an"" OEEGON CITY OOUBIER, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1903. My Lungs " An attack of la grippe left me with a bad couch. Mv friends said I had consumption, i men tnea Aver's Cherrv Pectoral and it cured me promptly." A. K. Randies, Nokomis, 111. You forgot to buy a bot tle of Ayer's Cherry Pec toral when your cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There's a record of sixty years to fall back. on. Tbree iIki : 25c, 50c, $!. All FROM A CALIFORNIA FRIEND OF THE COURIER. Politics, PvnipMn Seeds ana Other Matters Learnedly Discussed. Conault your doctor. It lie yi take it, then do ai he aayi. If he tells you not to take It, then don't take It. He know. Leave It wllh him. We are wIIHiik. J.O.ATERCO.,Lowell,Man. Change in Management Change in Business The elore of M. Mich ael will be remodeled and refitted as a first class up-to-date cloth ing and ttenls furnish ing parlor. None but the best union made goods will be sold at the lowest prices. We invite your thorough inspection, soliciting the former patronage and hope to increase same. Respectfully M. MICHAEL Hand Laundry W O R K done in ftntclau ityleand at reasonable prices By MRS. FORD Opposite Huntley i Drug Store LOG CABIN SALOON R. H. Young, PfOO. OBSERVATIONS. Is the place to go when you want good time and have money to spend. On. Electric Hotil Eaoleviixe, CalFeb. 3. 1903. IBntcred at Sun op at the Eaglevllle post office as a tirei-ciass article. uwFl',"ly"'"""" TMiinmf Pnnrlnr. Oreaon City, Or. no., Kir- rind $1.60 for which please send me your paper, ray who wanted me to buy meat with the money, hut. vnn know mv tastes are literary, f' thoughts idly tuin to This strenoiisness you reau u u,u,. oVinnt. in the naiiers must Lea ieauui PhilliDM has vac cinated all of his cattle ami allows if it isn't checked soon that Deei win uecuuic acurlosiy. , Bill IvisicK, wno nas juhi, from New York where he has been with acarloadof beef cattle, said tiianufj tnW him thorn that Hannan, koi exiei er. J. P. Morgan and them ncn ienows rat meat every day . 1 do not doubt dui I like Modoc county, uaniornia, auuub ae well as I do Kentucky. It is mncn tamer of course. To Cite an lUHiance, ll lontinn rlnv. t WO men gOt illtO a .lionnto in who made the biggest fool of himself, Grover Cleveland or Minister Tongue Tongue, ot Uhina. wen ia. would yoo believe it t iney iougiu rtitiot- with Kiita. You have no doubt heard aDoui inose a V man rl .V m OR CtUULV niiw Ivnchnd near Likely for horse stealing Well the Bheriff was impudent enough to ..r. ,,t ii.ura on, I nrreRt tne eaoers buu keep them in jail over night. Now they havn rirnntnr. ruil tiuuiuoi, v,,? wu..vj rinnrndenoe. They admit hareing the men but deny the "allega tion." , . , T heard ahout vour pumpkin and ..,.,i tn mi a oiiprh. If it grew in th Willamette valley and the seeds are well cleaned, my guess would ne two uiibubi ml a npnk. If it is an Eastern pump kin you happened to have in your pocket I An nnt. rr tn take advantage of the nutivAH. I wrote to Uncle "Bill" about that, nnmnkin. and he wrote me that ..,i,un a Hrt. 'mnveil ioto that valley h r,H Mm rmrtner keot batch in one for there came up one ol ih omriBdHBt rain Btorms which laste for two months and the blamed thing Bnmnil nn them and thev had to move out. I wish (hat yon would look around mid set me a brass horn. I am coming nn nut summer and I may want to practice medicine on the way. . XUUIO AIUIJ, . Dr. Chablks Petit, fcl. D. . Formerly Connected with Mother Pink ham's Pink Pills for Pale People and at Present Editor of the Osteopathic and Medical Depaitment of Ayer s Almanac. P. 8. Never mind sending bill with the horn. ME THEY WELL? UaiSess ihey are, good health is impcssihSoa Every drop of blood in the body passes through and is filtered by healthy kidneys every three minutes. Sound kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood, diseased kidneys do not, hence you are sick. FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE makes the kidneys well so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. It removes the cause of the many diseases resulting from disordered kidneys which have allowed your whole system to become poisoned. Rheumatism, Bad Blood, Gout, Gravel, Dropsy, Inflammation of the Bladder, Diabetes and Bright's Disease, and many others, are all due to disordered Kidneys. A simple test for Kidney disease is to set aside