Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 30, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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WANTED To increase my list of farm?
and lands for sale, in ail parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residents
represented and Bold. H. E. Cross, At
torney at Law.
The Dentist: Beatie and Beatie are
the dentists in the Weinhard building.
Their rooms are numbers 16, 17, 18.
Send tOc to AUert Tozier, Portland,
Ore., fur printed list and addresses of
6000 Clackamas county voters. Oregon
City list 10 cents; Aurora, Canby, Bar
low, Oswego, 5 ctsj others 2 cents, tf
STKAY NOTICE-Found on my farm
l'i miles west of Clackamas station in
Clackamas county one-and-a-half year
old heifer, red with red and white luce.
Took the calf up about the 10th of No
vemoer. Owner can have same by
firoving property and paying cost of pub
ication and keep. Joseph Webber,
Clackamas, Or.
1HAVE received from Eastern Oregon
. I 11 1 . .
io neau ui uorHBS aim wain pasLurw
for same. Will pay $1 per mouth cash
in advance. A. D. Guylup, Oregon
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattels. John W. Lodbr, at-torney-at-law,
Oregon City.
' "The nicest and pleasantest medicine I
have used for indigestion and constipa
tion is Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets," says Melard F. Craig, of
Middlegrove, N. Y.,' "They work like a
charm and do not gripe or have any un
pleasant effect." G. A. Harding.
White Wyandottes for sale, good
Stock, Write box 348, Oregon City..
Heads Should Neve Ache.
Never endure this trouble. Use at
once the remedy that stopped it for
Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie, Va., she
writes "Dr. King's New Life Pills wholly
cured me of sick headaches. I had suf
fered from for two years, Cure head
ache, constipation, biliousness. 25c at
Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
"Some time go my daughter caught a
severe cold. She complained of pains in
her chest and had a bad cough. 1 gave
her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ac
cording to directions and in two days
was well and able to go to school. I
have used this remedy in my family for
the past seven years and have never
known it to fail," says James Prender
gnst, merchant, Annato Bay, Jamaica,
West India Islands. The pains in the
chest indicated an approaching attack
of pneumonia, which was undoubtedly
-warded off by Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It counteracts any tendency
of a uold toward pneumonia . Sold by
G. A. Harding.
You can never buy as cheap now is
your opportunity at the wind up sale.
M. Michael, Oregon City.
Kidney Trouble Hakes You Miserable.
Almost everybody who reads the news
papers is sure to know of the wonderful
. cures maae ey ur.
1 Kilmer's Swamp-Root,
me great Kianey, liver
and bladder remedy.
It Is the great medi
cal triumph of the nine
teenth 'century; dis
covered after years of
scientific research by
Dr. Kilmer, the emi
nent kidney and blad-
wonderfully successful In promptly curing
lame back, kidney, bladder, uric acid trou
bles and Brlght's Disease, which Is the worst
form of kidney trouble.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp.Root Is not rec
ommendedforeverythingbut If you have kid
ney, liver or bladder trouble It will b found
just the remedy you need. 1 1 has been tested
In so many ways, In hospital work, in private
practice, among the helpless too poor to pur
chase relief and has Droved an snrvfiil in
I every case that a special arrangement has
I L. - 1 - t L ! U - 1 1 . j . i ,
vgcii uiauo uy wmuu an rcaaers 01 inis paper
who have not already tried It, may have a
sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book
telling more about Swamp-Root and how to
find out If you have kidney or bladder trouble.
When writing mention reading this eenerous
otier in this paper and
send your address to
N. Y. The
regular fifty cent and Home of swunp-Root.
dollar sizes are sold by all good druggists.
Don't make any mistake, but remem
ber the oame, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, and the address,
Bmghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
Secured a $1500 Judgment.
John W. Nepdel, formerly conductor
on the P. 0. & 0. Riilway Company at
Portland, recovered damages off that
company for the amount of $1500 last
Friday. The plaintiff was represented
by Gilbert L. Hedges and his brother, J.
