OREGON CITY COURIER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1903. 5 PERSONALS HIHHHHHHtlMNim Miss Hazel Pilsbury, ol Portland, vis ited friends in Oregon City last week. Dr. M. ft Strickland returned home 3ast week from New York, where he has been for the past few months taking a poet-graduate coarse. He was snow bonnd at Sidney, Nebraska, for two days, and delayed by the switchmen's strike on the Union Pacific at Cheyenne. Mr. and Mrs. Grace entertained a .number ot their friends at a social party Monday evening. The social was a church social given to the Presbyterian church. Misses Horn and Fairclough and the minister, Mr. Mixsell, furnished diversion in the way of vocal music. Refreshments were served at a late hour. On Sunday afternoon, the aged Eev. Bro. Matthews, who was accompanied by the majority of his congregation, by request of Mrs. Susan Porter, aged 88 years and unable to leave her room, held divine services at the home of W. H. H. Samson. Mrs. Porter is a pio neer of 1850 and the mother of Mrs. Samson, Mrs. Thomas Armstrong and sister, Mrs. John Armstrong, are visiting their mother, Mrs. Michael Davoren, at Clackamas this week. Mrs. Davoren is an Australian by birth, having come from the land of Kangaroos in 1872, set tling at Sunnyside. While away the Mesdames Armstrong will visit their Bis ters, Mrs, James Cruikshank. William Bryan, of Molalla, was a caller at the Courier office Saturday and ordered the Courier sent back East to one of his good friends, who is a staunch republican. Mr. Bryan has recently returned from a visit to his native state, Ohio. He thinks that he will not long remain a resident of Oregon, at least of the west of the mountains country, be cause of the state of his health. The Stanford Mandolin and Glee Club gave a most enjoyable concert Saturday .evening at Shively's opera bouse under the auspices of Clackamas Council, No. 3007, Royal Arcamfm. At the close of the concert the clubs were given a recep tion at Willamette hall by Clackama council. The guests were entertained by dancing and refreshments and at the close the clubs sang several songs of wel come. John j tiolcolmt), a larm band, wa held up on the Molalla road just outside of town S iturday night and relieved of $4.50 in change. He was driving along in a buggy when two men stepped into the road and demanded that he hand over his moiiey. Holcomb told the men - that he had not a cent. He was made to get out of the buggy and one of the Spoons &nd r Forks these fancy pieces, and can be supplied at any time. If you wish table silver, including Carving Sets and all sizes of Knives, Forks and Spoons in one pattern, purchase the "1847 Rogers Bros." ware "Silver Plain that Wears." Start with a few pieces, add others at your convenience, and you will be surprised how easily and quickly your table will be supplied with all the necessary articles in the best grade of silver plate made. We carry a large assortment of these ware in stock, also Tea Sets, Baking Dishes, Butter Dishes, Fruit Baskets, Cake Baskets, Etc. Let us show you the latest patterns. BURMEISTER & ANDRESEN The Oregon City Jewelers. Suspension Bridge Corner highwaymen went through his pockets. Four dollars and a half were found. After haying been relieved of his money Holcomb was allowed to proceed to his home. There is no clew as to who the guilty parties are. D. W. Kinnaird, an old resident of Oregon City.whohas been holding down a good job with Uncle Sam for the past half dozen years as inspector of govern ment surveys, is at home for the balance of the winter, enjoying shaking hands with old friends and making new ones. Mr. Kinnaird has been in the southern and eastern part of the state forthe past few months, checking up behind the contract surveyors. He occupies one of the most responsible positions in the government service and holds his iob down with great eclat. He is a coori fellow, well liked by all who have the pleasure of his acquaintance. Mrs. Allan Ellsworth, of Portland. was an Oregon City visitor Tuesday. Mrs. J. M. Lawrence, of Portland, vis ited her mother, Mrs. O. fO. T. Wil liams, during the week; Harry Barret, who .has been snendinir the holidays with friends in Oregon City, has returned to Portland to resume