Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 30, 1903, Image 10

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Have You Looked Into the .
at Ewer's Piano House?
They are so low now as to be simply startling and mean a good thing for
you at small cost.
t is a quick cash raising proposition with this house, and we are letting
superbiJhstruments go at prices that have heretofore seemed impossible.
Chickerings, Webers and Kimballs, our leaders and the pianos that lead
:the world over; the Pacific Queen, Kimball, Burdett. Needham, Peerless and
Crown organs, all can be secured now for small cash outlay.
5 . , Write or 'phone for particulars.
Eiler 9s Piano House,
351 Washington St., Portland, Or.
tbc Popular Pacific Coast Piano J5oust.
Pianos the best and guaranteed.
We send pianos everywhere, subject to examination.
Money back if not absolutely satisfied. .
Large flourishing houses at San Francisco, Spokane and Sacramento.
J JUolulla.
it wlntery weather has put a atop to
' ij work lor a while at least.
jn, Wlihelm ia still very ill.
L, Bturgea, of Carua, waa seen on
ttreeta the nrat of the week.
B. Shaver waa Been .here among
di Saturday.
hi, J. K. Elmer waa the guest of J.
rick and family bumlay.
tnnfat Ilia haouAf. arw.iftl .TAtlllftrV
a.kjy.u. . -- J
. Schamel ia hauling tile for m.
Molalla literary and debating ao-
Ja meetings are well attended.
I time, for meetiug is Wednesday,
. m. '
y. Sherwood, atate commander of
T. M., Inatalled the offlcerB of iw-
nt on their opon meeting janu
aiqaerade ball la to be given in
tool-house nan on neo. ia. avery
eema to be well aware of it, aa
Jre all looking ataad and are en-
I themselves already. Ihe uar
brcheatra will furnish the music.
Shaver will have charge of the
irrah for Uncle Sam
r ' AND
nun iui uuwo i uiii
January 31st
Original Big Double
. Spectacular
The Barnum of all
Under the iwigement of
Leon W. Washburn
Ve, Grand Novelties than ever
Eva and Hea Golden Chariot
atch for the Big Parade It Beats
" a Circus.
The election of officers for the Logan
cheese manufacturing company, held on
January 5, reaulted as follows: Presi
dent, J. 0. Sprague; vi;epresident, A.
J. Johnston. Other membera of board
of directors, Fred Oerber, Fred Moser,
and F. P. Wilson ; secretary and treas
urer, 0. D. Robbina. The average price
paid for butter fat during the year was
25 cents. This is considered a good
showing, aud (5040 waa paid for milk,
which is a neat sum of cash to be dis
tributed in monthly installments.
On January 25, 1903, at the residence
of Mrs. Kate Bryant, Sunnyside, Port
land, in the presence of a few friends,
Mr. Lawrence Mautz and Miss Blanche
McOord, of Oregon City, were married.
Rev. A. J. Montgomery officiated.
Warner Orange Installation.
The new officers of Warner Orange,
all of which were not installed on Satur
day, some being absent, by State Deputy
Borlan, of Oswego, are: Ueorge La
telle, worthy master; A. W. France,
overseer; Marshall Lazelle, steward;
Mra. George Randall, lecturer; J. F.
Dick, chaplain ; Thomas Kelland, assist
ant steward ; David McArthur, secretary ;
Miss B. H. France, treasurer; Blanche
McCord, Pomona; Emma Wilehart,
Flora ; Olla Frederick, Oeres ; Misa F.
H. France, lady assistant steward.
George Lazelle, A. W. France a .id J. F.
Dick, truBteea.
Basket Social.
The Knights and Ladles of Security
will give a basket Bocial at Willamette
Hall on Friday night, February 6th,
next. A nice programme has been ar
ranged. After the literary features are
ended dancing will continue into the
night and a general good time ia assured.
A Cure (or Lumbago,
W. C. Wliliamaon, of Amherst, Va..
saya: "For more than a year I suffered
from lumbago. I finally tried Cham
berlain's Pain Balm aud it gave me en
tire relief, which all other remedies had
failed to do. Sold by Geo. A. Harding.
Hand Laundry
dons In f tr.tcUu sty It and st auwubls price
Opposite Huntlty i Drug Sun
o a i n n m
U ri L U U II nave money
en a.
Is the place
to go when
you want a
good time and
G. H. Young, Proo,
to 3 p
Op. Electric HuVtl
tha moat haallng aalva In tha world.
$10,000 Required for Supjtort of
Oregon City Schools.
Report of Directors.
