OKEGON CITY OOUBIER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1903. V. GHLOT-E- Long: delayed shipment of French Kid Gloves to be sacrificed greatest values ever offer ed in new up-to-date gloves :; :: :: $1.50 Gloves For 95c This Is no lob lot The manufacturer stands the loss. Latest styles in English Derby Walking Gloves, swell Paris Point Embroid ery and Foster Lacing, sizes 3 to 7; COLORS--new shades In greys; greens, blues, reds, modes, slates, pearl, white, tans, black, browns, drabs. 500 dozen in the lot-- ALL GUARANTEED Five competent experts to fit gloves. Satis faction guaranteed ; ; i i I Misses Kid Gloves Pc Extra Special Valued If Ladies Bargain pc Counter Hid Gloves V McAllen & CORNER THIRD THE STORE NOTED FOR GOOD 2 PERSONALS $ 5 ' eaooaeoo08oeosnMete8 J. Traxtle, of Logn, was in town Tuesday. Miss Zilpha Galloway is the guest of friends in Salem. W. 0. Ward, of Viola, wag in Oregon City Tuesday. Mrs. McClure, who has been sick is able to be out again. Cutis Johnson, of Salem, was in town Friday of last week. Mrs. G. W. Grace waa in Portland the first of the week. Mrs. V. Harris, who has been quite ill, is improving slowly. M. Jackson, of Portland, waa in Ore gon City on business. F. P. L. Bagby, of Needy, waa in town Moaday on business. D. 0. Kich, of Wilhoit, paid Oregon City a visit the first of week. Jone Gaffney. of Clackamas, waa in this city Saturday on business. Mrs. E. W. Scott went to Portland Wednesday to visit with friends'. Born, to tha wife of Mr. J. P. Keating, February 4, a fine boy. Mr. and Mrs. George Blanchard, of New Era, were in the city Monday. F. W. MacLarin.of Wilhoit, spent a lew days in Oregon City thia wees. Mrs. G. W. Church has gone to Walla . Walli, Waah., to yiait her son, Carl. Mies Edith Cheney spent Friday and Saturday in Portland visiting friends. Miss Anna Schosraan, of Molalla, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. O. D. Eby. Mrs. S. M. McCown, of Portland, vis ited relatives in Oregon City Tuesday. J. T. Gleason waa confined to his home with sickness a few days the past week. Miss Clara Miller has been confined to her home with lagrippe the past week. James Manary, of Marahfleld, was an Oregon City visiloi the latter part of last week. James Hoyt, of Hillsboro, was the guest of Mr, and Mr 8. Thomas Miller Sunday. Justice of Peace, Denny, of Viola, was in Oregon City Monday transacting business. George Rambo, of Little Falls, Wash., -was heie on business the first of the week. Miss May Wishart, of Portland, was the guests of friends and relative here Sunday. Misa Alda Broughton, of Portland was viaiti ig friends here, a few days last week. Dr. C. P. Mars was in Canbv the first of the week attendng the bedside of a patient. I Foresters Attention The order of Foresters has contracted with Howell & Jcnes, the prescription specialists, to furnish all drugs and medicines and to prepare all prescriptions for members of that order, This enterprising drug firm makes a specialty of this work and has built up the largest prescription trade in Clack amas county. They treat their customers right, and al ways give them just what they want. If a sufferer wants "Hood's" Sarsaparilla, he gets ''Hood's,' and is not importuned to take something "just as good." They attribute their immense trade to buying and selling only the highest grade of drugs and medicines that can be had. Maybe first grade drugs would just barely cure, and second grade drugs prove just a trifle too weak. Life sometimes hang by a hair, and that hair may be the quality of a sin-, gle drug. In the filling of prescriptions they use only the highest grade drugs, regardless of cost :: :; :: HOWELL PRESCRIPTION Chambers Howell EVENT Our Great Corset Sale is attracting wide attention : : Advance Styles for Spring in Silk Monte Carlo Coats at less than Manufacturer's cost Big Bargains in Ladies' House WRAPPERS McDonnell s AND MORRISON GOODS AT THE LOWEST PRICES. F. P. Larson, a prominent farmer of Stafford, was nere on business tne first of the week. donraa A. TTurrlinff wnnl to Ralam Tuesday to witness the proceedinge of tne legislature. -T. Adams left for San Francisco Mon day morning, where he will enjy a much needed rest. W. H. McCune. of Viola, was shaking hands with acquaintances in Oregon City the first of the week. Marriage licenses were issued to Minnin Blanfus and Frank Morton and Italia Fleming and Geo. A. Hall. Mr. and, Mrs. E. E. Richards and daughter, of Barnes-, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell over Sun day. Daniel McLsrean, a prominent and wealthv farmer of Milwaukie, was in town the latter part of last week on legal business. , George