ypur urine in a bottle or glass for twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment or a cloudy appearance, it indicates that your kidneys are diseased, and unless something is done they become more and more affected until Bright's Disease or Diabetes develops. . FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is the only preparation which will positively cure all forms of Kidney and Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently. It is a safe remedy and certain, in results. If You are a sufferer, take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CU3E et once. It will make you well. " Some Pronounced Incurable Mr. G. A. Stillson, a merchant of Tampico, 1111, writes: "FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is meeting with wonderful success. It has cured some cases here that physicians pronounced incurable. I myself am able to testify to its merits. My face today is a living picture of health and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has made it such." Had Lumbago and Kidney Trouble Edward Huss, a well known business man of Salisbury ,Mo., writes: 'I wish to say for the benefit of others, that I was a sufferer from lumbago and kidney trouble, and all the remedies I took gave me no relief. I began to take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE, and after the use of three bottles I am cured." - fit? Two Sizes. 50 Cents and $1.00. ZZ SGLD MB RECOMMENDED BY CHARjVIAN & CO., CITY DRUG STORE, OREGON CITY, OR. JJ It ia not impossible that at least one of the candidates for the position occupied by the late Charles Tongue in (Jonijress, will come from Oregon uny. w tine trie Democrats are casting about to find a man to lead them in the fight, they will do well to loc k over le timber furnitt ed by this city before going elsewhere. Col. K. A. Miller, wno wa a canuiaaie for congress about two years ago, and defeated by Binger Herman, would be a credit to the Btate if nominated and e- leoted. Among ihe younger Democrats who would also make available timber is Gilbert Hedges There is plenty of good timber here, but the names of two are more frequently mentioned in con nection with the office than those cf any in th'scity. It is a well-known fact that Hon. George C. Brownell, while not an aspirant for the office, would ttill think a good while belore he would turn dowri , a nomination given him by the Republi cans, and his lute successful fight for the presidency of the 3tate senate has put him in a good way to win. The Courier is Democrat and" would like to see a Democratic win and prefers an Oegon Cit Democrat to any one else and put up a strenuous fight' for any Democrat who wins the nomination, but if a Re publican must win, the Courier hopes it will be an Oregon Oity Republican. Friday night "A Gambler's Dangh'er" was played at the Shively Operc Hal) to a fair-pized audience. Th show c m poeed a first-class talent. and w ell staged, the audience was well pleased with the performance. The attraction on Satur day night was ''Uncle Tom's Cabin," wh'ch was put on by Stetson's Company. A crowded house witneesed the perform ance which was in many ways very creditable. A cake-walk by the colored division of tie t-how, was simp y tine and elicited vociferous applause. , Hon. George Steele was transacting business in Oregon City Tuesday, COUNTY JUEGE. WILL AGAIN BE CHAIRMAN OF I OARD tiF COMMISSIONERS. FROF. EDWARD E. l'MIU'S, U. D., LL. D. Greatest of All Physicians. Eminent Discoverer of PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND Trof. Edward E. rhclps, M. D., LI.. P., was born in Connecticut and graduated at Yule. His unusual talent soon brought liim reputa tion and prominence. First lie was elected to tlie prolcsscirslnp of anatomy and surgery in die Vermont University. Next he was ap pointed lecturer in Dartmouth CVIlege. The following year lie was chosen to the most important professorship in the country, a place that lie occupied when he made his world-lamed discovery of l'aine's Celery Com pound. This Infallible cure for those fearful ills that result from an impaired nervous system and impure blood, has endeared the great doctor in the world. DIAMOND DYES t'OLOll ANYTHING ANY COI.OK. Dresses, cloaks, suits, ribbons, coats, feathers, stockings.