OREGON CITY COUBIER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1903. 8 A LAW SUIT BREWING. CLACKAMAS COUNTY ASK ED TO PAY FOR BACK CLERK JURE. John LueUing Seeks to Recove $1,440,00 Paid to Clerks During His Term of Office. The preliminary steps towards vigorous law suit against Clackamas county were taken on Monday mornin when A. LueUing, who was formerly th County Court Recorder of the county, through his attorneys, Hon. G. B. Dimick and L Story filed a statement in the commissioners court of the county asking that Mr. LueUing be paid the sum (1,440,00 being the amount paid out by him for clerk hire during his term ot office. It seems that Mr. LueUing was elect ed on the Populist ticket in 1896 and ssrved two years as recorder of county conveyance in the clerks office and that during that time be employed clerks and that while the county board of com missioners never made any allowances for their pay the same is a just claim on the county and may even at this late day have to be paid. Mr. LueUing was elected on a Populist plat form that among other things agreed that all clerk hire should be paid by the various county officials. As the question has been passed on by the Supreme court of the state and adverse ly to the county, it is not at all unlikely that the county will in the end have to pay this claim. The petition to the Board of County Coinm issioners reads as follows: Is Thk Commissioners Court oe thb Btatb op Oregon for the County op Clackamas. To the Honorable Bjardiof County Commissioners of Clackamas County, Oregon. Now at this time comes A. Luelling and petitions your honorable body as follows : That between the first Monday in July, 1896 and the first Monday in July, 1898, the petitioners was the duly elected, qualified acting recorder of conveyances for the said county and as recorder did duly perform all of the duties required of bim by the laws of the Btate of Ore gin. That during all of said time between the first Monday in July 1896 and the first Monday in July 1898, the volume of business in said office was so great, that it was necessary for the petitioners to employ a deputy recorder to assist in the transaction of said business. That on and after the first Monday in July, 1896, this petitioner as such re corder duly appointed his deputy as required by law and duly reported the said appointments to the county court as required by Section 11, of an act of the leelslature of Oreeen. entitled, an act to amend an act to change in part the compensation and mode of payment thereof to the county clerks, recorders of conveyances, etc (Page 83, laws of 1B95, section 11) and the said county court failed, netlected and refused to enter the said appointments upon its minutes, and to make an order fixing the amount to be paid to the said deputy recorder for the services performed by him, as required by the said section of the laws above referred to. That during all of said time between the first Monday in July, 1896 and the first Monday in July, 1898, the labors of a deputy were necessary in the per formance of the duties in said office of recorder of conveyances and that a deputy was employed, during all of said time In the performance of said duties and work. That the following named persons were duly appointed and rendered ser vices to Clackamas county as deputy recorder between the said dates as afore said, and during the incumbency of this petitioner in .said office, viz: Oliver Luelling from the first Monday m Juiy, 1896, to the first day of August, 1896; 0. A. LueUing from the first day of August, 1890, to the 31st day of March, 1898; 8. C. Priestly from the first day of April, 1898, to the first Monday in July, 1898. That the services of the said deputy recorder while so employed as abovi mentioned was and is reasonably worth, and were and are of the value of sixty dollars per month. That the said Olive Luelling, C. A. LueUing and S. O. Priestly, for value received have duly sold, assigned and transferred to this petitioner all of their rights, title and interest in and to the said claims and this petitioner is now the owner and holder thereof. That there is now due and owing from Clackamas county to this petitioner and claimant for said services for deputy