Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 16, 1903, Page 8, Image 8

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Southern Mutual Investment Co.
of Lexington, Ky.
Statement for Six Months Ended June 25, 1902.
Figures Will Some Time He if
Not Properly Explained.
Coupon Exhibit
Total Number Coupftns Issued
Total number coupons paid . . . .
Total number coupons lapsed and canceled .
Total number coupons in force.
Total Paid for Coupons Redeemed and Surrendere J
Loans on first mortgage real estate, stocks,
bonds and other approved securites. . . .$454,119.24
Real estate (Home Office, etc.) 102461.89
United States bonds, bank stock, etc 55,071.54
Open accounts, secured by Certificates of
Membership, etc. 12,543.02
Furniture and fixtures ; 3,424.37
Cash on hand and in bank subject to check. . 16,692.14 $634,312.20
Capital Stock $ 15,000.00
Legal Reserve at 3 per cent, compounded
annually 287,892.40
Advance payments.... 11,721.97
General Funds (not disbursed) 41,323.10
Surplus to Certificate Holders above legal
requirements 278,469.73 $634,312.20
I. A. SMITH BOWMAN, Secretary and General Manager of
The Southern Mutual Investment Company of Lexington, Ky., do j
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowlege and
belief. A. SMITH BOWMAN.
Subscribed and sworn to before me by A. Smith Bowman, Sec
retary and General Manager of the Southern Mutual Investment
Company of Lexington, Ky this 15th day of July, 1902.
J. W. STOLL, Notary Public, Fayette County, Ky.
Commission expires March 12, 1906.
If you desire to have the business methods of this company ex
plained in detail with a view to investing money in its bonds call on
J. H. Westover at the Courier office. The bonds of this company
pay handsome profits. Investments can be made in small monthly
payments. The returns are sure and largely in excess of interest
rates. The compauy has $100,000,00 deposited with Secretary of the
State of Kentucky. It has complied with the insurance and invest
ment law in 34 states in the Union.you can buy a $500 gold bond and
Pay for it as you like in regular monthly payments. Let us explain
the matter to you,
John H. Westover, Agent.
The Courier has no interest in the
management of the Sheriff'" office in
this county except to see that equal and
exact justice is done to all, the ins and
outa just the same. That John J.
Cooke was a good Sheriff and managed
the affairs of his office with economy
none will gainsay. That Sheriff Shaver
is also a good Sheriff and is running the
office along economical lines we also De
heve. There has been some claim 'ad
vanced that the Sheriff's office under the
present administration in its first six
months has shown a saving of more
than $500.00. This claim does not seem
to be borqe out by the figures. The fol
lowing statement of the expenses of the
Sheriff's , office under the legime of
Cooke and Shaver for the last six
monthB of 1901, and the last six months
of 1902 has been prepared for public . -lion
in the Courier by one who ought to
know and we believe that the statement
is coirect. These figures show that tlieie
has been very little difference in operat
ing expenses of the office under the
present Sheriff J. R. Shaver and the
Ex-Sheriff J. J. Cooke.
"The expenses in the Sheriff's office
as haB been published during six months
from July 1st to December 81, 1902, in
clusive Cooka s administration, I9B 54
and six months, from July 7th to De
cember 31, 1902, inclusive (Shaver's ad
ministration) $1465.75 is not correct,
The following is a statement of the two
terms as above stated, showing the
bills allowed to the different Clerks and
A. S. Moody, deputy 13 00
G. A. Bollack, clerk 31 00
Board of prisoners (charged to jail account) 54 27
(389 44
R. Shaver, salary $141 67
E. C Hackett " 60 00
S. lloody, deputy 82 00
Board of prisoner, charged to jail account 7 13
O.B. Smith 8 78
Mary Conyers, clerk 12 00
Lulu Hanklns " ' 12 00
Sheriff, livery ; 20 00
J. E. Shaver, salary ...$14177
E. C. Hackett ' 60 00
Sheriff, livery 86 00
Lulu Hanklns, clerk 5 00
Everhart, deputy . 8 00
From July 7to to July 31st.
J. R. Shaver, salary 141 67
E. C. Hackett " 47 00
Sheriffs bond.'. J 62 00
1)240 67
J. R. Shaver, salary $141 67
E. C. Hackett " .....7T. .... 60 00
Sheriff, livery .......mmm J 'M
Jail account 21 55
E. S. Moody, deputy 8 50
C. Maddock "
J.C.Bradley "
B. W. Smith "
W. H. Young "
Sheriff, board of prisoners, charged to Jan
uary account 41 94
10 00
7 50
8 60
2 60
$;113 11
Total, $1,767.58.
Ex-Sheriff's Offloe During ".the Following Months:
From July 1st, 1901' to December 31st.
J.J. ;Cooke, salary $14167
J.E.Jack ' ....j 60 00
Sheriff, board Jof prisoners -y 27 S5
lna m. unase, ciers: w
Sheriff, extra, assessing property .... 24 00
this is Your Chance
to Buy 6oods at Prices
to Suit Your Purse
We have just finished stock-taking and must
stock to make room ,,for spring and summer
(318 52
J. Cooke, salary $141 67
J.E.Jack " 60 00
InaM. Chas, olerk 60 00
Sheriff, board of prisoners 34 28
Sheriff, livery hire 3 60
Sheriff, extra, assessing property 24 68
$314 30
J. J. Cooke, salary ....$141 17
J. E. Jack " 60 00
Sheriff, board of prisoners 87 IB
Sheriff, livery 4 00
Iua M. Chase, clerk 37 00
Kthel Caufleld " 12 00
Sheriff, livery 3 0
$294 82
J. J. Cooke, salary ?141 67
Will Sell Everything
at a Big Reduction
Shirt Waists and Skirts, Latest Styles; Dry Goods,
Underwear, Hosiery, SF.ces, Etc. of the test make and
quality, . -
Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats,, Gloves," Mackin
toshes, Etc. at prices that no prudent buyer ever overlooks.
