Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 26, 1902, Image 7

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Main Street, between Fifth and Sixth Streets, Oregon City, Oregon
Read bur cut prices and come at once before you are too late or you will miss
the greatest opportunity ever offered you.
Columbia apron ginghams, 5c per yard.
All 6c and 7c calicoes to go at 5c per yard.
Extra fine white lawn, 25c value, 19c per
Extra fine white lawn, 15c value, 11c per
Extra fine" white lawn, 10c value, Jc per
. Ladies' fancy lace and embroidered che
mise, 1.25 value, 73c.
Ladies' fancy lace and embroidered night
gowns, 48c.
Children's eiderdown cloaks, 1.25 value, 88c
Children's eiderdown cloaks, 1.75 value,
Children's 11 wool Pannel cloaks, 3.50 to
4.50 value, 4.85 . .
Ladies' jackets, only a few left, 7.50 value,
Ladies' plush capes, 5.50 value, 3.25.
Ladies' heavy kangaroo calf shoes, 2,35
value, 1.05.
iaaies rrencn Kia snoes,
3,50 value, 2,50,
'"California Wine House
MAIN STREET Bet. 4th and 5th
. Per Gallon
California Port. . .$1 00
Extra Tawny
xtra Old Port 1 25
Delicate ana Mellow
uperior Old Port and Sherry 1 50
Selected For Medicinal Purposes
Extra Old California Sherry I 05
Medium, Pale, iellcate aim Dry
California Tokay 1 . 1 00
Excellent Table Wine
Sweet Muscatel .. I 25
Fine Wine
Sweet Catawba . ., 1 25
Angelica I 05
Soft, Full and Fine.
Extra old Califrnia Angelica I 25
Superb old dessert wine.
Extra Dry California famous Wines.
Sparkling Burgundy 85c
A cleat, Bparkliug wine.
Sonoma Claret ... . 65c
Rich, fruity wine.
Extra Sonoma Zinfandel. . . 75c
None better; a well matured wine.
Extra Sonoma Riesling. . . . 75c
A white wine t'jat will please you.
Sonoma Hock 65c
Quality unsurpassed
Sonoma Sauterne 1 00
A fine old white wine.
Fine Calif. Grape Brandy .. 2 75
The genuine; good as Imported.
Only Wine Vaults in the City
City Orders Delivered Tree,
Order through Your Grocer.
6. Jl. Brady.
10 Cents
5 Pound Package Perfection Salt
Regular 20c Seller
25 Cents
Box Dried Herring
17 Cents
Can Gail Borden Eagle Milk
25 Cenls
5 Pound Package Wheat Flakes
Premium in Each Package
25 Cents
2 Packages Lion or ArbuckleJCoffee
35 Cents
10 Pound Sack Rolled Oats
20 Cents
Pound Citron or Lemon Peel
25 Cents
3 Packages Seeded Raisins
45 Cents
Dozen Cans Deviled Ham
We handle Pickled Pus' Feet and
11 Children's heavy school shoes, 1,25 'value,
Infant's shoes, 50c and 60c value, 33c.
All appliques and laces, 1.25 per yard val-
:: ue, 87c.
Cream white and ecru appliques, 50c value, 38c.
' Cream white and ecru apphquea, 25c value, 19c.
. Cream white and ecru appliques, 15c value, 11c.
Japanese wash silk, in all colors, 29c per yard.
A few left 10c and 12c Torchon laces, 5c per yard.
F. 0 . warranted corsets, $ 1 .25 value, 88c.
1 75 corsets at 48 cents.
Ladies' embroidered hose, 60c value, 3c.
Ladies' heavy ribbed hose, 25c value, 19c.
Ladies' and children's fleece-lined hose, 25c value,
19 cents.
Miseea' corset waists, 20 cents.
Large, heavy Turkish towels, GOc value, 45c per
No. 110 factory all wool cloth, 58 inches wide, 75c
per yard.
All wool venicia, 42 inches wide, 75c value, 55c per
Fancy crepon, in all shades, 75c value, 50 cents.
