fe 1 OREGON CITY OOUBIER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1903. New Era Flouring Mills We have purchased of Bt jo Bros, the New Era Flouring Mills and are now in pos?emion and (da . busiuess at the old stand. We guarantee Batisfaction to all who ma CO .e our way. To our friends and patrons we BBk a continuance of their kin iess and courtesy to us and assure them that we shall do our very bent to please them. ... Bread is the staff of life, without good flour you can not have go bread GFood Bread Wakes fiappy Bomcs fiiva no vnnr trartn and we will cive vou kind treatment and the BEST FLOUR that can be made. flaii Sevcik Bros. SgrRJ. New Era, Or. Selling at Cost Yes,. I mean just what I say.' We are selling better and more goods for the same money than any other store in the county. Come and look on our goods and the verdict will be, the Place to Get Barges IS AT THE Racket Store W.L. fiolman Undertaker Two Doors South Courthouse - the father upon the son I Incidentally, I am democratic enough to believe that a public office is a public trust, and not a private or family snap. The officers of school district No. 27 bad a meeting Tuesday evening for the transaction of business. The meeting was not at all satisfactory, for various reasons. The Case of Mr. furmah was not dis posed of, because he failed to prove his case. It seems by the records that Mr. Turman has been accredited to, and his children listed in, what is commonly known as the Henri cy district. It is more convenient, however, for him to send his children to No. 27. The direc tors of No. 27 saw fit to charee him a tuition fee of 60c per month for each of hi two children. Now when the term is about half over and the directors make a demand upom him, he claims that he rightfully belongs in No. 27 and refuses to pay. Now td me the case is very simple. The boundarr lines of the two districts are well established, and if Mr. T. would produce his deed of title to homestead, the directors could very easily determine where his hime is lo cated. This very simple thing Mr. T. neglected to do, and, furthermore, re fused to do, claiming that he was satis fled that he belonged in No. 27, and that the burden of proof rested with the di rectors to show that he was not a resi. dent of district 27. Now, again, if Mr. T. does not wieh to exhibit his title deed to the directors, let him take it to the county, superintendent, ' and lam well satisfied that Mr. Zinser will set him right, and the school board will abide by his decision. Wm. Beard. COFFINS, ROBES, CASKETS t Calls Promptly Attended, Night or Day. Embalming Carefully 1 XT 1,1.. r-, Uunfoa Vurn IeVi4 Q f T rXIfct R 0 f PC Phones 476305. Oregon City, Oregon ', Maple Luna. Mapl e Lane Grange ball is fast becom ing a reality. The frame, including rafters and roof boards, is up, and we are now waiting on the sawmill for ma terial. Wm. Beard went to Portland Tnesday and secured the windows; the windows being an 0 'd siie will have to be made to order, but will be delivered at Oreg n City on Saturday. Maple Lane Grange is experiencing a very healthy growth. Hardly a meet ing passes without an initiation, and but very few have been dropped for non-payment of dues. At the last meet ing, held on Saturday last, Bro. L. II. Kirchetn, of Logan, installed the offi cers. Quite a number of visitors were present, aad altogether it was a very enjoyable meeting. Come again, friends. Frank Beard, who has been working on the road in District No 14, got the g. b. last Monday not on account of inef ficiency, but because his father had the gall to criticise some public official . Ye gods, to think that a public servant ehould think himself above criticism, and then to so far forget the dignity of his office as to visit the shortcomings of Mulino. The entertainment given at the school house last week was a Buccess. The baskets sold to the amount of $9.80, which will go to ard a library for the school. Fred Wallace is improving slowly. A number from here assisted in search ing for the body of Mr. Graham, who was drowned in the Molaila river tew days ago. Joe Daniels, who has been working at Sumpter for some time, has returned home. J. J. Mallatt captured a large porcu- ninft nam the Molaila rive some time ago. nivrfe Smith has eone down the Co lumbia river to work. Dr. Goucher was on the sick list last week. Positively selling at cost at the Racket Store. FRANK BUSCH, The Housefurnisher Our Greetini The old year is gone the new year is here. We wish you well as the years change. We greet all our friends with good wishes and great bargains. We are ready to add quality of goods to our pleasant words and make you happy through substantial savings and increas ed benefits in buying, W00 fTr I Winter Comforts And cheer depends so much on the beauty and the warmth of the carpet. That one reasonable consideration with every housekeeper, the other must be a good economical heating stove, and another consideration will be your blankets and quilts. We are offering on all cash sales made dur ing this month of January on these 3 articles a special Discount of 10 per Cent. 4; i lS is Ostermoor Mattresses Ostermoor & Co. are Mattress Specialist. Experts in the heretofore unknown art of making hand-laid sheeted filling. Ostermoor Mattresses are constructed, not stuffed, and their upbuilding is an art The downy sheets of felt are hand-laid one over the other until desired thickness be obtained, in exception ally well made box like cover of ticking as shown in illustration. Pi ice $15 00. essay on 'Jefferson and the Louisiana purchase, however enthralling the theme. I am philosophizing about naming places for men A Mighty Name to Carry. Of course our pioneer worthies had c vast advantage In this regard, for the all sufficient reason that the farther we go back toward the beginning of thing the more places there were to be nam ed. For this reason as well as for oth ers the names of Washington, Jefferson and Jackson lead all the rest on the map of the United States. It is a curi ous fact that one may take a map and determine from the names of places and the dates of laying out towns and counties almost the exact period at which any American warrior or states man was at the flood tide of his popu larity. One might ascertain the same fact from the