The annual meeting nf tha .h!
directora of Oregon City waa in session
tast monaaj aiternoon. A tax of seven
and a half mills waa levied for the com
ing year. The board renorta that a ta-r
tax of 8 milla would be necessary to
meet an tne expenses oi tne Echcols, but
on account of the high rate of taxation,
thought it better to Invv
The KaBtham school building is to have
iuur uew ruurns wnicn win cost Id the
neighborhood of $8000. A resolution
waa read and passed which requested
the members of the Legislature from
Clackamas county to use every proper
effort within thair
ed into a law bill now pending or that
urny ue miruuucea, authorizing the atate
land board of Oregon to loan moneys of
the atate school districts within the
state on bonds of districts as may deBire
to use such moneys for building pur
poses. Theexoensea for rnnnino tha ,.hl.
of the district for the fiscal year ending
june w, iwi, aa estimated by the
Board are aa follows :
Halariee of teachers 17110 00
oaiartebot janitors 736 25
Salary of clerk 100 00
Fuel arm nn
Interest on bouds... 720 00
interest on uoating debt 125 00
Installment on sewer assessment
(Dist. 2) is 19
Water rent 35 00
Hotiool supplies ; 2o0 00
Renaira arm mi
Incidentals 310 00
m Total $10,000 00
ine receipts lor tue same time are es
timated aa follows:
County apportionment. $2200 00
State apportionment. . 1800 00
Tuition. 260 00
Total. 4250 00
$4250 00
In addition to this board say they will
eoter the year with a floating debt air.
gregating $8000, making a to'al Hosting
iroui m mooiiu 01 me year 01 1 13,000,
in case no special tax is levied.
The taxable property in the district
aa reyorted by the county clerk amounts
to nearly $700,000. more than last
but not sufficient to make any great dif-
lorence in tne reauit.
in th 1 1" Kind You Haw Knit
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Tcs Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. nL
Savwi MClon koxaa told In put 13 months. ThlS Signature, 5CCr
Little grains of judement,
Mixed with drops of ink,
On the Courier's pages;
Make the people think.
Little advertisements
Hnmble though they be,
Bring a rush of business,
That, you'd like to Bee.
If you'd be progressive,
Make your business pay,
Keep before the people.
Thata the only way.
If you want your story
where it will do you good.
Advertise In the Courier.
If I -vere you, I would.
Curt Crta
la Two Days.
on every
pox. 25c
Furnished Every Week byClac lea
rn as Abstract & Trust Co. ,
WBuckmanto HFComer.nl 2 of sec
36. 1-3 e; $1200.
J Buckmtn to H F Come, sl-2 of sw of
sw of sec 36, 1-3 e; $1200. .
W R Insley to K B Williams, sl-2 of se
sec 32. 15 e: $1.
C h Dickerson to J W Loder, agent lots
7 and 8, blk 4 Oanemah! $100.
S A Campbell to C G Huntley, lot 1, blk
66 Oregon City; $350.
WB Wiggins to A Uoetling, lots 2 and
7. blk 48 Oregon City; $500.
J Kewlands to RIM Uiffin, 31 acres in
sec o,2-4e; $1. " ' 1
R M Morris, to J O McMahon, 10 acres
in sec 22, 2-2 e; $1000.
J Bauch to M M Davis, lata 15 and 16,
blk 76 Gladstone; $1.
D Dorchester to F Kiley, lots 23 to 29,
blk 80, 1 to 12 blk 83 and 14 to 35 in
in blk 84, Minthorn; $100.
F Oberackter to J Bredt, wl-2 of nl-2 o
nw of Bee 36, 3-1 e; $1.
W A Hobbie to J J ohnson, se of nw, 4 1-2
of sw of ne of sec 3, 2-2 e ; $3000.
II ti Colier to O Buge.lots 5 to 18, blk 94
Oak Grove ; $1500. "
J Kingsbury to F Kingsbury, ne of Be of
sec 17 anu part of Lamb elm and 38,
acres in ssc 16, in 2 s, r 3 e ; $3000.
J B Miller to C D Latourette, lots 1, 2
ne 01 ne ot sec li and lota 1, 2, 3 and
4 and sw of nw and 4.41 acres in Bee 18
2-2 e; $1500. .
J Cay to O D Latourette, 4.44 acres in
sec 18, 2-2 e; $5.
M Grantham to Beers, 3 acrea in Garret
elm; Valuable. .
M Kedy to W G Alloway, nl-2 of ne sec
32, i-6 e ; $ sm).
J Mohr to K J Lonycoy, 5 acies in the
wadawortn elm We; $600.
8 E Gregory to A bchoibecker, 38 acres
in sec 06, z-z e ; f y.
Wm Bissell to F Both, 11-1-2 acres in
elm 66, 8-1 e; $1000.
