Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 30, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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The 0. R. & N Co.
' Gives the Choice oi
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p. m.
DEN ax.,
6:00 p.m.
ST. PAUL and
Ocean Steamers leave Portland .every
5 Days lor
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia ttiver roinuj.
Monthly Steamers to Chinafand Japan
For full information call on or address nearest
O. R. & N. Ticket Agent, or aaaress
a t. rpiin. n v A..
Portland, Oregon
Only transcontinental line
passing diiectly through
Salt Lake City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver. '
Three splendidly epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through Sleeping and Dining Lara
and Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The most magnificent scenery Jn
America bv daylight. , - '
Stop overs allowed on '.all elassei ol
For cheapen rae nd descriptive Jltetatiai.
General Agent.
21 Third Street, Portf nd, Orepc
w - 1 'ii I
JeeetablcPrcparationforAs- i
slmilatingtkToodandRegula- l
Prnfnnh c Tlirfpcti nn .Cheerful-
TAr rnntains neither
Oprum,Morphine iior Mineral.
Not narcotic.
Tor Infants and Children.
TUn lmrl Vmi UoWO
Always Bought
Pumpkin SttJ-
j4lx. Senna
. .
jrmint -Jii
QirtonatSein .
Clmhed Sufr .
tion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions.tevensn
uess and LossofSLEEE
facsimile Signature of
the .
For Over
Thirty Years
TMt ciHTaun eewwiY. mw o err.
California Wine House
MAIN STREET Bet. 4th and Sth
Dally Round Tripe, except Sunday
IIIVIC , , u
Leave Portland. 1 , S
Leave Astoria
and MlTLAIvO
Daily Trips Excepi viui 1
Leave Portland, Mon., Wfd. and .
Leave The Dalles, TueB.,Tburs.
Leave Portland, Tues., Thure. and Sat. . . .
Leave Dalit s, Mon., Wed. and Frl
' Landinii. Foot Alder Street
A.J.Taylor Astoria, Ore
J. W. Crichton The Dalles, ure
i v v.,iur .Hood River. Ore
muA Jb wora. White Salmon. Wash
xi. nimotoaH Carson. Wash
John T.Totten Stevenson, Wash
J. O. Wyatt .'. Vancouver, Wash
Is an important state and 51.9
per cent of its popula-
tion is located on
Per Gallon
California Port $1 00
Extra Old Port I 2$
Delicate and Mellow
Superior Old Port and Sherry 1 50
Extra Old Caliiornia Sherry 1 05
- Medium, Pale. Delicate and Dry
California Tokay I 00
Excellent Table Wine
Sweet Muscatel 1 2;
Fine Wine ,
Sweet Catawba I 25
Angelica I 05
OUlta Li i nnu iuc
Extra old Calif rnia Angelica I 2$
Extra Dry California Tamcua WJtitt,
Sparkling Burgundy 8$c
Sonoma Claret. 65c
Extra Sonoma Zinfandel. . . 75c
None better; a well matured wine.
Extra Sonoma Riesling. . . . 75c
A white wine that will please you.
Sonoma Hock 65c
Quality unsurpassed
Sonoma Sauterne . . '. 1 00
A line old white wine.
Fine Calif. Grape Brandy ..275
The genuine: good as imported.
Only Wine Vaults in the City
City Orders Delivered Tree.
Order Zbrougb Voir Grocer.
. 31. Brady.
65 Cents'
Gallon Pure Mo. Sarghum
20 Cents
Package Fairbank's Gold Dust
25 Cents
7 Boxes 1776 Washing Powders'
75 Cents
20 Bars Perfection Soap
45 Cents
10-lb Sack New York Buck Wheat
25 Cents
2 Lion or Arbuckle Coffee
25 Cents
2-lbs Costa Richa Coffee
10 Cents
5-lb Package Perfection Salt
We handle Toilet Soaps and Sta
tionary Goods.
A Vlalt to the Crater ot the Seething
t Volcano.
