8, OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1902. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signatnre of jtf - and has been made under his per- jj6rffl.-f-f .. onal supervision since its infancy. ur7f. 4tCAMl Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant; 16 , contains neither Opium, Morphine nor- other JJarcotio Hubstance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms od allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea aad "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething' Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC eiNTMJ OOMMHV, TT MURRAY .TftlCT, NEW YORK CtTV. A Good Cough Remedy. Frorn theQazette.Toowoomba.AuatraliaJ I find Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is an excellent medicine. I have been suffering from a severe cough for the list two months, and it has effected a cure. I have great pleasure in recom mending it. W. C. Wockner. This is the opinion of one of our oldest and moat respected residents, and has been voluntarily Riven in good faith that others may try the remedy and be bene fited, as was Mr. Wockner. This remedy Is sold by Q. A. Harding. Everything must go before the holi days. Everything reduced. Miss C. Goldsmith, The Hiawutha Mining & Milling Co,, of Cottage Grove, Ore., Bohemia dis trict, have recently, during development work, struck very rich ore in large quan tities, and the company has decided to place a stamp mill on the property at a very early date and have placed a block of stock on the market to raise money for that purpose and are selling stock at only two cents per share, which no doubt will he worth at least $1 per share as Boon as dividends are paid, which will be In the near future. Don't wait until this block is sold and then kick yourself because you can't get stock for less than $1 and more per share. Ad dress at once Hiawatha Mining & Mill ing (Jo., Cottage Grove, Ore., or see O. D. Eby, of this city. Great Clearance Sale on all millinery. Miss C. Goldsmith. School Report. Following is the report of school dis trict No. 18, (Canby) for the month end ing December 5: No. days taught, 19. Holidays, 1, Total, 20. No, days attendance, 745. No. days absence, 35. Cases tardiness, 11. No. pupils enrolled, 42. Average daily attendance, 39. Those neither absent nor tardy dcr ing the month were John, Mabel and Fraokie Barmore. Hazel. Mabel and Boroughs, Alma and Paul Barry, John, nenry, Willie and George Bunkv.Jmes and Willie Olaen, Esther and Lillie Holtian, Dena and Alma Hoppe, Eddie Penman, Oscar Anderson. Edwin Ho Lillie Linneberg. Howard Eccles, Teacher. Resolutions. Wbeieae, God in bis infinite wisdom. has taken from our midst Sister Mary Kayler, a much beloved and respected members of Molalla Grange No. 310. P. of H., therefore be it Resolved, That the Grange recognize and deplore the loss it has sustained in the loss of Sister Kaylor and doas hereby extenders offers of sympathy and condolence to the remaining family with the assurance (hat the Grange will ever cherish her memory with tender affec tion. And be it further Resolved, That our charter be drape-' in mourning for a period of thirty days in honor of Sister Kaylor's memory j that a coiy of these resolu tions be spread upon the minutes and other copies be sent to. the county papers with a request for publication. Fraternally Submitted, Katv Sciiambl Committee on Condolence, Asleep Amid Flames. Breflkin? into ft Vllflzinar hnmo anma firemai lately dragged the sleeping in mates from death. Fancied security, and (li'fllh near. Tt.'n Hint. whan you neglect coughs and colds. Don't do it. Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption gives perfect protection against all Thaoat, Chest and Lung Troubles. Keep it near, and avoid suffering, death, and doctor's bills. A teaspoonful stops a late cough, persistent use the most Stubborn, Harmless And nip.A taatinrr it's guaranteed to satisfy bv Geo. A. Hardinur. Druscist. Price fide nnri 1 . Trial bottles free. The Kent Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic . It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 60c. A WET MONTH. MORE THAN TEN INCHES OF RAIN IN NOVEMBER. A Promise for Even Better Things in December. , The month of November was a very wet month according to the weather ob serter in the Clackamas county volun teer district. The following is there port in full i Mean temperature 44.2 Maximum temperature .60 Minimum temperature 29 Total precipitation 10.04 Nnmberof clear days 4 Tartly cloudy 9 Cloudy ,17 Greatest precipitation in one day... 1.84 Heavy fogs occurred frjin the 19th to the 23d. It has rained al-nost inces santly during the first of the month.and the indications are that the total precip itation will exceed that of the month of November. A Swindling Ring of Buyers. Some days ago Irvin Lacroy. of Viols. agreed with a butcher in Portland to de liver to him within a certain specified time a lot of fat hogs for 1 cents a pound. When he arrived wi th the hoes the butcher told him he could not pay what he had promised, but only 6 cents. Lacroy reminded him of his promise to no avail, and then told him what he thought of a man who would not stick to his word in language that even a blind man would have seen to be very pointed. The young farmer, who is indeed horny handed and wiry, had some idea that Mr. Butcher