his studies at the Portland Business Col lege. Mrs. O. H. McCutchan. of Stockton. Calif., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. F. O'Neill. Judge J. H. Westover. wife and sonn and R. L. JFestover local editor of the Courier were the guests of Mayor Grant B. Dimick and his eood wife at dinner on New Years day. Hon. Oorwin D. Shanir. a leadinelaw- yerof the city of Seattle, passed throueh Oregon City last week on his way home from a trip through the Middle Western States, and stopped with his brother, W. M. Shank, the undertaker, for a short time. Mr. A. J. Walker, of Mayville, Eastern Oregon and who once lived in this valley Is visaing his brother, A. Walker and his daughter, Mrs. Ferd Ourren of Elyville. Mr. Walker is a carpenter and says that all kinds of business in Eastern Oregon is very fair indeed. Mrs. J. W. Currin, of Ely, is ill. Dr. Beard will establish his' office in the Charman block. Miss Annie English, of Clatskani", is tke guest of the Misses Albright. Wiley May, of Ely, celebrated New Year's day by laying the foundation timbers for his new houses. Mrs. P. Roberts' son, Robert, has been ill for four years and m there is no possibility of his recovery the outlook of mother and son into the new year is in deed cheerless. fPlCKUFWI VttTjOYSTQFl J 31847 ROGERS BR0S I WCAL NEWS ITEMS f O99909ft999Ce99 A marriage license was granted to James Parrish and Mary Walton Wednesday. The Oregon City football team and the Portland Stars are engaged in a game of football as we go to press. The Mothers' Club will meet at the home of Mrs . Brownell in the afternoon of January 8th, at 2 :30. The other day, there was brought to light in Pope & .Co.'s store a lot of E. B, Manning's Britania ware, patented in . 1862, which came to Oregon around the Horn. Lard titles examined and abstracts, made. I guarantee to defeat any tax title or tax deed in Clackamas co unty otherwise no charge made. Money loaned. - G. B. Dimick, Lawyer, Oregon City, Or. County Clerk F. A. Sleight says the proportion of marriage licenses to the number of divorce suits filed during the year 1902 in Clackamas county are about 75 to 50. Of the divorce suits filed, however, a major portion comes from Multnomah and other counties in the state. G. H.Young, of the firm of Dickson & Young, salooniBts, has bought his partner's interest in the business and will have sole control of the house in the future. Mr. Young proposes to make extensive improvements in the place and invites all his friends to come in and see him. Chas. Stewart, an eld and honorable citizen of the Carus community, was in town Tuesday and paid the Courier a pleasant call, renewing his subscription for a couDle of vears in advance. Mr. Stewart is a Buckeye by birth, but left his native state more than forty years ago. While a native of the great repub lican state of Ohio, he is a staunch Dem ocrat and a great admirer of Bryan. Mr. Stewart has lived in the Webfoot state only three years, having lived in Dakota and Missouri the remainder of the time since leaving Ohio. The mask ball at the Armory, given by the Lea Papillons Club of this city, was attended by a large number of in vited guests on the night of the 27th There were many elaborate costumes, both comic and fancy, on the floor. The music was fine and the dancing was good. The music was furnishd by Tur ner's orchestra and was very good. The Lea Papillons dancing club is composed of five of Oregon City's most prominent young society men, viz : Wm. Marshall, Cbas. Babcock, Mort Latourette, Chae, Suhram and Tom Meyers. cure maae Match A reunion of the Boylan family was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Green last Tuesday evening. Almost half of the various branches of the family in Clackamas county were present. The evening was spent in relating reminis cences of other days, while music and singing went far towards making the time fly more swiftly. All present re ported themselves as exceedingly well satisfied with the reunion, and all cla im to have enjoyed themselves greatly. The Boyles family in Clackamas county number something like two hundred, and they probably have more relatives in Clackamas county than any other family in it. The mask ball at the Armory, given by Turney, the photographer, Christmas night, was very largely attended and was a highly successful affair. Many elaborate costumes were worn by the assembled merry-makers some showy, some comic, some grotesque, and the hours sped away very swiftly indeed. Prizes were awarded for the fanciest costumes and for the most comic. The first prize was won by Mrs. Butler for a fancy costume. Second by Ike Turney, while the comic prizes were carried off by Mrs. Mack and Walter McOulley. The dancers enjoyed a very pleasant night and the morning hours were com ing on apace when the last guest de parted. Ladies' wrappers, $1 and up at the Racket store. 