There wps no lifp on that bare, black.
birdless cone, and as we climbed an icy
wma began to blow, ana tne lava qusi
Btuns the face like haft. The crust was
warm to the feet. I clipped my hand
into an aperture tne size or a raDbit
hole and withdrew it hot and wet. On
every side the smoke eddied up from
tiny craters, dui an mese imugs weie
details in face of that everlasting vom
it of black smoke from the crater.
Tbe wind raced above us as we drew
near the crater, and the lava dust spat
more viciously; the sulphurous smoke
hid the world from our view, it was as
If the liputpiMiits of that anery mon-
al-ch strove to prevent mortals from
gazing too closely at her Infernal or
iries. On hands and knees we grabbed
our way up the cone, coughing, blinded
by the smoke, buffeted by the icy wind.
We reached the verge of the crater and
threw ourselves on our faces. I peered
for one moment into that caldron or
fire nnd smoke. The cuide clutched
my arm and motioned me to follow
him round the edge of the crater. I
rrnvrled nfter him. crvine. "Enough!"
But he did not hear. He could not have
heard a foghorn in the roar of that
"Enontrh!" I bawled, trying to grab
him. "E-nough!" I roared, clutching at
his le2. He shrucced his shouldejs,
and, taking my arm, we plunged down
through the lava. A few paces Deiow
h Btnnned. I bent toward him and
through tfi screams of the wind heard
him say, "Give me a leetle present to
buy macaroni. Academy.
'Vltalltir of the Centlped.
Thn sicrht of a full crown centiped is
said by travelers in tropical lands to be
enouirh to affect the strongest nerves.
Ten to eleven inches is the average
length, although "larger ones have been
seen. Lafcadio Hearn in "Two Hears
In thp French West Indies" says that
the vitality of the centiped is amazing.
Mr. Hearn keot one in a bottle, witn-
out food or water, for thirteen weeks,
at the end of which time it remained
netive and dangerous as ever. The
centiped has one natural enemy able to
cope with him the hen.
The hen attacks him with delight ana
often swallows him, head first, without
taking the trouble to kill him. he cat
hunts him. but she is careful never to
put her head near him. She has a trick
of whirling him round and round upon
the floor so auiekly as to stupery mm;
then, when she sees a good chance, she
Strikes him dead with her claws.
Thwi are sunerstltlons concerning
the creature which have a good effect
In diminishing his tribe. If you Kin a
centiped, you are sure to receive money
Soon, and even if you dream of killing
one It Is good luck.
The Mischievous Emu.
Down through the meadows we come
to the playground of the poet Shelley, I
where the old mill still stands, its
grinding stones propped against its
sides, quietly registering the (light of
time. Swans glide to and fro upon me
pond or rest upon its edge. Black and
white rabbits scurry across the wood
ed paths. Fantailed pigeons disport
upon the lawn. In the taill grass tiny
fawns feign sleep, while furtively
watching with half closed eye, and
everywhere the mischievous emu
stalks about in conscious pride of his
Importance in this strange land.
Being a special aversion of the game
keeper's, this bird takes apparent de
light in annoying him In every way.
xrvini nhmit until he finds a choice
nest of pheasant's eggs, he dispatches
the dainty morsels lustanuy, mereuy
destroying the hopes of both keeper
and hen. Every effort to break him of
this pernicious habit has been unsuc
cessful. Qnce the keeper resolved upon
a plan which he thought would with
out doubt prove effectual. Having
hard boiled a number of eggs, he car
ried them In steaming hot water to the
field and placed them before the ever
ready emu. Much to his surprise, the
dished seemed to appeal strongly to
the voracious appetite of the bird, for
In a twinkling they were gone, a seem
ing look of wonder accompanying his
grateful , appreciation of this unusual
attention. Century Magazine.
Profanity In Enrope.