would feel the insults deeply enough to show fight; He didn't, however. Lacroy drove off with his porkers, and aB the Portland butchers have an understanding among them selves to beat the farmer when the mar. ket is to a degree sluggish, he thought it probable that l.e would have to drive home with his load unless he would sell at a loss. Wandering through the streets with it for several hours he re ceived bids from b)4 to 6 cents from dealers in the ring until a young fellow ran up to , him from the backdoor of a shop and told him that if he would take hid hogs to a certain butcher indicated on a card be gave him he would be paid 6 cents. He followed the directions given and sot rid of them. Lacroy's hogs were exceptionally fine and heavy and should have brought the price first agreed upon. Farmers often have sim ilar experiences in Portland. MARSHALL FIELD WAREHOUSE MANAGER Cured of Catarrh of Kidneys by Peruna. HON. JOHN T. SHEAHAN, OF CHICAGO. Hon. John T. Sheahan, who has been (or seventeen years manager of Marshall; Field fe Co.'s wholesale warehouse, and is corporal 2d Regiment Infantry, I. N. G.,. writes the following letter from 3758 Indiana avenue, Flat Six, Chicago, 111.: Pcruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen Lest summer I caught a cold which seemed to set tle in my kidneys and affected them badly. I tried a couple of kid ney remedies largely advertised, but they did not help me any. One of my foremen told me of the great help he had received in using Peruna in a similar case, and I at once procured some. 'It was indeed a blessing to me, as I am on my feet a large part of the day, and trouble such as I had affected mf seriously, but four bottles of Peruna cured me entirely and I would not be without it for three months salary." JOHN T. SHEAHAN. Mr. r Jacob Fleig writes from 44 Sum ner avenue, Brooklyn, If. Y.: ' am now a new man at the age of seventy-five years, thanks to your wonderful remedy Peruna." Jacob Fleig. Catarrhal inflammation of the mucous lining of the kidneys, also called "Bright's disease," may be cither acute or chronic. The acute form produces symptoms of such prominence that the serious nature of the disease is at once suspected, but the. chronic variety may come on so gradually and insidiously that its presence is not suspected until after it has fastened itself thoroughly upon its victim. At the appearance of the first symp tom Peruna should be taken. This remedy strikes at once at the very root of the disease. A book on catarrh sent free by Tba Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O. n n r Jf u u L I mf V m f j,,, 1 Ki IXIXUL L I LI Li Li m Price Need not Stand in Your Way 1" & AimifliiiimikiiiAi liinrli iilliil.AiMiiiAi.iiiA?.mliiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiAil.iJiiin,iiai, il fl A A lit A c.A A,..,.,, A, a a Many people postpone purchasing a piano till they feel they can afford "just what they want." because thev desire a high grade piano, which they consider beyond their means. The Club Plan on which we are now selling Pianos and Organs places fine instruments within the reach of every one. Prices are practically wholesale, tertns exceptionally easy and payments moderate. They are prices you cannot afford to ignore if you have not a piano in your home. Present day advancement, culture, refinement demands one in every household. Music Is necessary for the proper education of your children and for the pleasure of yourself, your family and your friends. You want the right kind of instrument, of course, That is the kind we are always prepared to furnish you at the lowest possible prices, but your saving on them is now exceptional. I The Saving i On a $225 Piano you save $88, Club "A" securing it for $137, and $300 Pianos go to them for $176, the saving being $i24, The payment down is but $5 and weekly payments are $i,25, Club "ft" members get. instruments that cannot possibly be sold under any other conditions for less than $325 and $375, for $193 and $222, saving $132 and $153. Payments in this club are $7,50 and weekly pay ments are but $1.60. The highest medium grade pianos that sell for $450 and $500 go for $264 and $297, saving respectively to members of Club ''E". which takes of Club "C" already filled, $186 and $203, The payments on them are$l2 down and $2 weekly. While the saving on the highest priced pianos, the Weber, the Ghickering and the Kimball is from $150 to $200. The payments being but $20 down and $2.60 weekly. Those paying cash will save the additional interest. This opportunity will soon close. The Glubs have filled. so rapidly we have been obliged to add one more to the list and it, too, is already'nearly half full, and there will be absolutely no more clubs when these are filled. Club "A" has 73 members, Club "B" has 9i members. Club which takes the place of Club "G," has 42. Club "O" 42 members. "C" has loo and is full. Glub "E," KTppiiiliiliHpiillii The People of Oregon City now have an opportunity to make their Piano selection here. We have opened a branch house in Burmeister & Andresen's new jewelry store. You will find here as fine pianos as you can at our main house in Portland IDrop in and Select Your Christinas Piano Now EILERS PIANO HOUSE 351 watou . strccT" Fortiand, rcson Other big and busy houses at San Francisco, Spokane and Sacramento, , , mmmmmmmsm