Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 19, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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If you wish to send money to the "Old Country" you can do
so easily and cheaply through this bank We issue drafts
payable in nearly all countries
Christmas Only One Week Off
Charle? F. Hayner, of Mill City, waB
in Oregon City last Saturday.
Mrs. E. Taylor, of Seattle, i visiting
friends at Clarkes in this county.
J. J. Brown and wife, of Grand Ledge,
Mich., are registered at the Electric.
T. Membach, of San Francisco, was in
town on businees the first of the week.
Ei Howard, of Spokane, was regis
tered at the Electric Friday of last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Tolman, of ClarkeB,
-were in Oregon City Saturday visiting
Mayor Grant B. Dimick spent Sunday
as the guest of his father's family near
Charles Grider, of Mill City, was a
visitor to Oregon City the latter part of
last week.
C. S. Ferguson, of Chicago, was in
Oregon City on busineRS the latter part
of last week.
Representative-elect Hans Paulsen
was in town Saturday mingling with lo
ca! politicians.
B. C. Hawley and John Rowen, two
charter members of Logan grange, were
i n the city on Tuesday.
E. B. Smith, of Comas, Wash., was
calling on acquaintances in Oregon City
the latter part of last week.
Henry and Ed Bagby will shortly re
turn to Randsburg, Calif., where they
own valuable quartz claimB.
E. W. Scott, one of Oregon City's best
contractors, is finishing a house for L.
E. Gardner, near LuiBey's mill.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Hargreaves went
to Salem Saturday to celebrate
the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. T. H. Carpenter, of Mendota,
III., is visiting the family of Rev. J. H.
Beaven. Will probably remain in Oregon
City for some weeks.
John H . Gibson, a prominent citizen
of Milwaukie, was in Oregon City Mon
day night on his way to Cottage Grove,
where he goes on a matter of business.
Mrs. L. 6. Allen and F. I. Allen,
mother and sister of Mrs. J. H. Beaven,
ate visitors at the home at Rev. J. H.
Beaven and will be here for some days.
Mrs. John Moehnke and little daugh
ter, of Suver is in town, the guest of her
mother, Mrs. M. Bluhm. Mrs. Moehnke
wiil remain in this city for the holidays.
J. F. Nelson, assesssor-elect, has
moved with his family from Liberal to
Oregon City. Mr. Nelson resides on
Seventh street. He will take hold of his
offi on the first day of January.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown arrived in
Clackamas county on Saturday of last
week and are viaiting Mr. and Mrs.
Tolman, of Clarkes. They will remain
in the valley during the winter.
Mr. A. W. Cheney, wife and son, who
hive been touring Utah, Colorado and
California for the past six weeks, re
turned home on Monday. They Uad a
verv delightful trip and came home
very much pleased with the country
through which they bad passed.
R. M. Heath, who has been living at
Gray's Rivar, Wash., for the past sev
eral years, was in town Saturday with
his little son. Mr. Heath had the ad
dress of his Courier changed to Ella,
Oregon. He has a ranch in that section
of the state and will in the future reside
On the beautiful painting
Mount Hood
Now on exhibition at the drug
st )re of Howell & Jones. Chances
1 0 Cent
Each. For sale at the drug store.
Mr. M. N. Cheney.
Fresh eggs retail at 36 cents a dozen.
Wilhoit Springs baa received several
wagon loads of bottles.
Sunnyside school district No. 71 has
employed a second teacher. The new
teacher is Miss Edith Karr.
A marriage license was cranted on
Monday to Miss Lillian Belle Rouse and
W. S. May, both of Clackamas county.
Dr . Beatie has received a lot of regis
tered Berkshire hogs, among them ten
brood bows, to BtocR his Beaver creek
A large crowd attended the ball Sat
urday evening. Priz-js were offered to
the best waltzera. Mrs. Minnie Bu tier
and Bud Chambers carried off' the
Three youngtoughs, of Portland.came
to Oregon City last Sunday and after
filling up on bad whiskey started out to
do do up the town and all in it They
shortly changed iheir minds, all three
being put out of business by one mm
Among the recent arrivals in town
who are registered at the Electric, are :
J. E. Vawter, N. Y. ; J. V. David, New
berg, Or. ; W. J. Cross, Detroit, Mich.;
Clyde E.Cook, Carthage, Mo.; F. H.
Hayner, Mill City, Or.; A. Plummer,
Stay ton, Or. ; E. Horner, Portland.
Tom F. Cowing, Jr., agent for the
Wells, Fargo & Co. in this city, has pur
chased a wagon for the delivery of the
company's packages, and is now giving
the city a better service than by the old
way of hiring a wagon, as it was not al
ways possible to secure the services of
one when required.
