8 OREGON CITY COURIER- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1902. i vnv i UBiira AyegetablcPrcparationror As similating HteToodandRegula t'mg the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes UIgesUon,ChECifuI nessandBestContains neither OpiunuMorptiiiie nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Mx Jmnm Jtypemsnt HiCariunaltSoia, ftifmSeed -Ctarifyd Sitgitr . Aperfcct Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness and Loss of SlB Tac Simile Signature of NEW "YOEK. ransas emu it cassis; EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the At J Signaiiire h$ Use 11 m m w 1 SEVERAL INCIIES OF THE BE J UTIFUL Covers Vie Ground in the Eastern Part of County Heavy Rain- ) fall in Oregon City Turns to Snow Out in the Country. For Over Thirty Years THC CENTAUR COM PUN V, HtW YORK CITY. Tf anuf acturing XTJL .AND.. WATCM REPAIRING .A SPECIALTY. Heavy rain fell in Oregon City Mon day morning and continued intermit tently all day Tuesday. Out in the east ern part of the county snow baa fallen instead of rain and several inches of the beautiful covers the ground all over the eastern section of the county. Several citizens from Highland and vicinity were in town Tuesday and re ported that inetead of rain snow fell in their section Monday. That the snow came down very rapidly and before night three inches bad fallen. Tuesday was much colder than Monday, and the rain which fell here probably came down as snow all over the easteru section of the county. If such be the case it is more than likely that while we are en joying lots of water and mad here in other sections of the county they have something like a foot of snow to contend with. Highland is only thirteen miles out in the country, to the east of Oregon City, but is two or three hundred feet higher and in toward the foothills, hence the difference in temperature. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature New Plumbing and Tin Shop A. MIHLSTIN JOBBING AND REPAIRING a Specialty Opposite OaufleldBlook OREGON CITY Fitting Spectaclc3 and'Eue Glasses By Up-to-Date Methods. Examinaon Free, by an Expert Opticican A. N.-WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 5th E. E. G. SEOL Will give you a Bargain in Wall Paper Wall Tinting and In General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel Largest Clothiers In the Northwest pjjmoNEPRJCEHa'TERSaCLOTtil Corner Fourth and Morrison Streets 4 FuWds Wearing Ape! For Mew and Boys' The variety of styles and materials we show are all that could be asked. We want you to come to Portland and look over our lines--we will be pea s ed to show you through, whether you wish to buy or not. 4 4 4 4 Men's Business uits Men's Topcoats Men's Raincoats -Men's, Overcoats $10 to $35 10 to 30 12 to 30 10 to 55 Large assortment of Full Dress Tuxedo and Prince Albert Boys' Clothing of Highest Grade We are, without a doubt, showing more exclusive dsigns in Boys' and Youths' High-Grade Clothing than any concern in the Northwest. Complete lines of Juvenile Furnishings and Hats in connection with the boys' department. to to to to to f Higf Uncommon Colds. "It is iust a common cold," people say, "there's no danger in that." Ad mitting their statement, then there are uncommon colds, colds which are dan gerous; for many a fatal sickness begins with a cold. If we could tell the com mon cold from the uncommon we could feel quite safe. But we can't. The uncommon vari ety is rarely rec ognized until it Has fastened its hold on the lungs, and there are symptoms of consumption. J)r. fierce s Golden Medical Discovery cures coughs, bron chitis, " weak " lungs and other diseases of the organs of respir ation. It in creases the sup ply of pure, rich blood and builds up the emaciated body.' "I took a severe cold which settled lit the bronchial tubes," writes Rev. Prank Hav. of Nor- tonville, Jefferson Co., Kansas. After trying medicines labeled 'Sure Cure,' almost without number, I was led to try Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. 1 took two bottles and was cured, and have stayed cured. When I thiuk of the great pain X haa to endure, and the terrible cough 1 had, it seems almost a miracle that I was so soon relieved. That God may spare you many years and abundantly bless you is the prayer of your grateful friend." If you ask your dealer for "Golden Medical Discovery" because you have confidence in its cures, do hot allow yourself to be switched off to a medi cine claimed to be "just as good," but which you did not ask for and of which you know nothing. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure diz ziness and sick headache. OVER THE RAMAPOS. A Wild Region That I Quite Clove to Nnw York City. Who would believe that within thirty-two miles of New York city there are mountain dwellings In a district s? wild and rough that they are inac cessible even to the feet of ponies; that no produce can be taken out to nor supplies brought in from these farms save on the backs of hwm; that the people gain their living by making bas kets, wooden spoons and such light ar ticles as they cru transport on their Bhoulders; that even the bodies of th dead cannot be taken out, but must be buried In the fortst or in the yards oi the mountain cabins; a region where the people are as primitive In their ways, though not so lawless in their tendencies, as tfe Tennessee mountain eers? It Is bird to believe, but It is true. When, In the middle of August, I pitched 'my tent on the easterly side of the easterly range of the Ramapos, in Rockland county, close to a mountain stream, I did not know that just over the range of these wild mountains de scendants of the Tory rangers of 1776 were yet to be found. I did not know that the higher reaches of the moun tains were tolerably full of rattle snakes of great size and beauty. I did not know that the wild dogs lived up there. I only perceived that the hills were beautiful, the air pure and invig orating, the woods practically unbroken and the streams clear and cold. I per ceived that there wore no swells' places anywhere in the hills, and that the wood runner's pnsturage was un broken. The people whom I met were cordial, smiling, unsuspicious. I liked Ramapos as the result of only a glance and liked them still better after a camping acquaintance of a couple of weeks. It certainly did not decrease my in terest, to know that, beginning some twenty or more years ago, sundry do mestic docs of large size, finding in the Ramapo woods no one to say theiti nay, had tied from the lowland farmfl to the hills and hnd, after going quite wild, started a breed of creatures which has now taken on quite a type of its own. New York Mail and Ex' press. -Q TDIE KID) FKflDNT Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon 400 fir piling from 30 to 55 feet long Address stating price to Standard Box Factory, Portland, Or. Luck In Thirteen. By sendinz 13 miles Wm. Spirev, o Walton Furnace, Vt., got a box of Bucklen's Arnica Salve, that wholy cured a horrible lever Sore on his leit. Nothing elee could. Positively cures Bruises, Felons, Ulcers, Eruptions, Boils. Burns. Corns and Piles. Onlv 25c. Guaranteed by Geo. A. Harding druggist. Strayed or Stolen. About December 1st; 1902, two heifers going to two years ; one light red, ear mark cut tip and crop underneath right ear; one dark red, white under belly Suitable reward for recovery . Loris Ft'SK, Redland, Or The Pride of Heroes. Many soldiers in the last war wrote to say that for Scratches, Bruises, Cuts Wounds, Corns, Sore Feet and Stiff Joints, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the in the world. Same for Burns, Scalds Boils, Ulcers, Skin Eruptions and Tiles It cures or no pay. Only 50c at Geo. A Harding's drug store. Useful Christmas Presents. E INVITE you to call and see what we have to offer you for the holidays. Our goods are well bought and we are able to sell at very low prices. Our stock com poses anything the heart can desire in useful Holiday Goods uch as READY-MADE DRESSES, UMBRELLAS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, , FANCY LINEN HAND KERCHIEFS, DRESS SKIRTS AND WAISTS, KID GLOVES, FANCY WORK, BASKETS, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, BIBLES, BOOKS, JEWELRY, DOLLS CELLULOID GOODS, FASCINATORS, LAUNDRY BAGS, SOFA PILLOW TOPS, HATS, FANCY SWEAT ERS, SHOPPING BAGS, PURSES OF EVERY DE SCRIPTION, NECKTIES, TOYS OF; EVERY KIND and ther articles too numerous to mention. Give us a call before going to other places, as we feel confi dent we can jilease you. THE 1ED FlilT GEO. T. HOWARD. Pro. to: At Cost for GO Day f M XT a 1 1T j- m ror tne next sixty days my entire stock or trie above men- ja tionnd goods will be sold absolutely at cost. Also a few Boys' SH ouiu. ;y 1 If You Want a Bargain J Now is the time to get it &. W. GKACE, WA m General Merchandise, Oregon City j Brunswick House and Restaurant NEW1T PtJRNISHED ROOMS Meals at All Honrs Open Day and Nicht "Prices Reasonable Only First Class Restaurant in the City CHAS CATTA, Prop. Opposite Suspension Bridge OREGON CITY, ORE. YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT Bat the Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices in Oregon City is at HARE IS' GROCERY '$ Anidi iiltnii,i't:n,iialliil..iHlln,..iiilii..mi,l!ih,.a'Jj.i.ii.Jtii ilti iiJ iflhiM.ai,,iijI!:ii,,,i!iii,ilfl:ii,Mi;t'1 1:n:i!f .fr.ii!ifcnlllii,iniaj We carry the onlv complete line I of Caskets, Coffins, Robes and Linings in Clackamas County. We have the only First-Class Hearse in the County, which we will furnish for less than can be had elsewhere. Embalming a Specialty. Our prices alwayB reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed. SHANK & BISSELL. Undertakers 4 Phones 411 and 304. Main St., Opp. Huntley's. V llll,lll.ilili,ywiilllilii:piiil!y.,liillfmil!l friiimqillil'pi Illi'luiiiijiiiniijiiiBiiiaiiipiuiiyBBijiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiilliiii n D. R. DIMICK, LIVERYMAN, Successor to W. II. Young. Will furnish rigs and saddle-horses at reasonable prices. Finest turnouts in the city. Best saddle horses. If you want a rig or a horse, call on him. South Main Street, opposite Electric Hotel. 1