E. Hedges, of this city. The attorneys
for the defense were Dolph, Simon, Mai
lory and Gearin, of Portland, and Judge
Rufus Mallory conducted the cast in the
The suit was brought about by accident
which occurred on the above mentioned
railroad August 1, 1901, for $5J00. Nen
del was at that time a. conductor on the
said road. In endeavoring to make a
coupling a defective rholstrap caused
the car to suddenly jump forward catch
ing Nendel between, two cars, breaking
his right arm near the elbow and other
wise inanuling and bruising him. The
accident occurred at First andO streets,
Nendle brought suit the following
March and nearly a year elapsed before
the Nial took place Friday. The suit
created much interest in this part of the
Btato. Nendel was a former Oregon
City boy and still has many friends
here, who will be glad to learn that he
has won his case. The Hedges are also
being congratulated ou having won their
Regular January lerm of the
County Board.
John Lewellen, T. B. Killin and
Wm. Brobst, County Commis
. sioners.
Foley's Honey and Tar
cures colds, prevents pneumonia.
Continued from last week.
toad District No. 2A
Sam MiHer $14 0
C Wolford . 75
M SWfer 75
E I.Ylontandon...... 75
E Werner ., . 3 ui)
A Weigand 1 50
r H Fish 75
Bagby & Dixon 2 70
E A Montandon 10 00
Road District No. 25.
Will Gerber 1 50
Dd M Morns....,.-. 10 00
Road District No. 26
Frank Schatzman, -.....$ 176
C W Austin 6 37
Ben Johnson 10 '60
Frank Milton 1 20
Scott Carter 6 25
W H Engle , 18 00
Road District No. 27
Wm Mortonson 42 47
Percy Adams.." ,.. 75
John, Barth '. 2 00
fcoad D'strict No. 28
L 8 Boyles 3 00
B F Boyles 2 00
Road District No. 29
AH Will 35
Edward Yassey 1 20
L L Bahler 1 25
J C Wagerman 1 20
Ernest rieely 2 50
Wm Steinbach 1 05
G Munsell....: 1 20
Y Eilers '.. l 25
J H Miley 75
Jos Graham JO 60
Sidney Graham 13 50
JC8mith 7 00
H H Smldt 3 00
TM Snyder :. 6 65
District No. 30 '
Walter Coone $ 1 75
Hiram Piatt... x 7 75
ThosFox 23 00
D J Howell 6 00
Road District No. 34
Wilson & Cooke $ 1 00
F J Petit ; 9 62
Jeff Shaw 33 50
Chas Moehnke 3 00
Road District No. 36
Levi Erb $ 3 85
Bud Thompson $ 1 40
George Leffler 6 75
Ivan Broadwell 2 25
Walter Long 1 50
N Biair . 1 50
John Wachtman 1 50
Bud Thompson 10 00
George Leiller 4.. 3 00
Ivan Broadwell 1 50
Wslter Long 3 00
Bud Thompson 2 00
' In the matter of the petition of Ernest
Lehman for, road of public easement.
Ordered that Henry Theissen,' M Oat
fleld and John Risley be appointed
viewers of damages, to view and assess
the damages of a ro.ad to be located
across the lands of Thomas H. Feathers,
A Golden Opportunity
In the Bohemia Mining Dis
tricts of Southern Oregon
This is proving to be one of the richest mining districts in the World and may
in no great while rival the celebrated Cripple Creek District of Colorado.
The Hiawatha Mining: & Milling: Co.
of Cottage Grove, Oregon, Bohemia District
Has recently, during development work, struck very rich ore in lauge quantities and the company
has decided- to place a stamp mill on the property at a very early date and have placed a block '
of stock on the .market to raise money for that purpose and are selling stock at ten cents per
share, which no doubt will be. worth at least $1 per share, as soon as dividends are paid, which
will be in the near future. Don't wait until this block is sold and then kick yourself because you
can't get stock for less than $1 and more per share.
