OREGON CITY COUBIER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 9, 1903. OOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCX50 g CORRESPONDENCE y0OO3O0000O0O0O0O0OOOO0O0O Molalla. I Tlit holidays so far have passed rather ijiiiKih at Molalla, On Christmas Eve lieiewac a lively dance at the hall. On Christmas night our people met to other m the school housa and had a i ejular i ld fashioned Christmas tree, : otor.lv one trat two of them. Old itnta ci.me down the chimney as he is 11 ualiy supposed to do. which excited ilie liit!o folks immensely. There were iiO vt-ry costly presents on the tree, yet Uie majority of the presents were useful i!nd the trees were nicely , ornamented and looked well, The person who put i he cross on the tree for F.F. Kayler hud a head for business for it certainly suited the person. The program was well rendered. Miss Mertie Cross gave t ao recitations, which were good . We veintmbr the title of only one, "Jeems Take Keer of Yourself," by James Wbitlcomb Eiley. W. 0. Vaughan and others are con teniDlatine starting a sawmill in the near future. Johnnie Stubbs and wife were here t o attend the dance and Christmas tree. P. M Boyles and family were ..called t ) Polk county recently on account of the Beriom illness of Mrs.'Boyles' father and brother. From Reports from Mr. Soyles the brother '' is Improving, but there seems to be no hope for the old gentlemen. Jfim 0. Dickey brought in a coyote to day, the first one for him this winter, Jim doesn't seem to heve much luck trapping for some things.but he is surely a dead shot on coyotes, The drive started from the piling camp yesterday, but they are making slow Headway. Dr. Prehn and two sons from Port land are here for a few days. The Molalla Maccabees are preparing for their public installation, which will be on or about the 24th of January There is talk of some real estate at 'Molalla changing hands in the rear fu ture.. If the trade is made pome new buildings will be added to our town. L. W. Bobbins is taking an invoice of his store this week. Dr. Eobbins, who is Bpending the holidays at home, will return to Port land in a few days. 0. I. Qipson's father, brother and sis tef arrived here last Saturday from Northwest Missouri, where they have been living for the past 15 years. Dec. 30. ' Frog l'ond. Henry Oldenstadt, an extensive horse raiser of Prosser, Wash., is spending the holidays with friends and relatives io this vicinity. Mr. 01 JenBtadt reports the range iu Yakima country is getting very short and that most horsemen are disposing of their herds on account of the land being fenced and used for agricultural purposes. "When the butter won' come put a ponny in the churn," is an old time dairy proverb. It often seems to work though no one has ever told why. When mothers are worried because the children do not cain strength and flesh we say give them Scott's Emul sion. , It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it. .Scott's Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oi with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs. Children take to it naturally because they like the tasle and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be-1 cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants. For all weak and pale and thin children Scott's Emulsion is the most satisfactory treatment. We will send you the penny, . e., a sample free. He mire that this picture in the form ut a label is on the wrapper oi every buttle of KinuUiou you buy. SCOTT & nOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., N. Y. joc ud f i.oo ; all dnigsiati. 3f mm 'V'..- I 1 IT.fK - -Tl Jhn D. Wendt, who is employed by J, L. Kruee on the farm, has gone to Portland to bav? a surgical operation performed by Dr. E. A, Sommer, of Oregon City. It is reported that Dock Aden will go in a few days for the same pujpose. " Arnold, youngest sen of S. Peters had the misfortune to fall and break his arm on Christmas day. He was taken to Oregon City and Drs. Powell & Nor- ris set the fractured bones.