tv- r-r ---w'wv' OREGON cn Y OREGON CITY, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1903 20th YEAR, NO. 4 COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY CAPITAL $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts bills tmjt and sells domestic and foreign exchange and recelres; deposits subject to check. Open from t a. m. to 4 p. m. O. C , liATOtJRETTB, President F, J. Heyeb Cashie 0, N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1865) Prompt delivery to all parts of the elty OREGON CITY OREGON (J D, & D. C. LATCURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate Law Specialties Office in Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON )R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST All workjwarranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty Canfleld Building OREGON .C1TI OREGON NO END IN SIGHT. THE SENATORIAL STRUG GLE GOES MERRILY WITH NO MATERIAL DE FELOFMENT 1 Legislators are Working Eard and Some Good Laws are Being Enacted. Salem Oregon, February 10, 1903, E H. COOPER, Notary Public. Real Estate and Insurance, Titles Exam ined, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Etc., Drawn. Room 16, Garde B'd'g, Oregon City, Ore E I. BIAS DEALKB IN BATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY OREGON G. E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, opp 'Bank of Oregon City OREGON CITY OREGON ' During the last week there has been no material development in the Senator ial question. Fulton has continued to hold the lead and to occupy the center f the stage, la fact it begins to look at times like it will be Fulton or no one. Fulton or a dead lock with Oregon out of a Senator. Geer has shown no evi dences of material gain or greater strength than he haB manifested from the beginning. The other votes are scatteriug and to no purpose. The balloting has taken place day after day and week after week with no signa of breaking up or terminating the struggle. Only one ballot has been taken on each day and that has been merely perfunc tory and with no real intention of elect ing any one. When the end will come or whether it will come at all or not is not known by the wisest political pro phets on the ground. There are dozens of dark horses in grooming and dozens of men who have their lightening roads up; but they are all yet in the shadow. The curtain will certainly not raise upon the finish until near the end of the ses sion. ' The Legislature has appropriated $165 000 for the construction of a portage road around the rapids at the Dalles Oregon. 1 he idea is to cheapen the frieghtrate from the great Columbia and Snake river basins to the sea board, to QRANT B. DIMICK Attorney and Counselor at Law Will nraetlee in all Courts In Ihe State, Circuit and District Courts of the United States, "-solvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Office in Garde'BuIldlng, Oregon City, Or. It has been discovered that real pro perty has to bear about 82 per cent of the running our state government under our present system of taxation, which is regarded as too much in proportion to the benefits received. Quite a bunch of Oregon City citizens were in Salem on Wednesday looking on at the doings of the Legislature. They were all quite interested in the proceed ings and enjoyed a very pleasant day of it. Water works superintendent W. H. Howell was around and about shak ing hands with acquaintences and Judge Gordon E. Hayes was affable as usual to all he met. He had business before the court of appealB. The bill looking to direct primary elections and doing away with political conventions was reconsidered in the Senate and passed by a very close vote. It will now likely become a law and will work a very radical change in the management of party machinery in this state. The bill to create the new county of StocKman went down to defeat on Tues day by a large vote and the new county will not be christened at this session of the legislative body. There is no in tention to create new counties unless the matter is first submitted to the vote of the people who will be effected by the change. The scalp bounty law was repealed by a very large vote. The members from Easte.n Oregon made a game fight to save it but without effect. Under "its provisions it is claimed that the coyotes have been increasing aud not decreasing as it was anticipated they would. In fact it is claimed that there was a dis position to raise coyotes for the scalps alone. LICKED DP BY FLAMES is ONE OF GLADSTONE'S FINEST RESIDENCES. The Minstrel Show at the Empire last night was very well attended Harry Ward's Magnificent Minstrels is all that it claims to be the best and brine competition against the Rail 1 cleanest troupe on the road, and during Roads which have this wast and rich 1 all the nerformance not an eye was section of Oregon. Washington and i taken off the stage because of uninter Eastern Oregon in thoir grasp. It is esting moments. The opening chorm understood to be purpose of the govern- was No. 1, and very prettily staged, the ment to build a canal around these falls costumes and scenery being of the finest which will make the Columbia river texture. The first number on the pro. navin-nhla roar arnnnd fnr larca ornm wan bv Georze Wade. Who Was boats but this can not be done even if 3EO. T. HOWARD . NOTARY PUBLIC ' REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front., Court House Block OREGON CITY OREGON L C. STRICKLAND, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Does an Up-To-Date General Praotice Special attention given to surgery and diseases of women. Office in Garde Building, 7th and Main Sts. OREGON CITY, OREGON