The most ordinary conversation in
Spain is rarely carried on without oaths
being iuterpolated, and Invocations 01
snints and expressions which border on
swearing are common even on the lips
nf Indies. SDanish workmen do not uu
dprstnnd an order unless it Is delivered
to them with a strong garnishing of
profanity; masters swear at their serv
nnts. ladles at their children, school
masters at their scholars and officers at
their men. It must be remembered that
all over the continent profanity Is more
common than In England, in uermany
pvpii it is not uncommon to hear school
masters swear at the boys, a state of
thinira nnhenrd of and lmDOSBlble here.
while 60th in France and Italy oaths
are taken as a matter of course and
nnntinii pnimllv in man and beast. At
the same time it should be remembered
that most continental "cuss worts
are not taken so seriously as ours.-
"London Answers.
Starting and String.
it etort in a Inner rape, the advant
age often appears to be with an outsider.
But tne race js won noi w omniu8
in staying. The quality which wins is.
staying power. It is so in the race ofc"
life. Staying
power wins, and
hs a rule the best
stover is the man
with the best
stomach. All
physical strength
19 derived from
food which is
property digested
ana assimilated.
When the food
enten is onlv Daft
ly digested and
assimilated tnere
is a loss of nutri
tion which means
a loss of strength'
and the general
result is puysicm
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery
gives strength and staying power, be
cause it cures diseases of the stotnacli
and other organs of digestion and nutri
tion. It enables the perfect digestion,
and assimilation of the food eaten, and
so strengthens the body naturally oy tuo
nutrition derived from food.
t tnvihin-. with imliffestion for abou
two vears." writes Wm. Bowker Esq., of Julin
etta 'Intnh Co., Idaho. "I tried different dm -tors'and
remedjes hut to no avail, until I wrot r
to vou and von tolil me what to do. I suffered
with a pain" in mv stomach and left side an
tllOU'U mill 11 wuum ,,,
to write this and let vou know that I a'.u a.J
right I can do my work now without pain arid
1 don't have that tired feeling that I used te
have, nve Dotties 01 ir. rra .
ical Discovery and two viala of his Pleasant
Pellets' cused me.'
New Century Comfort.
MiilionB are daily findings world of
comfort in Bucklin's Arnica Salve. It
kills pain . from burns, scalds, cuts,
bruises; conquers ulcers and fever sores;
cures eruptions, salt rheum, boils and
felons; removes corns and warts. Best
pile cure on earth. Only 25c at Geo. A.
Harding's drugstore.
Chicago, the greatest commer
cial center of the West, is best
reached from the Northwest by
this famous railroad
The North-Western
Daily between Minneapolis, St.
Paul and Chicago is 'the
peer of all fine trains
For lowest rates, time of trains and full
P.nroa r!rtn eiiTnnfinn.Clniiffhs.
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma,
rneumonia,Jtlay ever,neu-
riotr T.afrrlnnA TTnarSfiTlfiHS.
ore Throat, Croup and
Wnooping uougn.
H BOc. and $1 .. TB'L BOTTLES FR
Removal of Office.
G; B. Dimick and George L. Story
have moved their law office from the
StevenB block to rooms 2 and 3 in the
new Garde building, up stairs.
The only remedy in the world that
will at once stop Itchiness of the Skin on
any part of the body that is absolutely
safe and never failing, is Doan's Oint
ment. Free Samples at C. G. Huntley's.
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Oaufleld;Block OREGON CITY
Remarkable Cure of Croup.
A Little .lioy'S Life Saved.
T have a few words to sav regarding
Chamberlain's (Jough Kemedy. U
saved my boy s life and feel , that I can
not praise it enough. I bought a bottle
of it from A. E. eteere, of Goodwin, S.
D., and when I got home with it the
poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave
the medicine as directed every ten min
utes until he "threw up" and then I
thought sure he was going to choke to
death. We tad to pull the phlegm out
of his mouth in great long stringers. I am
positive that if I had. not got that bottle
of cough medicine, my boy would not H
on earth today. Joel Demont, In wood,
ow a. For sale by G. A. Harding.
An Umlaclty Cltlien.
"Tea. sir." said the town story tell
er. '""he wuz the onluckiest feller that
ever drawed the breath of life an' a
week's wages."
"You don't say?"
