OREGON CITY COURIER, FitiMY, JANUARY 16, 1903. YALUES and BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY Oiir. Great Gearance Sale Draws the crowd. Unparalled price-cutting in every department. The Balance of Capes and Jackets at Half Price' SEALETTE AND M97C, $1.15, $2.25, $1.50, '$1.85, $1.95, PLUSH CAPES t?l'n ?'??-85, .-and 12.50 and $15.00 quality, closing at $5.85 and 7.65. The greatest values and bargains in plush and sealette capes ever offered by any house in America, wholesale or retail. . SEE US TODAY ON DRESS GOODS McAllen & McDonnell THIRD AND MORRISON STS, PORTLAND, OREGON I PERSONALS 1 s 0 MIHHMHHHItMMMIt IF, A. Miles went to St. Helens the first of the week on a visit to friends. Miss Gertie Sbaner, of McKee, has been visiting friends in the city for the past two weeks. Mrs, S. S. Jennings, of Portland, has been visiting her fattier at Maple Lane during the past week, Judge Ryan went to Portland Tuesday evening to assist in the joint installation of the Allison and Golden Rule Lodges, I. 0. 0. F. . Horace Strickland has returned from The Dalles, where he has beeu for the past month in a hospita,, seriously 111. He is much improved in health. Judge William Galloway, Dr. R. B. Beattie and Dr. Carll were among the prominent democrats who went to Port land last Thursday evening to attend the democratic smoker. F. A. Miles returned Wednesday morning from a trip to St. Helens and Scappose, where he has been for sev eral days, visiting his old friends and re lations. Mr . Miles was for a number of years a resident of that section of the state. His brother lives there and runs a big milk ranch and creamery. Among the Oregon Cityites who at tended the opening sessio o of the state legislature Monday were : 0. B. Moores, A. 8. Dresser, T. F. Ryan, J. A.Tal bert, J. U. Campbell, Al. Richardson, W. W. Smith, Floyd Jones, J. 0. Pad dock, Col. Longley, Albert Crossen, Itobert Lesley, George Randall, J. W. M cAnulty and Theodore Fouts. I LOCAL NEWS ITEMS I Wanted, farm hand. H. L, Skirvln, Marquam, Oregon. The regular meeting of the Mother's Club will be held at the home of Mrs. George C. Brownell next Thursday after noon. Miss Margaret Re. ling and Robert Porter were united in matrimony at the home of Rev. Father Hillebrand, of the Catholic church, Tuesday afternoon. Dr. Freeman, dentist, wishes to an nounce to bis many friends his removal to more spacious offices in the new building, corner of Seventh street bridge, The board of directors of the Oregon City school district, No. 2, will meet at the court house in Oregon City on Mon day evening for the purpose of levying a tax for school purposes during the com ing year. , Mrs. 8. A. Forsythe, a lady 70 years of age, residing at Clackamas Heights, fell and the-result is a badly broken arm near the wrist. The painful accident occurred last Friday. Dr. Sommer was called to set the fracture. Christ Complita, a native of Austria, was recently discharged from the asy lum, and last week Judge Ryan issued an order directing his guardian to draw sufficient funds from his estate to give him a comfortable passage back to his native land. The remains of Mrs. Edward Califf, who died at Phoenix, Ariz., of consump tion, arrived in t,hi city for interment the first of the week. The deceased was well known here and leaves a large cir cle of friends to mourn her her departure. The annual dance of the Columbia Hook and Ladder Oo. will be given this year on the 21st, as Washington's birth day falls on Sunday. The committee has Becured Everst's full orchestra of Portland, which will furnish the music for the occasion. The topics at the Congregational church next Sunday will be "Harmoni ous Increase," in the ' morning, and "Some Improper Positions from which Men View Jesus Christ," in the even ing. Special musical features will be added to the usual program. Rev. Craig, of the Southern Metho dist church, will not hold bis usual Sun day service at the Ely Methodist church on next Sunday. At the present time he is detained in the country on ac count of serious illness, and his regular appointments will be suspended until his recovery. i The Saturday Club of the Congrega tional church hereby announces that they have secured Dr. House to give three of his illustrated lectures at the church on the 3rd, 10th cad 17th ct ebruary. These are the best of a longer series that are being given in Portland with such great success. ' H. E. Cross, manager of the Willam ette Valley Chautauqua Association, which is held at Gladstone, left Monday evening for San Francisco, to meet the manager of the Pacific Coast Chaotau qua, for the purpose of agreeing on tal ent for this year's assembly. He will be gone about a week. There was a false alarm of fire Mon day morning about 7 o'clock. The fire rinnartmrnit wan railed out to nut out a fire at the