8 OREGON CITY OOUBIER, FRIDAY, ' JANUARY 23, 1903. I6TH SEMI-ANNUAL STATEMENT OF THE Southern Mutual Investment Co. of Lexington, Ky. (Incorporated) Statement for Six Months Ended June 25, 1902. Coupon Exhibit Total Number Coupons Issued Total number coupons paid Total number coupons lapsed and canceled . 64,385 46,786 24,070 111,171 Total number coupons in force. 112,899 Total Paid for Coupons Redeemed and Surrendeied 942,296.89 Resources Loans on first mortgage real estate, stocks, bonds and other approved securites. . . .$454,119.24 Real estate (Home Office, etc.) 102461.89 United States bonds, bank stock, etc 55,071.54 Open accounts, secured by Certificates of Membership, etc 12,543.02 Furniture and fixtures 3,424.37 Cash on hand and in bank subject to check. . 16,692.14 $634,312.20 Molaila. Liabilities Capital Stock $ 15,000.00 Legal Reserve at 3 per cent, compounded ' annually 287,892.40 Advance payments ' 11,721.97 General Funds (not disbursed) 41,323.10 Surplus to Certificate Holders above legali requirements 278469.73 $634,312.20 I, A. SMITH BOWMAN, Secretary and General Manager of The Southern Mutual Investment Company of Lexington, Ky., do swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowlege and belief. A. SMITH BOWMAN. Subscribed and sworn to before me by A.Smith Bowman, Sec retary and General Manager of the Southern Mutual Investment Company of Lexington, Ky this 15th day of July, 1902. J. W. STOLL, Notary Public, Fayette County, Ky. Commission expires March 12, 1906. If you desire to have the business methods of this company ex plained in detail with a view to investing money in its bond3 call on J. II. Westover at the Courier office . The bonds of this company pay handsome profits. Investments can be made in small monthly payments. The returns are sure and largely in excess of interest rates. The compauy has $100,000.00 deposited with Secretary of the State of Kentucky. It has complied with the insurance and invest ment law in 34 states in fhe Union.you can buy a $500 gold bond and pay for it as you like in regular monthly payments. Let us explain the matter to you. John H. Westover, Agent. Last Sunday evening Ernest Russell brought the report from Wilboit that an insane man had appeared in that neigh borhood who was possesed of the idea that he was being followed by blood hounds and men. His intention was to go to Eastern Oregon, across the mountain, so as to throw them off his track. The man gave his name as Watkins and was of Welch decent and was crippled in one hand and atm. He said that k.e had once been an inmate of an insane asylum. He was armed only with an axe. The facts of the case were told to Sheriff Shaver at Oregon City, Sheriff Shaver telephoned back to the citizens for them to capture the man and bring him in, but it seems that the people of that neighborhood did not care to take the responsibility of arrest ing nim and he was allowed to escape. Since the above item has come in Watkins turned up in Wilhoit and was arrested by George Groshong and E. Russell and lodged in the county jail. Watkins showed fight and attacked the men with an axe. During the melee Rusdell drew bis revolver and fired a shot which took effect in the arm of Watkins making a flesh injure. He then surrendered, Waikins claims that he was driven out of Portland a few weeks ago, but his story is not beleived. Watkins was adjudged insane by Justice of Peace, Levi Stipp, Wednesday mim ing and taken to Salem the some after noon. We are having our usual Oregon mist since the recent cold snap. There was not very large attendance at the ball given by the ladies of Molaila last Friday evening, but thoBe present reported a good time. The debae between Elders Moore and Starbuck is Btill going on. A large crowd and good attention has attended the meetings so far. Next Saturday evening the Maccabees of Molaila will have a public installation also an entertainment free of charge. i There is a talk of a mask ball to be given here in the near future. John Trullinger, Rex and Mart Lewis haye moved their quarters across the Molaila and are going to put logs into Russell Bros' mill yard for Major Hun gate. Major is intending to build a large barn this coming summer. The RusBell Bros ., will be ready to commence their first run of ties in next month provided the water is not too high in the Molaila. Lon Wells of the Palouee country who formerly resided here gave his brother, Al, quite a surprise Sunday night by coming in un-be-known to any one. He looks as though he has -been well fed and cared for while away. Mority Myers from Needy is doing some work on his farm near here. Chas. H. Bitzer was through here recently he has been traveling for the Wilhoit Mineral Water Co. On his last trip his he took orders enough to keep the freight teams going for some time. The Molaila debating club will re sume its regular weeklv meetings after the debate between Elders Moore and Starbuck are ended. The Molaila Grange is preparing to give an entertainment some time soon in the shape of a play called the History barm, lue parts have been assigned but no date determined on that we have heard of. 1 There is going to be a telephone line built from W. P. Herman's place to Molaila. Tney have the poles on the ground and will soon have it in op eration . There is also talk of a line from Russelyille here, which will be a tine thing for all concerned. Dr. Leavitt has two nephews from the East visiting him this week they remained only a Bhort time. X. Y. Z. Wilhoit. H. Wilson of Rock Cieek and Harvey Dart, of Molaila have taken the contract of teaming for F. W. McHaven foi one year fiom Wilhoit to Oregon City. They are making one trip every week. A L.Wyland made a business to Scott's mill Friday last. It is said that some unknown man has been paying his respects to the smoke houses throughout the neighborhood. He must be more on the lookout or he will get free board at the hospital for a while. Everything is quiet ou Rock Creek at the present writing. tor. Crows is on the sick list, but we are glad to learn that he is gettitg better. A. L. Wyland, of Rock Creek and Thomas Slaughter, of Missouri Ridge made a trip to Silverton one day last week. We are glad to learn that Mrs, Anna Fergerson, who has been so