Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 12, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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A Great Christmas
H.f you wish to send money to the "Old Country" you can do
;-so easily and cheaply through this bank. We issue drafts
payable in nearly all countries.
Sfca. Jefferson fell, last Sunday, and
WMSw.d4y injured.
M-. Myers, of Chehalis, Wash., spent
L week with bis daughter, Mrs.
(Sastsdpa Leatberwood, of Oakland,
TL,5: tfie guest of his daughters, Mrs.
Karjead Mra. Sheppaird.
Sfca. tfennie Neiler, of Walla Walla,
"Wi& was visiting friends in Oregon
Xye first of the week.
MTses Efcse Mulvana, of Meadow
Ifewfe, spent last week visiting friends
tntt&wgan City and Canemah.
Sl&rs . Craig's sister, who has been vis
l&ferj with her this fall, was married in
Cklfcmia, 'Monday evening.
M m Helen 'Eastbam, a charming
ywoa-2 lady of Oswego, was visiting
ftfasaSsuii -Oregon Oity, the first of the
SCml Frank Allbrieht. who has been
J. H. Turney will give a masque ball
on Christmas night at the armory. As
all of Mr. Turney's dances are successes
there is no doubt about this one.
There was a dance at the armory, last
night, given under the auspices of the
Merry Dancing Club. No one but mem
bers of the club and invited parties at
tended. The Ladies of Security gave a dance
on Wednesday evening, which was wtell
attended by lovers of the art Terpsichore.
It was highly successful from every
standpoint. '
For the publication of the delinquent
tax list, this year, the county will have
to pay the Enterprise the sum of $1,7&0,
a sum which would pay a large propor
tion of the taxes delinquent.
There will be a dance at the armory,
Saturday night, given by Turney. A
large number of invitations have been
vfcfiSwrg her mother in Jefferson for the j 88ued and Bwe11 time ia expected,
Iiafc three weeks, returned to her home,
5fe.nd Mrs. Frank Stewart, of Port
U'att, were here the first of the week.
TJciy .have been to Wilhoit, where Mr.
fiTtorfcrt is 'interested in some timber
Sfefe. . J. Swafford and daughter,
SEw, title, -of Salera, arrived Tuesday
'mimalng end immediately left for Mt.
f-feaiMMit, where they were the guests of
Mr. Arthur Warner Tuesday and
EE ."IT. Davis, of Garfield, was in town
VP&aeeday. Mr. Davis lives on the
n-TOieiric line that will -shortly be
bwGt through that section, and thinks
tSw.wew line will greatly increase the
viiaf ''his'farming lands in that sec-
UT.?ehn A. Welsh, of Portland, wai
utASfeeflon City, on Wednesday, on busi
owss. fcDr. Welsh "is an old citiien of
Prizes will be given to the best gentle
man waltzer and the best lady waltzer.
At the meeting of the board of direc
tors of the city schools, Tuesday, it was
ecided that u v ie it ion of two weeks
would be given the teachers and pupils.
School will close on the 19th inst, and
will not re-open until the first Monday in
Oregon City and Willamette Falls
played a game of foot ball at the ball
park in Willamette Falls, last Saturday
afternoon. The game was not very ex
citing, the Oregon City team being su
perior to the Willamette Falls team.
The score stood, Oregon City, 26; Wil
lamette Falls, 0
On Tuesday a number of those Pat
rons of Husbandry who hold life insuf
ance policies in the order, held a meet
ing in this city for the purpose of elect
ing a truBtee. Dr. J. S. Casto was
selected and the choice could hardly
TratgK'City, having practiced dentistry haye bee hetter or the honor more fit
harotfer well on to thirty years. It was
tnwithat he accumulated his fortune,
TifilhiB family, and became the pros
nwDoc and provident citizen that he is
He is to-day the largest dental
tr.$yerin the state of Oregon. He
tnofiiwiised family of nine children and
4Eroehem.a' good education, and Btarted
tiiiwtin t'ae world in the right way.
T3b,t3octop.is now just 66 years old, hale
noifi bearlyand robust, active in mind
eu3imb, and evidently has many years
u& crsefulness ahead of him. So may it
h He has quite a good deal of prop
in Orogon City and much more in
E'5Bd. He says, and we do not
it, thet he likes his old friends
aiirfi his oi l home the best of all.
Catholic Dedication.
tin nest Sunday, the Hth, the St.
.faSri's Catholic church will be reded
t!Sed(.at half past ten o'clock, by the
tw.st Eererend A. Christie. In the af-tiracfc-eon
at four o'clock, on the same day,
fiat sixty members of the congrega
tion will receive th sacrament of con
Jisracation. Every one is welcome to
tfonae exercises. The archbishop will
jtwach on both occasions. About ten
S?cw9ts will be present and take part in
tan program of the day. The music for
ifcirb mass and confirmation services in
t.feft'ternoon will be especially attract
VHoviy to loan ; 6 and
:wAe9tftte security.
