Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, January 09, 1903, Image 7

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a i i i i i i
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre ; of :
and has
ffif sonal supervision since its infancy.
'CCtCAttftG AllftOTnn nno infterpivc vnn In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger, the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic?
. substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
California Wine House
MAIN STREET Bet. 4th and 5th
Per Gallon
..$1 00
California Port,
Extra Tawny
Extra Old Port. I 25
Delicate and Mellow :
Superior Old Port and Sherry I SO
Selected For Medicinal Purposes
Extra Old California Sherry I OS
Medium, Pale, Delicate and Dry
California Tokay I oo
Excellent Table Wiue
Sweet Muscatel I 25
Fine Wine
Sweet Catawba . . 1 25
Angelica. . . . 1 05
Soft, Full and Fine.
Extra old Calif'rnia Angelica I 25
Superb old dessert wine.
Extra Dry California Tameus Wines.
Sparkling Burgundy 85c
A olear, sparkling wine.
Sonoma Claret 65c
Rich, fruity wine.
Extra Sonoma Zinfandel. . . 75c
Kone better! a well matured wine.
Extra Sonoma Riesling. ... 75c
A white wine that will Dlease you.
Sonoma Hock 65c
Quality unsurpassed
Sonoma Sauterne 1 00
A fine old white wine.
Fine Calif. Grape Brandy . . 2 '75
The genuine: good as imported.
Only Wine Vaults in the City
City Orders Delivered Tree.
Order Zbrougb Your Grocer.
6. 31. Brady.
Cures Consumption,Coughs,
Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma,
rneumoma,Jiay.b ever.rleu
risy, LaGrippe, Hoarseness,
5ore Throat. Croup and
Whooping Cough.
rlc 50c. and $ 1 . TB'L BOTTLES FREp
New Plumbing
and Tin Shop
a Specialty
Opposite Oaufleld Block OREGON CITY
has stood the test 25 years. Average Annual Sales
kMIc T. tUe iwnprl rf trfM-ir aMpal tft VOU 7
Endosed with every
, i jiiiiin. in I I I i.iiiwii win
been made under his per-
Signature of
75 Cents
20 Bars Perfection Soap
25 Cents
7 Boxes 1776 Washing Powders
20 Cents
Box Gold Dust
25 Cents
2 Pounds Fine Blend Coffee
25 Certs
Z Packages Arbuckle or Lion Coffee
35 Cents
Hound M & M Blend Fine
25 Cents
3 Cans Dear Aead Oysters
17 Cents
Can Eagle Milk
10 Cents
3 Pounds Perfection Salt
Regular 20c solle;
- Strayed or Stolen.
About December 1st, 1902, two heifers
going to two years; one light red, ear
mark cut tip and crop underneath right
ear; one dark red, white under belly.
Suitable reward for recovery..
Louis Funk,
Redland, Or.
Removal of Office.
G. B. Dimick and George L. Story
have moved their law office from the
Stevens block to rooms 2 and 3 in the
new Garde building, up stairs.
The only remedy in the world that
will at once stop Itchiness of the Skin m
anv part of the body that is absolutely
safe and never failing, is Doan's Oint
ment. Free Samples at C. G.Huntley's.
Remarkable Cure of Croup.
A Little .Uoy'S Life Saved.
I have a few words to say regarding
Chamberlain's Couh Remedy. It
saved my boy's life and feel that I can
not praise it enough. I bought a bottle
of it from A. E. Steere, of Goodwin, S.
D .and when I got home with it the
poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave
the medicine as ;directed every ten min
utes until he "threw up" and then I
thought sure he was going to choke to
death. We bad to pull the phlegm out
of his mouth in great long stringers. I am
positive that if I had not got that bottle
of cough medicine, !my boy would not '-e
on earth today. Joel Demont, Inwood,
owa. For sale by G. A. Harding.