And lots of other bargains, too numerous to men
tion. A large Btock of men's and children's clothing,
boots, shoes, etc.,
Rampmher that
thine miiBt so.
. T'l .. I . V,.... wif...-(-i
turned soies, f you from 10 to 4U
i Seven rooms of
I Dress Goods Sensation
New, snbwfiakes, knickerbockers, Bannockburns and heather
i cloths, all late arrivals, 42, 56, 58 and 60-inch cloths, superb
t new weaves that just arrived from
50c, gi.15, 1.23,
A yard all exclusive patterns and de sins. The lowest prices
ever quoted on first-class material. .
It isn't a question of profits
Nowadays with us, It is a question of selling goods. Our in
tention is to impress on your mind. that we lead all competitors
when it comes toselling fine dress goods. Every well-informed
lady in the City. of Portland and State of Oregon knows that we
are leaders in high-class dress goods goods which we guarantee
0 the trade.
Mc allen & McDonnell
tbemouth Watering Kind"
Delicious, succulent Fruits from every land
and clime these are the things that make life
worth living, and at prices which have given us the
best trade in town.
Arriving Daily for the
Boliday trade:
New Figs from Turkey.
Dates, Nuts, Cranberries,
Raisins, Citrons, etc., and
home-made Mince Meat. '.
Also expect large shipment
of Turkeys, Chickens and
Ducks to arrive previous to
Christmas. ...
Jl. Robertson,
and Lunch Counter
W. I. ROWAN, Proprietor
Opposite Electric Hotel, is the very best place in. Oregon City
to get a Dainty Lunch or
Open at All Hours, day or night
Newly Furnished Rooms and Clean Beds
at the above cut prices.
this is a bona fide sale. Every-
Remember the natue and place.
baa mn T niiaronfaa trt BOOH
per cent.
furniture for Bale.
the world s best looms.
$1.53, i-73
headquarters for"
White House .Coffee in 1.
and 2-pound tins.
Dr. Price's Extract.
Schilling's Best Goods.
Preferred Stock Canned
Nicelle Olive Oil and
Heinz & Co. Pickles.
Atmore's English Plum
Pudding, etc.
the Seventh Street Grocer.
Women as Well as Men
Are Made Miserable by
Kidney Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys opon the mind, dis
courages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor
ana cneenuiness soon
disappear when the kid
neys are out of order
or diseased.
Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncommon
for a child to be born
afflicted with weak kid
neys. If the child urln-
fltM TArt rfir If Ika
urine scalds the flesh or If vhm ti. mm
reaches an age when it shpuld be able to
control the passage, It is yet afflicted with
bed-wetting, depend upon it. the cause of
the difficulty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards the treatment1 of
these Important organs. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of the
kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as
most people suppose.
Women as well as men are made mis
erable with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
oy druggists, in fifty
cent and one dollar
sample bottle by mail
free, also namnhii tll- tt . - a
, r - - r- iiuulo ui Dntfriujr-xwJii,
ing all about it. including many of the
thousands of testimonial letters received
from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer
& Co., Binghamton, N. Y., be sure and
mention this paper.
Missouri lown.
George Grosliong is busy plowing on
his rented farm.
B. F. Barstwo was visiting friends In
cur burg one day last week.
Jamas Miletead made a business trip
to Sc itts Mills one diy last week.
Roy Tho nas, of Scoit'd Mills, was
vbitng his brother, 1 e 1 Thomas, of
M fsouri Town, one day last week.
Orley Tho nas U making some valu
able iujproveuts on hia new farm,
Rice Guiun bad the misfortune to
break his wasron while corning from
Scotts Mills with a lual one day last
week. He reports the roads in a bad
A. L. Grosliong wis visiting our
school. He reports a splendid teacher.
The school ia preparing for an enter
tainment for the Us', day,
Hello 1 What seems to be the matter
with the Beaver Like correspondent?
After an absence of one week he agai n
c mes t) the front to say a few words.
Oh, yes, Bert, you nearly 0 got to men
ti u that hunt you and C. B. Wade had
a few Sunday ago. Yju forgot to tell
t'ae readers of the Courier about your
grand hunt and about the big bound
you sjnt to his lon hunting ground.