7 per cent, on
C. H. Dye.
Or;T the beautiful painting
Mount Hood
Zosv on exhibition at the drug
.of Howell & Jones. Chances
JO Cents
VijLh. ? for sale at the drug store.
Ir. M.N. Cheney.
tingly bestowed. Dr. Casto's jurisdic
tion embraces part of Washington.
There was a meeting of the insurance
department of the Clackamas county
grange in thta cit" Tuesday, held for the
purpose of electing a director for Clack
amas county. G. K. Stevenson was
elected chairman and W. H. Thomas
secretary, while A. Newell and C. Spence
were appointed tellers. About 175 of
the insured were present, either by per
son or proxy. Dr. J. S. Casto, of Port-
laud, received a majority of the votes
cast and was declared elected director
for the ensuing two years.
While engaged in working in the Wil
lamette paper mill, last Saturday, An'
tone Noelling was thrown frqm a shaft
ing and fell a distance of thirty feet. He
received dangerous injuries and was
taken to his home on !a stretcher. ' Dr.
Carll,.the company's physician, dressed
his wounds, and the injured man is now
on the road to recovery, but he will be
unab'e to go to work again for some
time. He will receive half pay during
his confinement.
Jesse Bayby, of Molalla, was in town
on Monday and Tuesday. He brought
in a nice drove of beef cattle, which he
marketed at a nice figure. Mr. Bagby
has recently beccmea benedict. On the
17th of November last, he was united in
marriage to Miss Zella Bailey, of Sheri
dan, Yamhill county. He brought his
wife back to the good old farm at Mo
lalla, where they expect to live in the
future. Mr. Bagby is one of the leading
and best known citizens of Molalla, and
all of his friends wish him well in his
new venture.
Superintendent J. C. Zinser was in the
southern part of the county, last week
visiting the schools. On Saturday he
attended a teachers' meeting at Mar--quam.
A good program was rendered
at the meeting, which was a success in j
avarv nartlnnlar T Vi a mnfninn Da.fiiin I
was taken up by a discourse by Prof. Zin
seron "The School and theCpmmunity."
At noon an excellent lunch was served
by the good ladies of Marquam, In the
afternoon, "Elements of a successful
school" was discussed by the teachers of
Clackamas county.. School district No.
103 has been disorganized by the super
intendent. There is talk of a graded
school for Marquam . (
The Margarita Fischer Company is
playing a week's engagement at the op
era house this week. Monday night a
stirring drama, "The Queen of Wall
Street," was put on. Miss Margarita
Fischer played the leading part, and
made quiteahit withcur people. Many
of the otheV characters played their
puts in a satisfactory manner. Tues
day night "A Gollen Giant" ae
(Our Holiday Stock
Is so big that we hardly have room to turn around, but we
are doing business and lots of it; our stock is "up-to-date."
We have the choicest selections from all the leading manu-
facturrs. "Goods bought right are half sold," is a good old
saying, and our goods certainly were bought right if buying from first hands for spot cash cuts any figure.
Here are a few of the many things we have in endless variety: ;; .... . , ,-r,
Toilet sets
Shaving sets
Manicure sets
Baby sets
Traveling sets
Smoker sets
I Brushes, all kinds
Crolil clocks
Perfumery ".
Xmastree ornaments
Books : ;
i - i t
Fountain fiens
Jtozane pottery
Handsome stationery
We most cordially invite you to come and see what a magnificent holiday stock we have.
Druggists, Booksellers,
played to a fine audience, and was
claimed by many to have been one of
the best plays ever put on the local
stage. On Wednesday niht, "The
Pearl of Savoy" was rendered to a very
appreciative audience, and was pro
nounced by those who saw it a first-class
play and well staged; The company
will finish their engagement Saturday
Every hat trimmed or untrimmeuHt a
great reduction . Miss C. Goldsmith .
The first edition of 12,000 of Mrs. E. E.
Dye's work, "1 he Conquest." has been
sold, and her publishers write that the
s?cond edition will soon be followed by
a third.
Lost, Strayed or Stolen
On the last Monday in October a large,
light led cow. A little bell with a
double strap was around ber neck.
Right horn about an inch long. Small
white spot just in front of udder. Tips
of both ears cut off. Reward offered for
any information leading to her recovery,
Petkr Bott, Park Place, Ore.
again drive his vehicles into the Molalla
when it is "full."
The monthly report of receiver Bibee
and register Moores of the Land office
has been completed and is a follow :
Timber entries 17
Homested entries 42
Acres embraced in homestead
entries 5,771,65
Fnal homeslead proofs 12
Acres embraced in final home
stead proofs 1,749,29
Cash sales 65
Acres embraced in cash Bales.. 9,284,91
Amout received from cash
sales $18,240.17
Fees and commissions 1,285.69
Total amount received 19,528,83
Canby "Liveryman Loses His
William Armstrong is the liveryman
at Canby. One day last week a number
of his rigs were sent out with a funeral.