"Fact. Clumb a Dine tree once when
he seen the sheriff comln' to levy on
him, harricane come along, blowed
the tree down an' landed him in the
only vacant seat in the sheriff's buggy;
Sheriff started to jail with him; met by
lyrtchin' party, who mistook' him" feir
nuther man, an' strung him up, an'
he'd almost quit klckln' when some
an cut him down an' hauled him home
lest as his mother-in-law had finished.
rriHn' hu ohituarv an' wuz standin'
before the glass to see hoW well she
looked In mournin'." Atlanta ubii
tution. '
The Dog. 1
Mnn la the best friend of the dog.
Horses come next, but between the
rim? nnd all other farm animals, rrom
the house cat to the cow and the beef
atoor thpr neems to be a natural en
mity. Dogs, however, are fond of
Eiiwn nnd coats but as diet, not as
living friends. Cows- and sheep and
rrrin ra ohnnirl he kent as free from as
,!. with flnps as is possible, with
the exception of the trained shepherd
dog. A dog walking tnrougn a row
hr, m nfbn pmiRP a decrease in milk
flnw that amounts to more than the
cash value of the dog. Many dogs are
worth considerably less than $0.00.
Farm and Ranch,
simrnlar Marrlaire Cu.tom.
When two Negritos, a people of the
Philippine Islands, are united, uw
uIiaU tHh in assembled, and the af
fianced pair climb two trees growing
near to each other. I he emers tuen
lumrl thP branches until the heads of
the couple meet. When the heads have
thus come into contact, the marriage is
ipimiiv nrpninnlished. and great reioic
lugs take place, a fantastic dance com
lleting the ceremony.
The Careful Grocer. '
"John." said a butter dealer, "always
put in a couple of sheets of paper when
you weigh. Customers will think you
npflt. and eleanlv in vour business. They
don't like to have their butter slopped
on to a scale that, for all they know,
iina navar haan tvnfahprl. And. hpflidpft.
there's a good profit in buying paper
at a halfpenny per pound and selling
It for 18 pence.". London stanaara.
Accent no substitute for Golden MeAV
ical Discovery. There is nothing "just
as good" lor diseases 01 inc siuiuntu,,
blood and lungs.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets are easy and pleaa-.
ant to take. A most effective laxative.
Hot So DUlntereated a Appeared,,
lucres I had no idea old OrasDit was
a philanthropist until I saw him cir
culating a petition yesterday for the
Durnose of raising money to enuble a
poor widow jto pny her rent.
Diggs un, uraspirs an ngnt, lie
owns the house, the poor widow lives
la Chicago News.
The Honorable Member.
"I minnosp the ttrrlval of new con
gressmen from time to time has a tend;
ency to give variety to ure in uie uii
"Not a v great deal," answered the
tnan who is more or less cynlcaL "It
tnwoiir mpnns thn Introduction of new
names Into the same old anecdotes.'
Washington Star.
In III. Mind.
"Braggy says his grandfather lost
his mind because of the loss of hla for-
"He's Just got the story twisted. He
W lil fortune because of the loss of
his mind. That's where he had his for
tune." Catholic Standard and Times,
Information write to
dener.1 Agent
1318 Alder St., Portland, Ore.
General Psln;r Aeent, St. Paul, nin
HrAve'c TictpIpcc Chill Tonir
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales over One end a Half MUHoa
bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you? No Cure, No Pay. 50c
.ui. nin. 1 1 H Enclosed with every bottle b a Tea Cent package of Crove. Black Itoot. Uver Puis.
Pepartnient of the Interior, United State In4
Office, Oregon City, Oregon November Hth 1902.