Grove's Tasteless Chill Tome
bottle b a Ten Cent, package of Grove's
mini will JilLiij MI"iii'Nly'S,WJ.MB;W-''lff' ''"1,J!,!'gf
The distemper is going the rounds
among the work horses in this section.
The piling-camp rolled about 150 75
foot sticks yesterday Into the river. It
is their first drive.
Graves and Dodge are building four
houses in their new shingle quarters on
the W. 0. Vauehan place. They will
move their new machinery today, as
they have the engine there.
R. A. and Orin Wright are building a
telephone line from their dwellings.
They will receive their instruments from
Chicago in a few days, and it will not
be long before there will be a phoue to
ali the country homes.
E. Austen is running his new planer
full blast, snd the price of lumber goes
up the first day of January, ' 1903. So
Rumor cava.
Next week will answer your questions
Dollie. '
W. 0. Vaugban is building a mile of
new fence.
Roy and Alvin Simmons, of Parkers-
ville, are visiting at the home of their
uncle, W. Simmons.
William McCraw, of Oak; Grove,
called on S Wright last Tuesday eve
Cupid is busy at work. Boys, .get
your cans together.
Robs Eaton was out from Oregon City
this week on business.
The home of Mr and Mrs H L Barnes
was a scene of merriment aims aay.
The guests were Mr DeHaven, of Bridal
Veil; Mrs E Patterson and son, of
Portland; and Miss Addie Christensou.
MrsLE Wright and Prof B Coates
took Xmas dinner with Mr and l.rra J
Rev T Wiles and family took Xmas
dinner with MraE Austin.
Miss Nellie Bogue is visiting Miss E
Christmas was well celebrated at the
home of W Simmons. The house was
beautifully decorated with cedar and
flags, and he well-filled Christmas tree
was ft rest for the eye to gaze upon. At
10 o'clock the gifts were die trlbuted and
at 2 a table that fairly groaned under its
load was the next attraction. Those
who took dinner with them were Levi
Stehman and wife, Wm Skeen, wife and
children, D Skeen and wife, S Wright
and wife, Arthur Zweietel and Pierce
As Needy hasn't had any news I will
write a few items.
Frank Spagle returned to his school
Sunday after spending a week at home
Mary Spagle is home visiting her
The Women of Woodcraft Circle vis-
ited their neighbor lodge at Woodburn
Thesday evening.
The Woodmen of the World are to
have an entertainment on the 8ih of
Mrs. L. R. Noblitt and daughters, ac
C)mpanied by Miss Gertie O'Connor,
visited Mrs. Mohr Friday.
The school will give a basket social on
Walt Noblitt is hauling lumber to
We hear that Mr. and Mrs. Gib Per
due are going to leave us and are to en
gage in buBinebo at Hubbard .
C. Molson purchased the bell for the
Evergreen school last week. Eva.
The mask ball which wsb billed for
New Year's Eve was indefinitely post
poned, J. M. Sperl, of Oregon City, Bpent
New Year's visiting among old time
friends of this place.
Our school has resumed its old time
spirit since the smallpox scare is over
Henry Gortler, of Portland, spent New
Year's Eve and watched the old year
out and the new year in.
Will Heinz, formerly ot this place, but
now of of other perts, visited hit sister,
Mrs. A. H. Reynolds, who is very ill,
one day last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Myers our home
missionaries, have moved to Oregon
City to reside.
Rural Dell.
J. A. Beede went to Oregon City Mon
dayr C. Hardesty is preparing to lay the
foundation for bis new house.
Moshberger Bros, are doing a big
business with their new chop mill.
Isaac Williams will go to Oregon City
to accept a positon soon.
The people in this part of the coun
ty are very ranch interested in the new
I electric railroad.
over One end a Half Mffljori
No Cure. NO PaV, 50C
Black Root. Uver Pills.
Fred Roth bat returned to Oorvallia, 1
where he is attending school.
George Beatty has moved his house
hold goods to California, where the fam
ily will make their home for awhile.
