OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1902. I And Everybody who sees our beautiful display of Holiday Attractions is glad of it Come to Headquarters 8 iWi4 us uivyiioma f' : , : w1 J Popular presents at popular prices. Our fine Holiday Stock is full of Quality, Variety, Beauty and Good Taste. It is easy to select from, supplies exactly what you want, and it would be a mistake to buy before you see it. Remember, this splendid assortment contains the right thing for every person old, middle-aged or young. We take it for granted that your hearts are in the right place, this year, just as they have always been in the past.and that you feel the same generous desire to remember those you love with appropriate and desirable Christmas gifts this season as heretofore. We are therefore pleased to announce. to you that we have laid in a large and very complete assortment of beautiful new Holiday goods, perfectly adapted to the wants of warm-hearted gift-makers. Our stock is so extensive and varied, and withal so carefully selected, that we do not see how we can fail to p ease every single person who is looking for a desirable and appropriate gift for anybody, old or young. We wish to make our Holi Jay announcement this year particularly a talk to your pocket-book., We are going to be the people's Santa Claus this season just as far as the inexorable laws of business will permit by selling you Christmas gifts of all kinds at the lowest scale of prices known to honest trade. We are going to make your money far-reaching and profitable in the exchange for Christmas gifts. Wc want you to come in and see how little it takes to secure "uitable arfd appropriate gifts for those you desire to remember. For veeks past we have labored industriously to prepare for the Holiday trade, and our store is now fairly shining with a beautiful array of Christmas gifts. Special pains and much careful consideration was expended to make the collection of Christmas goods one whi h shall include something really desirable for every ind;vidual, from the youngest to the oldest. We have made it a point to have great variety in goods of all prices, langing from the merest triflle upwards, in order that you may make good ' selections at any price you feel able to pay Having thus smoothed the way for all classes of buyers by grading and assorting our stock in such a way as to meet the needs of those who have little as w;ll as those who have much to spend, and having marked all our goods at the lowest possible figures, we feel that we deserve your pa-.ronage. Don't Miss Our Holiday Display Ccme in and see how Satisfactory Christ mas Shopping can b Wade. . ... .. See how well we can" fill your wants and how far we canmak: your money go. iiri y HffMHiM IE OREGON CITY'S BIG CASH STORE BOARDS COMMISSIONERS. Regular December Term of the Couiitr Board. John Lewellen, T. B. Klllln, mid Win. Brolmt, CommlMloieii, State of Oregon, county of Clackamas. Before the board of county commis sioners of the state of Oregon for the cjnnty of Clackamas. Be it remembered, That at a regular term of the Board of County Commis sioners for tbe county of Clackamas, state of Oregon, begun and held at the court house in said county and state on Wfldnesday, the 3d day of December, at 10 o'clock a. hi., of said day to transact county business when were present Hon. John Lewellen, Hon. T. B. Killin, Hon. William Btobst, commissioners ; John U. Shaver, sheriff; F. A. Sleight, clerk. In the matter of warrants drawn in vacation, Owen Perrv support John Jones.. $14 00 Mrs Rosa "Treickler 10 00 Ellen Bridges 8 00 J VV Jones support J K Pat ton ... 0 60 Win Scott support J & M l'atlon. . 30 IX) Mrs Hattie Woods 5 00 Kl'aa Miller supt David Mortimore 30 00 T J Drake supt Elizabeth Wilhoit 20 00 Paul Freytag support J H Jones. . 10 00 A M Shibley supt Mrs Grindstaff. 