Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 23, 1903, Page 7, Image 7

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The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of
and has
tf- sonal supervision since its infancy.
-ClCiX4 Allnwnrt aha trtrfonnivA von in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nd allays Feverisliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
. California Wine House
MAIN STREET Bet. 4th and 5th
Per Gallon
California Port $1 00
Extra Tawny
Extra Old Port
Delicate and Mellow
Superior Old Port and Sherry
Selected For Medicinal Purpose!
I 25
I 50
Extra Old California Sherry
i os
Medium, Fale, Delicate aim 1117
California Tokay 1 00
Excellent Table Wine
Sweet Muscatel I 2$
Fine Wine
Sweet Catawba 1 25
Angelica 1 05
Bolt, Full and Pine.
, Extra old Calif'rnia Angelica I 25
Superb old dessert wine.
Extra Dry California Tamous Wlnts.
Sparkling Burgundy 85c
A clear, sparkling wine.
Sonoma Claret 65c
Rich, fruity wine.
Extra Sonoma Zinfandel. 75c
None better; a well matured wine.
Extra Sonoma Riesling. ... 75c
A white wine that will please you.
Sonoma Hock 65
Quality unsurpassed
Sonoma Sauterne I 00
A fine old white wine.
Fine Calif. Grape Brandy . . 2 75
The genuine; good as imported.
Only Wine Vaults in the City
City Orders Delivered Tree.
Order throuqh Your Grocer.
6. 31. Brady.
Cures Consumption,Cougii8,
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma,
LaGrrippe, Hoarseness,
&ore Throat, Croup and
Whooping Cough.
ric 5Qc. and S 1 . TS"l BOTTLES FRE&
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Caufleld;Block OREGON CITY
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
bottles. Does this record of merit appeal to you ?
enclose wiia every
been made under his per-
Signature of
65 Cents
Gallon Pure Mo. Sarghum
20 Cents
Package Fairbank's Gold Dust
25 Cents
7 Boxes 1776 Washing Powders
75 Cents
' 20 Bars Perfection Soap
45 Cents
10-lb Sack New York Buck Wheat
25 Cents
2 Lion or Arbuckle Coffee
25 Cents
2-lbs Costa Richa Coffee
10 Cents
S-lb Package Perfection Salt
We handle Toilet Soaps and Sta
tionary Goods.
New Century Comfort.
Millions are daily finding a world of
comfort in Bucklin's Arnica Salve. It
kills pain from burns, scalds, cuts,
bruiseB ; conquers ulcers and fever sores ;
cures eruptions, Bait rheum, boils and
felons ; removes corns and warts. Best
pile cure on earth. Only 25c at Geo. A.
Harding's drugstore.
Removal of Ofltee.
G. B. Dimick and George L. Story
have moved their law office from the
Stevens block to rooms 2 and 3 in the
new Garde building, up stairs.
The only remedy in the world that
will at once stop Itchiness of the Skin on
any part of the body that is absolutely
safe and never failing, is Doan's Oint
ment. Free Samples at C. G. Huntley's.
Remarkable Cure of Croup.
A Little ;Uoy'S Life Saved.
I have a few words to say regarding
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
saved my boy's life and feel that I can
not praise it enough. I bought a bottle
of it from A. E. Steere, of iGoodwin, S.
D., and when I got home with it the
poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave
the medicine as directed every ten min
utes until he "threw up" and then I
thought sure he was going to choke to
death. We bad to pull the phlegm out
of his mouth in great long stringers. I am
positive that if I had not got that bottle
of cough medicine, my boy would not he
on earth today. Joel Demont, Inwood,
' owa. For sale by G. A. Harding.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome
pome is i en. cent, package or urove s
Hon. Harvey E, Cross Has Ad
ditional Honors Thrust
Upon Him.
Hon. Harvey E. Cross, who has been
in San Francieco for tbe past ten days,
returned the first of the week. Mr.