A Bufflrient contest affidavit having Been nlW
in thia office by August E. SperliBK, csalestaja t
a?aint homistead entry No. 13150. made Oc It,
1WU lor wa 01 ,eJ? s-nun ' iuwiiBiiiK
which it is alleged that Conlettant "knowa the.
present condilion at the same: alio that Hid,
entryman hs wholly ahandoiierl paid claim ana
trial ne na never resmeu upuu ui- cuiht.km
or imp roved the same in any mannec-
at all nor has anyone acting for him and that sak
aliegea aOBepce irom me KHiu lanu hub vf M
to nis employment in tne arm', .-i(.nu-
corp. 01 liie uiiueu cmmhb no ,,nTkV
officer seaman, or murine, during thn was with.
pain or aurmg nin "iner war i" nmwi
United States my I i' hiuhkhU" Baidpartlei are-
hereby noticed n jii.tir, repiwuu .uu iwci
evidence touchinx mh allcgat'oin at 10 o'clock;
a. m.on Match VU. V X belon- thn Register UA
Receiver at the United States Land Ottioe In Ore
gon City Oregon.
The said contestant having, in a proper affldavi
filed November 18, -W02, (t forth facts which,
show that after dllligence persoual rvlo of this,
notice can not be made, It waa ordered ,an&
directed that Mich notice he Iglven by due an.
proper uuuiicuuuu. n -.
r GEO. W. BiP,
Unappreciated Lavl.hne...
"Whenebber a man Bibs me a whole
lot o advice," said Uncle Eben, "I
can't heln s'Diciouin' dat if his opin
ions was so valuable he'd be busy
Bomewba else couutin' money.
Washington Star.
Ginrlna Him On.
Actor I have a war us well as a his-
trlonlp rpenrd. I was nearlv killed
once by the bursting of a shell.
Manager Who throw the egg? Bal
timore World.
beii appointed by the County Court of Cluefc
of Nancy Jane Beetle; deeeaned. All pernon
Vi alalu.. anotri.t aalrl nutnlo rkf t)m rllU'Mfia
are required to present them.wUh properTOUclier
a J .. 1 -...tAist il Vtn b! mnnlhi frnm )i h
21 irailOD OI HUB Ulicr, w mo ui uwoiBi-CTt
fclio to in the WenlWtuUMllI.ClMOll t
AdmiliiBtiatorof the eitate of
Nancy Jane Beatle, deceased!
Dated January 9th, 19oa.
Hedget& Griffith,
For Infanta and Children.
The Kind You Havs Always Bought
Bears the yCTTZaT
81snature of Wiay4-CUcUA.
. j 'TORS., . kil
TTNotlce la hereby given that llie"iiiidi'inlj(iicdl
HAS Oeen OBiy HJ' Ulllirn mo . wum
of Clack amns t oimty. nrrgon, eiecuinx 01 in
11, .i-ntl n Tl.nl. l.l.r,! i.M Tnnnlv
IHSl Will Ol I1I1BUI X'tlfL lJt raiJ vu.uij
All persons having claims "gainst Hie estate ot
said aece asen, are ncimcu i" bu, u uiatui
with the proper vcuclina and duly veiifled ae-.
cording to law with my attorney, C. H. pye
Corner nth & Main St., Oicgon City, Oregrn
within six n ontlis from date ol this notice. ZTT
Dated at Oregon city, uregon, ueceiiiuer mi
Kxecutrix at afore sal..
Tn the Circuit Circut of the State of Oregon for
Clackamas County. i
A. ci. iiaioureite, iniJHMu, uiui u.iu, tb. .unu b,
Anderson and OUHtav Dalilka, dofondan ts.
TnJnbnF. Anderson aud Gnstav Duhlke, do
In the name of of the state of
riFKunn von and each oi you are
hereby summoned and required to appear
and answer the complaint against you, filed In
meauove buuu .uui
of the time prescribed in the order lor publica
tion of summons herein, which is six weeks from
. . . .... f.Y... Km, i.ii 1,1 InuHi.n til. I'm tf which dRt.lt
Hie UmW u. hid ,. ..s,-,. ...
is the Wrd day of January, IW)3. and you and
each ef you will take notice that if you fail to so
appearand answer the complaint Sled against
you in the above entmea ;uii onoroeiore inn
aid last day of the time prescribed In said order,'
the ulalntlir nerein wm aiiiny w i y'"';,""
relief demanded In the complaint lu this suit
which is for the foreclosure of a mortgage for.
