Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 06, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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AMD Union Pacific
The 0. B. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice of
:00 a. m.
9:00 p. m.
6:C0 p.m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland .every
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for ilkm
""elteand Columbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to China nnd Japan,
For full Information fall on nr address nearett
0. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CPA1G. 0, P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
Only transcontinental line
passing directly through
Salt Lake City,
Leads Me,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through Sleeping and Dining Cart
nd Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The most ' magnificent ' tcenery in
America bv daylight.
Stop overs allowed on 'all classes of
For cheapest" raiei and deeeriptlv. yiteratnxe
' Central Agent,
24 Tl bd Ftm', Pcrtpi d, Oregon
Daily Botind Trips, cirept Suudajr
Leave Portland " A, II
Leave Astoria 1 P. M
Dally Trips Except Svnouv
Leave Portland, Men., W d. and . ,
Leave The Dalles, lues., HiurB.
Leave Portland, Tups , 'Ihurs. and Sat.
Leave Dalles, Mod., Wed. and Fri . J,
Landing, Foot Alder Street
A.J.Taylor Astoria, Ore
. J. W. Crichton "The Dalles, Ore
A. K. Fuller .Hord Kiver. Ore
Wolford & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash
Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash
John T. Totten Stevenson, Wash
J. 0. Wvatt ... Vancouver, Wash
Is an important state and 51.9
per cent of its popula
tion is located on
Chicago, the greatest commer
cial center of the West, is best
reached from the Northwest by
this famous railroad
The North-Western
Daily between Minneapolis.St.
. Paul and Chicago is the
peer of all fine trains
For lowest rates. Mm of trains and . full
Information write to
General Agent
J218 Alder St., Portland, Ore.
General Passin jer Agent, St. Paul, flln.
hes stood the test 25 years. . Average Annual Sales ove? One end a Half Mniloa
bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ? No Cure, No Pay. 5Cc.
Enclosed with every bottle Is a Tea Cent, package of Grove's Black Root, liver Pills.
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of
and has been made under his per
CdX&fJt?rflA sonal supervision since its infancy.
sACm Allow no one to deceive you in this.'
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the liealtli of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
W W M r -
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
aj .4,-a,.,. r -- --
California Wine House
Bet. 4th and 5th
Per Gallon
$i 00
California Port. .
Extra Tawny
Extra Old Port i 25
uencate ana Meiiow
Superior Old Port and Sherry 1 50
Selected For Medicinal Purposes
Extra Old California Sherry I 05
Medium, Pale-, Delicate and Di j
California' Tokav..... 1 00
Excellent Table "Wine
Sweet Muscatel 1 25
Fine Wine
Sweet Catawba.. 1 25
Angelica 1 05
Soft, Full and Fine.
Extra old Calif'rnia Angelica 1 25
. buperu old dessert wine.
Extra Dry California Tamtua Wines.
Sparkling Burgundy 85c
A clear, sparkling wine.
Sonoma Claret 65c
Klcn, fruity wine.
kxtra bonoma Zinfanoel. . . 75c
None betters a well matured wine.
Extra Sonoma Riesling. . . . 75c
A white wine t.iat will please you.
Sonoma iJock 65c
Quality unsurpassed
Sonoma Sauterne 1 00
A flue old white wine.
Fine Calif. Grape Brandy ..275
Jne genuine; good as imported.
Only Wine Vaults in the City
City Orders Delivered Tree.
Order through Your Grocer.
6 H. Brady.
Cures Consumption,Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma,
LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
Sore Throat, Croup ana
Whooping Cough.
rtc 60c. and $ t . T8L BOTTLES FREft
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Caafleld Block OREGON CITY
Tasteless Chill
Signature of
Notice Is hereby given that II e nnderslpned
I 1.. -J..I.. .... ..!. 1.- .1...
lit,, u'rn uui.v r' triunu iij ,nt- . mini; -ju,if-,
of Clatkiwas County. -rigor, txieuttlx of the
last will of William R. Br-e by. late el said County
All persons having i lalms gairi-t the estate of
amu ucceasetl, arc Cl'imeu. HI me men ciniuii-
with the proper vincheis and dulj veilfled ac
cording to law with my attorney, C. H. Dye
Corner 6th & Main St., Oipgon City, Oreg. n
within six n onths from dole of this nolle e.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, December 1911
Kxecutrix as afore said.