Oro s' business in San Francisco was to
coafer with other Chautauqua managers
about talent for the coming year. lie.
cause of his well known ability in han
dling Chautauquae, Mr. Cross was made
manager of the four Ohautauquas of the
Pacitic coast Long Beach, near Los
Angeles; Pacific Grove, near Monterey;
Ashland and Gladstone. Mr. Cruss will
have the task of cloning all contracts
with speakers and educators for the
coming season and arranging the itinera
ries. No announcement will be made of
the talent till the contracts have been
closed. Heretofore, a speaker has been
advertised before the contract has been
Tbis year's Chautauqua promises to
be the best that has ever been held at
Gladstone. A number of speakers with
a nati nal reputation have been selected,
and if contracts are made with them the
Assembly will have the best sustained
programme in the history of the Wil
lamette Valley Chautauqua Association.
Political speakers of a national reputa
tion have been agreed upon, among
them being such men as Senators Dol
liver and Beveridge. While such men
will coBt the Association considerable
money, it is believed that it will be a
great drawing card.
The Chautauqua this year will he
from July 14 to 26, one day later than
heretotore. It will ckwe on Sunday
with a special religious program . Mr.
Cross will start to work at ouce secur
ing speakers and arranging for the pro
gram. "The nicest and pleasantest medicine I
have used for indigestion and constipa
tion is Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets," says Melard F. Oraig, of
Middlegrove, N. Y., "They work like a
charm and do not gripe or have any un
pleasant, effect." 0. A. Harding.
WANTED To increase my list of farm
and lands for sale, in all parts of the
county. Lands owned by non-residents
represented and sold. H. E. Cross, At
torney at Law .
The Dentist : Beatie and Beatie are
the dentists in the Weinhard building.
Their rooms are numbers 16, 17, 18.
Send EOc to Albert Tozier, Portland,
Ore., for printed list and addresses of
5000 Clackamas county voters. Oregon
City list 10 cents; Aurora, Canby, Bar
low, Oswego, 5 cts j others 2 cents, tf
STRAY NOTICE-Found on my farm
IV miles west of Clackamas station in
Clackamas county one-and-a-half year
old heifer, red with red and white face.
Took the calf up about the 10th of No
vember. Owner can have same by
proving property and paying cost of pub
lication and keep. Joseph Webber,
Clackamas, Or. '
J HAVE received from Eastern Oregon
45 head of horses and want pasture
for same. Will pay $1 per month cash
in advance. A. D. Guylup, Oregon
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land cr chattels. John VV. Loder, at-torney-at-law,
Oregon City.
uied anything for
ood satisfaction.
mend It to all owners of stock.
J. B. BELSHER, St. Louis, Ma
Bick stock or poultry should not
eat cheap stock food any mon than
sick persons should expect to be
cored by food. When your stock
and poultry are siok give them med
icine. Don't stuff them with worth
less stock foods. Unload the bowels
and stir up the torpid liroi and tie
animal will'be cured, if it be possi
ble to cure it. Black-Draught Stock
and Poultry Medioine unloads the
bowels and stirs up the torpid liver.
It cures every malady of stock If
taken in time. Secure a 25-cent can
of Black-Draught Stock and Poultry
Medicine and it will pay for itself ten
times over, uorses wont Dexter, yowg
lve more milk. Hoes cam flesh
Lnd hens lav more eaai. U solves the
Eroblem of making Is much blood,
esh and energy as potable out of
the smallest amount or food con
sumed. Buy a can from your dealer.
over Ona end a Half MUIIon
No Cure, No Pay. 50c.
Black Root, Uver Pills.
I have had occasion to ut your S
JmUck-Draflght Stock and Poultry Medl-'A
H cine and am pleased to lay that never H
I used anything for stock that flav half a 9!
Regular January Term of the
County tRoard.
John Lewellen, T. B. Killin and
Wm. Brobst, County Commis
sioners. State of Oregon, county of Clackamas.
Before the board of county commis
sioners of the state of Oregon for the
county of Clackamas.
Be it remembered, That a regular
term of the Board of County Commis
sioners lor the county of Clackamas,
state of Oregon, begun and held at the
court house in said county and state on
Wednesday, the 7th dav of Jan. at 10
o'clock a.m., ot said day to transact
county business when were present
Hon.John Lewellen, Hon. T. B.Killin,
Hon William Brobst. commissioners:
John R. Shaver, sheriff; F. A. Sleight,
In the matter of warrants issued in va
John Churchill, indigent soldier. .$ 5 00
Kobert Wickham " " ... 10 00
Dayid G. Frost " "... 10 00
E Austin, support of Ira fhillips. $10 00
JohnAvins " " John Avins. 8,00
Mrs Adams " " support of
Mrs Adams and family....