J.W. Norms, M.D. J. W. Powell. M. D. JfORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in city or country promptly attended Garde Building, Oregon City. F. CAUFIELD WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER All Work Warranted M7ot,-ViMthnt others have failed to make run properly especially solicited. Main Street, Opposite Huntley's" OREGON CITY. ' OREGON. Mr. Clark Devereaux, of Park Rapids, Minn . , recently arrived in this city on an extended visit to his aunt, Mrs. C. A, Nash, of Gladstone. He is at present in Eastern Oregon looking up some timber locations. Families Narrowly Escape With Their Lives. About 3 o'clock Wednesday morning the fine residence of H. O. Stevens at Gladstone caught fire. The flames quickly spread and in less than an hour the building; was reduced to ashes. The house was occupied by W. E. and F. M. Wilson, proprietors of the depot saloon, of this city and their families. F. M. Wilson left Oregon City on the 12 :20 electric car and probably reached his home twenty minutes later Shortly before 3 o'clock he wss awakened by a feeling of suffocation and sprang out of bed, feeling that something was wrong. He soon discovered that the house was on fire and made haste to arouse' his family. The family had barely time to save their clothing from the past en croaching flames, and the entire con- flames, and the entire contents of the bouse were consumed with the excep tion of a piano. What was the origin of the fire no one seems to know, but it is thought that either a defective flue or stove was the c.iuse. The residence, which was one of the finest in Gladstone, was erected by Hon. Harvey E: Cross, of Gladstone, at an expense of $2,500, Beveral years ago, and was occupied until within the past few years by the Oregon City Hospital, after which it was turned into a resi dence. It was a large ten-room affair and a beautiful s'ructure, standing only a little way from the banks of the Clack' amas and a few hundred feet from the electric railroad. Gladstone has no fire company and it was almost impossible to render any assistance of any value, save in making the burned out families comfortable. The residence was insured for $1000 in the Queen Insurance Co., of which Mr. CroBS is the agent. There was an insur. ance of $1500 on the furniture, carried by Mr. Cobper, of the Phoenix Insur ance Company. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Clackamas County. Susan K. Jones, Plaintiff, vs. Benjamin F. Jones, defendant: To Benjamin F. Jones, the abore named de fendant. In the name of the state of Oregon y on are here by required to appear and answer the complaint sled against you in the above entitled suit within six weeks after the date of the first publication of this summons to-wlt: After the 13th day of Febru ary A. D., 1903, and if you fail to so appear and answer for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to tiie above named court for the relief demanded in her complaint to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony now exutiug between you snd tbe plaintiff' This summons is published In absonoe of Cir cuit Judge Thomas A. McBride by order of Tbos. F. Rvan. Judge of the County Court of the state of Oregon for Claokauias county, dated February xi, ivua. uaie oi nrsi pu'icauon jp eDruary 1908, last, Maroh 27, 1903. 13. JOHN W. LODER Attorney for Plaintiff. THIS AD SOLD JAS. BATY'S FARM ON DICKEY PRAIRIE INVESTIGATE THIS 318 AORE8; 100 cultivated, 100 almost ready for cul tivation; fine soil; 25 cows, 25 goats, team, farm implement, plent) of eed, two barns, good house ; $5000. IF YOU HAVE ONE AS GOOD, list it with us. We advertise at home and in the East. We have 10,000 descriptive pamphlets of Clackamas couoty to distribute in the East. Send your address and we will mail you some for you to send your friends in the EaBt. C N. Plowman & Co. Oregon City, Oregon "1 T T W if kmJlV JLVJIXk. JL JL CVVll at Harris Grocery And are going to make special induce ments to close buyers. Cash and Small Profits is Our Motto. the work is begun at once. House Bill No. 193, introduced by Speaker Hairis, whi be reported back to the House to-day by the House com4 mittee on assessment and taxation with the recommendation that the Governor be placed on the State Board of Ap praisers instead of the State Treasurer, and also recommending some changes as to the dates as to the time of assess ment, ect., and without any recommenda tion a to whether or not the bill shall become a law. The purpose of the bill is to discover the tangible property as sessed by certain large corporations do ing business in this Btate so that tbe same may be added to the assessed valuation of their tangible property to the end that these large corporations shall be required to bear their just share of the burdens of taxation . them with the goods," and got three encores. The others came in for their share of applause also. Van Fosen and McCauley as rag-time -specialists, were "Jisturbers" for fair and their dancing included the nigger fit was ace-high. Ward and Wade can hold their own, with all the other end men put to gether and Mr. Ward's monologue was full of witty sayings. The equilibrist, Monroe, was an expert in his line and his stunts were well received. Pisk and Rogers in their musical comedy were artists. The Harmonic Four gave a satisfactory specimen of their singing and their imitation of the ca Hope was n wrect in every "toot." The entertain ment closed with Hershal, the juggler, and if there is to be any medal given away he will certainly win it. Indian apolis News. At SJhively's opera house Feb. 14. BIG TIMBER DEAL. FIFTEEN HUNDRED ACRES OF FINE FILING