I B Mcintosh to A Wamenmacher, 5
acres in sec3, 2-3 e ; $1000.
J E Schneider to P J Schneider, 70 acres
in sec 18, 5-1 e; $1000.
Merchants Investment & T Co to M B
Kankin, ne ofssec 86, 2-6 e; $1.
A C Fairchild to C Reynolds, 5 acres in
sec 28, 1-2 e; $500.
A P Barlow to- W B Tull, lots 4 and 9,
blk 3 Barlows; $50.
J Goerz to V Fridriic 45 acrea in sec 4, 3-
A Haas to H Brand, acre in Holmes
elm; $500.
H E Cross to J F Benson, lots 9 and 10
blk U. Gladstone : $1.
BFFelgertoOT Howard, 2 1-2 acres
in tec 17, 41! e: $130. v
C B Hall to T M Small, part lots 15 and
16, blk 33, Gsweo; $150.
R i oung el al to D Calkins, lots 3 and
4, tract 57 Oak Grove ; $750.
J Miller to L D Keyzer, lot 13, blk 8,
Oswego; $90.
S A Lynge to A S Baumgarter, lota 17
to 24, blk 87, Minth-rn ; $12.
F Schroder to 0 Gettman, 5 acres in Crow
elm; $1250.
Sellwood Ld I Co to C A Bries, tract 11
Oak Grove ; $500.
Willametle Falls Co to L Werner, lot 3,
tract 0 Willamette Falls; $66.
Sellwood Ld & I Co to W Wickline,
tract 49, Oak Grove; $500.
For Over Sixty Years.
An old and-well-tried remedy. Mrs.
Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup haa been
uaed for over sixty years by millions of
mothers for the'r children while teeth
ing, with perfect success. It soothes
the child, softens the gums, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best
remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
taste. Sold by druggists in every part
of the world. Twenty-five cents a
bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be
sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Sooth
ing Syrup, and take no other kind.
Twa millinn Amarlnann miffer thfl
torturing pangs of dyspepsia. No need
to. Burdock Blood Bittera curea. At
any drug store.
Impossible to foresee an accident.
Not impossible to be prepared for it.
Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil. Monarch
over pain.
"Little Colds" neglected-thouBahd of
lives sacrihed every year. Dr. Wood's
Norway Pine Syrup cures little colds
cures big Scolds too, down to the very
verge of co' 1 sumption.
Terrible plagues, those itching, pester
ing diseases of the skin. Put an end to
misery. Doan's Ointment cures. At
any drug store. j,
Simple Colds;
Cease to be simple, if at all prolonged.
The safest way is to put them aside at
the very beginning. Ballard's Rore
nound Syrup stops a cold and removes
the cause of colds. 25c, 50c and $1 at
Charman A Co.'s City Drug Store, Ore
gon City, Or.
Folev's Honev and TflJT
tor chlldren.safe, sure. No opiates.
Wear Union
. Made Suspcndcts
Manufactured by tha
Columbia Suspender Co.
Portland, Or.
All tlrstclass dealers sell the. Be
sure and call tor them.
A Cough
" I have made a most thorough
trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and
am prepared to say that for all dis
eases of the lungs it never disap
points." . J. Early Finley, Ironton, O.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
wont cure rheumatism;
we never said it would.
It won't cure dyspepsia;
we never claimed it. But
it will cure coughs and
colds of all kinds. We
first said this sixty years
ago; we've been saying it
ever since.
Three ilics: 25c, 5fc., SI. All raniitt.
Coniult your doctor.
If he nn taka It.
then do as he say. Xf he telle you not
to take It, then don't take it. He knowa.
ijMTe it wim nini. n are willing.
J. O. AYER CO.. Lowell, Mail.
"A Gambler's Daughter."
"A Gambler's Daughter" ia a dramat
ic offering that will doubtless fill Shive
ly'a opera honse to overflowing when
it is produced there next Fridav night,
January 30, as the piece has made an
excellent impression in other cities, and
is in fact one of the distinct hits of the
present theatrical season. Each of the
lour acts of the play ia splendidly staged,
and many of the stage pictures produced
are briliant in the extreme. The third
act ia a reproducti n of a beautiful Mich
igan avenue gambling resort in Chicago,
and it givea the spectator a realistic idea
of the actual appearance of some of
these famous palaces patronized by the
fast and furious set of city life. It ia in
( It i ononn tKof (ha iCla rv- Kl ri'a Ttaiit-vt-ttaw
Via iu ovuuu u u Ufa u vj t u. j uivi a inuutvtt
the sweet and tender heroine disguised'
as a Spanish woman, plays at faro and
wins every dollar of bis fortune from her
father. It is one of the most powerful
and intensely dramatic scenes of the
modern stage. The company producing
"A Gambler's Daughter" ia headed by
Miss Lillian Hayward, tne well-known
leading woman, an actress of great abil
ity and magnetism. In the cast will
also be found such popular players as
Oamilla Urume, Marie Laurens, Elsie
Frazee, James Norval, C. W. Goodrich,
Walter Stanhope, J. J. Hyland, Allan
fOBter, r . K. Wallace, Andrew (juirk,
Louis Epstein, L. P. North, and many
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tableta.
druggists refund the money if it fails to
cure. h,. W. Groves'a signature is on
eacn box. 20c.
