OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1903. A Few Oiints to Watch Purchasers WE have sold and repaired Watches for many years and always made Watches our " great specialty and are therefore in a position, to assist you greatly in selecting a Watch. We have watches to suit boys, watches to suit young people and old folks, watches to suit a man that does heavy work as well as the one who works in an office. Nickel Watches from $2.50 to $1 5.00 Silver Watches from - 7.00 to 20.00 Gold Filled Watches from io.c o to 35.00 . Solid Gold Watches from 20.00 to 60.00 We sell Watches on installments. Umbrellas Reduced In order to make room for other goods we will make special prices on our large stock of umbrellas : Regular $1.00 Umbrellas $ .80 " 1.50 " - U5 " 2.00 " .1.50 " 2.50 " 1.85 " 3.00 2.25 " 5.00 " 3.75 Fountain Pens Try a Parker Jointless Lucky Curve Fountain Pen. We warrant them to give satisfaction and a written guarantee with each pen sold. They come in many styles. Every hand can be suited. Prices from $2.00 to $5.00. Clocks of Every Description Fine Mantel and Wall Clocks from $3.00 to $10.00. Others a high as $20.00. If you need a reliable Alarm Clock come in and look at our Spasmodic Alarms. They will get you out every time. If you do mot hear them the first time they will call you again until you get up and stop it. Burmeister & Andresen The Oregon City Jewelers Suspension Bridge Corner ijiiil'i! rfcrirwTir rm ... Oregon City, Oregon Parkplace. Frank Brown who ia Hying in Portland ia visiting his parents. Gus Smith, of Lents, was in out berg the later part of the week. Mrs. Ralph Holmes has gone east to visit friends and relatives. The Wflmn hriduA smith nf t.hn rail. road crossing came ner washing out uuuug mo uign water. Our merchant, Will Holmes, who has been confined to his home for several weeks by sickness, is getting better. The Y. P. 8.0. E. gave a little social at the church last Friiluv everiinu. A good program was rendered and was enjoyed by all who were present. Keep your ear clot to the ground, for the jingle of the wedding bell. It is a three COrnerftH ranA anil v nffUr a nria to the one coming out ahead . The win ner can g it our name from the edi'.or. Eagle Creek. Following is the report of the school in district number 50, for the month ending January SO, 1903 : Mo. days taught, 19. Total number days attendance, 850. No. days absence, 11. Times tardy, 4 Per cent attendance, 97. Pupils enrolled, 19. . , Visitors, 7. Those neither absent nor tardy are : Lester. Lewis and Eva Rivers. Rav. Claude, Myrtle, Malcolm and Mary Woodle, Roy. Bma. Cleo and Ella Doug lass and Ernest Huff meistex. i v Patrons and directors are cordially in vited to visit as and inspect our work. William a. Karr. : Teacher. Meadowbrook. We have had quite a snow Btorm lately. Mies Anna N'oyer is working for Mrs, J. Hall. Master Otta Looney is on the sick list at piesent. Mr. Russel has 5000 ties to run down Molalla very soon. Mr. Hargraves is running ties down Milk Creek at present. Quite a number have sold their ranches in this part lately. R. P. Cooper and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Staudi'nger Sunday. Mr. Gillihan was a business visitor in Portland Friday and Saturday. . Mr. and Mr. Hendershot were out sleigh riding in the South west corner of Meadowbrook Sunday. L. W. Staudinger and 0. T. Kay did a valuable piece of work by putting in a cuvert, which was badly needed. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Larkina, and t it., m- n a AT-., rr x, r...n M. miuiiy, mi. nuutuiD. x. a, vicu. ... and Mrs. Hendershot Louis Standinger were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kay Sunday. Topsy. THE OLD COUNTRY If you wish to send money to the "Old Country" you can do so easily and cheaply through this bank We issue drafts payable in nearly all countries THE BANK OP OREGON CITY OREGON CITY, OREGON Park Place. Mrs. T. F. Brown was at Portland Saturday. J. Robb, of Oregon City, was on our streets Monday. Mr. Johnson, a young man of Port- lane was lu our midst Sunday, Miss May, of Portland, was the guest of hwr aunt, Mrs, Coffee Sunday Miss Daisy Rivers has gone to Port land to spend a few days with Men g. West Park, of Kansas City, was the guest of Mrs. French and family Sun day.; ' ' ' ; Ex-county school superintendent and Alex Thomas and wife of