Department of the Intkriob, i
Unit, d Plates Land Oltire,
Oregon City, Or., December 18th, 1U02.1
A flnffie'ent cuntCBt atlidavit having been tiled
In this office by Peter Graiiaizkl, conlestaji i
againat Homentend Entry No. 12018, made Decsm
ber 23d, 18!!6, for nw of swi section 28, town
ship 4 outh, range 4 east by Jamt-s My lea, coa
testee, In which it is alleged that oontcetan
knows the present condition of the name; also tha
said James, Myles has wholly abandontd aald
claim for the paBt two yers; ihat he has not hn
proved thefameas requited by law. nor had any
one make Hny Improvements thereon for him; tha
to my best knowledge and belief said Jamfs Mle
never resided or acttled upon said claim at al
(and that Baid alleged absence from the said land
was no' due t his employment In th. Army
Navy or Marinn Corps of the United Htates as
privnee soldier, officer, seaman or marine daring
the war Willi Spain, or during any other war iu
which the United Mates may be engaged!.
fc-ai'i partie aie herehy nfitifled to appear, re
spond and offer eiiilctiee touching said allegation
at 10 o clock a . m on March 26th, 1WW, beloi e the
Rcistei and Receiver at tho United States Land
Lflice in Oregon City, Oregon,.
The said contestant having, In a proper sffl
dav t, filed Dicen.lier 15th, 11102, set forth facts
which show that afterdue diligence personal ser
vice of tiiis notice can not be made, wnsordered
aud directed that such notice be given by due and
propvr publication.
Geo. W. Bibek, Receiver.
In the Circuit Circut of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas CVmity.
A. K. Latonrette, trus'ee, plaiutlff, vs. John t.
Andorson an'l Gustav liahlke, defendan ts.
To Joan F. Anderson aud Gus.av Duhlke, de
feudaute, aud each of yout
in the nnme oi of the state of
Oregon you and each of you ar
hereby summoned and required to appear
and answer the complaint against you, fikd In
the above edtitled suit, on nr before the last day
ol the time prescribed in the order for publica
tion of summons 1 erein, which is six weeks from
lire date of the iiiHt publication hi reof wh ch dale
isthelrd day of January, 1903, and you and
each of you will take notice that If you tail to so
appear aud ai.swerthe complaint nled against
you in the above entitled ;buh on or before the
aid last day of the time prescribed in said order,
the olaintiti bereiu will apply bo the Court for the
relief 4i-m anile 1 in the comprint in this suit
which is for the foreclosure of a mortgage for
K'0-bctirie ln eresi upon the following de
scribed projerty to-wlt;
Beginning at the northwest corner of the 8. D.
Fra' cis Donation Land Claim Number 48 in town-thip-2
Biiiith, range 2 eautof the Will.mette Mer
iillan and running thence east 22.01) ohaius:
thence north 16 minutes west 6.80 chains west
22.06 chains to the east boundary of the L. I) V.
Latouiettti Donation Land Claim Number 45.
Thence south 15 m mites east along south bound
ary liue.if sitld Donation Land Claim Number 46,
to the place .of beginning containing 15 acres
mote or less and that plaintiff will apply for such
other and further relief as to equity iuy belong .
Fublithed by older of said court
Attorneys for 1 laintiff.
Dated, Jan. 19, 1903.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lor
Clackamas County.
W, A. barker, flaintlff, yi. Hattie Bella Parke J
loU.uie Belle Parker, th. above named de
fendant: In the name oi th. state of Oregon you ar
hereby required to appear and answer the eojn
plaint her. in on or before the 24 d ly ol Marsh
1103, which will bt after the expiration ol slat
weeks from the date ol the liist publication of
this summons and if yon fail so to appearand
bmnver said complaint on or before said data, ta.
plaintiff will apply to the cottit (or the reLef de
manded in said complaint to-wit: for a decree
dissolving the bonds of matrimony now existing
between you and the plain US li-reln and for such
other further relief as to the court thall seem Jus
and equitable.
This summons if published by order of the
Bon. Thomas A. McllrVe, judge of the shove en
titled court duly inadeou the 9th day of Janu
ary, 1903
The date of the first publication' of this anm
mons is the lUbla" of Juntirv, 1903.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
The Coat of Faded Greg.
A low hut rests in Lookout's shade
Ar rots its moss-grown rocf awav,
While sundown's glories softly fade,
Closing another weary day;
The battle's din is heard no more
No more the hunted stand at bay
The breezes through the lowly door
Swing mute a coat of faded gra",
A tatler'd relic of the ft ay
A threadbare coat of faded grey.