- ' The dance given by Tualatin Grange Saturday night was largely attended and every one reports having bad a good time. The net proceeds amounted to $27. ' " . Mr. and Mrs. Gentry, who have been visiting P.. A. Baker and family during the holidays, have returned to their home at Independence. JnbnTurner is seriously ill with blood poison. & lew days ago lie received a scratchon the knee from a rusty nail, and it is believed that his leg will have to be amputated. J. L, Kruee is putting up a new patent gate. " Mr. Farmer is going into the chicken industry in the spring. Albert.Turner is laying several thous and tiles this winter. Dec. 30. Chunky Fellow Meadow Brook. Mr. Gelahan and family, of Sauvies Island, Wash., have rented Charles Holman's place. Miss Hazel B. Cooper, of Oregon City , is visiting her parents during va cation. Mrs. Hendershott, the postmistress, is quite ill. Troy Kay, accompanied by Mrs Cooley and son, Elmer, and daughters, Olive and Alice, of Ostrander, WaBh., spent Xtnas with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mallett took Xmas din ner with Del Trullinger, of Union Mills. Mr. Guild left Monday for Washing ton. ' 0. T. Kay was in town Sunday and Monday. Orlando Orem has mved to Union Mills. Topsy. Marks Prairie. Plenty of rain and a small wind storm Friday last. The social dance at Mr. Platts' home was well attended and all had a fine time. George and Charles Oglet by visited his brother near Silverton ttie past week. Mr. Leech is rapidly convalescing from his recent illness. Our genial friend, Jacob Mark, has returned to Canyon City, where he hua a good lawpractic. John Abott Is working for Sam Mark at present. Several children of Marks district are attending the Meridian school this win ter.' MissHanna Peter has been spending a few days with her sisUr, Mrs. T. A. Campau. We learn that parties will soon com mence work clearing the drift wood out of Bock Creek, eo bb to run saw logs down to Aurora. The IooIb are not all dead yet it seems. Union Hall. Charlie Thomas has traded one of his buggieB ell to Mr. Pipka for a cow, but never mind, girls, Charlie still has one buggy left, so he is all right any way. Joseph I'erringer is clearing out a fence row. He is going to make some new fence. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Phelps ai.d dauuhttr, Mis. J. Webb, and children visited Tom Elanchaid and family one day last week. Alvin Phelps has bought a steam woodeaw. The engine is four-horte power. He intends to saw railroad ties with his caw thiB spring and summer. M re, Carolino Thomas and Eliza Burns cnlled on Grandma Hilton one day last week, Mrs. J. II . Burns was very Bick for a few days last week, but she has recov ered her health now. . Among one of the most enjoyable events of the stat-on was the Christmas dinner given by Mr, and Mrs. L. Riggs at their residence on Christmas day. The sumptuous dinner wsb beautifully arranged on a long table in the large dining rocui. At 1:30 dinner was an nounced by the host, L. Rigs, and all repaired to the dining room, where stood the table with every good thing to eat which could possibly tempt the nppeite of mankind. Alter dinner was served the guests afsemhled in the par lor where the time was pleasantly spent w!th music and conversation. Those present were L Riggs and wife, J.L. Thomas and wife, J. II, Bums and wife, Mrs, Nancy Burns; Misses Nancy Thomas, Eliza Bums, Ethel Thomas and Bertha Kiifs ; Meesrs. James Ad kins, Charlie Thomas, Joe and Roy Thomas and Lester Riggs. About 4 o'clock in the evening the guctts dis parted for thfir homes wishing Mr, and . . -T Mrs. Riggs many more such bappy ChriBtmas days, as the one just spent with them. I will have to make an apology for not sending in this item sooner, but it was impossible to do so, and I suppose it is better late than never. Backwoods. Shubel. 0. Bluhm and Miss Minnie Moehnke surprised their many friends on the day after Christmas by going over into Wash ington and getting married. They will make that stale their future home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hornshuh went to Salem to spend the holidays. Mrs. E. A. Cumins went to Eastern Oregon for a month or so to visit friends and relatives. Cumins & Co. did not run the mill during the holidays. Mr. Glover went to Portland to spend Christmas with his folks. Mrs. Bertha Bryant is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Gnnther. Mrs. M. Smith, of Eugene, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Bohlender Miss