Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, February 06, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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Y o u r
We are pleased at the con
fidence you have placed in
the Racket Store the past
year and feel grateful for the
same. Our endeavor in the
future will be to make the
service better than ever. We
still guarantee everything
we sell, and our prices will
surprise anyone seeking bar
We are Cleaning up all
our odds and ends at. cost
We have a few Ladies Flannel Waists, Ladies Fascinators,
Cbildrens Woolen Hoods, Ladies Wool Hose, Childrens Wool
Hose, Corsets and Bustles, Several kinds of Masks, Infants
Wool Sacks, Outing Flannel, Shakn Flannel, Table Linen,
Flannellette by the yard, Lace Curtains, Black Sateen Petti
coats, and Ladies Muslin and Knitted Underwear : : : :
Racket Store
, T H E
As our buyer, Mr. Robinson has left
for New York, to buy our new spring
and summer goods, we must close
out as much stock as possible to
make room for the new goods. It
will pay you to call and look over
our goods which are being sold at
greatly reduced prices : : : :
The Flour
of the Family
The flour of all the Oregon City families
is "Patent" flour. The intelligent house
wife always gets "Fatent" flour because,
it is better and more ecomonical to use
Made in Oregon City by the Portland
Flouring Mills Co. :
Read the Oregon City Courier
for all the news all the time
It's do fcixteen-pape edition that ex
presses big men's views, ,
And it's not tilled up with pictures nor
with telegraphic news;
It isn't printed daily, with an "extra"
every hour.
And the editor's not bragging of his in
fluence and power,
It may have faults and errors, but all
these 1 will lorgive,
For it's printed in the country, 'way
back vhere I used to live.
It is only issued weekly, and its not
made up for style,
But when it arrives I gladly put the
daily bv awhile.
I don't read in its pages what the wise
and great men say,
But I tee that "Silas J;ggers brought
some wood to town today,"
And that "Grandma Parks is better," or
that "Old Bill Jones is dead,"
And its tells just what the parson in bis
Sunday sermon said.
I see again the faces of the friends I
used, to know
In the dim and distant fancies of the
happy Long Ago; .
A-d I read up in one corner that the Fall
winds howl and blow,
And that "Uncle Nathan Smith predicts
an early fall of snow ;"
Or that "our debating club will give a
sociable next week, '
At which our fellow-townsman, Abner
Brotherton. will speak."
Mr. H. Flagging of Melbourne, Fla.,
writes. "My doctor told m I had Con
sumption and nothing could be done
for me. I was given up to die. The
offer of a f ee trail bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, in
duced me to try it Results were start
ling. I am now on the road to recovery
and owe all to Dr, King's New Dis
covery. It surely saved my Hie," This
great cure is gua anteed for all throat
and lung diseases hy Geo. A Harding
druggitits. Price 50c and $1. Trial
bottle free.
There are never learned essays on
qneati ns of the day,
But it says that "folks are looking
, another rue in hay," ,
I can see no gUring headlines of the last
election tight,
But is says that "Tom Shaw marries
Ella Edgerton tonight;"
And my thoughts somehow grow fonder
when the old folks'1 names I see,
Tellitig-that "Reverend Tompkins as
in ited there to tea."
It may be crude and homely that same
little country sheet,
And the make-up of its pages may be
rather obsolete ;
It id damp when I unfolded it, and the
print is sometimes blurred ;
yet it's always more than welcome, and
I read its every word,
And not reading to a city man a greater
iov can give
Than the little country weekly, printed
. "where he u.-ed to live.'
IBonton Iestauran1
For Over Sixty Years.
An old and well-tried remedy. Mrs.
Wiuslow's S-o'hing Syrup has' been
used for over sixty years by millions of
mothers for the1' children while teeth
ing, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allHya all
pain, cares wind colic, and is the beet
remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
taste. Sold by druisgists in every part
of the world. Twenty-hve cents a
bott e. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup, and take no other kind .
Planet Whitkey is a good thing ' to
have in the bouse.
Kelly & Ki?conich, Sole Agents.'
Only one remedy in the world that
will at once stop itchiness of the skin in
any part of the body ; Doan'a Ointmenc.
At any drug store, 50 cents.
yy ANTED To increase my list of farms
and lands for sate, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residents
represented and sold. . H. . Cross, At
torney at Law.
Coughs and could, down to the border
land of consumption, yield to the sooth
ing healing influences of Dr. Wood' 8
Norway Pine Syrup.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattels. John W. Loder, at-torney-at-law,
Oregon City.
Dyspepsia bane of humam existence.
Burdock Blood Bitters cures it, prompt
ly, permanently. Regulates and tones
the stomach .
and Climb Counter f
On Wain Street Oregon City, next Door to Postoffice
Kick Watcsln Successor t Bagbp Restaurant
Tresb Oysters in Every Style 1
Open Jill Bours Day or night TirstClass Weals. 1
Aiitinilii,jti..ifiillij)liiil,r.!ti.lll'jillllllllllll2lll1l)l iahmiiti, ith.ni s
"I was troul led for several years with
chronic indigestion and neryous de
bility," writes F. J. Green, of Lancaster
N. H. "No remedy lulped me until I
beean using Electric Bitters, which
did me more good than all the medicines
I ever used. They have also kept my
wile in excellent health for years. She
says Electric Bitters are just splendid
for female troubles; that they are a
grand tonic and invigorator for weak,
run down women. No other medicine
can take its place in our family." Try
them. Only 50 cents. Satisfaction
guaranteed by Geo. A, Harding. ,
The Dentist: Beatie and Beatie are
the dentists in the Weinhard building.
