Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 16, 1903, Page 6, Image 6

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OfigGON CIT,Y , ,CQURIEB, .TODAy, .JANUARY 16,. 4903.
Ir. Phepardi-on, who is lo oomiuct tbe
revival meetings to Ue helrl tu the First
Baptist clr.uch ol tbi city for imo weeks,
beginning n. it Kimdav, a native of
hi$. He i a son of Rev. Daniel fshep
ardson, who as f i- H,;!iteen years
pr sklent of Sliepani-on Oollegw. His
oldest brother is a profet-sor in Chicago
University, ami his s'corid bro'her
is in chargt-of the UrpHiiu.n of electri
cal engineer. n ai the University ol Minnesota.
1 Vt
YEAR 1902.
Shows the Water Plant of the
City in Excellent Condition.
Br, Bhepardson himself has been
quite active in educational lines, being
a proficient scholar in the Imiguaties re
lated to the Bible and its hiotory. His
summers for the last few years have
been spent in giving Bible lectures at
various summer assemblies, for which
be has been in great demand. He has
been paralyzed for the past ten vears
this coining month, and for the past
eight years has been going round in bis
wheel-chair doing evangelistic work.
In his methods r f " presenting tbe
Scriptures he is entirely unsei.sational,
believing that the head must be kept
clear if the heart is to be materially
changed in its purposes. He uses none
of the objectiona! features of modern
evangelists. His work at the First Bap.
'tist church of Portland is commending
itself to the people of that city, and we
are persuaded will be equally satisfac
tory here.
Inasmuch ua f Viora ia a nvnntn
" " "w.vi id n icaioi ui icdo
degree of continuity of thought in the
euujeciH ue presents, especially in the
wioiuwu reauings, u wouiu ue wortn
while to plan so as to attend all these
services from the very beginning. We
are satisfied that those who miss the
earlier part of hi work will regret it af
terward. The Congregational, Methodist and
Baptist churches unite in all the week
day services, retaining the Sunday morn
ing services in their own churches, and
the Congregational, church its Sunday
evening service os well.
The annual report of the water works
commissioners submitted to the last
meeting of counsel is an interesting
document. The report is the Eleventh
submitted by the board. Improvements
made during tbe patt year were a cen
trifugal pump. Two blocks of iron cast
iron main on Taylor street. The receipts
from all sources during the year were
$9,084.43 and the disbursements for all
items $6,293.11 during the six months
ending January 1st, 1903. The total
value of the plant is $75,255 00, the out
standing indebtedness $29,411.40. Of
this amount $10,000 is in bonds df the
water works and the balance is in war
rants. During the .year 6J0 customers
have been supplied with water and fire
protection has been furnished from 60
improved hydrants. The report and the
mat agement for the past Jyear Is a com
pliment to the gentlemen who compose
the commiBaion.
Fell in the Zenith of His Man
hood and Strength.
T. F. Tongue, who has for six years
represented the First Oregon District in
the National Congress died of acuta in.
digestion at his home in Washington
City on last Sunday at noon. He was
59 years old, and for many years had
been active in the politics of the state of
Oregon. His remains will be brought
from Washington to his home at Hills
boro, Or., and laid to wet in the family
burying ground on next Sunday.
Lost, Gold ShieUl,
In the streets of Oregon City a gold
utiield, inscribed J. W. iN., January 20,
1902. I. O.O. F. Three links. Finder
will return to the Courier office.
Wears selling all kinds of hose
cost. See them at the Racket store.
A Humorist on Marriage,
Marriage, If not carried to excess, Is
I wise provision and sacred obligation.
Marry your opposite as far as possible,
especially as regards sex. You will nev
er regret It. If possible, marry above
your station. Both of you should do
this; It is sure to advance your race.
Do not marry a foreigner unless highly
recommended by those In whom you
nave perfect confidence or nnless you
want to very much Indeed. Do not en
tourage long engagements. It Is better
to get weary of each other at your lei
sure after marriage than to do It be
forehand. Courtship, however, Is a
m?st delightful Industry and should not
be rashly broken In upon by marriage.
Some people seem to be admirably fit
ted for suitors, but fall In other occu
pations. This is very fortunate, indeed.
No suitor can be sure Of a permanent
situation. The supply greatly exceed
the demand.
The Mlaonlevoua Emt,
.Down through' the meadows we come
to the playground of the poet Shelley,
where' the old mill still stands,' Its
grinding stones propped against Its
sides, quietly registering the flight of
time. Swans glide to and fro upon tbe
pend or rest upon He edge. Black and
white rabbits scurry across the wood
ed paths. Fantailed pigeons disport
upon the lawn. In the tell grass tiny
fawns feign sleep, while furtively
watching with half closed eye, and
everywhere the mischievous emu
stalks about in eormcious prrde of bis
Importance in this strange.land. '
Being a special aversion of the game
keeper's, this bird takes apparent de
light in annoying him in every way.
