OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1902. J- "i'VI rV l i 1 1 1ii fTiVii IfVuMHi if.l a IftVul if, ft I tfiiii 1 1 .ifi-' It -', 'T. rr" W rnVeiili jn' ilii i.Vwmn u i -iTiTm m i j": ii 'V'iTi'i. Tl m fin i In It ii - iVidtG&-iiSmi4i& " " I i 1 I 'iiiiii sal i x ... ' . . ill h. . .ts-v, To vou one and all We take it for granted that your hearts are in the right place this year, just as they have always been in the past, and you feel the same generous desire to remem ber those you love with appropriate and desirable Christmas gifts this season as heretofore We are therefore pleased to announce to you that we have laid in a large and very complete assortment of beautiful new holiday goods, perfectly adapted to the wants o warm-hearted gift makers. Our stock is so extensive and varied and withal so carefully selected that we do not see how we can fail to please every single) person who is looking for a deskable and appropriate gift for anybody, old or young. We wish to make our holiday announcement this year par ticularly a talk to youf pocketbook. , We are going to be the people's Santa Claus this season just as far as the inexorable laws of business will permit, by sellang you Christmas gifts oFall kinds at the lowest scale of prices known to honest trade. We are going to make your money far-reaching and profitable in the exchange for Christmas gifts. Wt want you to", come in and see how little it takes to secure suitable and appropriate gifts for those who you desire to mention. For weeks past we have labored industriously to prepare for the Holiday trade, and our store is now fairly shining with a beautiful array of Christmas gifts. Special pains and much careful consideration was expended to make the collection of Christmas goods one which should include something really desirable for every individual, from the youngest to the oldest. We have made it a ooint to have ereat variety in coods of all crices. raneinp' from the merest trifle uowardsin order that vou may make eood selections at any price you feel able to pay. Having thus smoothed the way for all classes of buyers by grading and assorting our stock in such a way as to meet the needs of those wbo have little as well as those wiiu iidve muui iu spenu, anu Having uiartieu au uur guoas at ine lowest possiDie ngures, weieei mat we oeserve your patronage. Hoping to see every reader at our tore, at an early day, we remain, Yours truly. " " ' IsVvX'AJ. , V V WV V,Vi K m mi All- r AN n Roys' Knife, 5 cents and lo cents 4 ' y ? Every Doll Absolutely New We received a consignment of dolls from a German factory with orders to sell them. There is no restriction made about the price. They must be sold, that is all. We, therefore, wish that you would come early and make your se lection. All toys bought now will be kept and delivered when ordered, We really have a surprise for you in the doll line. Rocking Horses in io styles. Shoo Klys, 50 cents. Wire Doll Bed 10 cents. Parlor gun. . . Parlor pistol. ,?I,lBoth harmless. . -5 j Rubber Balls.sc to Sr.25 JNoah s Ark, 5c Wheel Barrows, Boys' Express Wagons, Carts, Skds, etc Doll Carriages and 60 Carts. Our assortment in this line is complete, prices lower than ever. Best made and best finished A better line has never been shown every one desirable", every price a low one. If you goods ir the market. We invite the most critical comparison. A good sized steel express will compare our offerings we believe you will find it to your advantage. A nice doll car wagon, with pusher, 65 cents. riage sells for 25c; we have higher priced ones. Excellent Ling of Oerman Covered Stein Steins are now more popular than ever for use as presents, souvenirs and prizes at euchre and whist parties. They make the best orna ments ior the dining room, and for drinking purposes are even more popular, as beverages served in them, keep perfectly cool. HIGH GRAUK BAVARIAN STEINS made of stone ware, bodies ivory tinted, painted backgrounds, embossed (icures, representing German scenes and fairy tales with German mottoes. Handle and cover absolutely free from lead. A nice one with handle, 75 cents. Tea Tray Set Our line of toy tea sets this year is the most complete, and without a doubi the BEST we have ever shown. Our enormous rales last year showed us how great the demand is for these goods and also how important it is. All our sets are put up, and all pieces of a set are decorated to match just like those which the big folks use. From 10c to $5 a pair Imported Vases If you could see our orders for these goods compare in volume with those of our competi tors you would cease to wonder how we can sell for 50 cents a vase that they must get a dollar for. We never befoie had so good a line or so good values. harmonica for the whole Countij For the last io years we have sold harmonicas, but this year's stock will outshine all former years. See what you can get for 5 cents on our counters. m i to m ik Cai itt Sweejwr, 25c llrca fir nil ntifnoia ! Uood Blzft J'ute ,u for New ayle Carpets from $1.00. Others as luVli Fine I.are Curtain, as .-5 f 1.75 i air 35c to $1 .25 .er yatd lion Beds, $3.00 up Chiffonier, ft) 00 mi Glass Safe $10 This Heavy Oak Extension Table, 8 feet, $15.00 fl A M F If the game is old and a i i xjr staple we have jt; ;f jt is new and promising we have it; if it is in pop ular demand we have it. We will not permit ourselves to be undersold on games. Blackboard a11 styles, ranging in price from 25c to $2.00. Big and Good Cine of Wood toys Toy Tables, Bureaus, Desks, Wooden Beds, Toy Kockersind Chairs, Stick Horses. These toys are made in America, and like most goods made at home are well put toge her and built to last. Bissell Jswesper, $2.50 and $3 50 Fine Morris Chair $9. 100 pi.ee China Dinner Set, $18 Fine Couches from $6.50 jtest sfyle 16x frame Other 100 piece sets Fine Decorated P. w h k1J8i n 1 ' " ""a-r"' '7 1 t z-!rr-- . -vJn ' - '" ' Ladies' Writing Desk, Birds' Eve Maple, $0.50 73 .rr a rn nz Silver Knives and Forks, $2.25 The House Furnisher OREGON CITY, OREGON