Come and See for Yourself.
Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon
J. E. Jack
Sheriff, livery.
8281 22
J. R. Shaver, salary $141 67
E.G. Hackett " 60 00
H. 8. Moody, deputy 20 50
Aimee Bollack, clerk 29 00
Sheriff, Jail account 38 42
Sheriff, livery 10 0
J. R. Shaver, salary $11 67
E. 0. Hackett " 60 00
C. R. Noblltt, deputy... " "
Lulu Hanking, olerk
Augusta Warner, olerk
Bherlff, livery
25 00
9 00
30 50
FRANK BUSCH, The Housefurnisher
Our Greeting
The old year is gone the new year
is here. We wish you well as the years
change. We greet all our friends with
good wishes and great bargains. We
are ready to add quality of goods to our
"Jrrfr vrrfr4c and malr unii Tisnnv !f
through substantial savings and increas
ed benefits in buying.
1 0-jf'J
j J:y
y "W7
' Board of prisoners
lna M. Chase, clerk
An netta Chase "
Sheriff and deputies, extra work, Sundays
60 00
8 50
6 50
60 72
39 00
18 00
16 20
(335 59
J.J.Cooke, salary $141 97
J. E.Jnck " mw
Sheriff, board of prisoners '
livery 9 00
... 7 50
InaM. Chase, clerk ' M 00
J. J. Cooke, sheriff 2 76
Sheriff, livery
2 00
$280 49
fill 67
. 60 00
. 2 00
.. 8 00
J. J. Cooke, salary
J.E.Jack "
J. E. Jack, extra
Inn M Chase, clerk
W. R. Garrett, deputy
John R. Wilght, deputy 3
Sheriff, board of prisoners
" expense
41 00
5 00
And cheer depends so much on the
beauty and the warmth of the carpet.
That one reasonable consideration
with every housekeeper, the other
must be a good economical heating
stove, and another consideration will
be your blankets and quilts. We are
offering on all cash sales made dur
ing this month of January on these 3
articles a special
Discount of 10 per Cent.
Ostermoor & Co. are Mattress Specialist.
Experts in the heretofore unknown art of
making hand-laid sheeted filling. Ostermoor
Mattresses are constructed, not stuffed, and
their upbuilding is an art. The downy sheets
of felt aro hand-laid one over the other until
desired thickness be obtained, in exception
ally well made box like cover of ticking: as
shown in illustration. Price $15.00.
yNot what is said of it, but
what it does, has made
9 - the fame of the
Elgin Watch
and made 10,000,000 Elgins neces
sary to the world's work. Sold by
every jeweler in the land; guar
anteed by the greatest watch works.
Ielgin national watch co.
Elgin, Illinois.
$263 07
Total, $1,802.39.
Cioke's Administration, 81,802.39.
Shaver's Administration, ((1,757.58.
This, however, does not include the
coat of posting tax executions, under
Cooke's term. As, under the law the
Sheriff is not required to post tax execu
tions. Neither does it include stamps
and stationer), now charged to Shaver's
account The boarding of prisoners un
der Cooke's term was always charged to
the sheriff's account. While under
Shaver's term the board of prisoners is
charged to a separate account,- called the
inil account. In the time (bb above
stated) Cooke collected $67,41017 of this
a 11 in tint ti Jfin fi2 was Sheriff's assess
ments and corrections. Cooke also sold
tlm uronertv for back taxes, for the yean
1S92, 1893, 1894 and 1897. And was re
quired to execute about 6I3deeds, which
required considerable more work in the
Sheriff's office during the last six months
of 1901, than there was of the last six
months of 1902. So you can see at a
glance, that instead of Shaver running
the office lor $500 00 less than Cooke, it
it a mistake. If you take considera
tion the amount of work done, it has
cost more.
The amount of boarding prisoners dur
ing Cocke's term was $215.27. Whib
during Shaver's ttrmil was $161.31.
Suppose we deduct them both from the
above accounts, and it haB cost $9.15
more to run the Sheriff's office for the
same length of time, under Shaver, than
it did under Cooke.
TL. II,.., llmnim BrtOAte
Be&n th 1118 ruilu wmaja puum
Fine Whiskies and Cigars
All goods bought in bond. Purity and quality guaranteed
James E. Pepper, Kentucky Burbon
Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbcn
Old Roxbury Rye
Fine Old Whiskies,
Wines, and Cigars
Cor. Railroad Ave. and Main St.
Can always be found at the
new saloon, corner Fourth and
Main, Oregon City,
Some of our special brands are:
Fine Old Green River Bourbon jg
ClA CmnA Dad. I h
WTr "Wo n 4- "Vriir TPr-n rl o n
TT V If CVX.lt JL J 1.1 JL X1UUV
at Harris Grocery
And are going to make special induce- i
11 V
ments to close buyers.
Cash and Small Profits is Our Motto.
Roxbury Rye
And Finch's Golden Wedding
Rye, best in United States
We also handle the celebrated
Wilhot Springs Water. Billiards
and Tool. Courteous treatment
too all,
Oregon City and Canby, Oregon.
The Flour
of the Family
The flour of all the Oregon City families
is "Patent" flour. The intelligent house
wife always gets "Patent" flour because,
it is better and more ecomonical to use
Made in Oregon City by the Portland
Flouring Mills Co
WMi ,n ,