-everythlng wearable, Diamond Dyes make to look like new. W. have a apti'tat department ot ailvlc, and will Hiiaw.r Ire any queailona about dyeing. Beud ample of goode whuu novulble. Direction book and 45 dved aamplea free.. 1UAMOND I1YK8, Burlington, Vt. Constipation " Does your head ache ? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste in your mouth? It's your liver ! Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure consti pation, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. All druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Swamp-Hoot, Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. JANUARY. Not So Wet as Two Preceding Months, Hut Wet Enough for All Natural Purposes.' Tl,o Inllnwiriff renort is furnished by G.Muecke, the obfeiver of the ra'hef bureau, siationeu as rtorurn. .im.c January was not as wet as Novemner and December, Btill it was wet enough for all natural purposes, more uiau inches of rain having falh n : Mean temperature, 41 d. Maximum temperature 50 on the second; Miulmum teupeialure, on the 16lh. , Precipitation Total precipitation o.oi inches. Snowfall 1 inch. Clouds and Weather No. clear days, 10; partly iloudy, 0; cloudy, 15; dates of killing frosts, VI to 17 aud 27lh. Prevailing winds southwest. The Aurora station was vifited and inspected by Mr. Edward A. Beals on the 13th. School laxis. County Clerk, F. A. Sleight has com pleted the lint of special levies male by school districts in the county. There ate 107 diHtricIs in Clackamas county and 19 of tbepe have made special levies Five joint districts have aho made special levies. Following shows the levies of each district! No, 1 Milwaukie 030; SCanemah 018; 4 Lower Lognn 002 ; 6 Ulad Tiding 002; 9 East Clackamas (1031-2; 10, 0i 5; 12 Garfield 001; 14 Viola 018; 15 Braver Creek Ot'O; 18 Mtindoiff.s 005; 11) Kelso 023; 21 Linn's Mill 010; 23 Wtlsonville 0 9; 5,00(1; 20 Union 008; 28 Concord 002 1-2 ; 29 Cams 001 ; 30 Stone 020; 31 Rock Ceeek 001 ; 34 West, Oregon City 007 1-8:37 Hazelie 003; 38 Marks Pra irie 003; 47 Oswesto022; 48 Park Place 015. 49 Harmony 00.4 1-2; 51 Holcomb nut. m Kivnralle 002: 50 Russelville 005; 62 Oregon City 07 1 2; 03 Brown's 012; 04 Clackamas W; uo aittrmoi ooi ; 70 Kveigreen 005 ; 01 Sunnyside 005; "5 Hmllmil 002 : 83 Dover 016: 85 Henrici iw). k ciunhv 010: 92 Yoder103; 95 Timber Grove 006 ; 9 Mountain Road 005 97 Barlow 000 1 2 ; 98 union mils wo; 99 Mt Scoit 003; 101 Falls View 000; 104 Millei 020 ; 106 Willamette Falls 007 ; 1C6 Spring Brook 002; 107 uottreu u.u. .1D1XT M8TKICT8. ftrrini Oiifio 30. 002 1-2 ; 5k Bnlte- ville 008 1-2 ; 70 Villbur 011 ; 83, 110, Want your mmutUcho or hoard a beautiful brown or rich Itlai'k? ThtMi us BUCKINGHAM'S DYEer, O cts. or pi I-TV (Mt H Hkl Foley's Honey and Tar for children, safe, sure. A'o opiates. Bricklavers are at work on the walls of the Methodist church buildinir, and if all favorable, the WOlk ...ill I, .nuh.l to on early completion The Courier certainly hopes the work a III soon he .lone. RS tho ollice has PHI- l.,r,l nn linlrt inconvtnience from the "blockade" which has been in ffoct for ihe past two niontlis BANNER SALVE th most hsallng salve In tho world. MITCHELL WAGON Kemp Manure Snreaclcrs Culver Drag Saws Myers Pumps . Spray Pamps Hay Tools ami . - SANDERS DISC PLOWS TRIUMPH SULKEY PLOW B U r I IE S , W A & N S . . . . Bicycles, implements . . FIRST AND r OR E G TAYLOR STS. PORTLAND N GASOLINE ENGINES Cream Separators HSt;-? -:' i '..'.tii inti -tmi ii ii ii ir mm Case Plows MITCHELL WAGONS Hoosier Drills Mitchell and Bee Line BUGGIES i - r x.S SruVCR GASOLINE ENGINE AMERICAN CREAM SEPARATOR e ii d f or C a t a 1 o OP ii e Law Establishing Board R'peal td Ity Legislature. A bill has been i ass 1 bj the state Legislature repeal ng t ie law which pro vided a ieparate U.d of commissioner for Clackamas county. Another bill wa passed at the same time flxinir the Balary of the judge of Clackamas county at $1200 per annum. The first bill re stores the countv iudse to his old poaiiion on the board of commissioners, that of chairman. Four years pso. for political reaeonss well-known to Glackamas county people,, a bill was lobbied through the state Legislature establiehir e a separate boards of commissioners and relegatine the county judge t5 the rear. Before that ' time the county business was transacted! through two commissioners and a county" judge. Since that time the county judge has had no part in the transact ions ot ihe county s business, mere v looking after the