Their rooms are numbers 16, 17, 18. :'
It is a burn? Use Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. A cut? Use Dr. Thomas'
Eclectric Oil. At your druggists,
"I have used Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy for a number of years and have
no hesitancy in saying that it is the best
remedy for coughs, colds and croup I
have ever used in my family. I have
not a word to express my confidence in
this Remedy. Mrs. J. A. Moore, Nort h
Star, Mich. For sale by G. A. Hard-
A Golden Opportunity
e Bohemia Mining Dis
tricts of Southern Oregon
Tfeia U proTloj o be ocs of the richest mining districts in the World and may
a no jreat fhils rirj ka ssisfettfed Gipple Creek District of Colorado.
HBWfl Wk&ss & Milling Co.
Cs-tt-sj Gnrtf Otegcm, Bohemia District .
Iai retMtly, sHr J ijrtkjsasat week, rtruck try rich ore in lauge quantities and the company
I t decided t place a Et&isp Kill on the property at a very early date and have placed a block
of stock on the market to raise money for that purpose and are selling stock at ten cents per
share, which no doabt will be worth at least $i per share, as soon as dividends are paid, which
will be in the near future. Don't wait until this block is sold and then kick yourself because you
can't get stock for less than $ i and more per share.
In The ILcroy Mine
Only a few hundred feet from the properties of the Hiawatha during the last two weeks a great
strike has been made. A ledge of ore twenty-six feet wide from wall to wall has been uncovered
that runs hundreds of dollars to the ton. All of the Leroy stock was at once taken from the
market and not a dollars worth of it can now be had at any price. The stock was selling for
ten cents per share and is to day worth $1.00 and none for sale. This same ledge no doubt runs
through the property of the Hiawatha as well as other fine ledges whicn have already been un
covered. The laft block of Hiawatha stock is now on the market. When it is disposed off the
company will have sufficient money to put in their ten stamp mill and continue their development
work!" Not a dollar of this stock has been sold for less than par. ten cents per share. It six
months in all human probability this stock will be worth $i.oo per share and will go much
higher as soon as the mill gets to work and the dividends begin to be paid.
This is the Opportunity of a Lifetime
And if You Miss It You Hiss Your Chance
We carry the only complete line
of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and
Linings in Clackamas County.
We have the only Firft-Class
Hearse in the County, which we
will furnish for less than can be
had elsewhere.
Embalming a Specialty.
. Our prices always reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
SHANK & BISSELL. Undertakers
Phones 411 and 304.
Main St., Opp. Huntley.
"Billy" Rowan's Restaurant
and Lunch Counter
W. I. ROWAN, Proprietor
Opposite Electric Hotel, is the very best place inJJOregon
to get a Dainty Lunch or
Open at All Hours, day or night
City J
A runaway almost ending fatsliv
started a horrible ulcer on the leg of J,
is. Urner, t ranklin Uroye. 111. For four
years iidehed all doctors and all re
mediea. Hut Uucklen's Arnica Salve
bad no trouble to cure him. Equally
good for burns, bruises, Bkin eruptions
and piles. 25 cents at Geo. A. Hard
ing's drug store.
Mysterious Circumstances.
One was pale and sallow and the other
fresh and rosv. Whence the difference?
She who is blushing with health uses
Dr. King's New Life Pills to organs the.C
compel good digestion and head off con
stipation.' Try them. Only 25 cents, at
Geo. A. Harding Druggist.
Mr. Wheeler Got Rid of His Rheumatism.
"During the winter of 1898 I was 80
lame in my joints, in fact all over my
body, that I could hardly hobble around
when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's
Pain Balm' t rom the first application
I began to get well, and was cured and
have worked steadily all the year. R.
Wheeler, JNorthwood, JN. X. Dor sale
by G. A. Harding.
Removal of Office.
CI 'R TlirYilptr and Hcnroa T. fffnrw
have moved their law cilice from the
Stevens block to rooms 2 and 3 in the
new Uarde building, up stairs.
S mplt, Colds;
Cease to be simple, if at all prolonged.
The safest way is to put them aside at
the very beginning, canard s Bora
nound Sjrnp stops a cold and removes
the cause of colds. 25o, 50c and it at
Charman 4 Co.'s City Drug Store, Ore
gon City, Or.
Foley s Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
Address at once
Miawathn Mining ami Millins; Co.
Cottage Grove, O e(on
Or see 0. D. BY, of this cllij.
Big Shoe Sale
bee windows tor
Reduced Prices
253 Morrison St., Second Door from Third, Portland, Or.
Two Doors South Courthouse
t Calls Promptly Attended, Night or Day. Embalming Carefully
anaieatiy uone. iiearserurnisneaati.owestKat.es
Phones 476 305. Oregon City, Oregon
For Infants and Children,
Die Kind You Hava Always Bought
Bears the
Fine Old Whiskies,
Wines, and Cigars
Can alwavs be found at the
new saloon, corner Fourth and
Main, Oregon Gty,
Some of our special brands are:
Fine Old Green River Bourbon
Elk Horn Livery Feed 2 Sale Stable
FinecRigstoLet at Reasonable Prices
D. R. DIMICK, Manager, "Tv"
Brown & Welch
-Proprietors of thb
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. 0. U. V. Building
Old Grand Dad,
Roxbury Rye ,
And Finch's Golden Wedding
Rye, best in United States
We also handle the celebrated
Wi'hot Springs Water. Billiards
and Pool. Courteous treatment
too all.
Oregon City and Canby, Oregon.
Brunswick Hcuse and Restaurant
Meals at All Honrs Open Day and Night
Prices Reasonable
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension, Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE
JOSEPH BACHMANN, stone, Oregon