in The Lcroy Mine
Only a few hundred feet from the properties of the Hiawatha during the last two weeks a great
strike has been made. A ledge of ore twenty-six feet wide from wall to wall has been uncovered
that runs hundreds of dollars to the ton. All of the Leroy stock was at oncev taken from the
market and not a dollars worth of it can now be had at any price. The stock was selling for
ten cents per share and is to day worth $1.00 and none for sale. This same ledge no doubt runs
through the property of the Hiawatha as well as other fine ledges whicn have already been un
covered. The lat block of Hiawatha stock is now on the market. When it is disposed off the
company will have sufficient money to put in their ten stamp mill and continue their development
work. Not a dollar of this stock has been sold for less than par. ten cents per share. In six
months in all human probability this stock will be worth $1.00 per share and will go much
highcrjts soon as the mill gets to work and the dividends begin to be paid.
This is the Opportunity of a Lifetime
And if You Miss it You hiss Your Chance
Address at once
Minwntha Mining and Milling 0.
Cottage Grove, Oregon
Or ee O. D. EBY, of this citij.
C. R. Hunter, Herman Gerhardes and
Casper Amacher. Said viewers to meet
at the residence of Ernest Lehman on
the 26th day of January, 1903. '
. In the matter of increasing the allow
ance of ' Elizabeth Wilhoit,;. a county
charge. Ordered that the monthly al
lowance of Elizabeth Wilhoit be in
creased to $25 per month. .
In the matter of the appointment of a
constable in justice district No. 8. Or
dered that Pocle Jonrs be and hereby is
appointed constable in said district
JNo. 8.
In the matter of the petition of Gib
bon foet ti. A. R. for the funeral ex
ptoses of David G. Frost, an indigent
eoiuier. umerea that the sum of $40 be
allowed for same.
In the matter of the application for
aid in repairing "Smith" road. Ordered
that supervisors ot Districts 18 and 19
do worU to the extent of $25 as soon as
that amount of volunteer work is fin
ished. In matter of petition of V. 8. Rice for
rebate of taxes. Ordered that the clerk
issue a warrant in favor of said Rice for
the sum of $11.69 on account of a double
In the matter of the appointment of
John Kaiser as deputy road supervisor
of District No. 16. Ordered that the ap
pointment of said Kaiser be approved.
In the matter of granting aid to John
Oonner, art indigent person, Ordered
that said .Conner be allowed the sum fcf
$10 per month and that . warrant be is
sued in favor of E. L. Morley.
In the matter of the report of viewers
of ihe Dowlin road. The viewers re
porting favorably, it is ordered that said
road be declared a county road and su
pervisor be ordered to open same, ex
pense account $118 40.
In the matter of petition of Meade
Post G. A. R. for aid for Greenleaf
Chute, indigent soldier. Order d that
warrant issued to said Chute for the
sum of $10.
In the matter of the report of view
ers of the Schnobel road Viewers re
port favorably. Claims' for damages
filed by John H. Paine lor $122 and E.
W. Paine for $662. Ordered that John
Cole, Longstreei Vaughan and James
Dickey be appointed viewers of dam
ages to meet on premises of claimants
on the 22nd day of January.
In the matter of the petition of A.
Luelhng praying the boar J of commis
sioners reimburse him for clerk hire. A.
'iUelling petitions the board to reim
burse him for money spent by said Lu
elling for deputy recorders for the years
1896 and 1897 amounting to $1440. Or
dered that said claim be ujected.
In the matter of the petition cf W. J.
Zimmermon that cost and penalty be
cancelled on 151.51 acres in Campbell
D. L. C. Ordered that the clerK accept
$125.73 that ceing the amount of
taxes lor the years 1899 and 190Q lees
costs and penaties.
In the matter of the report of viewers
of Kelso and Bonng junction road.
Viewers report favorably. Claims frr
damages filed by Maggie Dolan for $300,
F. Timmerman for $125 and E. M. Perry
for $150. Ordered that A. W. Cooke, J.