That's right, Bert, if you can't get a
dqer, take the houni. Don't forgjt to
mention it in your items.
Mr. and Mrs. Grosliong spent Sunday
with his mo'.her and father.
Quite a lumber of young people d
Rock Creek spent Sunday with Mr. an d
Mrs. DaiGrOihong Sunday last.
There seems to bj something very at
tractive on Rock Creek this winter.
That' all rLjht, boys, pick your party
and have a . gntd time for a pretty girl
is hard 10 find,
Henry Thomas was visiting friends at
Scotts Miles one day last week.
Very littl fall graiu has been sown
in this burg.
Stock looks splendid for this time of
the year. Quite a number of cattle
would make good beef.
A. L. Wyland, of Rock Creek, was
seen paising through our little burg
leading a horse.' Thare seems to - ba
something very attractive la Missouri
James Groshongis oaths sick list,
but we an glad to report he is able to be
out once more.
Eagle Creek.
A very pleas int company of friends
and neighbors met at the home of J. E.
Arledge Sunday, the 2lst, to witness the
marriage of Thomas Brown, formerly of
Oregon City, and Miss Ollia Arledge.
II. V. Litherland, of Portland, was best
man, and Miss Grace Deardorff, of Port
land, was the bridesmaid. The bride
was prettily attired in white. The wed
ding ceremony was performed by J. P.
Woodle, justice of the peace. The cere
mony took place at 12:30 o'clock, after
Helena, Mont., Oct. 4, 1902.
Jr. C. A. Perrin, Helena, Mont.
I wish to thank you for my re
lief. I was sufferine agonies from
piles and was taking-morphine to
relieve me, when, on the adviceloi
a mend, 1 procurred a bottle 01
your Perrin Pile Specific and took
a tablecpooliful at night and an
otherin the morning. At half past
twelve, noon, my wife pave nn
another tablee(ioonful, when m)
pain all stopped. In two days J
was able to attend my repulai
bliiei entirely relieved, llwm uluiply
,wuutkTful. Juuck Mkihoxkm,
Furrier Mel-n
which the guests repaired to the dining
room to partake of a bountiful repast.
At 3 o'clock, Mr. and Mrs, Brown, ac
companied by Mr. Litherland and Miss
Deardorf, left for Portland, taking with
them the best wishes of all present for a
long and happy, life. Those present
were Mr and Mrs J E Arledxe and fam
ily, Mr Howard and wife, J W Dowty,
wife and son, John Githene, wife and
family, Edgar Heiple, wi'e and son, Wm.
and Gussie Githens, Pearl Foster, Mol
lie aad Alta Judd, Lillie and Dave Hoff
meister, Edward Bates, John and Emma
Dowty.and J. P. Woodle.
Christmas is at hand, when irany a
heart will ibe made happy with the gifts
of their r earest, but as it is far more
pleasure to give than to receive, there
fore let us present to our dearest treas
ure we have on . earth the best there is
in store, and our friends in general we
wish most loyal and Merry Christmas
and a Happy and Prosperous New
The Oak Grove school and our school
have both been closed on account of
smallpox near here.
It is now feared that the smallpox
scare will interfere with the mask ball
ball to be given here on New Years
Eve. " s
Born, December ISth, to the wife of
A. H. Reynolds, a child.
The Wilson boys have pnrchaeed a fine
top buggy, and the girl who said she
will never have n man unless he has'a
horse and buggy will be fairly in it now.
Postmaster Scramlin made a business
trip to Portland Tuesday laet.
The pamphlets'we received laet week
asking us to subscribe for a new paper
just incorporated in Oregon City come jn
very bandy for a fire kindler. We never
subscribe for anything that the. author is
ashamed to sign his name.
Mr. Weismandel some time ago bar
gained his place to a man, and when it
came to final settlement the man h d
lost his check, and it appears as though
he hasn't found it yet, or at least he
has not shown up since.
The cold, crisp mornings of last week
reminded us of our old home and boy
hood days,
' Joan op Arc,
1 Molalla.
The ground has been frozen so hard
that the farmers could not plow.