8 00 llenrv Lewis 8 00 M Kriwer 7 00 Alice Carr support Jane Carr 10 00 I. Matheson 7 00 Gus Pirtle 10 (X) 0 E Bums support Johanna 6 00 1 J Gorbett support Win Stone. . . 5 00 .1 M Heckart support (VI Gadke. 8 00 King Bohall supt Phoeoe 1 Listings Elias Miller support C C Lewis. . . Mary Haley supt James Wilson. . K Auatln support Ira Phillips Kldora Younger John Avins VI rm AlUmH nan Mnoiiev sunt Godfrey Schmale Mrs Mary Volchers 8 00 W T Tinslev 6 00 8 B Peppel' 5 00 Mr.N A Clarke WW W T Gardner Boys A Girls Aid So 10 '.'0 m v V.u.tr. L Revnolds & family 8 00 u H Wheeler L 8 IX) MrsB Sheidiard 10 0t Mrs Bcoggins .V" W' Root Wickham indigent soldier. . 10 00 John H Churchill indigent soldier 6 IX) Mrs 8 E Valentine county charge 10 00 Ordered that a warrant for $0.57 be .iMUn in Uvnr of J. Stewart for said nihil matter of the .resignation of w..itjr Wllaun. suDervisor ot road dis trict No 2. , . . Ordered that said resignation be tA In the matter of the appointment of L, it i. ...... ....u.rvimir of road district Ni 2. It is ordered that said L D Jonee be appointed supervisor of road district No ... aii th nnxDired term of Walter In the matter of reports of road urer Diet No 1. Ininan& Paulson - $ 6 76 Harry 'jrimih 24 00 Percy St Clair 6 25 V Zimmerman 3 UO H Stuckey 3 00 W HCounsell 12 00 Dist No 3. J C Elliott & Co t 3 90 A II Uitzau 25 00 Dist No 4. R H Currin $4 50 Albert Kitching 4 50 A E Alspaugh 1 50 Dist No 6. 0 A Palmer $14 50 S S Waybill 6 00 SBirdsall 40 00 R Kirdsall 10 5o EHickey 13 85 7 00 12 00 13 00 10 00 8 (X) 8 IK) 15 00 8 (X) E Utiger 10 50 11 Bright 20 25 A Heiz 8 05 W B White 1 60 A Rich 160 Dist No 6. Thomas A Clark $1 50 H Revenue 3 00 II Wewer 1 i Dist No 7.- Jas Fegeles $10 00 Dist No 9. Peter Held $1 00 Julius Paulsen 5 00 W Guldenzapf 75 Moritz Grafenhain I 50 Henry Johnson 2 00 Dist No 10. II 1 racy $ 9 00 Frank Rhodes 5 (X) C Duse 7ft G Rrigbaum 1 50 O Sarver 50 W R Oatlield 22 00 TYociim 4 80 DiBt No 11. John E Smith $16 00 Dist No 12. Vigorit Powder Co $ 4 75 J C Sprague 17 00 Dist No 14 Vigorit Powder Co... $20-68 G F Gibbs 32 00 A Mautz 2 25 Geo Mautz 23 25 D J Thorn 18 00 T M Termer 16 50 Robt Ronaul 24 75 Robl Ronald Jr 18 00 CCGibbe i 31 50 Jamea Shelly 18 75 Frank Ronald 4 50 llany Shelly 3 75 T W Gibbs 3 75 G F Gibbs 10 (X) James Shelly 7 50 C 0 Gibbs 15 IK) Isaac Shortledge 7 50 H W Schmale 7 60 W D Hedge 4 50 T W Gibbs 6 00 J B Jackson 3 00 Dist No 16.- Dist No 18. T W Duffy $7 60 L Duffy 2 25 J Grossmiller. 3 00 .lames Shannon 1 50 John Shannon 8 00 Dist Nd 19. W J Moldenhauer $1 50 J J Mallatt 8 50 Dist No 20. Joseph Pollock $13 00 Dist No 24. F Watson $ 8 00 .1 S Yoder 3 75 E Werner 4 00 Emit MonUndon 76 John Gahler Jr 1 10 John Schwabauer 3 00 O H Hoffman 4 50 E A Montandon 12 00 Dist No 25. I Frank Mathews $ 75 12 00 Heniy E Stevens, recorder 5 0J Louva Ran.iall " .... 39 00 Lulu Hankins. copy'g delinq roll 12 00 Mary Conyers, 12 00 Water comrs. water rent 15 00 Pope & Co, road dist No 14 2 50 O C Enterprise, printing 63 70 F Biisch, toads 49 50 W A Huntley, stationery 19 20 C B Smith, sheriff. 3 75 W H Young, livery 23 50 J Bichner & Son, road dist No 30 3 25 Bruce C Curry, mak'g asmt index 120 00 Eli Williams, assessor 108 00 L E Williams, " 8100 Anna Williams, 64 00 Red Front Front T Co, pauper ac 4 00 P Nehren, board prisoners 7 13 O Wissenger. road dist No 1 1 55 Ed M Morris Dist No 27. P J Ridings & Son T Drake John Barth Dist No 28. George Wyland $ 9 00 Ray Wyland.... 6 75 Ben Wade 6 75 W B Wade 6 75 H Wilson 9 00 Francis Haun 2 25 B F Bovles 12 00 Dist No 31 John Aden $10 00 George Aden 0 00 Dist No 33. Shibley &Kandle 5 60 J A Ried 10 00 E Lacey 3 00 J antes Marrs. 1 50 Win Mans 1 50 J F Lovelace 1 50 Dist No S4. F P Petit $ 5 25 Jeff Shaw.. 18 00 Dist No 36 Geo LetiVr $3 00 Ivan Broadwell 75 I t T Jensen 1 60 Bud Thompsoo 6 00 Dist No 15 W. B Lawton $7 00 In the matter of bills allowed. Mrs Mary Halev, pauper acct. .. .