15 00
Ellen Bridges, eupport of Ellen
and G. Bridges
Frank Busch, support of BusBian
10 00
0 E Burns, Bupport of Johanna. .
5 00
7 00
Hing a hall " " rnoebe
Hastings ..' ,
Alice Carr, support of Jane Oarr 10 00
Mrs Maria Clark " Mrs Maria
Clark 10 00
J T Drake, support of Elizabeth 20 00
Wm Dean 1 " " Miss For
rester 6 00
Paul Freytag, support of J H
10 00
E N Foster, support of L Rey
nolds and wife
J J Gorbett, support of William
8 00
5 00
W T Gardner, Boys' & Girls' Aid
10 20
J M Heckart, Bupport of Carl
Gadke 8 00
Marv Haley, .support of James
VVilson 13 00
J VV Jones, support of J. E. Pat-
ton 6 50
Mr Kruger, support of Kruger and
family 7 W
Henry Lewis, support of Htnry
Lewis s uu
Elias Miller, support of D Morti-
more 30 uu
Elias Miller, Bupport of C 0 Lewis 12 00
George Mooney " " Godfrey
fchmale 8 UU
L Matbersou, support of L Math-
eron 7 uu
Owen Perry, support of John
Jones 14 00
Gus Pirkle, eupport of Gus x'irkle
and f mily 1U UU
8 B Pepple. support of S B Pep- ,
Die 0 uu
WmScott.support of J and M Ma-
ban.'. 30 uu
A M Shibley. support ofMrs
Grindstaff 8 00
Mrs E Saunders, support of Mrs
tj Saunders 1U uu
Mrs Rosa Triechler, support of
MrsRosi Triechler 10 90
W T Tinsley .support of W T Tins-
ley 4 uu
Mrs Marv Vcl.kers, support of
Mrs Volckers and lamuy 0 UU
Mrs Hattie Woods, support of
Mrs Hattie Woods 5 00
E H .Wheeler, support of E. H.
Wheeler 8 00
In tbe matter of bills presented and
George Hicinbothem,road plank$382 40
Stone & Rodlund " " 45 25
Drawing Jury
OP Sharp 2 00
John Aden 2 00
George Aden 2 00
Jas M Tracy 2 00
HR Dubois 2 00
Lorenzo Tenny..., 3 00
Livy fitipp, justice of peace 8 05
li woody, constaDie 11
Livy Stipp, justice of the Peace 6 45
C E Burns, constable 2 40
Livy Stipp, justice of peace 10 80
H 8 Moody, constable 15 HU
ChaB Lakin, witness 3 10
J Aborn " 3 10
A RounBon ' 2 50
J F Hawkes " 4 30
R Boston " ,. 4 30
A Howard, recorder 60 00
Echo Samson "
7 00
7 00
4 10
9 50
20 50
Frank BuBch, road district No 13
Pac Stales Tel &TelOo
Vaughan's livery stable, sheriff
DR Dimick " "
Lulu Hankins, making del tax
Harvey Everhart, deputy sheriff
6 00
5 00
10 00
7 50
E 0 Maddock "
J C Bradley "
b VV Smith, burying dead horse
3 50
W H Young, deputy sheriff 2
feter JNehren, bridge
E L Morley, enpportpauper.
Karin Newman "
Mary Haley "
G W Grace "
Mrs Helen Monton "
7 75
12 00
20 00
20 00
5 55
12 00
P Nehren, board prisoners 4194
Knot Cahill, treasurer 1 00
W E Carll, examination insane 5 00
C E Burns, witness, insane.... 2 20
J 0 Zinner, expenses school supt 10 16
Eli Williams, assessor 116 00
LE Williams " 87 00
Anna Williams " 68 00
Eli Williams " stamp... 3 00
Wilson & Cooke, bicycle path.. 20
Or gon City Foundry, repairs
Molalla bridge 4 70
F a Sleight, clerk, freight
charges 2 29
Thos F Ryan, county judge 4 00
F S Baker, repairing book rack. . 15 70
C G Huntley, court house ex
pense 1 80
E II Vonderahe, bridge 7 00
Oregon Courier Pub Co, printing 7 80
Uregon Gity Enterprise " 7 lu
A Milstin, court house expense. . 34 25
Huntley Bros. s
D R Dimick, commissioners....