Prying about uutil he finds a choice
nest of pheasant's eggs, he dispatches
the dainty morsels Instantly, thereby
destroying the hopes of both keeper
and hen. Every effort to break him of
this pernicious habit has been unsuc
cessful. Once the keeper resolved upon
a plan which he thought would with
out doubt prove effectual. Having
hard boiled a number of eggs, he car
ried them in steaming hot water to the
field and placed them before the ever
ready emu. Much to his surprise, the
dished seemed to appeal strongly to
the voracious appetite of the bird, for
In a twinkling they were gone, a seem
ing look of wonder accompanying bis
grateful appreciation of this unusual
attention.-Century Magazine,
Profanity In Enrope.
The most ordinary conversation In
Spain Is rarely carried on without oaths
being Interpolated, and Invocations of
saints and expressions which border on
swearing are common even on the lips
of ladles. Spanish workmen do not un
derstand an order unless It Is delivered
to them with a strong garnishing of
profanity; masters swear at their serv
ants, ladles at their children, school
masters at their scholars and officers at
their men. It must be remembered that
all over the continent profanity Is more
common than In England. In Germany
even it is not uncommon to hear school
masters swear at the boys, a state of
things unheard of and Impossible here,
while both In France and Italy oaths
are taken as a matter of course and
applied equally to man and beast At
the same time it should be remembered
that most continental "cuss words"
are not taken so seriously as ours.
London Answers.
Heads Should Never Ache.
Never endure this trouble. Use at
once the remedy that stopped it for
Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie, Va., she
writes "Dr. King's New Life Pills wholly
cured me of sick headaches. I bad suf
fered from for two years, Cure head
ache, constipation, biliousness. 25c at
Geo. A. Harding's drug store.
White Wyandottes for sale, good
stock. Write box 3-18, Oregon City.
A Golden Opportunity
In the Bohemia Mining Dis
tricts of Southern Oregon
This is proving to be one of the richest mining districts in the World and may
in no great while rival the celebrated Cripple Creek District of Colorado.
The Hiawatha Mining & Milling Co.
of Cottage Grove, Oregon, Bohemia District
Has recently, during development work, struck very rich ore in lauge quantities and the company
has decided to place a stamp mill on the property at a very early date and have placed a block
of stock on the market to raise money for that purpose and are selling stock at ten cents per
share, which no doubt will be worth at least $i per share, as soon as dividends are paid', which
will be in the near future. Don't wait until this block is sold and then kick yourself because" you
can't get stock for less than $i and more per share. ,
In The ILeroy Mine
Only a few hundred feet from the properties of the Hiawatha during the last two weeks a great
strike has been made. A ledge of ore twenty-six feet wide from wall to wall has been uncovered
that runs hundreds of dollars to the ton. All of the Leroy stock was at once taken from the
market and not a dollars worth of it can now be had at any price. The stock was selling for
ten cents per share and is to day worth $i.oo and none for sale. This same ledge no doubt runs
through the property of the Hiawatha as well as other fine ledges whicn have already been un
covered. The last block of Hiawatha stock is now on the market. When it is disposed off the
company will have sufficient money to put in their ten stamp mill and continue their development
work. Not a dollar of this stock has been sold for less than par. ten cents per share. In six
months in all human probability this stock will be worth $i.oo per share and will go much
higher as soon as the mill gets to work and the dividends begin to be paid.
This is the Opportunity of a Lifetime
And if You Miss it You Hiss Your Chance
Address at once
Hiawatha Mining and Milling Co.
Cottage Grove. Oregon
Or sec O. D. EBY, of Ihi cltq.
Thousands Hare Kidney Trouble
, juad Don't Know it
How To Find Out.
Fill a bottle or common glass with your
water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a
sediment or set
tling Indicates an
unhealthy condi
tion of the kid
neys; If It stains
your linen It is
evidence of kid
ney trouble; too
frequent desire to
pass it or pain In
convincing proof that the kidneys and blad
der are out of order, -..' ,
What to Do.
There is comfort In the knowledge so
often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every
wish in curing rheumatism, pain In the
back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part
of the urinary Dassape. It
to hold water and scalding pain in passing
it, or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant
necessity of being compelled to go often
during the day, and to get up many times
during the night. The mild and the extra
ordinary effect of Swamp-Root Is soon
realized. It stands the highest for its won
derful cures of the most distressing cases.
If you need a medicine you should have the
best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$l. sizes.
You may have a samDle bottle of this
wonaertui discovery
and a book that tells
more about it, both sent
absolutely free by mail,
address Dr. Kilmer fr
iiuiuo vi uniuiiji-liuui.
Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men-
uuii icauiug mis generous oner in mis paper.
Don't make any mistake, but remem
ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil
mer's Swamp-Root, and the address,
Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle.
aajMf 1 htm t'lJei on ia-l TU-rt
Home of Swamp-Root.
' A Correction.