$ 20 00 10 50 2 50 3 00 32 00 49 20 24 80 Aug Staehley... W Kellermier,. John Ehlers... . J P.-asely A Hodge Win Kaiser Joe Prasely John Kaiser.... ..$ 5 00 .. 20 00 .. 4 10 .. 1 86 .. 1 10 4 60 90 .. 8 25 Red Front Trading Co" " .... 2 00 J C .inner, school supt 21 31 Courier Pub Co, printing 8 70 Livy Stipp, justice of peace 5 20 J A Graliam, conMable 9 10 F S Baker, court house 2 6l O C Kntei prise, printing 69 50 Stone & Rodlun, road lumber.. . . 119 8Q Pae Tel A Tel Co, telephone 4 65 ('has Catta, pauper acct 8 00 J C Marquam, " " 3 00 F A SMtfht, clerk 3 00 James Turner, J P 35 80 James Roberts, J P 22 30 Geoige Aden, J P 4 5o Frank Uedncr, recorder 10 00 Amy Kelly, copying asseesm't roll 6 IK) G A Bollack " C A Willev, ii Roy Woodward, bicycle path.... J li Shaver, sheriff Eli Williams, asseescr i H S Moody, sheriff $4 00 Win Brobst, commissioner ... . 1 87 T B Killen 4 00 I John Lewellen 44 80 In the matter of the petition of Wilson ik Gosnell for liquor license at Oswego. By consent of petitioner it is ordered that this mailer be dismissed and papers withdrawn. In the matter of the petition of 0 I & 8 Co for rebate of taxes. Ordered laid over until next term. In the matter of the petition of T G Jonsrud and others' for a road. U is or dered that Wm Boring, Nels Nilsen and Dennis Jerger be appointed to meet on the 26th day of December, with J W Meldrum, surveyor. In the matter of compromising suit with James Peterson. It is orde-ed that this suit be compro mised upon the payment of $300 00. In the matter of the petition of Spencer Thomas. Commander Gibbon Post G A R, i asking that David G Frost, indigent sol dier, be placed on list of in ligent sol diers. Ordered that said David G Frost re ceive a warrant for $10 00 .a month, be ginning with December. In the matter of a county road between Multnomah and Clackamas counties. Multnomah County agreeing to pay half the expense of planking about 175 Katie Warnock " M A Waldron, " Lillie Horn Elma Albritiht " Emma Davis, clerk.. 50 00 16 00 50 IX) 16 00 6 (X) 32 00 A Howard, recorder 18 00 vards this road, it is ordered that Clack sinss County pay one half of said ex pense. In the mafer of the petition of Tkeo. Koenne'ker lor a county road. It is ordered that said matter be laid over unt;i May term, 1903. In the matter of building a bridge on the Greshm and Union Hall road. Ordered that that the county furnish the lumber and nails provided the resi dents volunteer the labor. In the matter of a special meeting of this board. It is ordered that this board meet on December 17th for the purpose of exam- inining and accepting, if satisfactory, the bridge over the Tualatin river. In the matter of the report of the view ers of Howling road. . Ordered that J Strowbridge, T Q Jons rud and Theo Koennecker be appointed viewers, to meet J W Meldrnm at the place of beginning on the 23rd day of De ceraler. In the matter of the petition of Helen L Strslton-for rebate of taxes. It is ordered that the penalty and in terest amounting to $2 57 be remitted. In the uiattei of cancelling taxes as sersed to Frank Hamal. It appearing that this land had been deeded to the United States, It is ordered that the taxes on said land lor the years 1899 and 1900 be cancelled. In the matter of the approval of the bond ot J as F Nelson. i It is ordered that the bond of Jas F Nelson, the incoming assessor, be and is approved. In the matter of rebuilding a bridge known as the Shibley bridge. Tliic bridge having been burned, it is ordered that the county furnish the lmn bei and nails, the residents to volunteer the labor. In the matter of repaying John Lewel len money advanced to return a person likely (o become a county charge to Spokane. It is ordered that a wairant for $15 00 be drawn in favor of John Lewellen for expense of returning a person likely to become a