re corder during said time the sum of $14 0 being 24 months at $60 per month. . G. B. Dimick, Geo. L. Story. Attorneys for Petitioner. THE FINISH. THE CO URIER F UMPKIN SEED CONTEST CAME TO AN END ON NEW YEAR'S DAY. Nearlv One Thousand Guesses Made and Three Hundred New Subscribers Gained. "The nicest and pleasantest medicine 1 have used for indigestion and constipa tion is Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets," says Melard F. Craig, of Middlegrove, N. Y., "They work like a charm and do not gripe or have any un pleasant effect." G. A. Harding. The Pumpkin Was Cut On New Years Afternoon and Prize Winners Announced Too Late for the current IS' sue of the Courier. A bulletin was posted at the door of the Courier office announcing the "winners. Next issue will contain the names of all the win ners, the number of seeds in the pump kin and aU other information in regard to the contest. The contest has been very successful as more than one thous and guesses were made and many new subscribers added to the Courier list. We go into th3 new year with the largest paid up circulation of any paper published in the county by many hun dreds . We are -under many obligations to one and all for their help and good will and. will attempt during the new vear and the years to come to desire the good things which have been Baid about us and the interest tnegooa people oi Oreeon City and Clackamas county taken in us and the Courier. The following is a full list of those who have naid durine the past week about one half nf whom are new subscribers. The amount set opposite their names indl nates the amount they have paid : A. B. Moore, Oregon City $1 50 James H. Kitcbing, Oregon City. 1 50 Frank Bullard, Ely.-... 150 R. E. Roberts, Oregon City 1 50 A.J. Walker, Mayville 1 50 Mat Justin, Oregon City , E. M. Waldron " G. Chute " " J- W. McKay " " Samuel Marrs " Mrs. K.L.Newtoni" " Judge T.F.Ryan" " H. Saulsbury " D. W.Kinnaird " " Mrs.F.O. Burk " " JudgeW.Galloway" " Hon. G.B.Dimick" " J, A. Buck " " P.J. Winkle " " A. Berry " " ..... F. A. Sleight " O. W. Eastham " M. P. Chapman " " A. Holden ' " " Fred vVourms " " Heinz & Co " 1 50 : H.E. Straight " " .......... 1 50 Phillip Boos " " 1 50 B. Madeson, Highland 1 50 B. O. Saver, Logan 1 50 G.D. Mitchell, Temple, Texas.... 1 50 H. Cromer, Springwater 1 50 E. N. FoBter, Needy 1 50 OarlReuck, Barlow 1 50 G. N. Sanger, Gresham 1 50 L.D. Jones, Clackamas... 1 50 T. L. Dibble, Molalla 1 50 James A. Lynn. Currlnsville..... 1 50 Cnarles Pembroke, Canby 1 50 John Robblns " 1 60 August Funk, Yiola .' 1 60 E. C. Stewart, Carus 150 Dan Watts, Stone 1 50 W. E. Mum power, Stone 1 50 L. D. Mumpower " 1 50 William Thompson, Needy. 1 60 George F. Ball, Molalla 1 60 S. L. Dart " 1 50 Barney H. Helvey, Mulino 1 50 J. W. Jones, Colfax, Wash '. 1 50 Harrison ABqasley, Williamstown, Ky 1 50 Charles Thompson, Staff ordr..... 1 50 H. L. Button, Garrard. Kansas.. 150 Mrs. C. A. Locey, Clackamas 1 50 V. Bohlander, Beaver Creek....... 1 50 Frank Marrs, Meade, Kansas 1 60 V.Luellen, Union Mills 1 50 John Erickson, New Era 1 50 Chris Bluhm, Shubel 1 50 Sohn Watchman, Hubbard 1 50 J. Green, Aberdeen, Wash 1 50 Robert J. De vine, Eagle Creek.... 1 50 E. F. Capps, Wickenburg, Arizona 1 50 0. Roth, Needy , 1 50 FredG. Struve, Arlington 1 50 John Wolf, Beaver Creek.. 1 60 F. Kollemier, Stafford 1 50 Frank Muller, Shubel' 1 50 W.D. Hell, Shubel 1 50 E. D. Leichweis. .Woodburn 1 50 Sam R. Taylor ' 1 50 J. Lane, Yakima t 50 0. F. Vonderahe, Ely... 1 50 TD1E KEUD f KflDNT Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon X. L. N. T Soap, 8 bars 25c Cudahy Extract Beef 40c 1 Quart Bottle Maple Syrup. . . . 30c Force, 2 packages , 25c Bluing, per bottle 5 c Rex Rye, 3 cans 25c Economy Cream, 3 cans. 25c 3 Pounds Washing Powder .... 