2 OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1902. 7A Removal Sale W L C Removal Sale The home furnisher is going to move Into the large and spacious qu a ters unde the Methodist church, corner Main and Seventh street. , Mc Is Going to Sacrifice his Entire Stock Regardless of Cost 1 J3 L fl fc. a u aj 2 p. V i ' a f "2 -a "X ' ! to S m a . e v o ,3 'P. -s-K'.a a) To save the expense of moving. Housekeeper, now is your time to save money and fit your house with new Carpetings, Draperies, Lace Curtains, Furniture, Fine New Steel Ranges, Steves, C ockery of all kinds and a fine lot of Holiday Goods are all included in the sale. ALSO ORGANS Mason, Hamlin, Esty, Chicago Cottage will all be reduced at' this sale. Also include As long as they last. ' They W. Maple Lane. Mr. and Mrs. George Hyatt are down from Goldendale, Wash., and are at ibe borne of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mautz, where their little child has been very low, but is slightly improved at the present writing. Cecil Cosper, of Sellwood, was the guest of his friend, Oourtie Qibbs Sat urday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Qaffney, Jr., made a trip to the vicinity of Clackamas Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Hodge and Mrs. Jack son and Olis dined with the Qibbs Tam il Suaday. Mr, and Mrs. John Davies returned home last week after spending several days including Thanksgiving at the former's old home with parents. We will have a Christmas tree at the school house on Christmas Eve. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller and Qeorge Bowdish, all of 8pringwater, spent Monday night at Q. F. Qibbs. There will be a snooting and raffling match (or geese and ducks at Ely on Saturday, December 13. Come and i?et a X mas goose. Pansy Blossom. Viola. Jo in Hamilton has rented the Dubois firm in Springwater. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Woodle, of Dover, attindedthi Quarterly meeting here on the9ih and were the guests of Rev. Eicon and wife. flask IB II QUOD ell Feed pale girls on Scott's Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons J why Scott's Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood. The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it does what it does. Scott's Emulsion presents wCod Liver Oil at & fullest in strength, its best, in strength, least in in their v a 3- vfJK women 'IcftiSsSrc ng iu-y-ermanently cured i t-t u . it -1 1 & M'J1, uiis fieaifliar disease of the sPl3ws itself itt . .a is. .vt .saiadnervou tPifiratment Sot" f g 4,,5i r W.S.I.....S r...$ 1 1 tiwmm 1 u a i-:r -w- m 1 i . m v- w fj - - 2 lUHlh sfijSSSEKLS-ir.lP : '5;a" titt i-a fi-n -.Z-' B fi.oElflpRhre are warranted for 10 years. It will L. BLOCK The Courier is now assuming a far ' different paper tnan has been .hereto fore, and while we differ in politics we are pleased to see the changes made and j note the fairness of the new editor we ' wish him success in his labor. Walker Bros.' sawmill is completed so that they now can saw lumber for the public. They purchased a four edge planer at a big cost which will be in op eration about January 1. This com pany deserves the patronage for their energy and for their skill as James has worked in the the large mills in Port land and on the Sound as head tawer. The public is now guessing the route to be taken by the new electric railroad of which Charles Latourette Is manager. We now expect to have sale for a large part of our surplus timber in this section, as it has been a great disadvantage on account of its large growth and thick ness. We also have large tracts of pil ing. There will be a law suit in Viola this week between Randolph, Sevier, Hie inbotbem & Co. We have not had a law suit for many yearB in this precinct, but when we do the fur flies, and you oan bet the county will have to pay for the scalps for cash money. Attorney Hayes and U'Ren are In training now for the event. Reserved seats 50 cents. We cannot guess the number of seeds in the big pumpkin, but if the Editor will, after counting the seeds, have the pumpkin made in the old fashioned Kentucky pies, we can guess how many pieces it will take to fill up an Orego- nlan. liss Olive Tenny has returned home from Portland, and R. M. has a broad smile on his face. The postmaster of Springwater, Wil liam Lewellyn, was in our burg this week, and gave us a description of his hold up at Springwater. He looked about one foot shorter in height and sav8 a bis a biir Colt's navy has the size of a wash tub in appearance looking at it when it Is close to one's nose, Advance. Aug Gebhard is