R. Morton ond John Richey be appoint
ed viewer of damages to meet on the
21st day of January. Expense ot survey
175 10. In the matter of planking a
portion of Hood Viaw road. Ordered
that county pay for lumber and nails
necessary to lay 1-4 mile of road, same
to be laid by volunteer work.
In the matter of the petition of the O.
I. & S. Co. for rebate ot' taxes. Or
dered that claim be rejected.
In the matter of the report of L. W.
Ingram showing that the sum of $380
had been spent for relief of indigent
soldiers in Clackamas county during
the year 1902, appioved.
In 'he matter of the petition of H. B.
Campbell and otherc, asking Clacka
mas county to take over a part of the
Barlow and Mount Hood toll road. It
is ordered that the petition be denied.
In the matter of the appointment of
Fred J. Nelson as deputy assessor for
Clackamas county. Appointment of
Fred J. Nelson as deputy assessor be ap
proved and salary fixed at $60 per
In the matter of the petition for re
lief of Clyde Phillips, an indigent per
son. Ordered that the sum of $10 be al
lawed said Phillip; for a period of three
.In the matter nf the petition of Frank
8. L. Bagby for lease of Pudding river
snd Rock creek. Ordered that said
Pudding river and said Ruck Creek be
and is hereby declared navigable streams'
and that a contract be entered into with
the said Bagby leasing paid streams to
him for period of 10 years.
In the matter of the tax levy for the
year 1903. Ordered that there he levied
upon iil valuations the following rates
to-wit :
Stiue 6 niilU
, County.. ... 12 "
Hchooi 5 '
Road. 9 "
'Total 32 mills
In the matter of payment of claim of
Oregon City Enterprise for printing de
linquent tax list. Ordered that claim of
Oregon City Enterprise for $1650 for
printing tax list for year 1901 be paid.
Fine Old Whiskies,
Wines, and Cigars
Can alwavs be found at the
new saloon, corner Fourth and
Main, Oregon Gty,
Some of our special brands are:
Fine Old Green River Bourbon
Old Grand Dad,
Roxbury Rye
And Finch's Golden Weddin
Rye, best in United States
We also handle the celebrated
Wi hot. Springs Water. Billiards
and Pool. Courteous treatment
too all. 4
Oregon City and Canby, Oregon
and Lumb Counter
On main Street Oregon City, next Door to Postoffice i
Mckmato sinSucctssor U Bagby Restaurant g
Trcsb Oysters in Every Style 1
g Open Jill Bours Day or nigbt. TirsUClass meals, f
iBiiiiiiil ilBniinritfli ilm
i """iiillinmiiiii
We carrv the onlvrnmnletolino
of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and
Linings in Clackamas Count y.
We have the only First-Class
Hearse in the County, which we
will furnish for less than can be
had elsewhere.
Embalming a Specialty.
Our prices always reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
SHANK & RISSELL Undertakers
1 rnones 411 and 304.
' Main St., Opp. Huntley's.
wiipimr"iftiiHiiiiip ijj iipiuipnigi piiiipii'iiiipiiiipiimi!giiiii
"Billy" Rowan's. Restaurant
and Lunch Counter
W. I. ROWAN, Proprietor
Opposite Electric Hotel, is the very best place in;Oregon City
to get a Dainty Lunch ,or
Open at All Hours, day or night
Shoe Sale
See windows for
Reduced Prices
253 Morrison St.. Second Doorfrnm ThiVrl. Pnrtlan (V !
Two Doors South Courthouse
Calls Promptly Attended, Night or Day. Embalming Carefully
JT 1.1.. T II TT -11 . T .t. 3
cuiuncduy iune. nearse rurnisnea ar. i.owest Kates
I Phones 476305. dregon City, Oregon
Elk Horn Livery Feed Sale Stable
FineRigsetosLct at ReaWiablePrices
n d nTiwTnr successor i
Brown & Welch
- Proprietors of the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
Brunswick Ht use and Restaurant
Meals at All Honrs Open Day and Night
Pricea Reasonable
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension, Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE
JOSEPH BACHMANN, stone, Oregon
Yellow l