county charite to Spokane, In the matter of tbe petition of Eliza beth SaunderB, an indigent woman, for aid. It is ordered that a warrant lor fW ou be issued to Mrs Elizabeth Saunders for three months. In tiie matter of the petition of R Schnebel for road. Ordered that George Brown, George Randall and Aug Staehley be appointed viewers and J W Meldrum surveyor, to meet at place of beginning December 17. in the matter ot planking a portion ol the Linn road. Ordered that B F Linn plank about 80 rods of said road, Plank not to cost more than $4 00 per thousand, In the matter of the petition of J Stew art for rebate of taxes on a double assessment. In the matter of the report of viewers of Hoist road. Ordered that Baid report be- approved and road ordered opened. EXPENSE ACCOUNT. W H Boring. 2 days, 6 miles $ 4 60 Thomas Bohna 2 da, 12 mi 5 20 frank Osborne, 2 da, 14 mi 5 40 W M Dean, 2 da 4 00 J W Ackerson, 2 da....' 4 00 P M Hoist, 2 da.. 4 00 J W Meldrum, 4 da, 30 mi 23 00 In the matter of Etdora Younger, county charge. Ordered that the name of Eldora Younger be stricken from the list of county charges. In the matter of bounties on wild ani mals. Clerk's report (bowing that he had Is sued warrants to tbe amount of $12 00 be approved, la the matter of the report of clerk and recorder for fees received during month of November. ' Clerk $282 00. Recorder $290 40. Or dered that said leport be approved. In the matter of the report of viewers of damaices on Fanton road. Viewers report that the lands of E H Cooper would be rendered lees valuable n tbe sum of $15 00: the kndu nf Wm, Gregory and John Hughes Griffith in tbe sum of $35 00 and-the lands of Jacob- kalbfleisch in the sum of $70 00. Ordered that report be approved and road ordered opened. In the matter of Ihe report of viewers' for the vacation of a portion of the Fan ton road. Ordered that said portion nf saM rrui.tt be vacated as soon as another road is' opened to take its place. Roosevelt and ihe Trusts. With your permise on will call your attention to something that stripes me as tbe worst iece of demegoguery that I' hwe noticed since the June election in Oregon, We find the following in the daily Oregonian of the 3rd : Speaking of thePresident's message oa the trust ques. ti m you will find tne following when President Roosevelt said, as he has many times, that a constitutional amendment is a necessary preliminary to true regu lation. He spoke upon perfect informa tion. He didn't know, for he had tackled the trust problem as be does all others with a eateh as catch can chiefly as a hook for his didatche aphorisms, so he just jumped at the conclusion. From Attorney Genersl Knox he has- learned the still untried capacities of the Sherman anti-trust law and its entirely feasible amendments. Therefore, he now says we have the power without the amendment, though at Boston i August he assured the country that legislational amendment would only Le to bricks without straw. Now, would' you ever? Why did he not tell the people this before the fall elections simply this the people would have asked hint what have you and thai trust attorney of yours been doing you nave not enforced the law? Another thints bybeing truthful the Democrats might have cotten the lower nf - r, ' an1 also the Socialist vote might have beena few more. Now we can draw no other conclusion than this that he Is either a fool or keeping a man in his cabinet that does not enforce the law (if he, .the President, Is honest in his opinions a knave if he does know that law would be elective. President' Roosevelt. W. J. Bt vin and all leading men know in fact they Cinnot reach the trust by enactment of pw hibitory laws. Tbe sensible conclusion i "does the government own the trust or tbe trust own the government?" W. W. Myers. Hats, Bats, Hate. Buy low and styles the beet. smith. now. Prices 'Mm 0. Gold. visors.