Removal The home furnisher is going to move Me Is doing to Sacrifice his Entire Stock Regardless of Cost To save the expense of moving. Housekeeper, now is your time to save money and fit your house with new Carpetings, Draperies, Lace Curtains, Furniture, Fine New Steel Ranges, Stoves, Crockery of all kinds and a fine lot of Holiday Goods are all included in the sale. ALSO ORGANS Mason, Hamlin, Esty, Chicago Cottage will all be reduced at this sale. Also include As long as they last. They W. y CORRESPONDENCE. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooc Maple Lane. - Supervisor Gibbs la doing some ex cellent work on the road ; something that will tell in years to come. Miss Edith Jackson, o! Carus, spent several days with her parents here. A delightful party was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Shortlidge, on Tuesday evening of last week, in honor of their daughter, Mies Annie. The evening was spent tripping the light fantastic until mid-night when a luncheon was served and the good-byeB were said with some regret, that the evening was not longer. Those present were: Mr., and Mrs. Shortlidge, Mr. and Mrs. John Goffney, Misses Annie Shortlidge, Annie Mautz, Barah and Mary Davies, Arta Kirk, Jessie and Letha Jackson, Messrs. J. B. Jackson, Tom and Lewis Davies, Albert and Lawrence Mautz, Delbert, Harry 'and Jim Shelly, Oourtie and Tom Gibbs, Barns, Frank, Ben and Lambert Beard. Pansy Blossom. Beaver Creek. Adam Hermann, a prominent young school teacher from Mt. Angel, is spend ing the holidays at home with his par ent!. Miss Louisa Steiner was visiting in Portland a few few days last week and returned home Wednesday. George Davies has sold his place to Jim Shannon and will soon leave for the coast, where he intends to locate. We Consumption Salt pork is a famous old fashioned remedy for con sumption. "Eat plenty of pork," was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100 years ago. Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it. The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most. Scott'sEmulsionisthemod ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive. Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs. Scott's Emulsion is the most refined of fats, especially prepared for easy digestion. Feeding him fat in this way, which is often the only way, is half the battle, but Scott's Emulsion does more than that. There is some thing about the combination of cod liver oil and hypophos phites in Scott's Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lungs. A sample will be sent free upon request. P lure that this plcturt In the form of a label ii on the wrapper o( every bonis ot Emulsion you buy. SCOTT & BOWNE, CHEMISTS, 409 Pearl St.. N. V. gLwill. 50c. aii J it; all druggists, Sale W L TwPTifv-fivA Wf"hfnnf are warranted for io years. It will L. BLOCK wish him great success. Miss Lizzie Bohlander, of Oregon City, formerly of this place, was visiting at the .home of her brother, Valentine Bohlander. Miss Eva Moehnke was the guest of MisTirzah Edwards last Wednesday evening. Alpha Kirk and Guwylem Thomas are busy making rails for Bill Jones. Miss Minnie Bohlander returned home Sunday from an extended visit with her slater, Mrs. Smith, at Eugene, Isaac Shortledge was seen riding through Beaver Greek last Sunday. What's the attraction, Isaac. Henry Shannon has sold his wood saw to Henrici Bros. A bell was purchased for the new school house and will be put up during holidays in order to have it ready when school takes np again. Our school is progressing nicely un der the management of Eva Moehnke. Mr. Stevens and family are moving onto the Roberts' place opposite Mrs. Edwards. Obakoe Blossoms. Union Hall. Ohristmasthas come and passed and all in this vicinity enjoyed it in their dif ferent ways. " L. P. Burns made a business trip to Portland last Tuesday. Jack Webb and family spent Christ mas with Mrs. Webb's parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. 8. C. Phelps, Mies Mollle Burns, of Portland, vis ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Burns, last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. Thomas spent last Sunday at the residence of Peter Mc intosh and family. Misses Millie and Tillie Molzan,who have been'working in Portland came home to spend the holidays with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Molzan. E. Hilton, of Canby, visited his mother and biother one day last week. Mies Mary Thomas visited relatives here last week. Our school has closed for the 'holi days. The teacher, E. Snyder went home to spend the holidnys with bis mother. Mrs. B. J. Ilelvey called on Mrs. J. II. Burns last Wednesday afternoon. Johnnie Mcintosh was the guest of Charlie Thomas one night last week. John Thomas called on Joseph Per- ringei Inst Monday night. John and George Ilelvey have con tracted to furnish logs for the Sturgis Bros.' sawmill. Frank Hilton took a load of poultry to Oanby last Wednesday. Backwoods. Wilhoit. I once more write a few lines to let the