home of W. H. H. Sampson, across the street from the court house, but their services were not needed. The fire was in a chimney and no damage was done. A rjleasant surprise party was given to Mrs. January by Mrs. Oglesby and a number of friends last Monday evening, beins the anniversary of Mrs. January's twenty-B( cond birthday. The evening was spent in music ana games, ending with refreshments. Ail present ex pressed the wish that Mrs. January may live to enjoy many such anniversa ries. Two juries were drawn Thursday morning by the circuit court. The names of the first are: Jas. Shelley, J. A. Brad lev, A. N. Munsey, J. A. Tuft, W. H. Young, W. J. Rauoh, 0. F. Jones, E. C. Maddock, N. W. Robbins, Wheeler Church, John Button and Pat Harris. The second jury is a special venire and composed of the following citizens: T. P. Randall, 8. G. Buford, S. B. Cardiff. 0. C. Babcock, E. Parker, E. H. Cooper, Frank Redner, John Gleason, E. L. Johnson, John Noble and H. W. Trem batb. W. I. Rowan and Miss Emma Davis were quietly married at the home of the bride in this city Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. J. H. Beaven of the Baptist church. Only a few of the most. inti mate friends of the contracting parties were present to witness the ceremony . The groom is a well-known young busi ness man of this citv. having made his home here for the past eight years and having but recently engaged in the re staurant business. The bride is a very charming voung lady, and is quite well and favorably known. They are at home IK Spoons and uft7 nnVrnrnnnr? are Made a I04f nuuuo.DKvo; to Match Forks in these fancy pieces, and can be supplied at any time. If you wish table snver, including Carving Sets and all sizes of Knives, Forks and Spoons in one pattern, purchase the "1847 Rogers Bros." ware "Silver Plate that Wears." Start with a few pieces, add others at your convenience, and you will be surprised how easily and quickly your table will be supplied with all the necessary articles in the best grade of silver plate made. We carry a large assortment of these ware in stock, also Tea Sets, Baking Dishes, Butter Dishes, Fruit Baskets, Cake Baskets, Etc. Let us shov you the latest patterns. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers. Suspension Bridge Corner to their friends at RIIlv Rowan's restau rant on Main street. Hon. Ohas. Tf. Letonrette has returned home from a1 nyth'8 trip through the Eastern Stated; Where he has been seek ing to interest Capital in his new electric railway. Mr. Latourette gives it out that the road will certainly be built the coming summer. Mr. Latonrette's visit to the East was a very pleasant one. On Christmas dav be was the guest of old kinsfolk at Fenton, Michigan, and while East he visited kinspeople in New York and Boston. Mr. Latourette ex presses himself as being very glad to get back to the Willamette valley. AH over the East he found snow and sleet, trains delayed and commerce tied np by the vigorous condition of winter. Return ing to his borne in the valley lie nnas spring-like weather prevailing and balmy breezes blowing. He says there is no place in the world like Oregon, and no place in Oregon like the Willamette val ley and Oregon City. Mr. Latourette is loyal to his own city. "Prescriptions carefully compounded" Maybe they are careful. We hope so But when you takeyoiir,, prescriptions v Most Druggists $aij: THE GRIM REAPER CLAIMS AN01HER PROMI NENT CITIZEN. William, K. Roberts, of Beaver Creek, Called to Ms La-t Account An Old Pioneer , and an Excellent Man. There is an Angel, whose name is Death, And with his sickle keen, He reaps the bearded grain at a breath, And the flowers that grow between. As the result of a fall received several months ago, William K. Roberts, of Beaver creek, died at his home last Thursday, the 8th inst. The deceased was an aid pioneer of Clackamas county. having come here in his early youth and located at Beaver creek in 1850. He has lived there ever since and followed farming as a vocation. He has pros- ered and leaves a comfortable estate to is wife and children. At the time of his death he was 68 years old. He was a native of Wales, and possessed all the sterling qualities of that hardy race in the North of Eng land. He was a member of the Welsh branch of the Presbyterian church and lived up to its creed. A wife and hve children are left to mourn bis demise.1 Sunday the funeral services were conducted at the Presby terhn church at Beaver creek in the presence of a very large crowd of sor rowing friends and relatives by the Rev. Jones, of Oswego, after which the re mains were laid to rest in the church yard cemetery to await the coming of the resurrection morn. . If Unwell, Try a 50c bottle of Herrine, notice the improvement speedily effected in your appetite, energy, strength ai d vigor. Watch