The b isket social at Rural Dell school
house December 20, was a grand suc
cess. Tbey made $18.9 s and the pro
ceeds are to be used for a library. The
piograra was very good, and much Cred
it is due Miss Alice Ritter, the teacher.
John Ball was the guest of Prof.
Ogle Saturday night! 1
C. Hardesty finished digging pota
toes Saturday .
We are expecting to hear wedding
bells on Christmas.
Grandpa Samson as well as usual this
Mr. Beede is grubbing stumps this
winter. .
There is scarcely any fall Beeding
done yet.
John Crocker has gono to Portland
ti have his eyes treated,
Mr. Fish killed a coyote in this burg
last week .
Dew Drop.
And Large Droves of Cattle Are
Freezing or Starving in
the Vielnitg of Ml. Hood.
While Oregon City and the whole
Willamette valley has been enjoying
mild weather with little or no frost dur
ing the whole of the winter season, one
has only to go out a few miles to experi
ence a wonderful change aa is evidenced
by the following dispatch :
Tub Dalles, Or., Dec. 16.
A report has reached this city that a
large drove of cattle belonging to various
farmers of this county ,on account of the
recent snowstorms have been driven
from the forests in the vicinity of Mount
Hood, to a place called the"Mea lows,"
located about five miles east of Mount
Hood, and practically at its foot. That
they are huddled together there and are
fast perishing. There is five feet of snow
at the "Meadows" with not an ounce of
hay within fifteen miles.
The "Meadows" consist of a tract of
meadow lands in the heart of a heavy
forest, in extent about 700 acres, which
in the summer time produces a luxuriant
growth of grass, but in the winter in a
most dreary and dreadful locality, cov
ere l with enow to a depth of of from
five to ten feet, and which becmes
practically uuinhabitable for stock of
any kind.
n sell the greatest of blood purlliera,
I l i t e'g H loot! Kllilr, Hurler ..it.c ,'ur-
' It will cute all chronic and otntr u.uod
;-.'.. If yon have eruptions or sores mi your
i ' rare pile, weak or run down, it i Just
' 1 1 need. We refund money If you : not
t- ,.d. .'Ale and 1, liiwell Joues, diugt ts.
Hon'. J. n. Sauer.' State Senator fnur
Douglas Co., to the Nebraska Leci
lature, writes from Frank's HoteE
Omaha, Neb., as follows:
"Having tried Peruna I can cnml
mend It to all as a great tonic and par t
ticularly good as a remedy for catarrh. f '
J. H. SAUER. ;
Honorable Patrick Kennedy, Membeip:
of the Massachusetts Legislature, writcti
the follmviiiif letter from the House oil
Representatives, Boston. i
Doctor S. B. Hurt man: f
Dear Sir: "I have no hesitation L,.
saying that after having tried dozen,
0 other remedies without relief, Iowa
my perfect health and clear voice oa
today to Peruna. I know it to be a sur
cure for indigestion and Its attendant!
afllietlon, nervous debility. For the six :
weeks that I was on the platform?
through the recent campaign I used To
runa regularly, and although I spokr
two and three times each day my voic ;
never failed mo. I know that Peruna in
a reliable cure for bronchial troubles."-
P. J. Kennedy.
If you do not derive prompt and satlf
factory results from the use of I'eruua?..
write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving ri
full statement of your case and he wXXii
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President cwf
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, CS
Notice of Final Settlement.
Nnt.lpA In hnrnhv olvpn Hint the ii.i.Mli.tviut .
ecutnrof the will of Leonard Iletm, deneuat,.
unts meu um mini account wnn me county eovlt
of Clackumni ounnlyanl Htate nf Oroion, Rod
that the Hon. 1. F. Ryan, judge of Raid court hn
set Monday, tl.e '26 day of February, 1!)(M, at l
hourof ten o'clock a. m., of aui day. as Ike
time fur hearing said report and objection theit
to. If any there be.
Executor of the will of Leonard Heinz, daceaiet.