UMBER Sold at two J. W. COLE, Fine Whiskies and Cigars All goods bought in bond. Purity and quality guaranteed SOME FAMOUS OLD BRANDS James E. Pepper, Kentucky Burbon -Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon Old Roxbury Rye ASTEOPATHY DR. C. D. LOVE osteopathic' physician Graduate of American School of Osteopathy, Kirksvllle, Mo. Successfully treats both acute and chronic 018 euccesM iyaseg CaU (or Ulerature. Consultation and Examination Free. TI . I 8 to 12 A.M. Office Hours: jlto4 p.m. lOr by appointment at any time. Rooms No. 4 and S, Stevens Building, Main St OBEOOS CITY, OBEOOH. OBERT A. MlLLtt .TTnRNF.Y AT LAW O. D. EBY, NOTARY PUBLIC, . immrht and sold, money loaned r..amined and abstracts made oasi Vounty warat8. Probate aud comn court business and insurance. BOOM 8, WKNHAKD BCIIDINO OREGON CITY. - - - OREGON, C. BCHUIBIl TTRES & W. 8. TJ'REN 6CHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Etutfcfcet SIbtjoIoi "In all courts, make collections uJ?I!f" m furm.h abstract, oi ?,T"J. money and' l.nd your money on first mortgage. OSc. Id Enterpris. b 0RE30S CITY ORKOON Choicest Meats AT R. PetZDldS Meat Market if V V Hon. J. U. CampbjH, Elected Captain of Company A, O. N, Q. An election was held in the Armory rCo. A.,0. N. G., February 9th at 8 :30, for the purpose of electing a captain to fill the vacancy cueed by the resigna tion of Captain H. Leigh ton Kelly. Mr. Kelly has been captain of Co A., for the past two years and has nhowu great ability and management in looking after the interests of the company. Lieutendant J. U. Campbell was chosen captain at tins meeting, wr. Campbell has served in the guards be fore with ability, and al o in the secoud Oregon Volunteers, and was always at the head of the company in (til of its pjimnaiens through the itdani'8. Lieutenant Humphreys who has had I command of the company nince Captain Kelly's resignation, was not a candidate fortheoftke. Lieutenant Humphreys served with company M. of ihe -iecond Oregon, all through its campaigns in the 'to a Portl tnd Firm Fancy Figures. East from Molalla corners about miles is as fine a bunch of oiling timbers as can be found in the state oi Oregon. There are about 1500 acres in the body, This timber baa stood there and grown there for years and years and has not been considered very vtluabie until re cent y. J ut now there .is quite a de mand for piling Umbers and the parties who own this fine body of timber are selling it to a Portland company at fine figure. This limber is owned by Oliver Itobbins, H. 8, Rainaby, F-ed Schafer, Harry Itestall, John Summer, Louis Suudinger and others. The price is $15 per acre making a total of $22,500. There is not a better tract of piling tim ber west of the Cascada mountains. The (leal for this laud has been closed and the money will be deposited in the Commercial B.uik of Oregon City on Saturday of ibis week, Tbe timber will be worked at once and will lurn'iBb work lor a large number of hands and thus does, Clackamas county begun to boom. Cor. Railroad Ave, and Main St. I Wilson $ Cook 1 HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SHIPMENT OF OLIVER idlanda and has been in the guard since 1096 with the exception of the time served with the Oregon volunteers. Second Lieutenant Chas Burns is also an officers worthy of the title. He served with Co. A Second Oregon and was always at his post when duty called him. The meeting Monday night was quite a happv occasion. Major Von Egglef stein was the inspector of the election. He was accompanied by Captain Bcott, of Portland. Tbe Major is quite a favorite of Co A's. Short spfcties were made by the Major and Captain, and by Lieutenant Humphieys. There will be a meeting of the new military bend sometime the first of nut month to determine what is to be done with regard to the new military organizuion. The National guard will be reduced to one regiment tt twelve companies. At present there are two regiments and a separate battallion, which comprise about 18 companit-a. Mr. J. S. SmilhJ of LaCamas, has been in Oieaon City for some days on business. Mr. Pmiih formerly lived in Oregon City. He is now woiking in the Culunitiia paper mills at LaCamae aud has a 'joodjob. Mrs. Azi Holmes will oppn a branch Beauty Parlor at Huntley's Drug Store conimeiicing next Saturday, bbe will give daily demonstrations in the art of Dermatology, Electrolysis, Maseaite and beautifying the lace and comj.lexion. All lad it b are cordially invited to call'. Private treatment given, ""Lettina go of Divine Tilings" will be thp theme at the Congregational church iit-xt Miipiay morning. In the evening toe pastor will speak on "Several Prominent Characteristic of Abraham Lincoln." Members of the Grand Army are especially invited. Last Saturday afternoon Mrs. Charles M. Oglesby entertained her Sunday school class of the Congregational church at her home on the Abernethy. The afternoon was spent In games, s ich as are dear to young hearts. Near the close tasty lunch wos served. 1 hose pres ent were Wana Baxter, Bertha Mcll wain, Lois Green, BesMe Albright, Flor-e-ice Grace, Louu-e Walker, Florence White, Mary Burgess, Libby, Calm and Ella White. - AND EXTRAS 1 & Also Harrows, Cultivators and Seeders WtS ALSO CAHRY Stoves, Tinware, Hardware, Cutlery, Woodchoppers' and Loggers' Supplies We have also added to our stock, a large shipment of STEEL ENAMELED WARE, Lisk's anti-rusi Tinware. Jit Prhts that Cannot U Duplicated in the City Wilson & Cooke $ r(5 To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, js nA Seven Million boxes told In past 1 2 months. ThlS signature, SyT Cures Crip In Two Days. on every box. 25c.- (8 3 ! ' :