2 50
2 50
Vaughan s livery stable, com- ,
missioners 3 00 )
Geo D Ely, justice of peace 1 50 i
Jas F Nelton, assessor 20 00
FJelnon " 1155
il w
Eli Williams "
10 00
Frank Busch, pauper 2 50
Ab Sam, repairing chairs. 1 50
Justice of Peace
Livy Stipp 3 00
F O Jones 2 00
J II Darling 2 00
J C Hai es 3 00
James Engle 2 00
t n u; t. o rail
u J iiauiuo, l ..... i'v
Livy Stipp 4 45
H 8 Moody, constable 11 90
V Harris, road dist No 18 50
Lindsley & Son , " " 5 80
Pope& Co " 14 3 25
In tbo matter of reports of road su
pervisors. Examined and approved.
Road District No. 1
J H M yer $41 95
H Gifford 24 00
E Mullin 7 50
C Hiverly 10 50 j
n ciucKey o uu
PSt Cair : 1 50
W H Counsell 16 00
G Atwood 7 50
R Auxer 3 75
C Lowe. 3 00
F Zimmerman 7 50
Road District No. 2
S B Johnson ' ;.$17 69
Ward Jones 9 00
LD Jones 4 00
Road District No. 3
Rodlum Bros $ 9 50
" , 48 40
S B Johnson 6 00
Warren Greenleaf 8 25
George Greenleaf 6 00
Koy Whitee 4 50
Edward Osborne 4 50
Breithaupt 1 50
A H Ritzau 12 00
Road District No. 4
H Wilbern 2 15
G D and J K Ely 2 25
N F He. pie 6 75
G B Linn 12 00
James Kitching , 150
Road District No. 5
JS Birdeall 30 00
R Bi.dBall 10 50
A Heiz 3 00
W B White 12 00
E Hickey 1 50
E Utiger 1 50
Distric No. 7
Moinig Bros, ; $ 4 08
J N Bramhall 18 00
James Fegles 8 00
. Road District No. 10
Geo Ely 63
H Tracy 8 00
W R Oatfleld 4 00
District No. 11
John E Sin th 22 00
S Jones 1 75
F Jones 1 75
W Morgan 1 75
A Richardson 3 95
W H Smith 1 75
P Bott 12 25
Uoad D'strict No. 13.
Sevier & Co.- $ 6 60
Walker Bros 6 00
P O'Connor 3 50
W O'Connoi. 3 50
Fred Wilcox.... 3 00
F Pierran ; 4 50
D O Richardson 1 50
JTFullam 44 00
August Hubert 1 50
John Hughes 9 00
Charles Hicinbothem 3 60
Tom Hughe 3 00
Road District No. 14
J Everhart $ 3 94
Wilson & Cooke 76
A Kleinsmith 25
Wm Beard 3 00
W T Ha ris 152 59
G FGibbs 46 00
George Shortledge 30 75
George Mautz 29 25
James Shelly io
Harry Shelly..'. 27 75
W D Hodee 21 75
H W Schmale 25 50
JB Jackson 27 00
T W Gibbs 24 00
OCGibbs.. 46 50
Isaac Sbortlidee 26 24
T II Davis 12 00
M J Buss 12 00
Frank Beard 10 50
T 8 Irwin 4 50
Road District No. 16
John Kaiser.... 12 00
M Looney 3 00
Wm Kaiser 4 ou
Aug Staehly 7 25
Road District No. 18
Cummins & Co $ 8 20
James Shannon 4 50
Fred Sk-aneler 1 60
F B Schoenborn 3 00
John Shannon 19 00
' Road District No. 21.
0 P James $15 00
J W Gerber 12 00
David Robeson 3 0
W R Garrett 4 50
Frank Arquett 3 00
H E Cowes 3 CO
1 S Miller 14 00
Levi Erb 5 40
W W Sheppard 50
W B Tull 7 18
Edgar Judy 60
Road District No. 11
Bam Miller 1 50
Continued next week.