Mrs. Beattie is not any better. ; ;
Canby is all wired up for electric lights
but it seems they are having some trouble
at Aurora, where they are putting in a
water wheel to supply the cur.ent.
The new council met in 'regular ses
sion last Mondjy quite a lot of business
was transacted. A commit tee was ap
pointed to draw up an ordinance to sur
vey grade and gravel our main business
street. They also ordered 50 new chairs
for the new city hall. O. R., Mack was
elected street commissioner: John Gra
ham, chief of Police and William
Knight, recorder.
Johu Shepard's woodshed was burned
to the ground last week and his resi
dence badly scorched by the flames.
Scott Carter made a trip to Oregon
City a few days ago.
The few who were bo fortunate as to
get wheat sown are delighted to see their
crops looking so well.
O. S. Boyles was in Oregon City the
last of the week.
Hood Fiew.
The following who spent their vaca
tion at home have returned to their re
spective Bchools: Wit! Barber, State
University ; John and Elian Brobst, Pa
cific University ; Sherman Seely, New-
berg College.
George Parmen, who has been visit
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bar
ber, has returned to Salum, where he is
attending the Willameite University.
Miss Ellen Brobst waa pleasantly sur
prised at her home Fiiday evening by
about 40 of her friends. Music and
games were indulged in, and light re
freshments were served. A very pleas
ant evening was passed by those pres
Miss Mary Murray, who has been
spending the holidays at home, returned
to Portland Saturday morning.
, Stafford.
Mrs. Winnie Watkius, of Los An
geles, Cal., is spending a few days with
her aunt, Mrs. M. A. Gage,
Ferd Schmitke aad sister, Mrs. Rbut-
ter .have returned from their holiday
trip over into Washington.
Roads are exceptionally good for this
season of the year.
Mrs. E. A. Moses was buried here on
fie 3rd "met. The deceased arrived in
Oregon Christmas day 1872, and for
many years rasided in Ftoi Pond, then
in Portland on the heights overlooking
the town. On Jaauary 2nd, her Spirit
pissed down to the river where the two
world's meet. A husband and dadgh
ter survive her beside many relatives
in Michigan.
Mrs. M. A. Gage will be borne from
the metropolis some time next week.
Mrs. Louisa Reutter is confined to her
John Turner is expected home from
the hospital .in a few days. Mr. Turner
had the misfortune to drive a nail into
his knee and blood poieon was the result.
Mr. Marcus Baker is wrestling with
a case of sore eyes.
It is reported that Capt. H. E. Hayes
has smallpox and is quarantined at his
daughter's home at Clackamas.
Courier Subscribers
ing In.
Still Com-
Notwithstanding the fact that we have ,
just closed a very successful guessing
contest, more than a score of people
have been in to see us and subscribed
for the Courier since January first. We
hope that our good friends will keep the
ball rolling, and we promise to give
them the best paper Clackamas county
ever had. If you are not now a sub
scriber and don't want to take the paper
for a whole year, send us your subscrip
tion for 'wo months at 25 cents and get
all the county news as well as news from
the state capital during the session of
the legislature. Following is the list
who have paid up since January first:
William Kruger, Oregon City $1.50
8. J. Walker, " " l.flO
Fred Paynter " " 1.50
W. I. Rowan " " 150
W. 8. U'Ren " " ..... 1.50
E.G. Holt, Elkhorn, Ore 1.50
Owen Hulett, Willinmstown, Ky . . . 1.50
Jonas Nicholas, Hamilton, Ore..,. 1.50
William Deen, Kelso 1.50
II. S. Grettin , Bpringwater 1 50
John DeXieo, Stafford 150
J. M. Djwty, Currinsville .75
II. W. Shaw, Union Mills 1.50
John Aden, Stafford.,.. . 1.50'
Mrs. Chas. Senn, Withee, Neb. ... 1.50
James Feges, Bull Run. ... ; 1.50
For a ba 1 taste in the mouth take a
few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tabletc Plica 25 cents. War
ranted to cure. For sale by G. A. Harding.