Armstrong, of the West Side.ia home on a visit. Mr. Armstrong is a log ger, being foreman of a. logging camp at Reynolds, Waahington. Mr. T. H. Lindsay and eon, of Cams, were in tcw.i IViondav on business. They are sawmill men an 1 operate a mill at Carua, are doing a Dig Dusmess. Mrs. Herbert J. Thome, of Portland, visited friends in Oregon City Wednea day. Mrs. George C. Brownell and son, Ambrose, have returned from Salem. Glad Tidings. Grubbing and trading is the order of business now aay. VA Sliauor ia in t.hp mountains Bhov eling snow out ot his little old log hut on bis nomesteaa . Steve is eetting to be a good Sunday lad. What's up, Steve? Studying the sheep question, or getting use to far Bert Hubbard was visiting our burg a few days ago nursing a lame knee, hav ing gotten it in contact with a falling tree near Kelso, wasn., wnere ue is working in it logging camp. . We have a new saw mill in our coun try doing business uuder the name of Swift Lumbering vo. ana it is run Dy n, r, KUiruin and managed bv Charles W Herman. Bob says, "we make lumber as smoothe as an eight-aoiiar mil re eardless of monkey wrenches. . Well, Clark, that Jwas hard luck to gi t only two toes on the first big game that came your way. Next time use a big ger trap, and you will get him sure. You will find grubbing a hard life. Stay with trapping. There is mor6 big game further down the stream . Jo Hrk. Blankets, Shaker flannel, outing flan nel, table linen and ' corsets, at cost. Racket Store. Fine black petticoats at cost. Racket Store. t & JONES SPECIALISTS Linn E. Tones T v r 98908 OOeO09Ot 4899V A free rural delivery route has been mnwn S e8tablished Gladstone and thp people m LOCAL NEWS ITEMS 2;of that handsome suburb are happy. A CKAM have dropped out of the huge "C ackasmas Heights" sign. They are worn out. Mrs. David Roberts, of Beaver Creek, widow of the late David Roberta ia re covering. For sale, about twenty tona of baled hay. For particulars call on or write to Lindsley & Son, Ely, Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. Georee Osborne cele brated their silver wedding with frienda at Canby last Sunday. See the big Minstrel parade at noon on February 19th. Silver cornet band and the entire company. "Oh say do you see" Wffo's Who minstrels is what you want to see. They will show on the 19th of February. ' On account of the inclement weather work was almost suspended on the Methodist church building last week' W. S. TJ'Ren is building a break water on the water front of his property at Green Point and Thomas' improving his residence. On Sunday, four men replaced the wagon-road bridge,' carried off by the waters, between the Abemetby and the railrad croasing. : Mrs. J. B. Robinson and children re turned to their home in Chico, Cal., Sat urday evening, after a Bix weeks' visit with relatives here. Dan Pursell, whose family lives on Clackamas Heights, will wind up bia business affairs in Galveston, Texas, and return to Oregon in May. He ia not in love with the Southland. Miss Jane Can, of Colton.was adjudged a lunatic in Judge Ryan's court Monday and ordered sent to the asylum. She was taken to Salem Monday evening. The Willamette has receded and all the mills are again working on the regu lar time. The woolen mills w re forced to close down longer than the pulp mills. The highwater last week badly damag ed the dock of the O. R. & N. Co., in thia city. The water raiaed the flooring and it waa found necessary to put down ntw plank. The annual dance of the Mjrtle Lodge D. of H was held Friday even ing at the Armory. A large number of people were present and the affair was highly successful Dr. Freeman, dentist, wishes to an nounce to bia many frienda his removal to more spacious offices in Garde build ing, corner Seventh street, near sua peuaion bridge. Fairclough Bros., have commenced breaking ground for a new one-story business block on their lot. corner of Tenth and Main. They will occupy the building themselves. Philip Roos ia having a new room added to his business block next to his saloon, occupied by Mihlstein, the dumber. The change was made neces eary in order to give Mr. Mihlatein more room. At a meetine of the taxpayers of dis trict No. 1, Milwaukie, held last week, a30-milltax was voted to pay off the current expenses of the school and to pay half ol the bonds now due, about $3000. Bert Cochran waa called to his old home in Pennsylvania last week owing to the ssrioua illness of his brother. It baB since been learned that his brother died before he reached there. Aurora Borealis. DaviJ Davis of the Record Publishing Co., has been quite ill for the past ten days. He was taken ill at Portland but