Clackamas were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Brayton Thursday and Friday of last week. , Mrs. Mac River's, mother who has been stopping with her for the past few weeks went to Portland Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Brown, who came up to visit her sister and family, , Therj will be a pie social given at the Chapel in this place Wednesday even ing, February lltn. Tne proceeds to be used in painting the chapel. Everybody invited. The ladies are to bring pies and the gents the money - to buy them. A musical and literary program is being prepared and a good time promised to all who attend. gsgs Correspondence 8888 Union Hall. E. Snyder went to Canby on business last Saturday. Eiizt Burns wasthe guest of Miss N. Thomas last Tuesday. J. D. Wilkerson wits a visitor at our school last Wednesday. B.J. Helvey was a caller at John Burn's last Wednesday. ' Mrs. T. G. Grimes was the guest of Mrs. Nancy Burns last week. Mrs. Nancy Burns has been quite sick but is now slowly improving. Mrs. Millie Molzan is the guest ol friends in Sherwood at present. Mrs. Henry Iloughuin, of Portland, was the guest of L. Rtggi and family last Wednesday. Mrs. Ora Wilkerson and grandson, Jewel, were visiting her daughter in Portland last week. Be sure and come to the basket so cial and dance to be given in Union Hall on Saturday evening, Feb. 7th. Miss Daisv Phelps, of Lexington, Or., ia vieit.inir her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. C. PhelDF. of this place. She intends to retuin to Eastern Oregon in the near fntnra and resume her occupation ot teaching in the public schools. agement it will ever be found fighting for the cause of right and justice, and will always have correspondent's as ef ficient as Logan's Ed. Jtedland. Logan. Mrs. Smith and eon, Peter, have gone to Idatio. It is reported that turkey aid chicken- thieves nave been operating m me cinity of Logan. Loiran has recovered from the surprise occasioned by the overflow of Grangers on Pomona day. The Woodmen of the WorlJ .will give ahuskHt social on Fabruarr 14th. A great time is expected. Fred Gerber's nev barn ia a com-m dious structure and adds much to the appearance of his farm aud neighbor hood. A. J. Johnston is now living in his new house, which will be a fine residence when completed. Andy is an enierpriS' ing c tizen. The reported loss of Mrs. Nibkins' cane, which caused us some concern" turns out to have been a mistake. Her husband had pat it in the buggy. . The Logan Cheese Manufacturing Company has paid an average of 25 cent per pound for butter fat dating the Dsr, var. which am mats to aa avarage of 1105 perewt. of milk. We consider . t hat a pretty good showing. fireat is the Courier now-a-days. It hit becjuie a piper-that Democrats can admire. Uepuolicms respect ana ouai una . m. n advertis- ia and all hands sub riifo,. If old Kentucky wjuld snd us such editors for every county in Or imn ttiM G. O. P. elephant would soon dwindU to fit tie definition of a point "a .. i.itmn without maznitu le." rr-h Conrier appreciates the kind Wirls ot Us able Logan correspondent and hopes that under its present man- There has been no preacher appointed for Viola charge yet. J. Harry is splitting corduroy for pome bad mud holes in tne road. Soring work gene 'all v is delayed ow ing to the wet condition of the ground. Gus Fisher, of Fishers Mill, had a shoat killed by 'dogs one night last week. About two inches of snow fell Friday night, consequently hay is going like hot cakes." There is an epidemic of cold and cough throughout this neighborhood affecting children mostly. A. M. Kerchem has been over east of the Clackamas the past week doing some survey work. It is reported here that Miss Mabel Connor, fornierlv of this place, died at Witherson of diphtheria. A. M. Kerchem and James Fullam have private telephone connections, consequently there ia music in the air. Bert Hart arrived home from Pen dleton. Or., on the 27th, ult., where he had been for the past three moniht lor his health. Will some one please tell me by what right our deputy district attoi ney on 'county salary" nolds down a cuiei clerkship at Salem. At the meeting of the school board, district No. 75, on the 31st, ult., Miss Maude Stone was elected to teach the spring term of school beginning the third Monday in February. Your correspondent had been