building a house for Mrs Lula Toedtermir. Koellermeier Bros, are cutting wood 01 Peters' place. There will be, an entertainment and wait social at the Red school house Friday, the 19th. Henry Toedttrnieier iB hauling lunv ber. Fred Ridder, Jr., is stopping at Wa bash Avenue. There is a binder out waiting for the next crop. Auguet Voight is here visiting friends. . ' Uandl Mural Veil. Mr. Hostetter, of Aurora, was around with a petition for a free rural delivery. Farmers aTe willing to sign it. We hope it is a go. The smallpox scare is over. Mies Net tie Shrcck, who has been laid up with it, is able to be around again. Arthur Zweifeland Will Vick were seen on our streets Sunday. There must be some attraction. If It wasn't for the young pecple here the gossips would not have anything to talk about. Jack Frost was seen In our midst last night. 9 tone from iter-dy through our miUet to 9UifH($A in the near luture, Mr. Sienbeck moved to Portland w 0 QJ floruhev i n . 4 28.-iil Hrf. Iu Bonnie, of Hubbard, Aweri viii I. fliglow Sunday. f w--a g 1. re now aeTneoM as ressuifpi'-ices. late Rive re- pay you to call. Have a lot of hoping to turned home from a visit to relatives in Missouri. They have been quite sick since their return, but are now better. The dance at Barlow was well attend ed. Canby furnished the unual num ber of drunks . Epb James and wife were visiting at his father-in-law a few days thi s week. Mr. Erb h8 plenty of lumber on hand now. Call early and avoid the rush. Ed and Earl Hilton are improving their farm east of Needy. They are among our best people and are strong socialists. They take the only news paper published in the county, that is the Courier. . T. A. Cam pa u is improving his farm. He is putting up picket fences, lena is certainly going into the poultry busi ness. A petition is being circulated here to amend the game law so people can hunt deer with dogs. John Taylor is in the onion seed busi ness. The timber land excitement is oyer in this vicinity as it proved to be a first class fraud. If Professor JHalpruner will come to Barlow he can secure a few pointers on bow to run a dancing school. MisB Laura Kocher is visiting rela tives in Portland. Mullno. Misses Belle M urphy and Elna Erick- Bon were the guests of Mary Trullinger last Sunday. Miss Aldrich and Goldy Murphy were the guests of Mrs. Howard one day last week . ' Several of our boys have found work in the piling camp. Albert Erickson and Fred Farce were the guests of Royal Trullinger one day lust week. A man from Oregon City was in this vicinity looking up the right otway for a motor line from Oregon City to Wilhoit. The surveyots will be through here this week. Eva Wallace has the typhoid fever. Mulino Grange No. 40, met last Sat urday, and in the afternoon elected tho following officers : Master, 0. T. How ard ; overseer, K. A. Wright; lecturer, Mary S. Howard; steward, J. A. Davis; assistant steward, Pierce Wright; chap ain, Mrs. 0. E. Case; treasurer, Mrs. Knotts; secretary, Bfin Howard; gate keeper, A. Erickson; pomona, Miss Belle Murphy; flora, Miss Eva Graves; ceres, Mrs. hllen Williams; way as sistant steward, Mrs. Davies; janitor, Mrs. A. Erickson. The trustees of the hall for coming year are J. J. Mallett, P. P. Murphy and J. A. Davies. Blue Bkll. Foils A Deadly Attack, "My wife was so ill that good physic ians were nnable to help her," writes M. M. Austin, of Winchester, Ind., "but was completely cured by Dr. King's New Lite Pills." They work wonders in stomach and liver troubles. Cure constipation, sick headache. 25c at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. COUGHS AND COLDS. Recammendatlon of a Well Known Chi cago Physician. I use and prescribe Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for almost all obstinate, constricted coughs, with direct results. I prescribe it to children of all ages. Am glad tc recommend it to all in need and seeking relief from colds and coughs and bronchial atllictions. It is non-narcotic and safe in the hands of the most unpro fessi jnal. A universal panacea for all mankind Mrs. Mary R. Melendy, M. D., Ph. D., Chicago, 111. This remedy is for sale by G. A. Harding. remnants in Carpets to be sold at see you again . . THE HOME FURNISHER OREGON CITY, Oregon Suojtline Union Pacific TO 1? a rm AND THE The 0. R. & N. Co. Gives the Choice of SS DAILY WO VIA ONE VIA THE OREGON THE GREAT SHORT LINE NORTHERN 9:00 1. m. M 9:00 p. m. 6:00 P1- TO T0 SALT T A E, DEN SPOKANE, OMAHA, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO and ST. PAUL and KANSAS CITY. CHICAGO. Ocean Steamers leave Portland every 5 Days for SAN