has sufficiently recovered to be brought to his home in thia city, His mother is with him. , The recent watery storm awoke some good soul to the necessity of placing a plank over the yawning hole in the sidewalk going np Moss hill, but for a couple of years pedestrians had to dodge that bole. The best physic. "Once tried and you will alwavs use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says William A. Girard, Pease, Vt. These Tablets are the most reliable catartio in use. For sale by G. A, Harding. Clackamas county's legislators all came home SQurday to spend the Sab bath with their families. A special train was made up at Salem to carry Multnomah and Clackamas county statemen to their homes. 0. D. Eby closed an important land deal with Linn ciunty people Tueaday to the tune of 13000. The tract that changed hands was 1(0 acres of Linn county land. Mr. Eby received a check of $1500 part payment. On account of the high water, which completely inundated the high-roadB betoeen Oregon City and Park Place last week, there was no mail from Logan, Stone, Viola and several other country poatofficea for two or three day a. George W. Bibee, receiver of the U. S. Land office, ia improving the looks of his residence property in Green Point addition by grading and laying out a fine new lawn. He intends to build a new fence around the place. Con Harlow, a baseball player with Oregon City about eight ye is ago, waa in town Saturday shaking" lands with old time friends. Harlow has been signed with the Portland team of the Pacific coaet for tha coming sea on. The St. Valentine's ball to be given at the armory on the night of the 13th inrt promises to be one of the boat of the sea son. Turney, the photographer, baa charge of the arrangement and will furnish the music for the occasion. J. R. Marks, of Aurora, waa in town Saturday and ordered his Courier chinned from H igh Point, Mo., to Aurora Mr. Marks was visiting old time friend in Missouri during the past several months and only recently returned home. The Washington's Birthday ball to he Bivenjat the armnry on the nigbt of tile 2 let mat, by the Columbia Hook 4 Ladder Company, will be one worth go ing to see. Fine music baa been ar ranged for and a general good time ia anticipated. uuwueroi real estate transactions niye laieiy lasen place tnere and there ia a. general move towards putting up new reuiuences. Mra. Thornton, formerly of the New England Home, ia having a hotel and residence built in Sell wood where she moved a couple of weeks ago. and an nounces that she will go into the hotel Duainees on a larger scale in that thriv ing suburb of Portland. Cataract Lodge No. 76 Knichta of Pythias will give a lovelv entertainment at their ball in Oregon City on the night oi reoruary istn., next. An elegant programme is being prepared. There will be speeches, music, a fine aoread and a good time generally. Misa Gleason. one of Oregon Cltv'a brigbests young lady teachers, has just been re-elected to teach the spring term ot the public school in district No.. 63. Miss .Gleason is a very competant teacher and has given good satisfaction to ner patrons and pupils. An Oddfellow' lodge will be instituted at Needy Saturday night. A number of the leading Oddfellows from this city will go and assist in the work. The in stallation of officers and initiations will be under the direction of Countv Judge. Thomas F. Ryan, of thia city . The Oregon boy, on looking at the picture of a bear climbing a pole, told hia dad he waa certain that waa a pole-ar bear, is the same boy who told the school ma'am in tha "nature-study" class that a fir tree waa called such be cause it waa so fur to the top. M. N. Moody, of Portland, who hold down a very lucretive job in that big city, together with hia good wife passed through Oregon City on Wednesday en route to Molalla where they will spend a few weeks vacation with Mr. W. H. Vaughn, the father of Mra. Moody, Word has been received that Harley Stephens, who waa reported to have been dangerously ill in a hospital in San Francisco, ia now much better and out of danger. The mother and father who were called to hia bedside a week or so ago are expected home in a few days. The annual ball of Myrtle Lodge, D. of II., was held Friday evening in the Armory. A large number of people were present and the affair was thorough ly enjoyed. The success of the dance reflects much credit on the ladies of the lodge who managed eyery detail, George H. Himes, of Portland, secre tary of the Pioneer Association of Ore gon, was in the citv Tuesday transit ing business connected with hia office. The Pioneer Association of Oregon is an association cf the old pioneers