low, is im proving. Mr. Thompson, who resides near Forest Grove, made Mr. and Mrs. Wyland a pleasant vUit last week. Mr. Groshong made a business call on Mr. Haun one day last week. Here ports the school money a little short for tne spring term ot school. There will be a school meeting Satur day. 0. G. Vorhies was all smiles last Sun day. What seems to be the attraction over the way, Clarence? Quite a number of young people from Rock Creek were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Slaughter, of Missouri Ridge Sunday last. frank Husch Zh t Housef urnisher Prank EUcisch Zh e Housef ur nisber The Building Season will soon be on Place Your Money Right You will have to look for Doors and Win dows, for Bolts and Locks, etc. We invite you to call on us and get our estimate of the possible cost of these articles. Everything you put on your house justifies the expense if the article is right. Our first qualiiy Build ers' Hardware and doors and windows will give satisfaction :::::::: UUUU UrvAiNl 1 JC warc is the most economical, most durable and most sat- lstactory material tor kitchen utensils : : : It would be hard to find a larger assort ment or a better quality of graniteware than we have, and we want vou to see it The good kind costs no more, or very little more than the poor kind, If you buy the good kind here. We guarantee every piece. : : Wilhoit. Mr. Anna Fergerson is very low at the present writing. Frank Vorhies, who has been work ing in Portland for the past year was visiting relatives in this section a tew days ago. John Groshong, who has suffering with pneumonia for the cast month, we are glad to report is able to be up and around again. C, G. Vorhies while hauling rails one day last week had a misfortune co turn over. Better take the logs out of the road next time Jim. Orlau Thomas has greatly improved the comforts of bis residence by build ing a new cellar. Car us. Miss Elsie Guver has returned from Hillsboro. Miss Edna Irish spent Sunday with Lizzie Parry at Beaver Creek. Miss Sarah Jones is on the sick list. Mr. Gregory made a business trip to Portland Monday Miss Daisy and Birdie Hughes, of Beaver Creek spent Saturday evening with Bertha Spangler. Ben Faust and lamily spent Sunday with C. Spence and family. Mr. JoneB, of Forest Grove is visiting at Mr. Whites. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Honshub was tended a surprise arty Wednesday evening, by a number of their young friends. The evening was pleasantly spent in games. At the borne Mr. and Mrs. D. Spatz a pleasant surprise party was given in honor of their son, Emerson. Eagle Creek. We have had very pleasant weather for the last few days, but is getting a a little wet ai present. The Eagle Creek grange is progress ing niceh., and has about 80 old mem bers. All seem to take a great intereBt. There will be a grand ball given by the K. 0. T. M. lodge next Friday night. Wieh them a good success. B. D. G. WHY THEY SUCCEED. Besause They are for a Specific Purpose, Zbis is Your Chance ZoBuy Goods at Prices to Suit Your Purse We have just finished stock-taking and must reduce stock to make rocm for spring and summer goods. Will Sell Everything at a Big Reduction Shirt Waists and Skirts, Latest Styles; Dry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Shces, Etc. of the best make and quality. ' Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Gloves,' Mackin toshes, Etc. at prices that no prudent buyer ever overlooks. Come and See for Yourself TBI IE HE f ilfl)NT GEO. T. HOWARD, Po. Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon : Not what is said of it, but w what it does, has made H the fame of the ' Elgin Watch and made 10,000,000 Elgins neces sary to the world's work. Sold by every jeweler in the land; guar anteed by the greatest watch works. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Elgin, Illinois. 9 TLm rrrm m-?r: mL J. W. COLE, Fine Whiskies and Cigars All good bought in bond. Purity and quality guaranteed SOME FAMOUS OLD BRANDS James E. Pepper, Kentucky Burbon Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon Old Roxbury Rye Nothing can be good for everthirg. Doing one thing well brings success Doan's Kidney Pills do one thing only They're for sick kidneys. They cure backache, every kidney ill. Here is undeniable evidence to prove it: Mrs. A. M. Weaver, of 115 N. A. St.. Oripple Creek, Colorado, whose husband is superintendent of U. r. u. K. uuar ries. savs "Doan's Kidney Pills are a remedy In which I have great confidence and I heartily re-endorse what I have before stated about, them to our Unpple Creek papers. Some three years ago I gave them to our little girl who was troubled with a weakness of the kidneys, A few doses checked the annoyance and in a short time after a continuation of the treatment cured her. She has had vjry little trouble since, with the ex ception of when she caught a severe cold ; then there were sympton of a re currence, but a few doses of the pills never fail to ward off an attack. I recommended them to lady friend of mine sometime ago who used them and was also benefited. I keep them con stantly in the house so as to have them on hand in case of recurrences. I do not hesitate to advise any mother to use them in her family where necessity de mands. For tale bv all dealers. Price B0 cents, Foster Sfilburn, Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the United States. Uemember the name DOAN'S and take no substitute. Cor. Railroad Ave. and Mam St Wo Wo nf Vniir TVorlo it TTV T T IV .LA t JLWU.JL JL JL lvLw at Harris Grocery And are going to make special induce- : ments to close buyers Cash and Small Profits is Our Motto. Consumption the most dreaded and deadly of all diseases, as well as pneumonia, and all Luug Troubles are relieved at once and cured by Acker's Englith Remedy "the king of all- Cough Cures." Cures Coiiuhs and Co'da in a day. 25cents. Your monev back if dimaMsfled. Write I for free sample. W. H. Hooker & Co,, Buffalo, N, Y. IEHi 6 3 0 5N 'Si The Flour ot the Family The flour of all the Oregon City families is "Patent" flour. The intelligent house wife always gets "Patent" flour because, it is better and more ecomonical to use Made in Oregon City by the Portland Flouring Mills Co. 11 7i m I. i m rrrrrsa