15c 7Y2 -" Wheat Flakes 25c THE RED FRONT GEO. T. HOWARD, Prof). JANUARY WEATHER. DATA COMPILED FOR PAST THIR1Y ONE YEARS. Smith's Dandruff Pomade stops itching scalp upon application, tbree to six removes a dandrutt and will stop falling hair. Price 50c, at all druggists. X-mas tree ornaments at Charman & Co., cut-price drug store. Choicest Meats AT R. Petzolds Meat Marke Opposite Suspension Bridge Oregon City. By Weatlier Bureau at Portland FRANK BUSCH, The Housefurnisher Our Greeting The old year is gone the new year is here. We wish you well as the years change. "We greet all our friends with good wisnes ana great oargams. we are ready to add quatity of goods to our j pleasant woras ana maKe you nappy through substantial savings and increas ed benefits m buying III i iiiiiiipmwwi " Winter Comforts And cheer depends so much on the beauty and the warmth of the carpet. That one reasonable consideration with every housekeeper, the other must be a good economical heating stove, and another consideration will be your blankets and qnilts. We are offering on all cash sales made dur ing this month of January on these 3 articles a special Discount of 10 per Cent. ipsa The following data, covering a period of thirty-one years, has been compiled from the weather bureau records of Portland, Oregon. Month of January tor thirty-one years : Temperature Mean or normal tern' perature, 39 degrees. The warmest month was that of 1900 with an average of 44 degrees. The coldest month was that of 1888 with an average of 29 de grees. The highest temperature was 62 degrees on the 25ib, 1888. The lowest temperature was 2 degrees on the 15th, 1888. Average date on which first kill ing froBt occurred in autumn, November 15th. Average date on which last killing frost occurred in spring, March 17th. Precipitation, (rain and melted snow) average for the month, 9.70 inches. Av erage number of days with ,01 of an inch or more, 19. The greatest monthly pre' cipitation was 13.71 inches in 18S3. The least monthly precipitation was 2.12 inches in 1893. The greatest amount of precipitation recorded In any 24 con secutive hours was 6.83 inches on the 5th and 6th, 18 3. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 24 consecu live hours (record extending to winter of 1884-5 only) was 9 inches on 2d, 1890. Clouds and Weather Average nunv ber clear days, 5, j partly cloudy, 7 j cloudy days, 19. Winds The prevailing winds have been from the south. - The highest ve locity of the wind was 43 miles an hour, from the south, on the 9th, 1880. Tfflffi P1LANET.. Kelly & Ruconfch, Prohs. HIGH GRADE WHISKEYS GARDE BUILDING A. SPECIALTY. MAIN STREET J.W.COLE, Fine Whiskies anllig;ar& ' meii f All goods bought in bond. Purity and quality guaranteed Qt Df & T. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS .AT LAW Commercial, Real Estate and Probate La Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY ' OREGON Ostermoor Mattresses Ostermoor & Co. are Mattress Specialist. Experts in the heretofore unknown art of making hand-laid sheeted filling. Ostermoor Mattresses are constructed, not stuffed, and their upbuilding is an ai The downy sheets of felt ars hand-laid one over the other until desired thickness be obtained, in exception ally well made box like cover of ticking as shown in illustration. Trice $15.00. SOME FAMOUS OLD BRANDS James E. Pepper, Kentucky Burbon Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbcn OldRoxburyRye Cor. Railroad Ave and Main St. COMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON CITY capital $100,000 Transact! a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts bills bays and sella domesUc and foreiga exchange, and recelresl deposits subject to check. Open from lam, to 4 p. m. D. C. IjATOUBettk, -resident r. j. mitis Cashle - - a N. GREENMAN THE riONEER EXPRESSMAN (Eatablished 1869) Prompt delivery to all parts of the etty OREGON CITI OREGON We Want Your Trade at Harris Grocery And are going to make special induce- ments to close buyers. -asn ana omau rronts ts jur mono. ,8 J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST ail work; warranted and aatisiaotlon guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty Cautlold Building OREGON CITY OREGON The Flour of the Family The flour of all the Oregon City families Tatent Hour, i he intelligent house is E H. COOPER. TJual Potato ami Incnram-n. Titles Exam ined, Abstracts Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Etc., Drawn. With J. W. Loder, Stevens Building, wife always gets "Patent" flour because, it is better and more ecomonical to use Made in Oregon City by the Portland Flouring Mills Co. I i m M Oregon uny, ure. Tryffl:Tii7 i i!1r .MI - "