FRANCISCO Boats leaves Portland daily for Willami ette and Columbia River Points. Monthly Steamers to China and Japan, For fnll Information rail on or addreM nearest O. R. & a. Ticket Agent, or aaaresa A. L. CRAIG. ?, P. A Portland, Oregon GO EAST VIA kcbn a the 5RSDGRANQE mmm HQ GRAN Only transcontinental line . passing directly through Salt Lake City, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs and Denver. Three splendidly epuipped trains daily to all points East. Through Sleeping and Dining Cars and tree Keclming Uhair (Jars. The most magnificent scenery in America bv daylight. Stop overs allowed on all classes of tickets. For cheapest rates and detcriptlvi literature aaaresa J. D. J1ANSFIELD, Oenwal Afent, 24 Third Street, Portend, Oregon PORTLAND-ANTORIA ROUTE STR. BAILEYATZERT Pally Round Trlpi, eoept Sunday , Time card . la Portland 7 A. M Leave Aitorla 7 P. M THE DALLE-PORTLAND ROUTE ' STBS. TAHOMA and METLAKO Dally Trlpa Except 8undaj STR. TAHOMA Uave Portland, Mon., Wed.andri 7 A.M. Leave The ballei, Tuaa., Tbnra. and Sat.. 7 A. M. STR. METLAKO LT Portland, Tue Thora. and Sat. 7 A. M Leave Dalles, Mas., Wed. and Fri 7 A. M Landlnf, Foot Alder Street BOTE rHOKU, MAIN 861 POKTLIHO, ORIBuK AGENTS A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore. J. W. Crichton The Dalles, Ore. A. K. Fuller Hood River, Ore. VTolford & Wyers. White Salmon, Wash. Henry Olmstead Carson, Wash. John T. Totten Stevenson, Wash. J. 0. Wvatt Vancouver, Wash. E. W. CRICHTOX, PORTLAKD, ORE Former price Only $19.00 my old price. Thanking you for TlT anufacturing AND.. WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY Fitting Spectacles and Eue Glasses By Up-to-Date Methods. Examinaon Free, A. N. WRIGHT The Iowa Jeweler, $150 IN To be Given to Courier Subscribers Ibsolutely FREE TO ALL The Courier will distribute among its subscribers $150.00 in t gold on the afternoon of New Year mammoth pumpkin which is on Courier office. Its weighs exactly 100 pounds. Every subscriber to the Oregon City Courier who pays one years subscription will be en titled to make one estimate upon the number of seed in this splendid specimen of the genus pumpkin. An additional guess may be made for each additional subscription paid. subscriptions and made one estimate fifty cents each, To the subscribers making the closest estimates as to the number of seeds in the pumpkin the following prizes will be awarded : For the First Best Guess ; $50.00 in gold For the Second Best Guess 25.00 in gold For the Third Best Guess 15.00 in gold For the Fourth Best Guess 10.00 in gold For the Fifth Best Guess 10.00 in gold For the Sixth Best Guess ,. . . 5.00 in gold For the Seventh Best Guess 5.00 in gold For the Eighth Best Guess 5.00 in gold For the Ninth Best Guess 5.00 in gold j For the Tenth Best Guess 5.00 in gold For the Eleventh Best Guqss 5.00 in gold For the Twelfth Best Guess 2 50 in gold For the Thirteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold For the Fourteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold For the Fifteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold In event of two or more persons guessing any wining num ber that prize will be divided . On the after noon of New Year day at two o'clock P. M. the pumpkin will be cut and the seeds counted by a committee of well known citizens of Oregon City and the prizes awarded to the success ful estimators. We want 2,000 paid up in advance subscribers to the Courier by the first day of January, 1903. Can't you help us to get them. We are giving you an elegant opportunity. Drop into the office, take a look at the pumpkin and leave us an estimate on the number of seeds that it contains together with your subscription. If not convenient to come to the office send us a check, or money order for the amount you want to invest in the Courier All subscriptions in arrears are entitled to participate to the extent of one estimate for each subscription paid. If you are already a subscrib er, pay up the old score if behind and renew for one year in advance an d make as many estimates as you pay subscriptions, if you are not on our list get on as soon as you can, and take a lesson in agriculture by estimating the number of seed in the pumpkin . No. Name Address.. , Date 1902. Address'all communications to The Courier Publishing Company, Oregon Gty, Oregon your past patronage and OREGON by an Expert Opticican 293 Morrison, near 5th GOLD day next. We have secured a exhibition in the window of the Subscribers who have raid their may take additional estimates at I a 1 r TJfl Ji o C 0 4 A 5 p. 6 a 0 w u n y w g 3 v. 3