OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1903. untleq All Household Necessities at Lowest Prices Frank Busch The Housefurnisher All Household Necessities at Lowest Prices Four Licensed, Experienced, If you ever buy anything of us that turns out badly, tell us about it we'll make it right. We aim to give you full value for your money :: ;: :: :: :; Registered Pharmacists look after our big Prescrip tion business. If your pre POPULAR PRICE Druggists : Booksellers STAT ION E RS scription is put up here the work, the drugs. and the price are right :: :: The Faultless Sprayer Throws a Spray as Fine as Mist Adapted for the Destroying Every of Kind of Insect One-half tablespoonful of Paris Green and one filling with water is sufficient to destroy all the bugs on a thousand plants : : The Faultless Sprayer is absolutely the best constructed sprayer of its class ever offered. For strength and durability it has no equal The tapering point to air chamber gives great force to the spray, carrying it to the greatest possible distance It kills, drives away and exterminates every living thing obnox ious to yourself, your animals or your crops . ' PRICE 80c How About It? Have You Looked Into the PIANO and ORGAN PRICES at Eiler's Piano House? They aro so low now as to bo simply startling and moan a good thing for you at small cost. It is a quick cash raising proposition with this house, and wo aro letting superb instruments go at prices that havo heretofore seemed impossible. Chickcrings, Webors and Kimballs, our loaders and the pianos that lead tho world over; tho Pacific Queen, Kimball, Burdett. Needham, Peerless and Crown organs, all can bo secured now for saiall cash outlay. Writo or 'phono for particulars. Eiler's Piano House, 351 Washington St., Portland, Or. the Popular Pacific Coast Piano Bouse. Tianos tho best and guaranteed. Wo send pianos everywhere, subject to examination. Money back if not absolutely satisfied. Largo flourishing houses at San Francisco, Spokano and Sacramento. On Trial that's the way we sell our Waterman Foun tain Pens. If you are not thoroughly pleased after 30 days trial bring the pen back and get anoiher or get your money back. No "ifs'l or "buts" just simply your money back. Remember, there is a Waterman Pen made for every hand. If you can't find it among our 40 pens we'll send to the fac tory for it. We handle Also the widely ad vertised LAUGHLIN FOUNTAIN PEN Your choice of these two styles, equal to any other $3.00 kind, for only K8W 41 Mail orders from our out of town friends will receive prompt1 atten tion. If you have a Foun tain Pen that doesn't work right bring it In we will repair it or take it in trade for a new one :: :: :: P Games of all Kin d These are the evenings when children need games. Don't think we haven't the game you want because it isn't listed here : : : Ping Pong... $1.00 up Cockinole JS1.00 up Checkers and board...... .15 Dominoes 10 up Playing cards 10 up Authors ,. .10 up Educational Games .25 Pillow Dex. 25 Jack Straws 10 Parches! $1.00 ' mbomuqi 10 Cents. MBtCT & ytlTH, rUuMIMt. NLW PORK Winter Reading A large line of new and standard books bound in paper or cloth. 500 titles of paper books Fiction 7 Travel Comic Detective Stories, 15c. 200 titles of cloth books Fic tion Science Travel Biography, ' at 25c and 35c: All the Peck's Bad j coy oooks each 25c. m Don't Suffer With a Headache You can cure it for 3 cents with Huntley's Headache Tab letsBetter yet, it will be cured harmlessly. Many head ache remedies are harmful better endure the ache. We make our own Headache Tablets know they are harmless guarantee thtm to cure or money back. Price 25c box. Cat us. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Davis are on the sick list. Dr. Strickland is attending them. John Jones is visiting his wife a1 Salem Miss TCdna Irish called on Mrs. Metzger Tuesday. Misses Jessie and Letba Jackson, of Maple Lane, spent Saturday and Sun' day with their aunt. A number of the Cams yonng folks at tended the dancing school at Beaver Creek Wednesday night. Misses Rachel and Maggie Lewis and ICebecca Kalbneiscn were the guests 01 Sarah and Katie Jones bunday, Tom Blanchard, of New Era called at Frank Jaggars Sunday. Mrs. Boebee, who broke her arm some time ago is slowly improving. Herbert Green, of Oregon City spent a few days in Oarus last week . Miss Bertha Spangler called on Miss Dela White Sunday . All Shoenborn and Emerson Spatz ffVH a nartv at the teasle barn Wednes. day evening, social games were played until midnieht when lunch was served after which the guests departed for home. A dance was gWen at the home of Mr, Edwin Howard Saturday evening, a. large crowd was present and all report a good time. Fra. Bawen and Mis Jessie Turner, of Portland visited Miss E.ichel Lewis last week. Wo-rt. Wn.lnPKilnv pveniiis. February 11th, the closing concert of the Y. M. 0. A vnpdl mnsiK ir aRa nndor the direction .IM, vv k Wprsptlii i be rendoi ..it in thn Rnntist rh'itch if Orcson Citv Hie progrom will do a ursi cihsb one and several numbers ol 1'oitiana taient will assist, among which will be the following: W iss Viola Gilbert, soprano solo; Miss Katherine Covach, soprano solo; Miss May S'anton, contralto; Mr. Theo. Esser, basso; Mr. Geo. C. Wat kins, banso; Miss Francis Walton, reader, l'rof. Werechkul is a very el fech-nt instructor ani any one who hiiB had the rrivilege ol attending 111s enter Uinmtnts before will corlainlynot want to miss this one. Eight o'c'ock sharp. SUMMONS. In Hi Circuit Court of th. State of Oregon, fo Clx'kamas counijr. I Alfred W, Snyder, Plaintiff, vs. Miranda Snydtr, Defendant. To Miranda Snyder, the abore named'dc f enfant Yon are hereby summoned to appear and an swer tha complaint Died aaiBt you In the above I entitled court nd cause on or before the Hth I nf March. 1903. or il vou fail so toappear and answer said complaint the plaintiff will thereupon apply t the court for the relief prayed for In hi aid complaint, totwit: Fo the diisolrinir of the bonil of matrimony ails ting between your self and the plxtnt'ff. This summon i published by orderof the lion. T. A. MrBride, judueof the circuit court lor the State of Oregon, wade aud entered the 28th day of . January, l'Jtw. UaoMAHOK, I Attorney for Plaintiff, The Ant publication is on the 7 rtey of ret., lwn. The last publication on the 20 day of March, 1W3. : this is Your Chance Xo Buy Goods at Prices to Suit Your Purse....... We have just finished stock-taking and must reduce stock to make room for spring and summer goods Will Sell Everything at a Big Reduction - ?!?i?tFaistsanJ Skirts, Latest Styles; DryJGocfJs, Urdctwear, Hafciy' Shcesj Etc. cf"the" test rrgke 2nd quality. Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Glcves,r Mackin toshes, Etc. at prices that no prudent buyer ever cverlccks. Come and See for Yourself THE-RED ERONT GEO. T. HOWARD. Pro. Court House Block. Oregon City, Oregon 1 DANCING SCHOOL Tumev will conduct a dancing school at Beaver Creek hall. Meet every Wednesday evening: dance starts at 8 o'clock sharp; close at 12. Admission, Gents sOc : : Ladies Free The Best Laundry is the Cheapest - The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best Docs not wear out or destroy your linen. Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac tion assured. E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent. CD New Era Flouring Mills We have purchased of 8treic Bros, the New Era Flonrino- Mill. are now in possession and d jirg business at the old stand. We guarantee satisfaction to all who may ocme our way." To our friends'and patrons we ask a conKnuance of their kindness and courtesy to us and assure them that we shall do our very best to please them. iireaa 11 the Stan ot me, without good flour you can not have good bread Good Bread Wakes fiappp Gomes f iv0 Tia rnnr trflda .nil va btMI nit.a wm. lnA ....... i .l. BEST FLOUR that can be made. Sevcik Bros. SlSTJI New Era, Or. ft 1