When tbey returned the buggies were
covered with mud and he concluded that
tut the best way to clean them would
be to take them to the Molalla river,
which is but a short distance away
Accordingly he hitched four of the bug
gies together and droye to the river.
Without anticipating any trouble he
drove into the swift, swirling waters,
when a heavy current immediately
struck the vehicles and tore them away
from their fastenings. In a few minutes
they were far away and out of reach and
sailing onward to the Willamette. None
of them have been recoveied and by this
time they are likely a good way on the
road to the Pacific. Mr. Armstrong is
" short " four of his best buggies, but he
i i "long" on experience.i.He will not
Card of Thanks.
The husband and sons of the late
Maria S. Kayler wish to extend their
everlasting thanks to the many friendB
or their kiadaest in their sad misfor
tune. Rex W. Lewis.
Saved At Grave's Brink.
"I know I would long long ago have
been in my grave," writes Mrs. S. H.
Newsom, of Decatur, Ala., "if it had
not been for Electric Bitters. For three
years I suffered untold agony from the
worst forms of Indigestion, Waterbrash,
Stomach and (Bowel Dyspepsia. But
this excellent medicine did me a world
of good. Since using it I can eat heart
il and have gained 35 pounds." For
Indigestion, loss of Appetite, Stomach,
Liver and Kidney troubles Electric
Bitters are a positive, guaranteed cure.
Only 50c at Geo. A. Harding's drug
Gold Itinj Free,
We are giving free to every baby in
the county under one year of age a solid
go'd ring. Get with a birthday stone.
Brinzthe haby to the store for meisure
me t that's the only condition. Hunt
ley's Drug Store, Oregon City.
Leads to a Shooting Affray
Which 1'atrlck Freeman
is Wounded in The
Last Friday afternoon John Evans
fired a charge of birdshot which took
effect in the leg of Harry Freeman.
Freeman was in the employ of J. F,
Hawkea, of Portand who was rafting
logs down the Clackamas and owing to
the high water was unable to bold the
logs together and as a consequence
about two hundred of them got away.
Evans is the Government tender of
the ligbt of Elk Rock and has made a
business of gathering in stray logs as
they come down the stream. Hawkes
says that in company with Ren Baster
he went to see Evans and told him that
he could not bold the logs as they were
branded but that Hawkes was 'willing
to pay salvage. Freeman was on a raft
replacing the logs when Evans ap
proached in a rowboat. Seeing ttie logs
were being taken he picked np a shot
gun and opened fire on Freeman, nearly
the whole charge taking effect in the side
and thigh. Freeman was brought to
Oregon City where the shot were remov
ed. He was afterwards taken to Port
land where he lives In a scow at the foot
of mill street. A warrant was sworn out
for Evans and he was arrested. He
is out on bail furnished by Mrs. Adklns
of Milwaukie. He says he thought
Freeman was stealing the logs. The
case will be tried today.
Real Tet.'
He I wish our social standing vrtt
more exclusive.
She But, gracious, we're getting;
there. We're regular attendants at the
opera and all the small functions and
He That's Just It. I wish we were
so swell that we didn't have to do all
that riillndelplila Tress.
A. J. Snell wanted to attend a party,
but was afraid to po so on account of
pains in bis stomach, which he feared
would grow worse. He says, I was tell
ing my troubles to a lady friend, who
said: "Chamberlain's Colic, Colic and
Diarrhoea Remedy will put you in con
dition for the Jparty.' I bought a bottle
and take pleasure in stating that two
doses cured me and enabled me to have
a good time at the party." Mr. 8nell is
a resident of Summer Hill, N. Y. This
remedy is for sale by G. A. Harding.
Slept Well.
Doctor Aha, glnd to see you doing
better! So you slept well last night,
did you?
ratient Who slept?
Doctor Here's the record: "Slept,
slept, slept."
Patient Pshaw, that was the nurse!
Sweet of roverr.
Landlord How do you like your new
steam heater?
Old Man Oh, ycr honor, mo an' the
old woman wuz Jest a-saylu' It wuss
(lrefful lonesome 'thout the old stove
pipe a-droppln' on us Ivery now an'
thin. Detroit Free Press.
A He linderatood Him.
"I have a little poem here," faltered
the poet.
"Sorry," replied the editor, "but I'm
"All right, sir," was the meek reply,
"I'll call round when you're sober."
Atlanta Constitution.
A Prompt Sqnarer.
"Did you sny that my face would
stop a clock?"
"Not exactly. I Intimated that It
would tempt Father Time himself to
pause In admiration," Washington
ghameleaa Fellow. '
Giant The glass eater has lost bis.
Job In this museum. i
Bearded Lady What for? i
Giant Why, they caught him eating
anthracite. Detroit Free Press. .. j
. ' j
Sir Thomas' Challenge. :
"I wonder why Sir Tommy Llpton
has Joined that balloon club?"
"Maybe he thinks that when he lifts
the cup he will lift It blgh."-Ove- (
hind. Plain Dealer. ,: .