readers of the Courier her rfrom this section. Rain is present with us ruoBt all of the time. Farmers have not sown much grain on account of the rain. The rain is just the thing for the loggers. Several companies are getting saw logs and tome piling all of which is to be floated, eo the more water the better. ChriBtmai is now a thing of the past. Mrs. Scott Carter gave a good dinner, and some of the oldest people In the neighborhood were present and had a good time eating good things and talking There will be a debate between Elder J. Moore of the church and Elder Stare buck of Portland, of the Seventh Day Adventist. Debate to be held at the town of Molalla, commencing the 5th o! January. L. B. Trullinger has made an addition of 10 acres to his farm by purchasing OREGON CITY COUBIER, FRIDAY, JANUARY 2, 1903. lYrrm Tffnr ftwinrr MqoliinAc pay you to call. Have a lot of hoping to the same of J. F. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Moore, of Molalla, made Mr. and Mrs. Wingfleld a visit the past week. The Christmas tree which was given at the South Methodist church was a grand success. One and many presents were received even if Santa did lose his reindeers. Many young folks of RuBselyille at tended the dance at Molalla Wednesday night. We have had vacation this week which suited the pupils very much. Mrs. E. Davidson is visiting at Quaker town this week. People of this vicinity are having hard colds. Maple Lane. The Christmas tree at the Maple Lane school house wag a grand success, about 150 people, old and young, participating. The program was excellent and reflects much credit on both teacher and pupils. Miss Rowen is an excellent manager, and the children one and all took an in terest in making the event a success. Mr. Henricka with his graphophone furnished some excellent music. Wil liam Beard made a few remarks appro priate for the occasion, and Mr. Gibbs acted the part of Old Santa Claus, I mean St. Nicholas, disttibuting candy and nuts, presents, gewgaws right and left. The tiee also was finely trimmed and loaded with presents from parents, teacher and friends. There were over, 200 present, each one receiving a bag of candy and nuts. Jim Shelly received a bar of soap, which he mistook for to bacco, much to the chagrin and to the amusement of hia friends. It was In deed a Merry, Merry Christmas. . God bless the children. Amen. Garfield. The Bchool in District No. 88 closed last Friday. Ballard Looney, who went to Virginia a little over two years ago to get married, has returned to Oregon. After getting married he went to Texas, where he lived for several months, he said, "Ore gon is Rood enough for him,,' Henry Palmateer has nearly complet ed his barn, that he has been building for the past several weeks. Mrs. W. H. Ilolden our worthy Sun day school Superintendent, who has run the Sunday school, for the past two years, seems to continue to make it in teresting for the young folks. Her heart is in her work, and she cannot be given too much praise for the good she hag done here. Stafford. A light flurry of snow on the 24th. School commenced in District 41, Mon day with Miss Norman, of Tigardville, teacher. John Wendt was taken to Oregon City Monday, fiom there he will go to the hospital to be treated. Mrs. Mike Gross, of Oregon City is spending a few daya with her mother, Mis. T. L. Turner. John Turne drove a nail into hia leg and la now unable to work, Tualatin Grange elected office ri Saturday last. Mrs. Barbara Moser ia spending a few daya with her mother, Mrs. Meolffs, of Portland. Christmas was celebrated, many small Christmas trees and a large one at the Baptist church, with a very nice pro gram. Aurora. All hail the New Year. Christmas was very quiet here. Qto. Oglesby and sous, Frank and Charles spent Christinas with relatives at Milwaukee. HLoO remnants in Carpets to be sold at see you again THE HOME FURNISHER OREGON CITY, Cordelia and Lulu Wiegand are spend ing the holidays with relatives at Salem. Wm. Leeck is sick with Typhoid fever. Dr. B. Y. Giesy has charge of the case. Our saw mill is idle at present, owners are enjoying the holidays. There is a very small amount of fall wheat sown. Wheat is very scarce here. T. A. Campan will build a large barn in the near future. F. O. Seaton is assisting the Post master at Aurora. Our telephone line is doing a good business. Two more wires will soon be put up. Several of our residents are complain ing of bad colds. John has his sled ready for the first snow. Look out girls, that the sled ia a "corker." Geo. Hickerson, of Wailsburg, is visit ing his old home at Needy this week. Wilhoit. News la scarce but mud is plentiful. Christmas was well celebrated here. B. Wade and son are busy sawing wood. A light snow fell in this section one day last week, The dinner at G. W. Wylands was well attended Sunday last. I wish to say to the Missouri town correspondent, that I have no desire to hide anything I do or say, and when I write an article, I am not ashamed to put my name to it, as he kept quiet through