Buried Here Sutulay.
T. W. Fouts received a message from
The Dalles Friday morning stating ttut
his brother, Charles Fouts, had dropped
dead during the day, from an attack of
heart trouble. Mr. Fouts was a former
citizen of Oregon City, having lived
here a gool many years ; ago, He was
53 years old, married, and leaves a wife
and three children, all grown. His re
mains were shipped to this city for
burial Sunday and were taken charge of
at the depot by Undertaker R. L.
Holman. ; In the afternoon the fune ral
obsequies were held at the Episcopal
church in this city after which the re
mains were laid to rest. ,
Mail Contract to Let.
The mail route from Oregon City to
Mulinovia Beaver Creek, every other
day. Inquire at barn rear of Commer
cial Bank, .r D. H. Looney, Union
Ladies' wrappers, $1
and up at the
Racket store.
"Some time go my daughter caught a
Bevere cold. She complained of pains in
her chest and had a bad cough. I gave
her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ac
cording to directions and in two days
was well and able to go to school . I
have used this reined,)' in ray family for
the past seven years and have never
known it to fail," says James Prender
gast, merchant, Annato Bay, Jamaica,
West India Islands. The pains in the
chest indicated an approaching attack
of pneumonia, which waB undoubtedly
warded off by . Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. It counteracts any tendency
of a cold toward pneumonia. Sold by
G. A. Harding.
Positively selling at uortat the Racket
iy ANTED to increase mv list of farms
and lands for sale, in all parte of the
county. Lands owned by non-residents
represented and sold. H, E. Cross, At
torney at Law.
you at 6 per cent and 7 per cent on
land or chattels ; also A good farms for
sale worth $5000 each. $600 of city
money on approved security. John W,
Lodeb, Attorney-at-Law, Oregon City,
The Dentist: Beatie and Beatie are
the dentists in the Weinhanl building.
Their rooms are numbers 16, 17, 18.
Send COc to Alert Tozier, Portland,
Ore., for printed list and addresses of
5000 Clackamas county voters. Oregon
City list 10 cents; Aurora, Canby, Bar
low, Oswego, 5 cts ; others 2 cents, tf
gSTRAY NOTICE-Found on my f irm
miles west of Clackamas station in
Clackamas county one-and-a-half year
old heifer, red with red and white face.
Took the calf up about the 10th of No
vember. Owner can have same by
proving property and paying cost of pub
lication and keep. Joseph Webber,
Clackamas, Or.
I HAVE received from Eastern Oregon
45 head of horses and want pasture
for same. Will pay $1 per month cash
in advance. A. D. Guylup, Oregon
Too much housework wrecks wo-1
men's nerves. And the constant
care of ohlldren, day and nigbt, is
often too trying for even a strong i
woman. A haggard face tells the
f tory of the overworked housewife
and mother. Deranged menses,
leucorrheca and falling of the
womb result from overwork.
Every housewife needs a remedy
to regulate her menses and to
keep her sensitive female organs i
In perfect condition.
la doing this for thousands of I
American women to-day. It cured
Mrs. Jones and that Is why she
write i this frank letter :
Glendeane, Ky., Feb. 10, 1901,
I am so glad that yonr Wine of Cardul
Is helping me. I am feeling better than
I have felt for years. I am-doing my j
own work without any help, end I 1
washed last week and waa not one bit
tired. That shows that the Wine is
doing me good. I am getting fleshier
than I ever waa b-fore, and sleep good
and eat hearty. Before I began takinif
Wine of Cardul, I used to bare to lay
down five or six times every day, but
nowldo not think of lylngdown through
the day. Miu. IIiciubd Jouta.