who croiseiHtie plains in the early days. M. Michaels, a prominent Oregon City merchant; has gone to Baker City to take a look around relating to interest of a large furniture store. He bought into the Columbia SuBpender Co., at Port land a few weeka ago, and sold out lat-t week. He will probably locate in Baker City. . A, small coterie of Oregon City's prominent citizens went to Portland Saturday evening to witness a battle between game cocks rt the cocking main in Portland. They did not return until Sundav morning and judging by their appearaneea, the Oregon City chickens got the worBt of it. When yon feel blue and that every thing goes wrong, take a dose of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet They will cleanse and invigorate your stomach, regulate your bowels, give" you a reliah for your food and make you feel that in this old world is a good place to live, tor sale by d. A. Harding. M. Miley has opened up a harness shop in the building formerly occupied by ireytag & Cramer's cigar store and is putting in a large stock of goods in his line. . hie will also carry a lull line ol shoes. The store-room is being en larged and improved. Mr, Miley was in the shoe buhiuess in Oregon City a good many years ago. The char manufneturing company of Freytag s Cramer lias moved its quar ters from the Jagger building to the Stratton building and are now in more spacious quarters than formerly. The boys are making a fine grade of clgara and are selling all they can make. They also run a cigar store in connection with the manufacturing plant. Monday waa the Becond day of-FebrU' ray, and according to ancient lore was "gr jund-hog day," and as thesun came out early in the morning and shone .brightly nearly all day, the ground-hogs and the bears have probably retired to to their holes for another six weeks But if we get good weather in six weeks we will have no conplaint to make. Michael Strantz, who has been con fined in the city jail, was committed to the insane aBylum Saturday by Judge Ryan. Strantz was arrested in Canby a few weeks ao for breaking into the store of James Evans. He waived ex animation and was bound over to the Circuit Court. He was taken to Salem Saturday by Deputy Sheriff Hackett. On Saturday night,' the 14th Inst., the Wacheno Tribe o( Red Men, will cele brate the tenth anniveasary of the or ganization of their lodge in Oregon City. A banquet of corn and venizon will be rendered by a first-class band and varied entertainments will be indulged in. The Red Men's lodge has grown in ten yeara to be one of the largest in Ore gon City and their open meetings are good places to go to. Mat Athey, an old pioneer, died Mon day morning at his home near Stafford, tie waa a resident of Oregon City for many years and was well and favorably known. Funeral services were con ducted at the home Tuesday afternoon and the remains were buried in the hurrying ground at Stafford. Mr. Athey baa a large number of relatives in Clack amas county. He waa about 75 yeaia oiu. On Saturday forenoon Mrs. Charles Howard, of Mulino, had a runaway, but, fortunately, she escoped nnhurt. At the atrring trough near Button, on the Weat Side, her grav horse, which she has driven over hundreds of miles of county road, got scared. The auimal became unmanageable, broke a wheel cf the buggy and cut a deep gash in the bock of her right hind foot. A man on the road stopped the mare and prevent ed further injury . The grey is laid up for repai s at Vaughan's stable. PRESBYTERIAN PASTOR 1 PRAISES PERUNA. First Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, Ga., and Its Pastor and Elder. T 'HE day was when men of promi nence hesitated to give their testi monials to proprietary medicines for publication. This remains true to day of most proprietary medicines. But Peruna has becoma so justly famous, Its merits are known to .so many people of high and low stations, that no one hesi tates to see his name In print recom mending Peruna. A dignified representative of the Pres byterian church In the person of Rev. E. G. Smith does not hesitate to Btate publicly that he has used Peruna In his family and found It cured when other remedies failed. Rev. E, G. Smith, pastor of the Presby terian church of Greensboro, Ga., writesi "Having used Peruna in my family for gome time it gives me pleasure to testify to its true worth. My little boy seven years of age had been suffering for some time with catarrh of the lower bowels. Other remedies had tailed, but after taking two bottles of Peruna the trouble almost entirely disappeared. For this special malady I consider It well nigh a specific. As a tonio for weak and worn out people It has few or no equals." REV. E. G. SMITH. Madge Caasell the beautiful little six year old daughter ot Jacob Caasell of the Electric hotel, died of scarlet fever on Tuesdry evening. - She has been ill with disease lor some two weeks, funeral service! were conducted at the hotel on Thursday evening and the remains were laid to test in Mountain view cemetery. She was a lovely child full of life and joy. Her death is a sad blow to Mr. and Mrs. Caasell who nave the avmpatbv of all good people in their bereavement. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. B. K. Hammond. Major and Mrs. R. Durbln, the chief division officers of the Salvation Army in Oregon and Washington, will visit this station on next Friday. A meeting will be held in the hall on Friday night. Captain Holton, who has been in charge of thia Btation of the Salvation Army for six months will bold his farewell meet ing in the army hall on the night of Sun day, the 15th. Lieutenant Brougham, who has been here only a short length of time will also I articipate in the meet ing it being his farewell night as he will be .placed in other fields. The editor of the Courier had the pleasure of visiting the village of Macks burg on last Saturday and making a short address to the good people of tiat neighborhood. There is no better earth in Clackamas county than the country around Mauksburg and the Molalla valleys this side of there. The, peopU are hospitable and generous. Uood citizens, all of many diiloront races and creeds. Macksburg needs wh it almost every pa t of Clackamas county needs, ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE SOUTHERN MUTUAL Id vestment Company of Lexington, Ky. ASSETS, l7J.38s-73 LIABILITIES, $394,016.00 Asaett of over 11.78 ENDOWMENT BOND S Guaranteed Protection by. Legal Reserve ' State Regulation State Supervision Deposit with State Treasurer, (Securities) One Hundred Thousand Dollars "Tlmt Spent In SCHAFER & HARDER General Agents 313 Falling Building, Portland, Oregon J. H, WESTOVER, Agent, Oregon City, Oregon Mr. M. J. Rossman, a prominent mer chant of Greensboro, Ga., and an elder in the Presbyterian church of that place, writes : "For a long time I was troubled with catarrh of the kidneys and tried many remedies, all of which gave me no relief. Peruna was recommended to me by several friends, and after using a few bottles I am pleased to say that the Ions; looked for relief was found and I am now enjoying bettor health than I have for years. It Is certainly a grand medi cine." M. J. Rossman. non. S. D. McEnery, United States Senator from Louisiana, says the follow ing In regard to Peruna : The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.i Qentletnen Peruna Is an excellent tonic I have used It sufficiently to say that I believe It to be all that yon claim for It S. D. McEnery, If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving t full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis. i Address Dr. Hartman, President of the Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. more people and they will be coming into this favoied locality within a few months. The concert which was to have been given a week ago under the auspices of St. Paul's Guild, will be given on Wed nesday evening, Feb. 18th, by the Vet eran Male Double Quartette of Portland. The name of J. K. Gribble.of Aurora. was unintentionallo mentioned in con nection with the Macksburg school and has no interest there whatever. He de ires us to make the correction and we "ladly comply. The theme at the Congregational church next Sunday morning will be "Finding the Christ in the Common Things of Life." In the evening the minister will use the "LoBt Word" story of Dr. Van Dyke's latest book, "The Blue Flower" to illustrate a fa miliar text. At St. Paul's church services will be held next Sunday as follows: Early cele bration of the Holy Communion at 8 o'clock; Sunday school at 10 o'clock; morning prayer at 11 o'clock ; evensong, .5 o'clock. The subject of the morning sermon will be "J he Cluietian Minis try," and in the evening "Progreaa and Poverty." There'll be "rag time" a "big time" a "good time" and a "hot time" m the old town Feb. 19, when VVbo'a Who Minstrela will present their up-to-date entertainment. Bi; double first part in two sections with six end men,and great scenic and electrical effects. Reserved seats at the usual place. Surplus, $278,369.73 fur each f 1 of legil liability. $2,149.72 for $1,303.96 In Three Years. Payable Weekly Redeemable Monthly $2,272.80 for $999.60 In Six Years $5,232.73 for $1,464.48 In Twelve Years Payable Monthly Redeemable Monthly IN SUMS TO SUIT ALL , Investigation li not Lost" ,