the bnsy season. We have not heard from him for nearly a year. I thought he had gone into a trance as did the hound and passed quietly to the happylhunting grounds. If he would at tend more strickly to the business interests of Missouri town, and .leave that of Wilhoit for Slim Jim. The two sections would wag with great harmony and we sincerely hope they will do so in the near future. F. W. McLearn has a line of teamtdti on the road between Oregon City aa&l Wilhoit. Molla was seen in this section one day last week. Bert still lives on the mountain over looking Rock, and says he is there to stay if he is cut out of the social .circle. William Grimm, who has been at tending school at Forest Grove ia home spending the holidays. Ralph Slaughter has a new saddle horse. Coon signs seems to be scarce, Clarence, but wildcats seems to be more plentiful and there is a bounty on their scalps. James Russell, the bachleor black smith, of RusBelville, was in this section one day last week looking for windows, I guess he found one aa be was seen tripping the light fantastic toe at the dance a few daye ago. Continued on page J and 8. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. Ths Kind You Havs Always Bought Bears the Signature The Best Freeriptlon for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tastelees Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Trice 50c. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money If it fails o curer E. W. Grove'a signature is on ach box. 2oo. & Removal Sale Into the large and spacious qua ter unde the Methodist church, corner Main and Seventh street. Former price Only $19.00 $3S- ow any old price. Thanking you for THE MORNING TUB cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water supply and temperature is uncertain by reason oi defective plumbing or heating apparatus. To have both put in thorough, working order will not prove expensive if the worn is done Dy F. C. CADKE Oregon City Second-Hand & Junk Store HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR SECOND-HAND GOODS, HIDES. JUNK METALS OF ALL KINDS, ETC. All kinds of Farm Implements and Machinery. Second-Hand Goods Bought and Sold RING PHONE 416 FOR JUNK. Sngarman & Co. A Complete Line OF Fine Footwear For ladies, gentlemen and children you will find in our stylish and up-to-date . stock. Our handsome and durable $3.50jshoe for men can't be equaled for weai quality or style, and ou women's fine $3.00 shoes are the acme of comfor1 and graceful outline. Our prices will suit. . Krausse Bros, Wall Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Murrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper nan you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City Rain and iwnt have no effect on harness treated with Eureka Har ness OU. It re sists the damp, keeps tbeleaih cr soft and pli able, sutcnes ao not preatu No rough sur- and cut. Tht harness not only keeps looking like jew, but wears twice as long by the me of Eureka Harness Ou. Sold aveiy where in cans , all tiieu I Wade by , Standard Oil L Company mm ur II HARNESS mm 7A your past patronage and OREGON 'Oregon, Short line aw Union Pacific THE EAST The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice cl THREE TRAINS AIJLY WO VIA THE OREGON SHORT LINE 9:00 a. m. :00 p. m. TO SALT T KE, DEN K, OMAHA, CHICAGO and KANSAS OITY. ONE VIA THE GREAT NORTHERN 6:00 p. m. TO SPOKANE, MINNEAPOLIS, 8T. PAUL and CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave I Portland every 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily forWillam eue ana uoiumDia xuver i oiihb. Monthly Steamers to China'and Japan.. For full Information cull on or addresslnearest O. H. & N. Ticket Agent, or address A. 1. CBAIG, CP. A., Portland, Oregon GO EAST VIA Only transcontinental line passing directly through sail La&e wiy, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Sprtogs and Denver. Three splendidly epuipped trains daily to all points East. Through Sleeping and Dining Cart and Free Reclining Chair Cars. The most magnificent scenery in America by daylight. Stop overs allow ed on'"all classes of tickets. For cheapest rates and descriptive literature aldrces J. D. riANSFlELD, General Agent, 21 Third Street, Portmd, Oiegoa PORTLAND-ANTORIA ROUTE STR. BAILEYCGATZERT Sally Round Trips, except Sunday , TIME CARD Leave Portland 1 A, H Leave Astoria 7 p. H THE DALLE-PORTLAND ECUTE STBS. TA1I0MA and JHETLAKO Dally Trips Excep vndey STR. TAHOv y Leave Portland, Mon., Wed. and t. . Leave The Dalles, Tu.,Thuri. a. : STR. METLAKO Leava Portland, Tups, Thnra. and Sat Leave Dalles, Mon., W ed. and Frl landing, Foot Alder Street BOTH rHOKKl, KAIN 861 PoBTLaSD, OB AGENTS A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore. J. W. Crichton The Dalles, Ore. A. K. Fuller Hood River, Ore. Wolford & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash. Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash. John T.Totten Stevenson, Wash. J. O. Wyatt Vancouver, Wash. E. W. CRICHTON, PORTLAND, ORE.