Ton can make your har
nena as soft aa a glove
and aa tough aa wire by
ualng EUREKA Bar.
Oil. Tou can
lengthen Its life make It
last twice aa long aa It
ordinarily would.
Harness Oil
makeaapoor looking har
neita like new. Hade of
pure, heavy bodied oil, es
pecially prepared to wlUt
Hand the weather.
Sold everywhere
In cana all sizes.
Mids bi STANDARD Oil CO.
1 y
J 1 I I . Ill I . I I UM-ir.
cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited
capacity nor where the water supply and
temperature is uncertain by reason of
detective plumbing or nesting apparatui
To have both put in thorough working
order will not prove expensive if the
work is done Dy
Oregon City
Second-IIand & Junk Store
All kinds of Farm Implements and
Machinery. .
Second-Hand Qooda Bought and Sold
Sngarman & Co.
Sale mL-
Southern Mutual Investment Co.
of Lexington, Ky.
. (Incorporated)
Statement for Six Months Ended June 25, 1902.
Coupon Exhibit
Total Number Coupons Issued
Total number coupons paid.
Total number coupons lapsed and canceled
Total number coupons in jbrce
Total Paid for Coupons Redeemed and Surrendered
24,070 .
46,786 111,171
Loans on first mortgage real estate, stocks, -"
bonds and other approved secuntes. . . .$454,119.24
Real estate (Home Office, etc.) , 102461.89
United States bonds, bank stock, etc 55,071.54
Open accounts, secured by Certificates of
Membership, etc 12,543.02
Furniture and fixtures. 3424.37
Cash on hand and in bank subject to check. . 16,692.14 $654,312.20
Capital Stock. ........$ 1 5,000.00
Legal Reserve at 3J per cent, compounded
annually 287,89240
Advance payments..... .., .. 11,721.97
General Funds (not disbursed). 41,323.10
Surplus to Certificate Holders above legal
requirements 2784697.3 $634,312.20
I. A. SMITH BOWMAN, Secretary and General Manager of
The Southern Mutual Investment Company of Lexington,. Ky., do
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowlege and
belief. A. SMITH BOWMAN.
Subscribed and sworn to before me by A. Smith Bowman, Sec
retary and General Manager of the Southern Mutual Investment"
Company of Lexington, Ky this 15th day of July, 1903.
J. W. STOLL, Notary Public, Fayette County, Ky..
Commission expires March 12, 1906..
If you desire to have the business methods of this company ex
plained in detail with a view to investing money in its bonds call om
J. H. Westover at the Courier office. The bonds of this company
pay handsome profits. Investments can be made in small monthly
payments . The returns are sure and largely in excess of Interestt
rates. The compauy has $100,000.00 deposited with Secretary of the?
State of Kentucky." It has complied with the insurance and invest
ment law in 34 states in the Union.you can buy a $500 gold bond and!
pay for it as you like in regular monthly payments. Let us explain
the matter to you.
John H. Westover, Agent.
Fine Whiskies and Cigars
All goods bought in bond. Purity and quality guaranteed
James E. Pepper, Kentucky Burbon
Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon
Old Roxbury Rye
Cor. Railroad Ave. and Main Sf
We Want Your Trade
at Harris Grocery
And are going to make special induce
ments to close buyers.
Cash and Small Profits is Our Motto.
The Flour
I ot the Family
of Shoes and Rubbers
at Extremelylow prices
is now on. Call and
see us.
Krausse Bros.
The flour of all the Oregon City families
is "Patent" flour. The intelligent house
wife always gets "Patent" flour because,
it is better and more ' ecomonical to use
Made in Oregon City .by the Portland
Flouring Mills Co.
1 H
As. our buyer, Mr. Robinson has left
for New York to buy our new spring
and summer goods, we must close
out as. much stock as possible to
make room for the new goods. It
will pay you to call and look over
our goods which are being sold at
greatly reduced prices j; ; ; :
oppdsiT zT p"o:s.f-6"r icTe