'Tis banging on the rough lng wall
Ne&r to t.hu fnnt. nf a wirirttK'a hat
By a white plume and a well worn
shawl . '
His gifl the happy morn they wed,
r.y me wee slip their dead child wore
The one they gave the name of May,
By her reg doll and pinafore
A red-fleik'd relic of the fray
' An armless coat of faded gray.
Her all of life now drapes the wll,
Poor and patietit still she waits
On God's good lime to gently call
Her, too, within the juwel'd gates;
And all she craves is here to die
To part from the?e, and pass away
To join her loves eternally
That wore the slip the coat of gray,
The shell-torn relic of the fray
Her soldier's coat of faded gray.
You Never Know the Moment When This
Informatiou May Prove of Infinite
IUs worth considerable to any reader
to know I he value of and use of a medi
cine, for if there is no occasion to em
ploy it in the meantime, frail humanity
in subject to many influences and un
foreseen contingencies that the wisestlare
totally iinaUe to gauge the future.
Know then, that Doan's Ointment will
cure any case of hi morrhoids, common'y
know as. piles, or any.disease of the cu ti
ttle or skin, general termed eczema.
One application convinces continuation
cures. Read the proof :
T. H. Thomas, attorney, of 500 E.
Bennett Ave., Cripple Oret k, ea.vs: "I
just as emphatically endorse Doan's
Ointment, to-day as 1 did in the month
of June 1899 At that time 1 went to
the diug store for a box which I used for
itching hemorrhoids. A few appli-ca-iens
gave wonderful relief, and a
short continuation of the treatment
cured me. There have been symptoms
ol a tecurrence since but a few appli
cations of the. remedy never tuils to
bring positive relief. My opinion of
Doan's Ointment, the expressed, is the
tame to-day as it was when it was first
brought to my notice."
For Bale by all dealers. Price 50c.
Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. Sole
agents for the U. 8.
Remember the name DOAN'S and
take no substitute.
Cancer Cured.
- Mr. W. W. Prickett, Smithfleld, 111.,
writes, September 10th, 1901 ; "I had
been suffering several years with a can
cer on my face, wh ch gave me great an
noyance ana unDearable itching. 1 was
using Bal'ard's Snow Liniment for a sore
leg, and through an accident. I rubbed
some of the liniment on the cancer, and
as it gave me almost instant relief. I de
cided to continue to use the liniment on
the cancer. In a short time the cancjr
came out, my face healed up and thete
is not the slightest scar left. 1 have im
plicit laitb in the merits of this prepara
tion, and it cannot be too highly recom
mended." 25r, 50c and $1.00. For sale
by Charman & Co.
Cured Cousumption.
Mrs. B. W. Evann. Clearwatpr. Kan .
Writes: "Mv lilluhunil lnv nick f.ir thra
months: the doctors stated hn ha 1
quick , consumption. We p ocured a
bottle of Ballard's liurehound r-'yrup
and it cured him. Thtt was six years
ago, and since then-we always kept a
oouie in tne house, We cannot do
without it. For onmrhs and col, In. it.
hasnoeoual" 2oc. 50c. and ft I. Of) hot-
tie at 0 aiman & Co.
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo- Quinine Tablets,
druggists refund the ruonev if it fai s to
cure. E. W. Groveu's signature is on
eacn dox. z&c.
The l'oetry of the Orange.
"It appeals lo vou. when the fruit
hangs ripe and sweet on the tree late iu
february, or early in March. Then the
blossoms break out, and the trees are
yellow vitb golden globes, and white
with oranee flowers. It mv be that a
flurry of snow has whitened the
mountain tops, and then yon have au
aitistic background for a tropical forest.
The air is full of sunshine, and heavy
with Iiarance as night comes on, and
then, If tiie moon be shining, you may
hear at midnight through open windows
the song of the mocking-bird in the
scenttd grove, and it never seemed so
melodious before.
An experience like this is possible any
winter, and it is worth a journey of a
thousand miles, while you can have it,
by- taking the scenic Shasta Route
through the grand and picturesque
Siskiyou and Shasta Mountains, to
Southern California. Complete In
formation about the trip, and descriptive
matter, telling about California, may
be bad from any Southern Pacific Agent
W. E. COMA!,
Gen Pa s Ggt 8. P. Co.,
Lines in Oregon,
Portland, Oregon.
Something That Will Do You Good.
We know of no way in which we can
be of more service to our readers than
to tell them of something that will be of
real good to them . For this reason we
want to acquaint them with what we
consider one of the very best remedies
on the market for coughs, colds, and
that alarming complaint, croup. We
refer to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.