Sycamore district No. 15 has engaged
a second teacher Miss Nora Lambert.
This step was rendered necessary be-
cause of the rapidly increasing number
of j. upils. Both teachers will teach in
the same room for the preBent, but an
other room will soon be added .
Oregon Oity has been full of hobos for
the past two or three weeks. Night
watchman, Ed Shaw, has run in a num
ber and the city bastile has been full to
running over with these gentlemen of
leisure, They are usually kept over
night and the next morning turned
loose with orders to leave town at the
earliest possible moment.
Hulda Mundhenke, of Park Place, has
filed a complaint against her father,
Fred Mundhenke, charging him with
insanity. He is 80 years of age, and
imagines that he should go and help his
father, who has been dead the past 30
years. He also often runs away from
home, and his family is unable to keep
him under proper restraint. He was
adjuged insane.
Yung, the heathen truck farmer, is
tying up his celery crop. It is indeed
odd that no one but this Chinaman can
find it profitable to employ several men
the year round at a dollar a day and
board, to raise vegetables for our popu
lation and that of Portland, Only a per
son dead in love with a labor will stick
to his job as a Mongolian does week
days or Sundays allee same, work allee
The Courier printed of its last issue
more than 2500 copies and sent out sever
hundred extras. Notwithstanding the
fact that we kept more than a hundred
copies in the office, so great was the de
mand that we have not a single copy
in our office of our last issue. Does this
not show that the Courier is the most
popular paper in Clackamas county ? Is
is not a line for advertisers to go by ?
The Courier has no complaint to make
however, as it has as much advertising
as it can conveniently carry.
Are You Perfrared?
We are ready to make Xmas buying easy for you Help you out with our
many years of experience in selecting or let you do your own selecting-Even to
letting you wrap up your selections Our plan of making prices in plain figures
makes this possible. Anyhow we would like to have you come and take a look
at our store. We believe you'll find something here that you'll feel better for
things that perhaps you'll not find elsewhere in town.
Presents That Please Men.
fc Travels, Adventure, Fiction, Fun, History,
k Biography. So much for so little if
you invest in books .
Cloth Binding clear type $0.20
" mViiti" and crcAA hnvcH
specially designed for gifts 35
Leather Bin dings boxed 60 to 2.50
Sets 2 to 15 vols. boxed . . 1.00 to 17.50
for Boys and Girls.
Brownie Camera.
Brownie No 1 Regular $1.00 $0.80
Brownie No. 2 Regular $2.00 1.60
Brownie Developing Machine ...... 2.00
Any child can develop pictures with
this machine no dark room no red
lights no fuss no bother just turn
the crank.
Collar and Cuff Buttons . .05 to 5.00
Shirt Sets and Studs 50 to 2.50
Watch Charms and chains . . .50 to 6.00
Scarf Pins. 25 to2.0o
2.50 up
1. 00 up
Gold Rings . . . .
Match Boxes Sterling Silver
Pocket Manicure Set Sterling
Silver in leather pocket case
Sterling Silver Novelies
.25 up
For Personal Use.
Something that goes into the pecket or is
carried with him for everyday use.
Knives 25 to 2.50
Finger Natl Clippers (new) ... .25 to 2.50
Purses-Card Cases-Bill Books .25 to 4.00
Cigar Cases 40 to 4.50
I icrnra npr hnvof 12 and 2C. 1.00 UD
Pipes ' 25 to 8.00
Match Boxes 25 to 2.50
ft) Fountain Pens 1.00 up
ink stands ana writing jjesK.
Articles .25 up
Umbrellas i.to 10.00
Diaries 25 up
Key Chains Silver 1.50
Toilet Articles
and Things for His Room.
Pocket Kodaks.
At 20 per cent, less than the manufacturers'
advertised prices .
No. 1 Folding Pocket Kodak $5 -80
No. 1 " " " 8-
No. la ' 9-6o
No 2 " " " 12.00
No! 3 " " " 14.00
The Pocket Pocofor Plates 4-80
We will furnish any Camera at 20 per cent
less than manufacturers' advertised prices.
Gifts for the Ladies.
- -v
jjainty unr, uooks in nam viom in
white and gold in Ooze Calf in Pad-
ded Leather in Limp Lizard bingle W
volumes and sets of 2 to 15 volumes at
all prices from 20c to $17.50.
Leather Goods.
Purses Card Cases-Pocket
books Wrist bags Chatel-
aine Bags, plain and beaded
Finger Books 25 to $10.
