)' OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, i63. 5 VALUES and BARGAINS FOR EVERYBODY Our Great Clearance Sale Draws the crowd. Unparalled price-cutting in every department. The Balance of Capes and Jackets at Half Price ' SEALETTE AND At 97c, $1.15, 2.25, $1.50, gi.85, $1.95, PLUSH CAPES !2,25' -65, 52.85, $3.15, 2S4.25.-and o " 7 T $12.50 and $15.00 quality, closing at 5.5 and $7.65. The greatest values and bargains in plush and sealette capes ever offered by any house in America, wholesale or retail. SEE US TODAY ON DRESS GOODS McAllen & McDonnell THIRD AND MORRISON STS. PORTLAND, OREGON I LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ooaeosoooooeoaoooQeoooooo Mr. Seol, the painter, is absent at San Francisco. Jesse George, the restaurant man, is absent in Washington. White Wyandottes for sale, good stock. Write box 348, Oregon City. Peck's Bad Boy will be at Shively's opera house, January 10th, Saturday nighc. Mrs. George Kidder, of Mt. Pleasant, became the mother of a nine-pound boy on December 27th. Mrs. S. S. Mohler returned on Sun day from a visit to her uncle and his family at Vancouver, Wash, Pretty home; all conveniences; 12 acres ; 1 mile West Side car line, Oregon City. Apply Dr. Freeman . Gil more Bros., the chicken farmers of Mt. Pleasant, hare imported a thorough bred Minorca rooster from New York at a cost of $14. The bird ia as white as enow if you don't count hia head and of model proportions. , James Parrish, of Highland,, was united in marriage on January 1 to Mrs. Mary Walton, of Elyville. The marriage was at the home of the bride. Rev. J. H. Beaven performed the ceremony. Spoons and Forks in these fancy pieces, and can be supplied at any time.- If you wish iable silver Including Carving Sets and all sizes of Knives, Forks and Spoons in one pattern' purchase the "1847 Rogers Bros." ware "Silver Plate that Wears." Start with a few pieces, add others at your convenience, and you will be surprised how easily and quickly your table will be supplied with all the necessary articles in the best grade of silver plate made. We carry a large assortment of these ware in stock, also Tea Sets, Baking Dishes, Butter Dishes, Fruit Baskets, Cake Baskets, Etc Let us sho h you the latest patterns. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers. Suspension Bridge Corner Saturday night Peck's Bad Boy will beat Shively's opera house. Remem ber the date, January 10th, Saturday night. The Conrier will have a little some thing to say next week in regard to the manner in which the sheriff's office is conducted, and will . compare the ex penses of running the office under the present rageme with the "old Demo cratic style." The Junior Christian Endeavor will hold a social session at the Baptist church this evening at 7 :30 o'clock. A delightful programme will be rendered and a silver offering taken. The pro gramme is entirely under the control of the Juniors. Mr. and Mrs. J. Knowland returned on Saturday laBt to their old home in California. Business affairB in that state compelled Mr. Knowland to drop his lucrative patronage here in the tai loring trade. The friends he formed in the brief breathing spell between long hours of unremitting work will ever re member him. The sermons at the Congregational church next Sunday morning and even ing will be in line with the week of prayer services. The theme at 10:30 a. m. will be "The Father's Constant Readiness to Hear and Answer." In addition to the usual musical numbers, Charles Bluhm will sing Brackett'a "Around The Great White Throne." w A 847 ROGERS BROS: If yon have an item of news that the general public ie interested in. whether it be of a personal, local, religious or sensational nature, we will feel deeply grateful if you will hand it into this of fice for publication. We are here to print all the news all the time, and it is only by the help of our friends that we will be able to do so. At St. Paul's Episcopal church, the Rev. P. K. Hammond, rector, services willbexheld next Sunday as follows: Holv Communion at 8 a.m.; Sunday school at 10;' morning prayer at 11; evening at 5 p. m. At the morning ser vice at 11 the subject of the sermon will be "The Star of the Epiphany," and at 5 o'clock "The Sons of January. Miss Mary Conyers will sing an offertory solo at this service. . The annual meeting of the- Ladies Aid Society of the Congregational church was held on Wednesday afternoon of this week. Mrs. E. S. Bollinger enter tained the society, and the church par lors were appropriately decorated for the xicasion. The society had a success ful year, and begins the new year with an accession of ten new members. More aggressive work in all places, where aid is needed, is being planned. Mesdames M. A. Thomns, C. O. Albright and F. F. White were appointed a committee to arrange for a social meeting of the so ciety in the church on the thirl Wednes day afternoon of January. The officers elected are : Mrs. J. M. Mark, presi dent; Mrs. M. A. Stevens, secretary; Mrs. O. H. Caufleld, treasurer. Smith's Dandruff Pomade stops itching scalp upon application, three to six removes a aanurun ana will stop falling hair. Price 50c, at all druggists. The Secret of Long Life. Consists in. keeping all the main or gans of the body in healthy, regular ac tion, and in quickly destroying deadly disease terms.' Electric Bitters regu late stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood, and give a splendid appttlte. They work wonders in curing kidney troubles, female complaints, nervous diseases, constipation, dyspepsia and malaria. Vigorous health and strength always follow their use. Only 50 