trying to make out whether you were going to give us a newspaper or an advertising sheet, but judging by last week's issue, "you will get there it ou Keep on- as you get better acquainted. some day in the near future and find out for themselves. Every two or three nights during the week the young people of Arbureta. who are past school age, get together, and with Mr. LeFevre as their instructor, stuay DOOK-Keeping. Consequently they are brushing up their memories in regard to arithmetic, spel ing, etc , which they think is a very good pastime. Iudeed it must be for during the day, with every chug of the churn- dasher, or swish of the broom comes the word, "debit." From ' the woods there is heard the dreary monotonous sound of the sledge hammer, and with everv forceful blow, it seems to answer. "credit.". Axiom. mihoit. Outside range cattle are looking well for this time of the year. laic Larkins, of Marquam, was seen in this section a few days ago. Know fell in this section Friday last to the depth of four inches. An entertainment will be given at the Beaver Lake school house, February 6th. for the purpose of raising money to buy a globe. Yes, boys I know you were well match ed off a week ago Saturday night. The hall dining room and parlor are nice quarters for private conversation and over coats make excellent window blinds in a case of need. Bert. AMONG THE LA WYERS. Doings of a Week in Oregon City Courts. Judge McBride convened a special term of the Circuit Court last Saturday and passed on several cases of import ance. Among them was the Gladstone property case. The demurrer in the complaint of the Gladstone leal estate company vs. Thomas F. Ryan to a quit title to the Gladstone tract, was sus tained by the court. . The property was purchased by Judge Ryan at a recent junk sale of the court, and taxes were delinquent on it for 1898. The land wag bid In at a very low figure by Judge Ryan. Harvey Cross represented the plaintiff in the case. The attorneys for the O. W. P. A Railway Company were present to ar gue for a new trial in the case of the railway company against Arthur Kin dorf for condemnation of property for a right of way. The motion was taken under advisement by the judge. The land in dispute is wanted by th e O, W, P. Railway Company as a right of way and is located on the new Springwatei road, which is now being constructed. The case of L. L. Gribble vs. F. A. Sleight, County Clerk of Clackamaa county, for an injunction, restraining the clerk from entering the assessment of Macksburg Bahool district ol 40 mills on the assessment roll of Clackamas county, was heard during the day and decided adversely to those iu favor of the tax. The Court declared the assess ment null and void and made the in junction perpetual. G. B. Dira'ck was attorney for Mr. Gribble. This case has created a good deal of contention in Macksburg and it is likely that another vote will be taken at an early date. Literal. Mountain Flew. Mabel Francis is on the sick list.' Mr. Grifila is shingling his bouse. There will be services at the church all next week . Miss Retta Pierce is working in the court house again. Prayer meeting is held in the church every Tuesdiy evening. Rev. Craig has improved in health so that be was brought home Monday. Rev. Frank H. Mixaell was making pastoral calls in this burg last week. Henry Brandt has built a new wire fence in front cf his property and put the fenca in the middle of the street. Mi. Kuntz and family expect to move out on their farm this week, as the Thompson family will occupy their house again. The presiding elder of the M E church (South) will be here this week Friday to hold quarterly meeting at the Mountain View church. Mr. Smalley started to Seattle, Wash., Monday morning to e erjd the summer driving a team for a lumber yard. His family will go in a week or ten days. W. W. May had the mif irtune to slip and fall one day last week breaking several ribs. Dr. Uommer was called to dress the fracture. Mr. May isableto be about the house again. Salina, Several have gone to Salem the latter part of this week. W. Simmons too, a load of drejsed pork to Oregon City to-day. Dee Wright ia working at Schubel and vicinity helping organizing a lodge ot Maccabees this week. It is Baid there will " be two more camps on the river above this camp, shortly, Let the g,od work go on. W. W.Irvin