Carrie Shubel came home from Portland to spend the holidays. A num ber of the young folks gave her a pleas ant surprise party on Monday evening Mrs, E. W. Hornshuh went to Al bany to visit her mother for a tew weeks. William Moehnke will commence re building early in the spring. Some of the young men are in the habit of getting most gloriously full on, well, call it bitters, and then using language io the presence of ladies which ought to make the young men feel ashamed to be seen in public. Some of these days they will be called down hard. A word to the wise is sufficient. Itedland. Miss Maude Stone returned to Salem Saturday, after a two weeks' vacation. James Fullam finished laying plank one day last week, the attachment suit having been compromised. A. M. Kerchem arrived home before the holidays from a survey inspection work and has pub him up a wood shed on his place. We notice that the honorable secre tary of the interior is making a big splurdge about timber entry fiauds. The honorable gentleman is evidently strain ing at the gnat and swallowing the camel. If he would use bis influence to do away with the law whereby the N. P. R. R. and other corporations can select lien lands at will he would tlo something that would be of benefit to the people whom he pretends to favor in his new bill to congress Thanks, Mr. Editor, you have thrown good light on the cost of publishing de linquent tax list in your last issue. We are glad to report that D. H. Mosher is slowly improving. Our school marm, Miss Annie Hicin bothem, showed her smiling face to a few of her neighbors for for a few days' vacation. A. M. Kerchem Is doing some survey ing for several people in the adjoining community. Springwater. Springwater is rising phoenix like from her own ashes. The Livermoie Co. has put a shingle mill in Mr. Ridgeway's cedar timber with a capacity of 20,000 a day. There is a new engineer and head sawyer at the Shibley-Kundle sawmill, in the persons of A.F. Shibley and Jesse Lincoln. Rev. J. Hatch, pastor of the Spring water church, is putting forth a great effort to have his church rebuilt. Saturday will be installation of officers at the Grange, and several new candi dates will be initiated. William Bard and Charles, Bard have bjught the Palmer hind. There was a nice entertainment and Christmas tree at tLe Grange hall on Christmas Eve. The young people had a very enjoya ble time at the home of Charles Bard New Year's Eve, and bIbo at H.Cromer's on the 3rd, inst. Beaver. Creek . Rev R Jones, of Portland, formerly of Beavea Creek, preached at the Pres byterian church last Sunday. Mies Annie Parry was spending the holidays with her mother, and returned to Oregon City Friday. A party was given at the home of Gus Shubel on Monday evening of last week in honor of their daughter, Callie, who was home on a visit from Portland. A large crowd was present, and all reported a good time, but one of the young ladies ing the stormy night. Rev. Arnold, of was disappointed because the dog stole Ciackainas, opened the exercises with a one of tier rubbers, and she could not pr.iyer, and was followed by a Bhort. ad go. dress by Rev. Craig. The program con Christ Bluhm and Miss Minnie stated of receitations, dialogues, etc., Moehnke were married at Tacoma last ! interspersed by music, after which the ill make thfir fiitnm home. Krk ml H..rv Sh..nno -r i,nmo on account of hk'a water at O.eeon ! nilv linrn thev hava lipon wnrkino fi tl.ntt'Mt Side, where the new niin ; J being built. Mrs. Grace Smith, of Eugene, is visit ng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Boh ender. Henry Henrici's new blacksmith shop is finished and will be opened every F s day and Saturday. . . Orange Blossom, Eldorad). James Fish and Veva Jones were vis iting in Oanby Tuesday. Clyde Smith and Norman Howard are home from Lower Columbia. 