cents, guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding, drug Kist. ' A Cure for Lumbago. W. C. WHHamson, of Amherst, Va., sayB: "For more than a year I suffered from lumbago. I finally tried Cham berlain's Pain Balm aud it gave me en tire relief, which all other remedies had failed to do. Sold by Geo. A. Harding. Administration of the Judi cial Function. Mankind Is Honored by a Just Judge. Wisdom of Tempering Justice With Mercy Statesmen Who by Their Works Have Raised Enduring Mon uments to Themselves Why the Name of Jefferson Should Be Per petuatedNaming Children For Liv ing Men. Copyright, 1902, by Champ Clark. A just judge is an honor to the hu man race. An unjust judge Is a scourge to his kind. Of ull the Englishmen that ever lived with whose names history concerns herself Jeffreys, the wicked and brutal judge, is the most thorough ly detested. Justice tempered with mercy Is the Ideal administration of the judicial function. It appeals to the heart. Judge Rogers of the United States court for the western district of Ar kansas served In congress many years, where he built up a splendid reputa tion as a Btutessmau, putriot and fili buster. Indeed, he fuirly rivaled "Buck" Kllgore of Texas in fertility of resources and in audacity of execution when it cnnie to harassing Speaker Thomas Braekett Keed with filibuster lug tactics. It Is rather a striking co incidence that those two brilliant and dashing parliamentary guerrilla chief tains should graduate out of congress on to the federal bench, but such Is the truth of history. His honor Constan tino Buckley Kllgore Is In his grave. Let us hope ttiat "after life's fitful fe ver he Bleeps well." Judge Rogers has not only had a flourishing city named for him an everlasting monu mentbut, In prize ring parlance, he appears to be In "the pink of condi tion," both mentally and physically. Humane Act of a Judge. Not long since while lecturing at the Fort Smith Chautauqua I noticed In a local paper the following anecdote, which deserves the widest circulation: "Yesterday Judge Rogers added an other act to the register of his human ity, and, while such things with him are common, his last concession has ex cited more than ordinary favorable comment. "While holding court In Texarkana he sentenced Ike Williams to the jail here for 60 days and imposed a fine of $100. Yesterday Colonel Du Val was handed a letter received by Williams from his brother saytng that one of Ike's little ones was at the point of death. Colonel Du Val brought the matter to the attention of Judge Rog ers, who held a short consultation with District Attorney Barnes, after which Williams was released unconditionally that he might go to the bed of his sick child. " 'It was an act of humanity for which Judge Rogers deserves great credit,' was the c6mment of Colonel Du Val as he related the story." One of the most pleasant recollec tions of my long career as a prosecut ing officer is that while I convicted 76 persons of felonies and nearly a thou sand of misdemeanors I let off with a fine or jail sentence 20 young men charged with their first offense whom I could have sent to the penitentiary. Twenty-five of them are useful citi zens. The twenty-sixth waa Incorrigi ble, and my successor In office sent him to state prison. Enduring Monuments to Statesmen. One of the finest and best known poems of Horace begins with the fa mous line Exegl monunientum lert pennnius, which being freely translated means, "I have reared for myself a monument more lasting than brass." His proud boast was true. He rendered his name Immortal. Marble and bronze will perish at last. The most enduring mon ument a man can have In this country perhaps Is to have a county or city or town named for him. Men may come and men may go, but these go on for ever, as a rule Increasing In Importance with the lapse of years. We are much given to fixing the names of popular favorites upon counties, towns, town: ships and schoolhouses. Only one American worthy, Washington, has a state named for him. There was once an ephemeral state of Franklin where Tennessee now Is. Unless It Is literally true that republics are ungrateful, the state which Is to be made one day out of the Indian Territory will be called Jefferson, lie certainly deserves such a monument, and this Is the last chance to give It to him, as the Indian Terri tory Is the only remnant of the magnifi cent domain which he added to the Union and which made us a veritable world power.- The poet says of Jef ferson and the Louisiana territory: His name' la written on the mountain; Ull memory sparkles o'er the fountain. The meanest rill, the mightiest liver, . Holla mingling with hit (am forever. That is poetic license. The Idea should be realized by naming a great state for him, the only redheaded pres ident we ever had. Old John Adams spoke the simple truth of Jefferson when be said, "He Is cunning with his pen." That was, however, only half the truth, for we may truly say of him what Frederick the Great said of bis Il lustrious ancestor, the great elector, "This man did great things." Roscoe Collating In nominating General Grant at Chicago for a third term voiced the same idea when he said of him, "Ills I fame rests not alone upon thing writ ; ten and upon things spoken, but upon the arduous greatness of things done." , That sentence likewise may be applied , to Jefferson without exaggeration or , bed taste. But I did not start out to write an Continued on Page 8 I Most Druggists gap: . . "Prescriptions carefully compounded" Maybe they are Q careful. We hope so But when vou take vour Prescrintinn! to Howell & Jones drug store I carefully and accurately compounded by Prescription Specialists Ours is not a department store, but a modern prescription drug store, We make a specialty of this work because we thoroughly understand it and have fitted our store especially for the compounding of prescriptions. 