left here Tuesday morn ing with a fine drove of mutton sheep for the U nion Meat (Jo., ot Portland. The piling crew started last Friday with seven hundred feet of piling down the river and is progressing hue so far, Mrs. E. Austin is waiting on her mother at Beaver Creek for a shoittime She has been sick for a long time and is very low at present. J. E, Coates will soon have his boat done. "The Swift Sure" by name. He intendB to run on the Molalla river, she is a beauty and the usual cermonies will be had, when he launches her, this week. Champagne accepted as a gift, Sylvia. Rusellniile; Evergreen. F. B. Madison has tiled a suit against L. E. Armstrong, et al, in the Circuit Court, alleging that $51 is due the plain- tin tor lumber iurnisnea tne aeienaanc during November, 1902. The lumber was used by defendant to build a school house al Oak Grove. Following is report of school district No. 92, for the month ending Jan. 30: No, pupils enrolled, 32. No. days' attendance, 608, No. davs absence. 22. Those who were not absent during the month are Austin Talor, Nellie Yoder, Johnnie and Dome McCormick, Grant. Joev and Elsie Yo er. Loran and Frait Bogan, Frank, Lester and Lulu Schwartz, Charlie and Edna Taylor, Maude Henley .Harry Ritchie, Clarence, Florence, Mary and Katie Yoder, Carl and George Seiher. 1'erl ualrett, Teacher. Stafford. C. McNary, who was brought to town Saturday night, charged with having as saulted a farmer at Sandy with a danger ous weapon, was given a preliminary hearing Saturday evening and released on bond. His trial was held Thursday of this week and a light fine imposed, he having pleaded guilty to assault. Most of the people are burning wood and silting by the tire. T. B.Trullingeris still absent from Russellville but we expect him. soou. Chickens .feed is rather scarce and many chickens will bs sold bjfore the harvest. Russelltille at present is clothed in a garment of white and has been, for a number of days. Within the last two weeks many acres f land went bowu in grain but seeding ib a thing of the past. The bebate at Molalla is a thing of the past. Both men were alive, when last heard from and without a scratch. John Stuart has been losing sheep, supposed to have been killed by wolves but more likely dogs are the cause. Arbureta, Mr. Lindsley, of Oarus, was seen in Arbureta Sunday. Wm. Mitchell and Ira Ogden are working at Beaver Creek this week . Henry Shannon, of Beaver ' Creek, made a short call on his several friends in Arbureta last Sunday. Mabel LeFevreand Bertha Akin were in Beaver Creek one dav last week vis iting Daisy and Bertie Hughes. Eliot, Oscar and Arthur Erickson, three of Arbure a's young men, attend ed the dancing ac iooi given by Mr. Turney.of Oregoa City at Beav r Creek ball Wednesday night. They report a good time. We are informed that Mrs. Erickson lms radiihes and lettuce coming np through the ground. They will be large enough to eat soon, and-it wouldn't be a v"rv bad idea lor those doubling j this assertion to take lunch with her Bea ver Creek. Mr. Ginther, of Ely, spent Sunday with his relatives in this vicinity. Miss Barbara Herman, of Portland, is visiting with her parents for a few days, Mrs. William Roberts is very low with pneumonia and ian t expected to re cover. Any one wishing a photograph of our new school house, call on Jim Shannon, our new photographer. Rev. Hatch, of Springwater, will preach at the Presbvteriau church un- day, Feb. 8th. Evarybody is invited A dance was given at the home of Henry Mtaben laat Thursday evening A large crowd was present, and all re ported a good time. Obangb Blosboii What is the best rye whiskey? They are al! g xd but red-top rye stands at the top of the list. Kellt 4 Rccoxicn Macksburg. is G. W. Rcramlin who has ben sick able to be up and anund again. Among those on the sick list are Geo. Harms, Helta Murdock and Mrs. Joshua Wells. Some of our energetic farmers are putting in their time between showers at ditching and laying tiling. We are at present haying our Oregon winter, with snow and slush and the thermometer down tofreezibg point. Mr. Klans formerly of Canby, has purchased and moved on the Reynold place. He ia an energetic man and de serves our best wishes of success. Hon. J. H. Westover. editor of the Courier, presented the citizens with a little Jefferson speech Saturday. On account of unfavorable