"Some time go my daughter caught a
severe cold. She complained of pains in
her chest and had a bad cough. I gave
her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ac
cording to directions and in two days
was well and able to go to ocnooi. i
have used this remedy in my family for
the past seven years and have never
known it to fail," says Jamea Prender
sraat. merchant. Annato Bay, Jamaica,
West India Islands. The pains in the
cheet indicated an approaching attack
of pneumonia, which was undoubtedly
warded off by Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It counteracts any tendency
of a cold toward pneumonia . Sold by
G. A. Harding.
Tor Infcfnts and Children.
The Kind You Hava Always Bought
Bears tho
You can never buy as cheap now ia
your opportunity at the wind up Bale.
M. Michael, Oregon City.
Notice of Final Settlement
Notice Is hereby given that the undorslene t ex
iralrini the will 01 Leonard Mem, nw
(ntorof the will or Leonard num., a
Tihh filed his final account with tho coiiint citir
of Clackamas county ana state oi ur.
that the Hon. T. K. It van. Judge of said
set Monday, the 2J (lay of February, I'.w
hour of ten o'clock a. m., of said day
time for hearing Hold report and objectloi
un d
h i ha
at th
,i tho
V, II any there be.
Executor of the will of Leouard Iklnz, eeccand
CMC'.. -1
yii-,rfN. r ' V,'. 3
There's many a cause for headache.
Men are not often troubled by headache..
When they are it is generally due to bil
iousness or indigestion. But wmcai
have headaches which seem peculiar tt
their sex, frequent nervous tiipbbinp;
WrTarhes. Does it not seem as if such
headaches peculiar to women most be at
once related to womanly disease? Wom
en who suffer with diseases peculiar to.
the sex do not realize the drain of vital ,
strength and nerve force they underjp;
as a consequence of disease. It is this I
which causes the familiar headaches c i
sick women. . .
Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrescnptKtt
cures such headaches by curiim he
cause -irregularity, weakening drains
inflammation, ulceration or female weak
ness. "Favorite Prescrvptkni " invigop
ates and tones up the entire system, e
couraes the appetite, quiets the nerves:,
and gives refreshing sleep.
I was troubled m-ilil cofljjestiao of tfoe ottTOB'
and female weakness for fin mm.'mitxx Mr..
RobL Kerwin, of Albert, HasUusy Oa- W.
Was so weak and nerraiss 1 couW Mrtlv tv
anv work. Had severe pain hck, ilso dim
ness and pain in bead. My heart wonld beat s
hard and fast at times 1 woakl have Id tat ttai
till I got all rifftat again. Bnt afar taking fcinar
ihu. r ttr pl-'. Knra.ifce Prescmatwra ana'.
one of h Golden Medical Diaranrrr' 1 fcJfc
entirely well. I also used one box tfnMmm'
Tablets ' and one of ' Suppositories ' as effirectem
All the symptoms of my trouble have disaf
peared and lam completely cured. I thank y.
for your kind advice and your mediant."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets dear fbfr
complexion and sweeten the breath.
Department of the Interior, United Stat ttmiD
Office, Oregon Clly, Oregon November 14tU lMte.
A sufficient contest aflidnvit having been fUsd?
In this office by August E. Sperling, coutestan U
gainst homstead entry Ho. 18 ISO. made Oct IS,,
im tot wj ot f'A section k, lownsnip t a,.
Range 7 e, by William H. Usher oontste, to
which it is alleged that Contestant "knows tl -pros
e lit condition of the sanies also that siij"
entryman has wholly abandoned ealil claim s,fl.
that he has never resided upon or cumraeu.
or imp roTed the same in any maawr
whatever since making onlry thereof r
at all nor has anyone acting for him and that mid
alleged alwence from the sid land was not 4m
to his employment in i lie arm", Wavy or snmsm-
Corps of the United 8'atcs hs a private soiiiaw.
officer seaman, or marine, during the was nW.
Spain or daring any other war ii whloo wm
United Statss may be encaged;" said partlel w
herebv noticed to ancear. respond and o
evidence touching said allegations at 18 o'clock.
a. m. on March mi, iwa. Delore Hie Kegistor
Receiver at the United Stales Land OHloe luQe
gon Cliy Oregon.