Music Rolls 50 to 2.50
Writing Companions 1.25 to 4.00
Philip Bucklein, proprietor of the
Oregon City Machine Shop, shipped
our rotary 7) horse-power engines to
Seatth Monday. These are the first en-
svinntt ana rvi a nil f a M VLiA I r (fn rti-r f1!.,
and the Oreeon City Machine Shod is W
to be congratulated on having turned
out this ffork and Oregon City should
be congratulated in having such pro
gressive citizens as Mr. Bucklein. These
engines will be used in ice factories.
The Margarita Fischer Company,
which closed a week's engagement at
Shively's opera house Saturday evening,
was quite the ' beat company that has
struck this city the present season
There was not a single bum perform
ance during the whole six nights.
While it is not likely that the engage
ment in this city was a financial suc
cess to the Fischer Company, as they
carried 22 people in their show and ex
penses must have taken up good part
of their earnings, the Bhows were very
well patronized, which shows that Ore
gon City people appreciate good ta!ent.
Razors 1.00 up
Shaving Mugs .25 to
Shaving Outfits -. . . 1. to 6.00
Mirrors .25 to 6.00
Military Hair Brushes in pairs I. to 6.00
Collar and Cuff Boxes .50 to 2.50
Necktie Boxes 5 to 2.00
Leather traveling Cases fitted
with Toilet Articles 1.50 up
Pictures 25 to 5.00
Steins and Tankards the new
Rozane Ware 1. to 3.00
Cloth Brushes and Whisk
Emnin C .2? UO
. uuin -J .................. j i
tf Whltely Exercisers 2. to 5.00
Boxing Gloves, per set 1.50 to 6.00
Punching Bags . . . . 1. to 5.00
Picture Books... -oi to .50
Board Books, fancy covers. . . . 10 to $1
Paint Books -25
Cloth bound books including
the ever popular Henty
Alger Castleman Munroe
Alcott Finley Sophie
May -I0UP
for the Little Ones.
ABC Books ic up
Linen Books ; Sc up
Blocks 5cto5oc
Paint Boxes I0C
Drawing Slates... 10c
Inflated Rubber Balls 10c
Silv er Plated Cups and Saucers .3 S
Babv Spoons 75c to 1.75
Card Games all the old and new
ones 5c to 50c
Board Games xocto 1.50
Checkers and Dominoes 10c to 20c
Chess sets Ic UP
Chessboards I0C
Crokinole boards 1. 00 up
Combination Carrom boards. . . 2.25
Pillow Dex 25c to 50c
Ping Pong 100 UP
Autograph albums 5c to 1. 00
Scrap albums 10c to 1.50
Toilet Articles.
Brushes Combs Mirrors 2 5 to 5.00
Same in Fancy Sets 1.00 up
Same with French Stag Backs.
Same with Ebony Backs Sil
ver Mounted
Ebonoid Brushes Silver Mt'ed
Manicure Articles Single. . .
Manicure Sets in Fancy Boxes
Perfumes T,oilet Wa'ters
Sachets all the best kinds
in bulk or fancy packages. .
Atomizers Puff Boxes Bon
1.50 up (Q
1.00 up
,25 up
25 up
Triplicate Mirrors and Sconces .25 to 6.00
Handkerchief and Glove Boxes i .50 up
: g
Unmounted Prints ,2$
Large Matted Pictures .25
Medallions 25 up
Fac-simile Water Colors .75 2r
Allen Gilbert Catendars ' 1.00 &
Picture Frames 8xi gilt.... .35
Gold Lacquered. .35
Venetian Iron Celluloid .25 to .50 S
Ocmolu Clocks 24 carat gold
Candlesticks gold plated . . .
" Fancy dark finish
Silverware for the table
Sterling Quadruple plate.
Silverware for the toilet ....
Jewelry Sleeve Buttons -
Chains-Lockets-Ear Drops
Ring s Brooches II a t
Pins Bracelets Etc 25 to 10.
Umbrellas the guara't'd kind 1. to 8.00
Photograph Albums 50 to 5 .00
Gold Pens pearl holders... . . 1 .00 up
Fancy Stationery in Holiday
1.75 to 9.00
.75 up
.25 up
boxes 50 to 2.50 w
Paper Knives Book Marks. 25 up
Presents for Everybody.
Calendars Christmas Cards Booklets - -
Bibles and Testaments
Lowney's Candies Original boxes
Napkins -
Tepper and Salt Shakers Silver top - - - " " ,
lira-Book Marks-Paper Knives-Ink Stands and a hundred other desirable
articles at - .
5c to $3.00
10c to $0.00
10c to $3.75
50c and 75c
25c and 50c
25c and up
We try to avoid buying things which
have an appearance of value they do
not possess articles only made to sell.
The Conquest ...... $1-08
McLoughlin and Old Oregon . $1.08
Stories of Oregon 00c
Druggists, Booksellers, Stationers