1100-besideS Interest upon the lollowlug oe-
Beirtnnlng at the northwest corner of th H. D.
t rancis uuuuuuu . ..u...u. -...
hip 2 south, tange 2 east of the Willamette Mer.
Id Ian and running iwio .n
thence north 1& mlnutea west 0.80 chains west
........ l i . .v.. un, hi-.nni4i.rtf nt llm I.. Tl C.
Latoarette Donation Land Claim Mumber45.
Tlience soutn in niiuun ""b iu -ary
line of said Donation Land Claim Number 46,
to the place of beginning containing 15 acres
more or less and that plaintiff will apply for such
Othor and further relief as to equity may belong .
Published by order of said court.
ruonsneu uy o u 4 c l,ATOURETTK.
Attorneys fijr flalutiff.
Dated, Jan. 19, 1903.
Depaktmkmt oftheIktebiob,
United States Land Ollioe,
Oregon City, Or., December loth, 1U02.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been filed
111 MI1H llliire UJ I hit vii nunir.m, u, t,cn ttii t
againat Homestead Kntry No. 12018, made Dactmr
ucr iou, ih'.po, i,ir .yi'a, Ul nit,, Bellini Mjnir
shlp 4 south, range 4 east by James My lea, sua.
testes, in which It Is alleged that eontesfau
knows the present condition of the ume; also tha
said James Myles has wholly abandoned wM
claim for the past two years; that he has not lu
proved the same as required by law. nor had auj
one make any Improvements thereon for him; tha
to my best knowledge and belief said James Mylest
never resided or settled upon said claim at al
(and that said alleged absence from the said landl
was not due to bis employment In tha Army
Navy or Marine Corps of tbe United Htataaas
private soldier, officer, seaman or marine during;
the war with Spain, or during any oilier war iu
which the United Btates may beeiigagcdi.
Said parties are hereby notified to appear, re-,
spond and offer evidence touching said allegation
at lOo 'clock a. m. on March '21 1 Ii, 1!M:, before the
Keulster and Receiver atlho United State. Lan d
Olilce in Oregon City, Oregon,.
The said contestant having, In a proper afft
dav.t, filed December loth, IUI12, set forth facts
which show that aflerdue diligence personal ser
vice of this nolice can not be made, waaordered
and directed that such notice be given by dat aa a
proper publication.
Geo. W. Bum, Receiver.
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice Is hereby given that the undorslgneJ ex
editor of Uie will of Leonard Helm, de,'.ed,
has tiled his final account with the count cur
ofClackamss county and state of Oren.iMiua
that the Hon. 1. F. Kyan, Judge of said c.-u, 1 h
, set Monday, lie 2d day or teoruary ,1
hour of ten o'clock a. in., of sad day. ilie
time for hearing said report and objection" ' liere
W. if a.., tber.be. ,WIIjUAM KIN
Executor ol tbe will of ICouard Ilctni, oec ased
Iq the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, lor
Clack amat County. (
W, A. Parker, Plaintiff, yi. Haiti Bell. Parke 1
To Battle Belle Parler. the above named de-
In the name ol th. state of Oregon you m
hereby required t appear and answer tlie euaa
plaint her. In on or before the 2d day ol Kar.h
i'jOS, which will b, alter the expiration ol enr.
weeks from the date of the first publlcati.n of
III. eilUlUKlllB mill 11 UU milMlW H,,Cft BIIU
answer said complaint on or before said data, ta
plaintiff will apply to the oouit for the relief 0-
inaimeu 111 BHi'l viiwiinniiii, .u-n....vi jvivx
IIIBlliUru III imi'l w.,w.,i.i..i.. u-n...v m utoiso
dissolving tlie bonds of luiitrhnony now existing
between you anil tbe plaintit) herein and for iuch
other further relief as to the court shall seem Jus,
and equitable.
This summons If published by Order of tha
nun. Thonian A. Mcllrhta, Judge of tlie above en
titled court duly inudeon the Klh day of Janu
ary, moa
I The dnte of the first publication' of this tuxa
tnous Is the lull day of Jauury, I'D.:.
Atiiuijt- ioi I'luiuua'.