We have used it with such good results
in our family so long that it has become
a household necessity. By its prompt
use we haven't any doubt but that it
has time and again prevented croup.
The testimony is given upon our own
experience, and we suggest that our
readers, especially those who have small
children, always keep it in their homes
as a safeguard against croup C mden
(S. C.) Messenger. Fof eale by G. A.
A Good School Netting Held at
New Era Last Saturday.
An int-tilute ot Clackamas coun'y
teachers was held at New Era laBt Satur
day. County Superintendent was cm
ptlled to the absent -and the meeting
was presided over by T. J. Gary. A
number of new members were taken
into t lie association. Officers were e
lected for the coming year as follows:
J. C. Zinser, ex-oflicion president; T.
J. Gary, vice-president: iannie G
Porter, secretary; II. L. McCann,
A commitee of five was appointed to
dr w up resolutions. Uesolutious favor
ing bill before the Legislature relative
to educational matters, were adopted.
Good proara .,s were-rendered at bo:h
the mornii g" and evening session and
many interesting and instiuctive talks
were made bv the teachers.
Dinner was served by the people of
New bra. Among ihose piesent were:
T. J, Gary, F. G. Porter, Kalherine
Casto, Julia Ppooner, Ada Bed well, Eva
o. Melurum, Helen W. Gleafou, Edna
Armstrong, Gertrude Nefzuer, Jesse
Humphreys. Margaret Goodfellow,
Bessie Grant, ines M. .Ryan, Violia M.
Godfrey. Mary S. Barlow, H. l.. McCann
Julia W. Prenties, Alice M. Shannon,
Harold A. Rands, A. T. Winches, G.
A. Prentiss, A. 0. Staubroueh, M.
Hyatt, France Myers, Minnie Trullinger
ftlrs. Marth i Blanchard, Grace G. Mar
shall, Fred J. Mendl, R. A. Trullinger,
Shelba Childs, Mr , Eliztbeth Buck,
Margorie Caufwld.
Submerged Forests and Iravel
ing Hills.
The submerged groves of trees along
both sides ot the Columbia, for a dis
tance of 12 to 15 miles, present an in
teresting problem to the curious. It is
surmised that the vertical fracture of
the basalt which forms the face ot the
bluff shore lines, and the softness of the
ock which the basalt overlies, created
the movement river-ward which eventu
ally, with the assistance of a tremhlor,
dumped the trees into the Columbia.
There is a sideling motion in the
track of the O. R . & N. toward the river.
Iu this section of the Willamette Valley
we have similar phenomena. The ba
saltic bluffs along the railroad and fur
ther back, along the weBtern foot of the
Falls View Heights, present numerous
evidences of deep vertical, columnar
fracture. Here, too, the underlying
rock is soft. The cut at the head of
Fifth street, with its numerous strata,
presents it rematkably well. We would
naturally si'tmit-e that here, also, there
would be a slow movement of the basalt
toward the river, and this deems to be
the case. An exploration of one of the
deep caverns among the Falls View
rocks mentioned revealed the fact that
the subterranean rocks had been slid
ing. We have also a submerged forest,
but it is not "dead easy" to get at. On
the north fork of the Clackamaii is a
small lake, lying in a deep, rocky, pre
cipitous bowl, on whose bottom stand
large, tall submerged trees, with limbs
out tretched. The water of the lake is
clear as crystal, and the dead trunks,
forever beyond the reach of hunicanes.
can be surveyed by the eye of the moun
tain ciimoer from top to bottom. In
the centuries to come, these trees may
become petrified, if they are not now
undergoing that process.
. Are You Restless At Night.
And harassed by a bad cough? Use
Ballard's Horehound Sytup.it will se
cure you, sound sleep andtllect a prompt
and 'radical cure. 35c, 60c and $1.10
bottle at Charman & Co.
Selling hose at half price. Racket
Feed pale girls on Scott's
We do not need to give all
the reasons why Scott's
Emulsion restores the strength
and flesh and color of good
lical th to those who suffer
from sick blood.
The fact that it is the best
reparation cf Cod Liver Oil,
ich in nutrition, full of healthy
'stimulation is a suestion as
o why it does what it docs.
Scott's Emuls'on presents
'od Liver Oil at its best,
ullest in ' strength, least in
Young women in their
' teens " are permanently cured
of the peculiar disease of the
blood which shows itself in
paleness, weakness and nervous
ness, by regular treatment
with Scott's Emulsion. '
It is a true blood food and
is naturally adapted to the cure
of the blood sickness from
which so many young women
We will te glad (a tend
s sample to any sufferer.