11.00 AT imt'fiGlST.
Tor sarlce sn4 Ulirrsltir, tiMrrw, pvln syn-fi.
ttftnt. "1 he la'tW Aiivuorj' llp,artment ", 'l lur
CbslUDOctfa lUdiuloe Co., CIiaiuuuok, Ttnn
The woman who reads this will under
stand to the full what Mrs. Tipton meant
when she says: "I am enjoying good?
neaitn." it taxes
a person whp-has
been made
wretched by sick-
ness to under- i
stand the joy
01 '..--VS
There are very
many women who
suiter as did Airs.
Tipton.who might
be cured as she
was by the use of
Dr. Pierce's Fa
vor i t e Prescrip
tion. It estab
lishes regularity,
ones tne drains If, vftZrA
which weakens ', : .yiXSi-
women, heals in- -i-arnarnje
fiammation and ulceration, and cures
female weakness. It makes weak women i
strong, sick women well.
"It is with pleasure I recommeud Dr. Pierce's '
medicine," writes Mrs. Nora TiDtott, of Cropper
(Cropper Station), Shelby Co., Kentucky. " You-
remember my case was one of female weakness i
and wenk luiitrs. I had no appetite and would
tppetite and would
otten spit bloocl ; was confined to mv bed almost
1 spit bloocl : was confined to mv bed almost i
half of the time and could hardly stand on uw 1 1
feet at times for the trains tliror.ch niv whole
body and system. My husband had to pay large. -doctor
bills for me, but since I have taken four' '
bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovr
ery, four of 'Favorite prescription1 and threei
vials of 'Pleasant Pellets' we haven't paid any
more doctor bills. It had been seven months-..,
siuce I stopped using Dr. Pierce's medicines anoV s
I have been enjoying; pood hentth alt the time.
I can never praise these medicines too highly
for I have received so much benefit. I pray" that "
many who suffer as I did will take Dr. Pierce's,
medicines. I am sure they will never fail to-,
cure when (riven a fair trial. Everybody tells
me I look better than they ever saw me. I am
sure I feel better than 1 ever did before."
"Favorite Prescription " has the testi
mony of thousands of women to its corn
plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not
accept an unknown and unproved sub- .
stitute in its place.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are ac .
ladies' laxative. No other medicine
equals them for gentleness and thorough- '
Notice of Final Settlement.
Notice is hereby Riven that the uwier.iiiriied "
esutnrof the will of Leonard Hsliu, deceased,
has filed his final account with tlin eounly coiw fj
of Clflekiimtts county an 1 state of Ore;on, and -that
the Hon. T. F. Ryan, ,tudg of said court h
set Monday, the 2d dny of Fobrairy, 190H, at th--hourof
ten o'clook a. m., of salil day, as th-
time far huarliiK said report and obji-ctioiu there
to, if any there be.
Executor of the will of Leonard Hoinz, deceasetlf
Hepartmeiit office Interior, United Slate Ijnil
OIBce, Oregon City Oimmi KovemborHth mai.
A sufficient comoi itflldnvlt having been fl(J .
In this cfllce bj August IS. Spci llnar, contestant
against homBtead entry No. la 60 made Oct Mv .
I'.Kiu for wX of vi Section 17, Township 2 ,. ...
Range 7 e, by William H. Uaher contestoe, in. .
which it Is alleged that Contestant ''know Ui
pment condition of the same; also that sld '
entryman has wholly abandoned salt! claim And:
that he has never resided upon or eultlTatrd -or
Improved the tame in any mannsr
whatever since making entry thereof or
t all nor has anyone acting for lilm and that s& Re
alleged absence rrom the said land wos not ao
to his employment in the army, Kavy or Marine.
Corps of the United Slates as private soldier,,
officer seaman, or marine, during tin was with -Spain
or during any other war n which th
United States may be engaged;" said parties at
hereby noticed to appear, respond and offer
evidence touching ntd allegations at 10 o'clock ..
a. m. on March 20, 1M. before the Register inti
Reoelver at the United States Lund Otlioe in Ore
gon Ciy Oregon.