1 For a bad taste in the mouth take a few doses of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price 25 cents. War ranted to cure. For sale by G. A. Hard ing. M. Justin will open a paint shop be tween the junk store and Weisner's photograph gallery. He was former ly situated, in the Methodist church building. In his new place he will handle wall paper.Jpaints, oil and lieno, the wall finish. The Lord's Supper will be commem orated at the Congregational church next Sunday morning. Mrs. Wiggins will sing a solo. In the evening Pastor Bollinger will preach a New Year's ser mon on the theme "Come out from un der the Juniper Trees." The choir will be strengthened and good muBic will ba be the aim of the new year. "Some time go my daughter caught a severe cold. She complained of pains in her chest and had a bad cough. I gave her Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ac cording ;to directions and in two days was well and able to go to school . I have used this remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail," says James Prender- gast, merchant, Annato Bay, Jamaica, West India Islands. The pains injthe cheet indicated an approaching attack of pneumonia,, which was undoubtedly warded off by Chamberlain's J Cough Remedy. It counteracts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. Sold by G. A. Harding. ' Positively Belling at cost at the Racket Store. . Remarkable Cure of Croup, A Little .Bey'S Life Saved. I have a few words to say regarding Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. "5t saved my boy's life and feel that I can not praise it enough. I bought a bottle of it from A. E. Steere, of .Goodwin, S. D., and when I got home with it the poor baby could hardly breathe. I gave the medicine as ;directed every ten min utes until he' "threw up" and then I thought sure he was going to choke to death. We bad to pull the phlegm out of his mouth in great long stringers. I am positive that if I had not got that bottle of cough medicine, my boy would not be on earth today. Joel Demont, Inwood, Iowa. For sale by G. A. Harding. Letter List ' Following is the list of letters remain ing in the Oregon City, postoffice, Jan. 1, 1903. Women's List Miss Lena Bany.Miss Clara Dayis, Mrs E F Freeman, Mrs Met- tilda Jones, Miss Pearl Nolan, Mrs Rna Hoths, Mrs Clara Wolde, Men's List James Adams, Geo D Riggs, Wm Bunch, J H Bryant, Henry Cadonau, W W Durill, Waldo 0 Danel son, Mat Eckstrahd, Capt A F Flana gan, L M Helig, 2, S A Leatherwood, R N Morris, 2, George Rennoldson, Ossie Riches, J 0 Stewart, J Simmons,George Way, John Wiggans, Watson & Gab- bert. t G. F. noRTON, P. M. The Secret f Long Life. Consists in keeping all the main or gans of the body in healthy, regular ac tion, and in quickly destroying deadly disease germs. Electric Bitters regu late stomach, liver and kidneys, purify the blood, and give a splendid appttlte, They work wonders in curing kidney troubles, lemale complaints, nervous diseases, constipation, dyspepsia and malaria. Vigorous health and strength always follow their use. Only 50 cents, guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding, drug' gist. A Cure for Lumbago, W. C. Wliliamson, of Amherst, Va., says : "For more than a year I suffered from lumbago. I finally tried Cham beriain s 1 am Isalm and it gave me en tire relief, which all other remedies had failed to do. Sold by Geo. A, Harding.' SECRET ORDERS. WHAT LOCAL LODGES ABE DOIXG. Items of Interest From Various Secret Orders in Clackamas County. I. O. O. F. Nine candidates were taken through the degree work in the encampment at Silverton Monday