The said contestant having, In a properatMnt I
filed November 18, 11102, set forth facts whkt
show that after dllllgonce personal servloeot tfcil
notice can not be made, H was ordered a4.
directed that suoh notice be given by duetia
proper publication.
Oeo. W. Both,
Notice is hereby given that the underslgnen tm
been appointed by the County Court of Cla
amas County, Oregon, dmluiatrator of the ew
of Nancy Jane Beatie, decensod. All pern
having claims against laid estate or the deceased
are required to present them.with proper vouchew
and duly verified, wl hiu six inonthj from ta
publication of this notice, to the urderelgne a I'
Ills office 1 1 tbe Weol'.ardbcintil Oiegoti tr
OmsD i
Admiiilsliator of the estate of
Nancy Jane Beatie, deceassA
Dated January 9th. 11103.
Hedges & Griffith,
TORS. Notice Is hereby given that the nnderslgae
has been duly ap olnted by the County Coai
of Clackamas County, Oregon, executrix of tka
last will of William R. Rugby, late of said CnatHf.
All persons having olnlms galnat the estate as
Bald deceased, are notified to file such clalsaa.
with (he proper vouchers ana duly veunea ac
cording to law with ray attorney, 0. H. lr
Corner nth & Main St., Oregon City, Orego
within six months from dute of this notice.
Dated at Oregon Clfy, Oregon, December ltlfc
' Executrix as afore saH.
United States Laud Olllm,
Oregon City, dr., December lath, lira.
A anfflolent contest affidavit having bees Hhd'
In this office by Peter (Irnnatzkl, oonlexUi t
agslnat Homestead Entry No. 1201s, made iJeciea
ber 23d, lK!Ki,lor sw;4 of swi section 2S, toB
ship 4 vouth, range 4 east by James Myle,M
testes, in which It Is alleged that eonteslaa
knows the present Condition of the same; also tna
said James Myles has wholly abandoned jhW
claim for the past two yearn; thai he ha not In -proved
the same as required by law, nor had any
one make any lmprovcinnts thereon for hint: tha
to my beHt knowledge and belief said Jamea MjVea
never rcaldcd or settled upon said claim tt i
(ami that said alleged absence from the said Isml
was not due to his employment lu the Arms
Navy or Marine Corps of the United Htatesass
private soldier, officer, seaman or marine Unfa
the war with Hpaln, or during any other nil
which the United Htates may lie engaged!. ,
Bald parties are hereby notified lo appear, n
spond and offer evidence touching said ailaU'aa
at 10 o 'clock a. m. on March 2tith. KsW, before tut
Register and Receiver at tho United Slates Ld
Office in Oregon City, Oregon,.
The said contestant having, lu a proper
davit, filed December 15th, l'J02. set forth rs
which show that afterdue diligence personal ser
vice of this notice can not be made, wasordpro
and directed that such notice be given by ds -proper
(iio. W. BmiE, Reccrss.
In the Circuit Court of the Htnte of Orcgoayttr
Clackamas County.
W, A. Parker, Plaintiff, yi. Haiti Bells Para.r
To rfaUle Delia Parker, the above named de
fendant; In the name ot the state or Oregon yon
hereby reoulred to appear sua snswer me
' plaint here In on r
d mint here In on or Doioro t:ie M a iy 01 sin
I l'juS. which will b alter the expiration ol ,
weeks from thedHteol the II rut pitbliealhiB '
this summons and If you lull so to appear ami.
unewer said complaint on or before said data, tw
plamlilf will apply t" the colli I fur the lelnjf du
msnded In said complaint to-wlt: for a deuve
dissolving the bonds of matrimony now eiist,;
between you and the plslntilt herein sml for sKla
oilier further relict as to 'lie court tiiall tutajuM
and equitable.
This summon If published by order t,f IW
Hon. Thomas A. M' llri.'.e, Judge of thealwve-s-.
tilled court duly ui'tiieon liiu IHh day of .Uju.
The date of Uic Hist publication' of this .:,
moss Is the loth hy of Jewmv, I'"
M. iON liC(;l.
Alton..) i.,i 1 uiiot;.