bow it brightens the spirits, gives treeaom Irom indigestion and debility 1 Isaac Story, Avo, Mo., writes, Sept. 10, luuu: "I was in bad health, I had atom ach trouble for 12 months, also dumb chills. Dr. J. W. Mory prescribed Her rine, It cured me in two weeks. Ican not recommend it too highly; it will do all you claim for it. Sold by Charman & Co., City Drug Store, Oregon City, Oregon. to Howell & Jones drug store YOU ARE SURE they will be carefully and accurately compounded by Prescription Specialists Ours is not a department store, but a modern prescription drug store, We make a specialty of this work becausejwe thoroughly understand it and have fitted our store especially for the compounding of prescriptions. ' Doctors appreciate the accuracy and care witn which we compound their prescriptions and that accounts for our , large trade. HOWELL & JONES , PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS Linn E. Tones Chambers Howell 4 The Best Laundry is the Cheapest The Troy Steam Laundry is tht Best Does not wear out or destroy your linen. Our Wagon will call for your soiled linen each week and deliver your laundried goods to your home. Perfect satisfac tion assured. s E. L. JOHNSON, The Barber, Agent. New Era Flouring Mills We have purchased of Strejo Bros, the New Era Flouring Mills and are now in possession and d ring business at the old stand. We guarantee satisfaction to all who may oome our way. To our friends and patrons we ask a continuance of their kindness and courtesy to us and assure them that we shall do our very best to please them. Bread is the staff of life, without good flour you can not have good bread Good Bread Wakes Bappy domes Give us your trade and we will give you kind treatment and the BEST FLOUR that can be made. ' . Sevcik Bros. SS3?SS New Era, Or. School Meeting. Si The legal voters of school district, No. 62, Oregon City, will bear in mind that, in accordance with notices duly posted, there will be a school meeting held on Monday, the 19th day of January, 1903, at the hour 7:30 o'clock, . p. m., in the county court room.for the purpose of levy ing a tax to raise a fund for paying the expenses of the district for the ensuing year, ana considering, the question of building an addition to tbe Eastham school building. 0. O. T. Williams, District Clerk. Land titles examined and abstracts made. I guarantee to defeat anr tax title or tax deed in Clackamas count v otherwise no charge made. Monev loaned. G. B. Dimick, Lawyer; Oregon City, Or. Finds Way to Live Long. , The startling announcement 01 a Dis covery that will surely lengthen life is made by Editor 0. H. Downey, of Chu- rubusco, Ind. "I wish to state," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that I have ever known for coughs, colds and grip. It's invaluable to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread pneumonia or consumption. Its relief is instant and cure certain." Geo. A. Harding guarantees every 50c and 1,00 toitle, end give trial bottles free Selling at Cost Yes, I mean just what I say. We are selling better and mote goods for the same money than any other store, in the county. Come and look on our goods and the verdict will be, Place to 6ct Bargains IS AT THE Racket Store Letter Lint , Following is the list of letters remain ing in the Oregon City, postoftice, Jan. 15, 1903. Women's List Buchanan, Mrs. Elsie, Bair, Miss Carrie, Godge, Mrs. Stella, Johnston, Miss A., Moore, Mrs. O. A., Melroze, Hazel, Robinson, Miss R. J. Men's List Akina, Dr., Belue, Elba, Uassidy, E F., Dunn, Guy, Ekstrand, M , Edwards, Archie, Frost, R., Falon, J. W., Githens, John, Hudson, M., Hun ter, N Hi kpy, Rev. M. J., Handy, D., Marlin, J. M., Hbleich, Ed J., Smith, J. 8., Smith, Geo. W., Steiner, Fred, Towle, Dr. J. G,. 2, Wileoa, J. M. G. F. Hobton, P. M. The Secret of Long Life. Consists in keeping all the main or gans of the body in healthy, regular ac tion, and in quickly destroying deadly disease terms. Electric Bitters regu late stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood, and give a splendid' appetite. They work wonders in curing kidn .y troubles, female complaints, nervous diseases, constipation, dyspepsia and malaria. Vigoious health and strength alnays follow their use. Only 50 cents, guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding, drug- A (Guarantee that (guarantees The COURIER guarantees to its advertisers that it has 600 MORE Circulation in Clacka amas county than any other paper published in the yt COUnty, US douk.5 arc uytu xui uiapuuiit a s weights are to be found at the postoffice. If this statement is not found to be true on investigation by an impartial committee we will give to the Y. M. C A. of Oregon City a present of Fifty Dollars in gold. "The Proof of the Pudding is in Chewing the 'Rag.'" COURIER PUBLISHING CO.