The item in the Courier last week in
j egard to the settling of the trouble be
tween the painters' and carpenters' un
ion was not entirely fair to tbe former
organization. There are sixteen mem
bers of the local painters' union, and
they number in their ranKs most of tbe
best painters in the city. The trouble
between the painters and carpenters,
while it has not beea entirely settled, is
in a fair way to be adjusted .within a
short time. The Courier has no desire
to print other than the exact truth about
this matter, and we hope now that the
trouble is ended between these two la
bor organizations.
The following is the list of Union
Painters in good Btanding of Local Un
ion, No. 482, United Brotherhood of
Painters, Decorators and Paperhangera
of America, affiliated with trie American
Federation of Labor and the National
Builders Trades Council of the United
J. H. Howard,
M 1 P.' Chapman.
W. 0."Wilson,
A. Walker,
Frank Rollo,
Chas. Schram.
T. P. Wilson,
W. D. McKune.
Bonton Restaurant I
and Lunch Counter
On Wain Street Oregon City, next Door to Postoffice I
s uiiruvr J? nagtiy Restaurant . 0
I Tresb Oysters in every Style I
Open Jill Boms Bay or night TirshCIass Weals.
uiillllliiriiiiiiiillnunitii.iliimuiliiiiiii mffln,, ,iitffllirtiiaiin,iiHa Hi ilk,,. Jhmiirojt!!,
We carry the only complete line 1
of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and
minings in uiaekamas County.
We have the only First-Class
HeareeTn the County, which we
will furnish for less than can be
had elsewhere.
Embalming a Specialty.
' Our prices always reasonable.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
& BISSELL, Undertakers
Phones 411 and 304.
Main St., Opp. Huntley's.
"""if' '"KIJIWHillll'IIIJIIIMIIlllllllllllJlllllllipiH
"Billy" Rowan's Restaurant
and Lunch Counter
W. I. ROWAN, Proprietor
Opposite Electric Hotel, is the very best place in Oregon City
to get a Dainty Lunch or
Open at All Hours, day or night
8.8. Walker.
James Murrow,
Geo. Reddeway,
H. S. Wilson;
M. Justin,
J. E. Rhoades. v
W. I.1 Engles,'
A. A. Bowman,
Ladies' , wrappers, $1 anH up at the
Racket store.
Big Shoe Sale
oee windows for
Reduced Prices
I 253 Morrison St., Second Door from Third, Portland, Or.
You Know TWhat You Are Tak'ng
When you take Grove's Tasteless Chil
Tonio becanse the formula is plainly
printed on every bottle showing that it
is simply Iron and Quinine in a tasteless
form. No Cure, No Pay, 50c.
Standard American Auanal.
W. L. dolman Undertaker
Two Doors South Courthouse
t Calls Promptly Attended, Night or Day. Embalming Carefully
andNeatly Done. Hearse Furnished at Lowest Rates
Phones 476305. Oregon City, Oregon
A Statistical Voh.me ot
Facts and Figures Containing Over
600 Pages,.
Review ol ths Conl Si iKe; the Trusts In
thellnlt.- i itn'ivi; Full !??i'tion kotu n onil
r Mlnti-rnn o; Political
cummii'ees: i truer, t. i
Statca.nl l.sl'ur l.e;;i- j"'Vr
lotion; Our Inomar ICiifjt'Zt
lBt:-rni.s o.; Political 1
I'urt L-s ai 10?; Of- f wjS1
ileers ol the Notional ! .UfJ"-;"'
;ommit; I eder. I, '"Tmi1'
Canal Lnw; C'vi! 0v
ernmeni.Di tl.cp. I id -
pines; Ojial .ica'ioue
10 r
V o 1 1 n ir in a:i
ta tes; Autv-o'i e
statistics, Irnt.fai,
Military aril 1 .1 r ot c
Societies !n 'on r ur
on Foialirn Coitnirl's,
Their killer ami ov
ernments; Pi li.r Ex
ploration : P.-view of
Sclit n tl He Achieve
ments: The
Disturbances of 1902 (Hon t Peiee); Kecun-
atrui&iuu ui me vity 01 new it rk
I'y "--rf.
Condensed Information for the
Office, the Store and the Home.
On Everv
XT- j ' 1
Postpaid to any address, 35c
Pulitier Building, New York
Successor to W. II. Young.
, Will furnish rigs and saddle-horses at reasonable'
prices. Finest turnouts in -the city. Best saddle horses.
If you want a rig or a horse, call on him.
South Main Street, opposite Electric Hotel.
Brown & Welch
Proprietors op the
Seventh Street
Meat Market
A. O. U. W. Building
Brunswick House and Restaurant
Meals at All Honrs Open Day and Night
Prices Reasonable
Only First Class Restaurant in the City
Opposite Suspension, Bridge OREGfOX CITY, ORE
w -ww Ma vhw T JnTwoDays.
. ff a! T
tokg auaxauve oromo quinine Tablets, js
Seven Mfflion boxes told in post 13 months. ThlS Signature. sJtyr
on everv
a "