probate business. In the legislative session of 1901 the salary of the county judge was reduced to f720 per annum. Me will now receive his old salary. $1200 per annum. n nas been evi ent to all who have- watched the course of events that a. board of commissioners should have at their bead the county judge, and Clacka mas county is the only county in the- state that has not been under this sort of ruling. In the last Republican county convention a plank was inserted which demanded a change to the old system,. and practical'y all the voters of the-.. county favored such a change. Either Lewellyn or Killen will be re tired Irom membership on the board,. which the Courier is not in aoniiion to say, but will leave the people to guess. A course of illus:rarted lectures becan at the Congregational church last Tues day evening. The lecturer is Dr. E. L House, 1). U , pastor of thelirBt Congre gational church, Portland. The subject of the first lecture was "Quo Vadis,"" which was very instructive and very entertaining both as a literary treat and a Scenic disnlav cf stereopticom views The next lecture will be on next Tuesday evening and will be illustrated hy joO supero views of "Lights and; Shadowsof our Spanish. American War." On the followii e Tuesday evening an impersonation of David Ha urn will be given, which bids fair to be the best of the whole series. WEAK AND LOW-SPIRITED. Correspoudent Thus Describes His Experience. "I can strongly recommend Ilerbine as a medicine of remarkable tHieicy for indigestion, loss of appetite, four taste in the mouth, papulation, headiuhe, drowsiness alter imats with distressing mental depresons and low spirits Ilerbine must be a unique preparation for cases such as mine, for a few dose entiiely removed my complaint. I wou der at people going on snfferii gor spend ing their money on Koithle-a thirg", when Ilerbine i procurable, and so ehenp. ' 60o a Utt eat Charmau & Co.Y Miss Marv E. Convers will giye a con cert tn the V. O. VV . hall on the eve ning ol February 24. This corcert promises to b one of the beet yet given by Miss Oonvers, which is an assurance that it will be well worth going to see. The talent secured to assist in the per formance ia well known to Oregon City people. Amorg those who have been secured for occasion are Mrs. Walter Heed, Mr. Pom Zan, Marion Lawrence, daughter of J. M. Lawrence, f.irmer y of this citv, and Miss Veda Williams and Mrs. K. A. Miller. A chorus from the Perthick Club will aleo assist in the euttrtaiumeut. TheA.O. V. W will give a smoker and banquet next Saturday eviuing in their hall. John and Gene Lewellyn have bought into the firm of Fairclough Bros., com mission merchants.. The new firm has not yet decided under what name it will sail but the erection of a new building has been defluitt-ly decided on and ground is neing broken for it- When the new- structure is finished a line ol farming implements and hardware will be placed in the Btore. While the new structure will be only one story high it will be a substantial buildiDg aud have the conveniences of an up-to-date busi' ness house. Jas Blancbard has bought Jag Ellis' farm at New Era ol 120 acres lor the sum $13')0. Mr. Blanchard will put forced men to work cutting cord wood on his new possessions shortly. BLACK-DRAUGHT THE ORIGINAL LIVER MEDICINE allnw ffnmntiiTtnf, ptnl.... 1 biliousness and a coated tongue are common indications of liver and kidney diseases. Stomach and bowel troubles, severe as they are, give immediate warning by pain, but liver and kidney troubles, though less painful at the start, are much harder to cure. Thedford's Black-Draught never fails to bene fit diseased aver and weakened kid neys. It stirs up the torpid liver to throw off the gems of fever and ague. It is a certain preventive of eholera and Bright's disease of the kidneys. With kidneys re inforced bv Thedford'a Black- Draught thousands of persons have dwelt immune in the midst of yel low fever. Many families live in perfect health and have no other doctor than Thedford's Black- Draught. It is always on hand for use in an emergency and saves many expensive calls of a doctor. Mullins. S. C March 10. 1001. I have used Thedford'j Black-Draught lor three years and I have not had to (o to a doctor since I have been takind It is ine nest medicine lor on the market for liver i troubles and dyspepsia complaints. A. t - nai is a I Idney g I er i vis. U