Department of the Interior. United State landJ
Office, Oregon Chy, Oregon November 14th lWa.
A aufficlent contest affidavit having been fiJvcSJ
In thti office by August E, Spoiling, contestant ,
against homilead entry No. 1UI50. made Oct Its',.
1900 for of eljj Section 17, Townshtp 1
Range 7 e, by William H. Usher eontestee, lu
which it Is alleged that Contestant "knows the
present condition of the aames also that saicP.t
entrymatt bus wholly abandoned s&tdtolulm and1
that he haa never resided upon or cultWatU'
or improred the same in any mannsir
whatever since making entry thereof tr
at all nor has anyone acting for him and that saUl
alleged abucnce from the said land was not date.
to his employment in the arrai, Navy or Marine
Corps of the Hulled States- aa a private - soldier,
officer seaman, nr marine during the was HL.
HpalH; or during any other war ti which the
United HtRtts may be engaged;" said parties e -,
hereby noticed to appear, respond and ofteiv
evldeuoe touching said allegations at 10 o'clock;
a. m. on Maioh 'iU, 19M. before the Register Aoiii
Receiver at the United States Land OlUoe in Ore
gon ci'y Oregon.
The said contestant having, In a proper aflldt rfl t
filed November 13, l'.Htt, fcet forth lacts which,,
show that after dllftgence personal service of tlim .
notice can not be made. It was ordered ana'
directed that such notice be- given by due aucVl
proper publication,
Oeo. W. BrnKR,
In the circuit court of the utate of Oregon, lor U
county of Clackannu.
Nancy BoBtwIck, plaintiff, vs, VV. C. Iluafwicl, ,
To W. C. Boitwlrk, the above named defenda-nr -.:
In the name of the suite of Oregon, yon i
hereby notified that tho 1'latntltf herein has flle 1
a complaint agaiimt you In the nbove-eutittot'it
court and cause, and you are hereby reqnlreil,
appear and armwer said complaint on- or t Ur
the lastdayof the of the lime prescribed lit Itk-i
order of publication made herein, lo-wtt: on Of
before the 'JUth day of Dercmlw, llllri) you r
further notified that If you fall to appear and tn- -awer
the aald complaint or plead thereto ltie-
Plaintiff will onuxe your default to ha entered anil,
will apply to the court for the relief prayed- fur lit,
said complaint, to-wlt, fur a decree forever ttla-.
solving the binds ol matrimony now exlathig he--tween
l'laintiff and yourself, alno for an order re
storing to f lalntlrfher maiden name, to wll.Naiicj
Mugar, and for auch other and further relief aa It .
equity may seem Just and proper
The date of the Drat publication of this Barer
monsli Friday, November 7th, 11103, and thsltut-.
publication thereof, Friday, December 2ti, ami
aald summons shall be published ou FrUtaj bfn
each week foraperlod of six weeks,
This summons Is publiehed by order of Ituir-.
Tbos. A. Mcbrlde, Judge of the above ntilbut.i
court, duly made November 3,10?..
Attorney for FlaiaUII...
I. C iBO.Ky. Co.
25c is the reitular Ptiif!wr
round trip rate between Oregoni
City and Portland. Get your tickets- ax
Harding's-drug store."
The Best Remedy for Croup.
From the Atclilnson, Kan., Daily Globe..
This la the season when the womttn
who knows the best remedies for croon-'
ia In demands in every neighborhood..
One of the most terrible things in the
world is to he awakened in the middle of '
the night by a whoop from one of,'
the children. The croup remedies are
almost aa sure to be lost, in case (it)
croup, as a revolver is sure to he lost in.
case of burglars. There used to be ait,
oldfashioned remedy for croup, knovsiii
as hive syrup and lulu, but some moderix
mothers say thai Chamberlain's Gondii.
Remedy is better, and does not cost ic
much. It tauseB the patient to "throw
up Jhe phlegm" quicker, and gives teWi
in a shorter lims;. Oive this remedy aw
soon as the croupy couh appears tnu
it will prevent the attack. It nev
fails and is pleasant and mle to take,
iot saie ov o-o. A, Haniiitc.