's Who" minBtrel have elected the following officers: Tom P. Randall, manager ; Wm, R. Logns, assistant and stage i-anager; E. E. Taylor, business manager; Chas. W. Kelly, treasurer; R. E. Woonward, master of properties; Fred Miller, electrician; Wm. Gadky, stage carpenter; and J. tt. Howard, advertising agent to programee. It wodld seem there is to be a good time coming for the lovers of minstrel shows. Who's Whcla made up of the best people of Oregon City and they are certain to put some entertaining farces and Durieeques on trie board. Wallace McNara, charged with as sault and battery, was arrested at Klam ath, Wash., last Friday and brought to to this city for trial. AJcNaraii chaiged with having severely cut and beaten a man at Sandy, this county, the first of January. He escaped to Portland and w; s located at Portland last week bv Sher.ff Sbavsr. McNara quickly '.e rned that he was about to be Caught and jumped to Klamath, but a telephone message from the sheriff of this county to officers at the former place had the desired effect and McNara was lodged in the Oregon City jail Saturday. Mr. J. A. Coz, of Oanby, one of the best citzens of Clackamas county wag in Ortgon City on Wednesday meeting old friends and making new ones. He came down primarially to pay his taxes but when he got here he found out what many an innocent tax payer in this county finds out sooner or later, that his taxes are very much more than he ex pected, hence he deferred the payment of the taxes until be could raise a little more coin of the relm . In addition to being a good citizen, he is a good Demo crat. If some other good Democrats of Clackrmas county bad been putting in their spare time to as good advantage as Mr. Cox, this would now be a Democratic county. Mr. Cox has barely turned sixty yet he is the father of eleven boys, nine of whom are living, and all o! whom are Democrats. Jtie is also the father of two girls and they are also Democrats. Mr. (Jox haB one of the bent nurseries in the state and is pushing his industry aud building up a fine business. He has not been in Oregon City for two years until Wednesday. Letter List. Following is the list of letters remain ing in the Oregon City postoflice Feb. 5, 1903: Women's List Mrs Emily Howell, Mrs Fannie Meador (3), Mrs Olive Myers, Stella Seley, Mies Ederira Wil liams, Mr and Mrs D M Martin. Men's List Chas Doffer, Eli Fellows, Walter Hearth, Johauas Martin, Geo E Nichols, (3) Geo Nichols, Carl Rich ards, John M Tracy, F W Yanhozer, H Wynian, E J Watson. G. F. Horton, P. M. Forget your troubles and cares and take your neighbor by the hand and come and see the Wbos's Who Minstrels at Shively's, Feb. 19. Ah by the way, m'aybe you tan bring your neighbor's big girl. Are You Restless At Night. And harassed by a bad cough 1 Use Ballard's Horehound Syrup, it will se cure you sound Bleep and effect a prompt and radical cure. 35c, 50c and $1.00 bottle at Charman & Co. Selling hose at half price. Racket Store. Feed pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer rom sick blood. The fact that it is the best ireparaiion cf Cod Liver Oil, Ich in nutrition, full of healthy simulation is a suggestion as 0 why it does what it does. . Scott's Emulsion presents 01 Liver Oil at its best, iliest in strength, least in .:ste. Young women in their teens " are permanently cured 'f the peculiar disease of the !ood which shows itself in xtleness, weakness and nervous icss, by regular treatment vith Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and 3 naturally adapted to the cure A the blood sickness from which so many young women suffer. VVs wi'l he s'ad to send a Simple to any sufferer. fle sure that this picture in th; term ot a label is on the wrapper of evtry bottle oi EmuUioo you buy. SCOTT it BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., New York. Its At the start in a long race, the advanb. to with an outsider. But the race is won not in starting but in staying;, ine quality wuicu him is stavine power. It is so in the race of life. Staying power wins, Rna as a rule the best staver is the man with the best stomach. All physical strength is derived from food which is properly digested and assimilated. When the food eaten is only part ly digested and assimilated there is a loss of nutri tion which means a loss of strength and the general result is physical break-down. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery gives strength and staying power, be cause it cures diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutri tion. It enables the perfect digestion and assimilation of the food eaten, and so strengthens the body naturally by tho nutrition derived from food. "I was trouble with indigestion for bout two years." writes Wm. Bowlcer, Esq,, of Tnlia- etta, Latah Co., Idaho. "I tried different Ooo tors and remedies but to no avail, until I wrota to you and you told me what to do. , I suffered with a pain in my stomach and left aide and thought that it would kill mt Now I am glad to write this and let you know that I am aU right I can do my work now without pain and I don't have that tired feeling that I used to have. Five hottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery and two vials of hia ' Pleasant Pellets' cured me.1 Accept no substitute for Golden Med ical Discovery. There is nothing "just as good" for diseases of the stomach, blood and lungs. Dr. Pierce's Pellets are easy and pleas ant to take. A most effective laxative. THE MORNING TUB cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason of defective plumbing or beating apparatus. To h,ave both put in thorough working order will not prove expensive if the work is done by F. C. CADKE Oregon City Second-Hand & Junk Store HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-HAND GOODS, HIDES, JUNK METALS OF ALL KINDS, ETC. All kinds of Farm Implements and Machinery. Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold RING PHONE 416 FO.R JUNK. Sngarman & Co! Annual Clearance Sa le- tji?ww of Shoes and Rubbers at Extremelylow prices is now on. Call and see us. Kra uss38ros. CONTEST NOTICE. repayment of the Interior, United State La Office, Oregon Ciiy, Oregon Sovemusr Uth Vm A sufficient contest affidavit havinir hon fti.j lu this t dice b, August E. Spei l in ? roTesfa sgnmst homs'ead entry No. vaim m ,d , ,a 1!00 for wi of pU Section 17, Town shin Knnge7e, by Wiffl.n, H. fsher wlm h it is alld that Cumu ,t.'.'.L ZZ'aSl present condition of the Punic- nk A?. 2 emryman has wholly abandoned ' 5 , (,, Ed that he has never maided upon or ., hmL. 7 or improved ttie Fm8 m a ', ''ifd whatevnr .! R0J' manner at all nor has any one acting f or h ?m tiiT! S aliened alisonr. mm ,i,":.A ,r ai"Uhat said to his employment in the ,7m " i avv""!? 2' ( oips of the United Slate. Vp" officer seaman, or marine diirin. ,L "Idler, a. m. on Maich ao "l9c3 before .1 VJ , clotk The said contestant having, in a nrnn .m filed November 13, lima, m lolthTr . ?! show that after dilflg.nce Persona! J1CU hich notice can not be made it w o v. ",! iln directed that such notice be HTven l' rfU 8nd proper publication. 8',en l dm au 3eo. W. rtlBKI, . Receiver. NOTICE TO CREDITORS? Notice Is herebv (riven that ih -1 , been appointed- by th, Co u ,tv ,3nj6r'CT h amaa County, o-eon, " dm?ni" r0'",1 "' CUc of Narcy Jar.e Hoan, decked" "i!" e8la, having claim. ,Hiu,t .'aid es,au ortl i ,P"r8on are required to present then Twiih n,I , e leos and duly v.ritieo, wi h in i r. nE1PerrT' ,00h' 'cation of this notice otKV fr"m ilK-Seele We n,, Ain1n.isorofn,rEn,nKDt't8' Dated Janiwiydih. 1" J'"'t ""e. de.U Hedges Jt orifliih, Attorneys. er. th.' a Tha Kind YouHa!fl Boca