P.e sure that this picture In
the lonii ol a Inbcl is on the
wrapper ol every bottle ol
tinul-.ion you buy.
409 Pearl St., New York.
A ., vr t'tf-jfi
Sorting m$ Sfsg'ag.
At the start in a long race, the advaut.
age often appears to be with an outsider.
But the race is won not in starting but
in staying. The quality which wins is
staying power. It is so in the race ot
life. Staying
power wins, and
as a rule the best
, stayer is the man
with the best
stomach. All
physical strength
is derived from
food which is
properly digested
and assimilated.
When the food
eaten is only part
ly digested and
assimilated there
is a loss of nutri
tion which means
a loss of strength
and the general
result is physical
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
gives strength aud staying power, be
cause it cures diseases of the stomaeU
and other organs of digestion and nutri
tion. It enables the perfect digestion
and assimilation of the food eaten, aud
so strengthens the body naturally by tha
nutrition derived from food.
BI was trouble! with indigestion for about
two years," writes Win. Bowker, Esq., of Julia
etta, Latah Co., Idaho. "1 tried different doc
tors aud remedies but to no avail, until I wrott
to you and you told me what to do. I sufferHi
with a pain in my stomach and left side an t
thought thnt it would kill me. Nowl am glai
to write this aud let you know that I am ail
right. I can do my work now without pain audi
I don't have that tired feeling that fused to
have. Five bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Med
ical Discovery and two vials of his 'Pleasant
Pellets' cured me."
Accept no substitute for Golden Med
ical Discovery. There is nothing "just
as good" for diseases of the stomach,
blood and lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are easy and pleas
ant to take. A most effective laxative.
f A Tin nf ha anfvaA in a Vmoln nt MliA
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature 1b uncertain by reason of
defective plumbing or heating apparatus.
1 U...U I .1 . .r ' .
usvo vviu put, in iiorougn worxing
order . will not prove expensive if the
Oregon Cily
Second-IIand & Junk Store
All kinds of Farm Implements and
Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold
Sogarman & Co.
of Shoes and Rubbers
at Extremelylow prices
is now on. Call and
see us.
Krauss Bros,
Tepartment of the Interior, United State Ijn
Office, Oregon CI; jr. On icon hovember llth HUM.
A sufficient contest affidavit haln ben filed
In this files by August K. Brierllnii, conteslan
sdaiii.t horns ad miry Ko. 13 60. made Oct II.
lliOO lor IX cf iU Bi-dlon 17, Township 1 a.
Ksnge7e, by William II. TIbIipt coiilenee. In
which It Is a Hi Rid that Crnlestaut 'knows the
pre ent condition of til. Hume; also that will
entryman has wholly abandoned said claim and
that he has never rrsiil.d upon or cultlvatid
or In' proud the same in any manner
whatever slue making entry thereof or
at all nor has anyone acting- for him and that said
aliened absence from the said land was not do.
to his employment In tha arm', haw or Marin.
Coins of llie Dr ill d Htntca as a pilvale soldier,
officer seaman, or marine, durlUK 111. was with
ripaln or during any other war m which th.
United Htaiea may be. .nKairedi" said parties are
hereby noticed to spi ear, respond and offer
evidence touching said alleftntlons at 10 o'clock:
VM (.., Vb.mI, Oil Ifli.Q t..r..-.. ,. T .. . .....
1 Receiver at the United States Land Oflloe In Ore
gon Oi' j Oregon.
The said contestant having, In proper affldsv
Hied November 13, IWri, n-t fmtli facta which
show that after dllllgei ce personal service of this
notice can not be made, It was orderod and
directed ihat n eb notice be 'given by due an
proper publication.
yro, W. niBKi,
Notice Is heieby glv ii that the nnderslirncii ha
b.en appointed by the Ci unty Court ol Clack
amas County, Oieon,. dmlnlstrator of the (.lata
ol Nancy Jaia Beetle, deceased. All eison
baviuK claims sualnst enld estate or the dt-cras.
are required to present them, with proper voucher
and duly verlflec, w l hlu six month. fi in tha
t :. Irallon of this notice, to the 111 derHH tsl a
llio acrli) tne We nl -fl it II 'I: Citgit; ,ty
.I'cr.i il I. I1KDG18,
Aillnit.lsllstor of tho (state ol
Nuticy June Uialle, deceased.
Dated Jantiaijr Ulh, lata,
Hedges & (jillhih,
8ea-i tie 'll8 ,lav9 BcilH
.-i--.- rv
-5 f.Zt-f