names of men save for the unfortunate fact that men die and usually their names perish with them A hero suddenly impinges upon human vision, and an entire generation of helpless male Infants are saddled with bis name. One of the best friends 1 ever had was labeled Kosciusko Kos suth Harris, a most appalling case of historic alliteration. The father had to unite l'olaud and Hungary to ac complish the feat, but he did it No mortal man could carry such a name through life, so the victim wisely re lieved himself of h's burden by curtail- lug that name to plain Kos Harris and as such hus had great success at bis profession of the law. A Matter of Pronunciation. King Solomon says, "A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, Of course he meant reputation, but his dictum would still be true even If he had meant merely a fitting name. It Is a ereat niece of Idiocy to name a child for a living man of distinction. This long Htring of reflections oa names was started In my mind by passing tlirouKh the beautiful little citv of Van Buren, lu the county of Crawford, in the state of Arkansas, In passing It may bo stated that for long time nobody knew the real name of the state. Some pronounced it Ar- kans-as, others Arkantsaw. At ooe time the two United States senators from the state differed as to Its pro nunciation. The vice president, being 8 kindly man, of great tact, consulted their tastes by always recognizing one as "the senator from Ar-Uons-as" and the other as "the senator from Arkan- saw." Finally the legislature took the matter of nomenclature lu hand and by solemn statute decreed that the cor rect name of the state is Arkansaw. I am not certain but what the Mis souri legislature will have to do some thing of the sort. The dictionaries give It as "Mlss-u-ry." but 110 genuine Mlssourian ever pronounces It that wav. It Is always "Ml.-uh-ruh" or "Mlz-uh-ruh." Vox popull vox Del, The DeoDle have as much right to make a dictionary as a government Political Revenge. The city of Van Buren was of course numed for Martin. He fared better at the hands of Arkansans than he Old with Missourlans. The latter lu tlx-'.r love and admiration named two coun ties for him one Van Buren, the othei Kinderhook but when he bolted in 1848 and headed a political side show whose effect was to defeat General Cass, the regular Democratic nomi nee, the ardent affections of the Mis- souri Democrats for Van turned to bitter loathing, and they wrathfully changed the name of Van Buren coun ty to Cass and that of Kinderhook to Benton. The old proverb says, "lieu hath no fury like a woman scorned." That may or may not be true. At any rate, the scorn of Missouri Democrats Is terrific. "Sweet Is revenge," declares Byron. He ought to have known. Van Buren revenged himself on Cass ana the Missouri Democrat revenged tlwui- selves on Van. Van Buren's Cruel Mot Martin Van Buren is an enigma of American history Just as the Duke of Marlborough Is an enigma of English history. Some one says of the duke, He never fought a battle which he did not win, never besieged a eitj whioh h did not take, never made a movement which was not successful. The same may be said of Van Buren in nolitlcB until after his election to the presidency. The same fate 1 come to the great Englishman and the great American in this-: Nobody has a kind word for either. Most assuredly they do not need the warning words of the Bible as to the danger of getting into the condition "when all men spoak cood of them.' Nor are the reasons far to seeK or tne woeful historic plight of the Britisn soldier, the first captain of his age, and of the American president, the first dl nlomatlst of his age, the well beloved of Andrew Juckson. Avarice, a vice of Ignoble souls, a sordldness which has no parallel among men of brains, cou pled with an astonishing lack of fidel- ltv to any sovereign or to any cause, are the foul blots on the escutcheon of the hero of Ramellrus, Malplaquet, Blenheim and Oudluarde, while Van Buren suffers rrotu the contrast ue- at tween himself and Jackson, from the this is Your Chance to Buy Goods at Prices to Suit Your Purse We have just finished stock-taking and must reduce stock to-. make room for spring and summer goods. Will Sell Everything at a Big Reduction Shirt Waists and Skirts, Latest Styles; Dry Goods, Underwear, Hosiery, Shoes, Etc. of. the best make and quality. Men's and Boy's Clothing, Hats, Gloves," Mackin toshes, Etc. at prices that no prudent buyer ever overlooks. Come and See for Yourself. GEO. T. HOWARD, Prof). Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon . Not what is said of it, but what it does, has made . the fame of the Elgin Watch and made 10,000,000 Elgins neces- , sary to the world's work. Sold by every jeweler in the land; guar anteed by the greatest watch works. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH CO. Elgin, Illinois. J.W.COLE, Fine Whiskies and' Cigars 0. ' All goods bought in bond. Purity and quality guaranteed SOME FAMOUS OLD BRANDS ho turn ill 1" U : James E. Pepper, KentuckyJBurbon Old Sam Harris Kentucky Eourbcn OldRoxbury'Rye Cor.1 Railroad Ave. and Main St. We Want Your Trade at Harris Grocery And are going to make special induce ments to close buyers. Cash and Small Profits is Our Motto. ridicule heaped on him by the Whlprs lu the eoonsUin, log cabin, hard cider hvstria of 18-10. which ended in his defeat, and most of all perhaps from his defection in ISM. By that caper he alienated the affections of the Demo prats. Consequently there Is no one In terested In defending him In the fonim of history or at the tf:ir of posterity He not only gave the coup dp grace ti his own fame, but he rendered impos sible a jrreat career to his sou, "Print John," one f the most brilliant of tL children, of men. A fine but cruel and uulilial mot is recorded of John. Once while president his father was chiding him for his wild ways. John retorted. "You think you are a great historic personage, but you will be remembered chiefly because yon are the father of John Van Buren." . CHAMP. CLARK. The Flour of the Family Mi in The flour of all the Oregon City families is "Patent" flour. The intelligent house wife always gets 'Tatent" flour because, it is better and more ecomonical to use Made in Oregon" City by the Portland Flouring Mills Co.