weather only a smll but attentive crd was present. I Call again on some nunny day, brother j W and we will show you that this neck ' of the woods is lull ot Jelterbon men. . The citizens of this school district seem to be iu trouble about the location and building of a new scboolhouse. It seems that some ot the men with families and some without are not very mucii interested in the bailding of a larger school house. We have now a two room school houie. Hector. Wood cutting is the order of the day. Many farmers are trying to put up their years supply. Candlemas day is past and the ground hog saw it's shadow. Now prepare for another six week of winter. Mrs. Maggie Gag) is at the St. Vin cents hospital, Portland. It will pro bably be six weeks or more belore the can be brought home. The Tualatin Grange No. Ill met on the 31s. 41 mombers and 15 visitors were present. Installation of officers was the order of the day. Brother Borland, of Oswego, acted aa installating ollicer assisted by Mrs. L lna Carpenter of Stafford. The roll call found ail officers were present, as well as all officers elect, also the trustees. The books of lhe Grange were inspected and found all O K with a neat balance In the treasury, O. P. Sharp,Geo. Aden, and J. L. Kruae were elected trustees for the ensuing year. Another pioneer of 1S53 has crossed the rayitic river to the opposite shore from where no mortal e'er returns. Died February 2nd 1003 Matthew Athey, at the ripe old age of 75 years, 2 months and 26 dHyi. A wife, four daughters and son survive him, besides a brother and many other relatives near and dear. Mr. Athey was born in West Virginia, November 6th 1827, came to the Pacific slope. When 25 years ot ago took his donation land claim oi 640 acres on the Tunlatin bottoms in February 1853. Returned to the Bant in the early 70's. Was married in 1874 and returned to Oregon. Mining, logging and ranching has been his occupation. Hlty years a resident here. He has undoubtedly seen much of the growth and develop ment ol the state, itev. wacnite con ducted funeral service. He was laid to rest in th Stafford cemetery. E. F. Riley has bronght suit in the Circuit court against Hiram E. Straight, William E. Straight, Margaret Gratz, et al., to recover the sum of $325, which the plaintiff alleges is due on a promis sory note executed on September 30, 1898. The complaint alleges tnai to se cure the note, the defendant, llirana Straight, delivered to the plaintiff a mortgage on 40 acres of land in Clacka mas county. The plaintiff also asks for a decree foreclosing the mortgage on the property. TlarrvWebb was fined $10 Monday morning for being drunk and disorderly. Recorder liruce Uurry was juuge in uie case, in ueiauit oi payment oi tue uua he was sent to jail for five days. County Judge Ryan appointed Floyd Jones administrator of the estate ol Henry Oscar Jonei", deceased, 'lhe es tate is valued at 350. W.W. Smith, Sam Jones and Harry Moody were ap pointed administrators. Judge Ryan issued an order Saturday in the divorce case of James lmel vs. Christine lmel, awarding the care and cuBtody of the children to the defendant, pending the trial of thecaeand that the plaintiff shall have the right to vlBit them at all reasonable hours, and that the defendant shall not secrete them or carry them beyond the bounds ot tne state. TO CUBE A COLO IN ONK DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money tf it tails o curer E. W. Grove's signature is on ach box. 25c. Carrie Copley has filed suit In the Clackamas County Circuit Court for a divorce Irom her husband, ThomasOop ley, on the grounds of desertion and non support. She aoks that the court com pel her husband to pay the court $100, expenses for the su.t. She Bays that thy were married in Portland, My 28, 19C0, and lived together until March of the following year, when the defend ant refused to live with her longer and and also refused to support her. She claims that she has aiwpys been a duti (eI wife and that his desertion -as with, out cause or provocation. She asks to be permitted to resume, her maiden name, Carrie Chambers and for such alimony as the court may see fit to al low her. Hedges & Griffith are at torneys for the plaintiff . J.-V AU&'HAW.S Livery Feed and Sale Stable Nwrljr 0ip'lle Bunpenttoa Brldga First Class Rigs of all Kinds at Reasonable Prices Oregon Gty : : : Oregon