8. W. Bany and sister, Annie, of Canby, were visiting V. and E. -Jones Sunday. . ; - Fred Wallace is is able to sit up now. Charles Holt is here on a visit from Ogle tCreek. George Albright left for Eastern Ore gon.J Oren Adkins is the proud father of a big son. Lost. Farkplace. At our school meeting on December 31, a 15 mill tax was voted. Harry Smith, our accommodating con ductor, has accepted a position on the neW road running out from Portland to wards Springwater, and he is moving his family down to Lents. Mrs. Gus Smith is going to Los An geles to stop with her daughter. She will leave Saturday morning. Mrs. Brayton was called to St. Johns on account of the illness of her daugh ter, Mrs. Blood. She relumed the same evening with the latter and her two lit tle daughters. Maple Lane. Yes, yes, Supervisor Gibbs is making roads that will go in history. Recently . one of our young men was out driving with his beBt girl and they were talking about the social events of the day, when they came to a piece of road that was just awful. Then they talked some about roads the advantages and dis advantages of plank road for bicycle riding. All they said will never be published, but they were talking at the rate of 280 words a minute, when they came to a piece of road that had just been completed. It is a little rough in spots yet, and the youug man said after ward that it was the greatest temptation he ever had to keep from slipping his arm around that dear girl's waist; but, then, she would not have objected. 0, God bless a man like Gibbs; his roads will go down in history like the pyra mids of Egypt, that have withstood the storms of over two thousand years, while the other roads will moulder and crumble into dust beneath the weight of years and cordwood. Mr. Shortledge has been quite under the weather for a nnmber of dayB. Mr. Allan is making marked improve ments on the Latourette farm such as new fences, gates, etc. He is a man of great energy, and is certain to make a success of any enterprise he undertakes. Mr. Richards made a flying trip to Portland Thursday. Mr. Ketchum, who recently purchased the Cramer property, is going into the small fruit business. The friends of Prof. E. M. Ward will be pleased to learn that he is toiling in the balmy breezes of the sunny south, having gone into the general farm busi ness at Lancaster, Cal. MrB. Dean, of Ely, spent one day last week with Mrs. Ketchum of this place. Mrs. Allan, of Dayton, Ore., is spend ing a few weeks with her son, Mr. Allan of this section. Wood hauling has been discontinued until next summer. ' H. Bethke, who recently sold his meat market to Mr. Pelsold, will continue to reside here. Everything is soft and mushy around the Gale place. Josi Bros, are doing a rushing busi ness, running two teams and employing quite a number of r.eu Mr. Gibbs has been plowing across the road for some time last, but has not succeeded in finishing yet School began last Monday, after a va cation of two-weeks, with a large attend ance, Miss Rowan at the helm. TheGiange hall is almost completed. Architect MauU and Assistant Beard are doing most of the work . They are perfect artists in their line, and the workmanship will be of the finest kind Well, that is all for this time, dear e litor. No. 791,193. Ely. The Sunday school Christmas exer cises were held on Tuesday evening this yetr, and were well attended consider- ciadv and nuts were distributed, The t'ee presented a very beautiful appear d children were all delight eJ h the 8ner0lIS bestowal oi candies 'and HUt8 After a general good time every one went home well satisfied and 1 filled with good cheer. Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney Trouble. . Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, dis courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kid neys are out of order or diseased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it Is not uncommon for a child to. be born afflicted with weak kid neys. If the child urin ates too often, if the urine scalds the flesh or if, when the child reaches an age when It should be able to control the passage, It is yet afflicted with bed-wetting, depend upon it, the cause of the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these Important organs. This unpleasant trouble Is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made mis erable with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immediate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, In fifty cent and one dollar sizes. You may have a sample bottle by mail tree, also pamphlet tell- Home of swamp-Root Ing all about it, Including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmet & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remem ber the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. We lova the music merry and clear, On Christmas Eve, the joy f of the yar. Mrs. Frost is 'quite poorly again. Her sister, Mrs. Deane,, is still with her and will remain until spring. The young people of this place are to give a social in the near future to raise funds toward a new church organ. No tice will be given later. We hope for a large attendance, as the object is a very worth one. A Resident. Continued on page J and 8. The Beet rreseilption for Malaria Ohills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's TnateloRs Chill Tonic. It is simulv iron and ouinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 50c. CASTOR I A lor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature TO CURE A COI.D IN ONE DAT Tnlra I.iiTftt.ivA Rrnmn Ouinine Tablets All druggists refund the money tf it tails o curer E. W. Grove's signature is on ach box. 25c. Rain and awcat nave no effect on harnesi treated with Eureka Har ness Oil. It re isu the damp, keeps the lea t w nft and nl able. Stitchea do not break, v No rough ur. lace to cnaio and cut. XI harnesi not only keeps looktnelik jew, out Sold everywhere in cans alt sizes. Made by i Standard Oil j. i Company Oregon City Second-Hand & Junk Store HIGHEST PHICES PAID FOR SECOND-HAND GOODS, HIDES. JUNK METALS OF ALL KINDS, ETC. All kinds of Farm Implements and Machinery. Second-Hand Ooods Bought and Sold RING PHONE 416 FOR JUNK. . Sogarman & Co. A Complete Line OF Fine Footwear For ladies, gentlemen and children you will find in our stylish and up-t -date stock. Our hands me and durable $3.50 shoe for men can't be equaled for wcai quality or style, and ou women's fine $3.00 shoes are the acme of comfoi and graceful outline. Our prices will suit. TTrniiccp T?rno -ft...!. IV .kJ?aJ?y JfJL UO'- v imp j w m mmm m THE MORNING TUB cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited ' capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason of defective plumbing or beating apparatus. lo have both put in thorough working order will not prove expensive if the-, work is done by - F. C. GADKE Wail Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper han you can buy it in rortjand, Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your . house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City and Union Pacific TO EAST THE The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice of THREE TRAINS BAI1L WO VIA THE OREGON SHORT LINE 8:00 a. m. 9:00 p. m. TO SALT 1 AKE, DEN jbll, OMAHA, CHICAGO and KANSAS OITY. ONE VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN 6:00 p. m. TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave I Portland every 5 Days lor SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for Wfllam ette and Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to Chinajand, Japan. Tor full Information call ortor addreas nearest 0. K. & N. Ticket Agent, or afldresa A. L. CEA1G, G,P. A., Portland, Oregon GO EAST VIA Only transcontinental line j passing directly throughgrl Salt Lake City,! Leattoille, Pneblo, ColcrzdorSpritQs i aEdBenver. Three splendidly epnipped trains daily to all points East. Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and Free Reclining Chair Cars. The most matniflcent scenery in America bv daylight. Stop overs allowed on' all classes of tickets. For clitapefifraiei and dcacriptlva literature atdress tnatti Bk ' J- D. MANSFIELD, I ' Jf3 0enralAgent4 24 Third Strtet, Pcrlpcd, Ciepon F0RTLAND-ANTORIA15 ROUTE fcte t STR. BAILEYILGATZERT Bg DallyjBound Trips, except Sunday TIME CARD J- Le are Portland... 1 A. M Leave Astoria Hv. M OPFGON THE DALLE-PORTLAND KlU ' SIRS. TAHOMA and jVFTLAKO Daily Trips Excep vtoft STR. TAHOi Leave Portland, Mon., Wed. and . Leave The Dulles, Tues , Tliurs. . STR. METLAKG Leave Portlarjil, Tues., 'lhura. and Sat. .. Leave Dalits, Mon., Wed. and Frt .' Landing, Foot Alder Street BOTH FHOKES, MAIN 851 PORTLAND, CIul' AGENTS A.J.Taylor Astoria, Ore J. V. Crichton The Dalles. Ore . A. K. Fuller Hood River, Ore . Wolford & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash. Henry Olmstead. Oarson, Wash. John T. Totten Stevenson, Wash. J. 0. Wvatt Vancouver, Wash. E. W. CRICHTOX, PORTLAND, ORE.