The said contestant having, In a proper affidavit
filed November 18, 11102, sot forth facts which.,
show that after dllllge jce personal service of thin
notloe can not be made, It was ordered and '
directed that nich notice be given by due anC
proper publication.
Geo. W. Bibkk,
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned h
been appointed by the County Court of Clack
amas County, Oregon, administrator of the estulo -of
Nancy Jane Beatie, deceased. All person
having claims against nld estate or the deooawA
are required to present them, with proper voucher
and duly verified, vi'l hln six mnutlu from the
fmbl'catlon of this notice, to the urdersigne ft I"
its offlcei n the V.'e nl'tj-d bcU'tig Gietou tj, ,
CS'll i t
.1 SK f1! I. HEDGES,
Administrator of the estate of
M micy j aiie ueai le, Qtwcawn.
Dated January 9th, l!KB.
ueagea s uriimii,
TORS. Notice Is hereby given that Hie undersigned
haa been duly ap olntcd by the County Court
of Clackamas County, iregnn, exooutrlx of the-.-last
will of William It. Bnghy, late of said Comity.
All persons having rlalms ignlnst the estate of
said deceased, are notlfiel to tile such claims,
with Hie proper vouchers and duly veilflud ao
cordlng to law with my attorney, C. H. Dye,.
Corner Oth A Main bt., Oregon City, Oregon ,.
within six months from date nlthis nutire.
Dated at Oregon City, Oregon, December lfllb.
Ktocutrii as afore said.
United Htuti'i hand Olllce,
Ori-gon City, fir., iJacviiiher lath, 1MB.
A Riidtoii'iit content allicliirlt having been liieiU
111 this otllee by Peter Orimntzkl, eonlestunt
agalnat Homestead Entry No, I'JulH, made Decern.
Iwr lad, 1HII0, for sw of avU section 2. town
ship 1 south, range 4 east by Jam 's Myl es, con- -U-tce,
Mil which It Is alleged thai contestant .
knows the present Condition of the ume;also that
said 'James Mylea has wholly abandoned said
claim for the past two yours; thut hp has Dot Im
proved the same as required by law. nor had any
one make any improveinnats thereon tor him: tlia t
to my best knowlodgeauil belief said jMiieaMvlos
never resided or settled upon said rial m at all
(ami that salJ alleged abseuoe from the said land,
was not due to his employment In the Aruij,.
Navy or Marine Corps of the tlnld States as a,,
private soldier, officer, seaman or marine during
the war with Spain, or during any oilier war In -.
which the I'nilml BtHtes may he engagi dl.
Haid parties are hereby notified tn nppear, re-
spond and offer evidence touching i.iM allegation
at in o ctoca a. m. on March Jilu, i'V belore llio -Register
and Receiver at tho United State Land.
Otlioe in Oregon City, Oregon,.
The said contestant having, la a proper ft
davit, tiled liecomber 16th, I'M, sot forth facts,
which show that aftcrdue diligence porsoual ser
vice of this notice can not be made, was ordered
and directed that such notice be given by due and-,
proper publication.
Oko. W. Bibeb, Receiver.
JW sell the greatest of blood purifier
Acker'a Itloud Kllxlr, undnr a positive guiw
mi lee. It tvlll cuie all chronic and other bluml
pillions. If yon have eruptions or sores on your
body, or are pule, weak or run down, it is lust
what you need, we ivrond money If vou are noti
Satisliod; f0c and 1. 11. well it Joliei, (irUKK'l-'t
If you desire a good emnplnxion m-
HiisI 1s. a pine licii, diii.k. It acts on it
liver and liinkes thcRltio Kmooth and olear. Cnre
nil k heiiilntlcM; 'J.J0 and 'cc. Min-y refunded i '.
It dos not suliify y.iu. Write to W. H llook-i Jtr
Co., liullu!'), N V , for free surupli-, 01 il'livcli
Jones, drugg-Uu