night. Judge Ryan, of this city, was present and assisted in conferring the degrees. Nearly the whole night was consumed in putting the work on. " TheRebekahs had a watch meeting Wednesday night to witness the pass ing of another year. The time waB passed in plajing whist. , The Oddfellows of Molalla are talking of organizing a lodge at that place at an early date. Needy also wants an Odd fellows lodge and will probably organize one soon. The Sola Circle of the Women of Woodcraft, will have their installation of officers Tuesday night, after which a lunch will be served by the ladies. F. & A. M. The Blue Lodge willjbe the guests of the Chapter, Royal Arch Masons the third Monday evening in January and a large number of Mason s are expected to be in attendance. Kid Gallager, of this city, and Willie Boylan, of Willamette Falls, will meet in a boxing bout at the Armory this evening in a fifteen round go. The con test is expected to be a hot one. Artisans. Assembly No. 7, United Artisans, held a special meeting last week and initiated six new candidates into their mysteries. The order now has a membership of 275 and is said to be the second largest secret order in Oregon City. Installation of officers took place last night. I. O. R. M. Wacheno Tribe No . 13, I. O. R. M., will have a banquet of corn and venison at their hall in Oregon City Saturday night. There will also Via an installation of officers and !a general good time is expected. On the tenth of February the Red Men of Oregon City will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the organization of their order in Oregon City. A large number of Red Men from various parts of the state are expected to attend. A hannnet will be held. Speeches will be made by sattellites of the order and it is expected to one of the happiest occasions the Red Men of this city have ever en joyed. The Sorinirwater Grange elected the following afficers for the ensuing year E. Bates, master; A. Lacey, overseer Mrs. A. Searcy, lecturer : Rex Gordon, Stewart; Sidney Snith, Stewart; A.M. Shibley, chaplain; Emma Shibley, emm-ntarv: Allie Smith, steward; Earl Shibley, treasurer j GeoGutridge, gate keeper; Losa Stamer, F, Alice Gutridge P; Mr. Generoski. The Spnngwater Grange is growing rapidly. Central Grange No. 276, held itB regular monthly meeting Saturday, December 20th, and elected the follow ing officers for the coming year : C. E Spence, master ; E. H. Harrington, over1 seer; A. Hutchinson, lecturer; W. D Hill, steward: Ed Hughes, assistant Stewart ; Ernest Ginther, chaplain; H Hughes, treasurer : Wm. Grisenthwaite secretary; Wm. Jones, gatefceeper Hester Linn, Pomona, Pearl Harring. ton, Flora. The best bargains in Skirts are to be found at the Racket store. Finds Way to Llye Long. The Btartling announcement of a Dis covery that will surely lengthen life Is made by Editor O. H. Downey, of Chu rubusco, Ind. "I wish to Btate," he writes, "that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption is the most infallible remedy that I , have ever known for coughs, colds and grip. It's invaluable to people with weak lungs. Having this wonderful medicine no one need dread pneumonia or consumption. Its relief is instant and cure certain." Geo. A. Harding guarantees every 50c and $1,00 bottle, and give trial bottles free Carus. The Christmas tree at the Evangelical church was largely attended, Miss Emma Jones gave a supper at the home of her sister, Mrs. Stedham to a number of her youn' friends Sunday, Those present were ; Misses Cora Jagger Heberline, Tillie Thomas, Rachel and Maggie Lewis, Kate and Sarah Jones, Maggie, Clara and Elsie Guyer, Edna and Iva Irish, Mary Moore, Rebecca Kalbflesch, Emma Inskeep, Emma Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Stedham, Ed Jones, and John Jones. There will be a basket social at the Teasle barn, Friday night January 2nd. The proceeds go to finish paying for the organ at the church Everybody Invited. Mr. Knox Cooper, of Portland spent the holidays with his parents here. Hains and Evans, of Oswego visited II, Jones. DR. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American College of Dental Surgery, Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY . ' - OREGON (J, E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stereos Building, opp.;Bank of Oregon City OREGON C1TX OREGON JJOBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEY AT LAW O. D. EBY, NOTARYiPUBUC'i Real Estate bought and Mid, money loantd titles examined and abstracts made cash nald for county warrants. Probate and coinmIsinnr' oourt business and tnsuranc. ROOM S, WHHHARD BUILDING OREGON CITT, - - - - OREGON. QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCS At Red Front, Court Howe Block OREGON CITY OREGON Bchdkbil ..' . W. S. U'REN JJREN & SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW S)utfd&et Stb&ofai , Will'tiractioa "In nil end settlements of estates, furnish abstracts of title, lend you money and lend your money on un mortgage, umce in Enterprise building. OREGON CITY OKKOON New Century Comfort. Millions are daily finding a world of comfort in JBucklin's Arnica Salve. It kills pain from burns, scalds, cuts, bruises; conquers ulcers and fever sores; cures eruptions, salt rheum, boils and felons ; removes corns and warts. Best pile cure on earth. Only 35c at Geo. A. Harding's drug Btore. A Broken Wire. Friday night was a lively one with the Portland General Electric Company's plant in this city. A wire in the arma ture of one of the dynamos broke at about 5 :30 o'clock, and as a result 21 cables over the switch borad were burn. edout. For a short time a serious fire was threatened and was narrowly avert ed, A large force-bf men were sent from Portland to assist the men at the station. Forty-two splices were necessary in order to make the repairs. After four hours of hard work temporary repairs were made so that the power could be turned on. Oregon City was not affected by the mishap. The loss to the company was something like $2000. Heads Should Never Ache. Never endure this trouble. Use at once the remedy that stoDDed it for Mrs. N. A. Webster, of Winnie. Va.. she writes "Dr. King's New Life Pills wholly cured me of sick headaches. I had suf fered from for two years, Cure head. ache, constipation, biliousness. 25c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. We are selling all kinds of hose cost. See them at the Racket store. Swell Social Event. at One of those delightful surprises which comes but once in life was tendered to O. G. Miller on Main street on Tuesday afternoon by the elite of Oregon City's swell set. The occasion was the wooden anniversary of the marriage of Mrs. M'ller. The ladks who were "particeps crimines" to the surprise met early in the afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Oharles Babcock, and went in a body to lovely home of Mrs . Miller. The doors were thown open and the lady was delightfully surprised to see So many of her friends standing at her threi-hold. For the remainder of the afternoon hgs borne was a scene of much revelry and great rejoicing, Two lovely antique chairs wore presented to Mrs. Miller. The presentation speech being made by Mrs. A. 8, Dresser, to which a sweet response was made by the hostess. The afternoon hours were passed very pleas antly, A cake guessing contest escite much rlvalary, Mrs. J. C. Hedges ah(i Mrs. Cimton Latourette were each so expert in the cake guessing line that the committee decided that they were a tie. They drew for the prize and Mrs. Hedges was declared to be the winner. The prize was a burnt wopd. picture frame. Mrs. Gault received the bcoby prize, a wooden spoon and fork. Elabor ate refreshments were served and the entire aiiair was declared to be one of the most enjoyable and elaborate seen in Oregon City for along time. The following society ladies of Oregon City were present : Mesdames, J, O. Hedges O. G. Huntley, J. 0. Lewis, F. F. Grif fith, L. Jones, T. J. Ryan, A. II. Hoi man, A. Dresser, L. Charman, A. War ner, II. Moody, G. Warner, C. Oaufield, V. Harris, A. Elsworth, L. Bhephard, E. E. Charman, Ed. Oaufield, H. Straight, A. J. Lewthwalte, Wm. Anderson, Zumwalt, John Clark, Will Howell. T. Warner, J. V, Loder, Chas. Babcock, 0. Albright, Harry Harding, JU. Campbell, 0. N. Greenman, 0. Latourette, T. Gault, A, W. Cheney, W. Shank, Robertson, E. William, Mc Clure, 0. 0. T. Williams, J, Miller, J. M. Lawrence, A. Matheson, 0. g! Miller. Misses Neta McCarver, Mary Mclntyre and Veda Williams.