4 Doctors appreciate the accuracy and care witn which we compound their prescriptions and that accounts for our large trade. . HOWELL PRESCRIPTION Chambers Howell The Superintendent of public in struction annonces that the next eighth grade examination for the various counties of Oregon will be held January 28, 29 and 30, April 8, 9 and 10, . May 20, 21, and 22 and June 17, 18 and 19. Examinations for county papers will be held February It, 12 aud 13 and for state papers the same date. New Century Comfort. Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in Bucklin's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from burns, scalds, cuts, bruises; conquers ulcers and fever sores; cures eruptions, salt rheum, boilB and felons ; removes corns and warts. Best pile cure on earth. Only 35c at Geo. A. Harding's drug Btore. Land titles examined and abstracts made, I guarantee to defeat any tax title or tax deed in Clackamas county otherwise no charge made. Money loaned. G. B. Dimick, Lawyer, Oregon City, Or. Heads Should Never Ache. Never endure this trouble. Use . at once the remedy that stopped it for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie, Va., she writes "Dr. King's New Life Pills holly cured me of sick headaches. I bad suf fered from for two years, Cure bead ache, constipation, biliousness. 25c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. Finds Way to Llye Long. The startling announcement of a Dis covery that will surely lengthen life is made by Editor 0. H. Downey, of Ohu rubusco,' Ind. "I wish to state," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that I have ever known for coughs, colds and grip. It's invaluable to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread pneumonia or consumption. Its relief is instant and cure certain." Geo. A. Harding guarantees every 60c and 1,00 bottle, and give trial bottles free If Unwell, Try a 60c bottle of Herrine, notice the improvement speedily effected in your appetite, energy, strength aidviuor. Watch how it brightens the spirits, gives freedom from indigestion and debility 1 Isaac Story, Avo, Mo., writes, Sept. 10, 1900: "I was in bad health, I had stom ach trouble for 12 months, also dumb chilh. Dr. J. W. Mory prescribed Her rine, It cured me In two weeks. lean not recommend it too highly; it will do all you claim for it. Sold by Charman & Co., City Drug Store, Oregon City, Oregon. J. W. Normi, M. D. J. W. FOWM.L, M. D. flORRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. . Calls in city or country promptly attended Garde Building, Oregon City. I. BIAS DEALII II WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBY . OREGON S. J.VAUGHAN'S Livery Feed and Sale Stables JNearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON Choicest Meats AT R. PetZOldS Meat Marke 1 1 1 1 tilt Euetcnslon BrMgc Oregon City. t - ' j YOU ARE SURE they will be & JONES SPECIALISTS Linn E. Tones DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Sraduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American College of Dental Surgery, Chicago Garde- Blook OREGON CITY OREGON (J E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevena BniWing, opp.',Bank of Oregon City OBEGON C1TI OBEGON ROBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW O. D. EBY, NOTARY.PTJBLIO.' Real Estate bought and sold, money loaned titles examined ml abstracts made cash paid for oouuty warrants. Probate aud commissioners' court business aud insurance. BOOK 8, WKXNHARD BUU.DINQ OREGON CITY, .... OBEGON, QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front Court Boose Blook OREGON CITY OREGON a .Bcrubbil 4 W. 8. TJ'REN (JREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Dtutfdjer Slbtwlat Wiirpraotlce :ia all courts, make collections and aettleroonta of estates, furnish abstraots of jule, lend yon money and lend your money on Hrst mortgage. Office In Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OBJSGON C. D. & D. O. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW - Oommerolal, Real Estate and Probate Lair Specialties Offloe In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON COMMERCIAL BANK of OREUON CITY capital (100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts bills bnys and sells domestic and foreign exchange, and reoeircs; deposit! subject to check. Open from 5 a. m. to 4 p. m. D, C. LATOtmETTB, f r Mdent K. J. Mkyib Cashle (. N. GREENMAN THE PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established IMS) Prompt delivery to all parts of the olty OREGON CITY OREGON )R. GEO. IIOEYE DENTIST All workjwarranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty Caufleld Building OBKOON CITY OBEGON E. H. COOPER, N ota by Public. Real Estate and Insurance, Titles Exam lned, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Etc., Drawn. Garde Building, Oregon City, Ore. QRANT B. DIMJCK Attorney and Counbklor at Law Will practice In all Conrta In Ihe State, Circuit and Ulstrlct Conrta of the United states. Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Office In Garde Building, Oregon City, Or. OSTEOPATHY DR. C. D. LOVE OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Graduate of American Rchonl of Osteopathy, KlrkHvlllo. Mo. Successfully treats both unite and chronio dis eases. Call (or literature. Consultation and Examination Free. Office Hours: Or by appointment at any time. Rooms No. land 9, Stevens Building, M1I11 HI OKEOOH CITY, OBKOOX.