Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 12, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Removal Sale W LB BLGC Removal Sale
Into the large and spacious qu aters unde
i ntv nrfciriF Tnrnicnpr ic (inma in mnv Method.- church, comer and
the Methodist cl
Seventh street.
He Us Joints to Sacrifice his Entire Stock Regardless of Cost
To Save the expense of moving.' Housekeeper, now is your time to save money and fit your house with new Carpetings, Draperies, Lace Curtains, Furniture, Fine New Steel Ranges, Stoves,
Crockery of all kinds and a fine lot of Holiday Goods are all included in the sale. ALSO ORGANS Mason, Hamlin, Esty, Chicago Cottage will all be reduced at this sale. Also include
Twenty-five Webfoot Drop Head Sewing Machines tTSZ Only $19.00
As long ate they 'last. .They are
i . ...
1 :
osooooooooooooodbooooooooo '
Soooooooocooooooooooooooco j
Eldorado. J
James Fish, who has been in Grant,
county, for the past eight months, is
again home.
Katie Lyons and Ernest Jones visited
at Silas Wright's Sunday.
Georue Helvey and Clyde Smith were
breaking horses Sunday. The cart
was broke but the horse wasn't.
C. Smith' is blasting stumps this
There will be an entertainment and
pie social at Eldorado school house Fri
day night, December 12. Everybody
invited to come.
John Paine is cleaning up his hop
Otto Strycker was eeen in our hurt?
oa day last week.
W. H. Jones & Co. have a new hog
Merle Jones spent Saturday with Miss
Gans, of Liberal.
Robert Bui lard made a business trip
to Oregon City Monday , , 1
Dr, and Mrs. Goucher called on C.
Smith and family Sunday.
Bridget, the ladieB pacing horse, was
triously, if not latally wounded on
Tuesdav morning about 3 o'clock by be
ing snagged.
Frad Vonderahe called oa W. H.
Jones Tuesday.
Veva Jones has gone to Philomath on
a visit.
Juiutts Fish called on friends in Lib
eral Wednesday.
Consumption is a human
weed flourishing best in weak
lungs. Like other weeds it's
easily destroyed while young;
when old, sometimes im
possible. Strengthen the lungs as you
would weak land and the
weeds will disappear.
The best lung fertilizer is
Scott's Emulsion. Salt pork
is good too, but it is very hard
to digest
The time to treat consump
tion is when you begin trying
to hide it from yourscll.
Others see it, you won't
Don't wait until you can't
deceive yourself any longer.
Begin with tha first thought
to take Scott's Emulsion. If
it isn't really consumption so
much the better; you will soon
forget it and be better for the
treatment. If it is consump
tion you can't expect to be
cured at once, but if you will
kejjin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat
ment you will win.
.Scott's Emulsion, fresh air,
rest all you can, eat all you
can, thats the treatment and
thatj? the best treatment,
We will send you
a little of the Emul
sion free.
lie tun that thii picture la
tlx torm ol a label u on the
wrapper vi every buttle ol
i muliioD you buy.
409 Pearl St., N. Y.
....3r7T jjoc. and fr; all druggists.
warranted for ip years. It will
'' '
S. W. Bany made a business trip lo
Oregon City Tuesday.
Dick Wallace, of Mulino, is able to be
up and around after a very long siege of
sicaness. It looks good to see you
around again, Dick.
Ernest Jones has a crippled horse at
Mrs. Lyons and Mrs. Manning weie
in Oregon City one day last week.
Katie Lyon s called on Dick Wallace
Friday, Lost.
TheJM. B, A.'s gave an entertainment
and social last Saturday evening in their
hall at Wilsonville. It was largely at
tended by the people in the vicinity.
All report an excellent time.
The Ladies' Aid Society will have a
sale on the 13th. A lively time is ex
pected. John Brobst, one of the brightest
youn; men of Wilsonville, is attending
college at Forest Grove.
Peters Bros, have received an im
mense lot of Christmas goods.
There will be a masque ball at New
Year's eve. Everybody invited.
'it i .Shorty.
Frog Pond.
Tualatin Grange No. Ill, P.
will give !a grand holiday ball
cember 27, in their hall at Frog
on De
Tickets including supper $1.
Adolph Koelermier mourns the loss
of his three-year-old driving horse.
Constable J . A.Turner and family are
visiting relatives at Maple Lane.
Ernest Slickiser , has gone to Portland
to work lor the Portland Sand and Gravel
Company. .
Bevera! of the farmers have commenced
butchering their hogs for their winter's
Fred Baker hasiCmade another horse
Charles Thompson has disposed of
his turkeys and geese, so there will be
no chance for a shooting match.
Walter Sliekeiser recently received a
check for A4.50 for game which he
shipped to the Portland market.
See v Brothers, the competent onion
growers of Woodburn, were in our burg
Mr. Farmer is building a rail fence on
which a Pacific typhoon would have no
John Mayes is holding his hops for
higher prices.
On Monday lastE. S. Kiuee had an
adventure with which he thought at first
were snie dusky wolves, but after kill
ing one he found they were his neigh'
bors dogs w ho were in the act of kill
ingsome fine goata. Stanley says he
made every bullet count at a distance of
00 vards, killing one and severely
woundirg the others.
Justice G. F. Aden reports having an
other case at law.
Furnished Every Wek, by""Clack-
mas Ab&tiact & Ttust Co.
"William Jennings to M. P. White
swofne of SO acres in sec 31, 5, le;
W. P. Hawley to I. M. Burgess, loti7
8, 0, in blk '), and 1, 2, in blk 10, Wind
sur; 180.
1. G. Bambo to J. A. Jones, bts 5, 0,
blk 16, Gladstone; $1100.
J. Coibett to J. Heckart, lot 10, blk 2
Barlow, $8.
P. 11. Marlay foA. Crumbly, lot 52,
Pleasant Little Homes; $1.
II. C. Norm to P. F. Norris, lots 3, 4
blk 146, Oregou Citb ; $5.
1 1 0. & C. R. Co. to A. Powling, w.T of
nw.', sec S5. 2, 5 e; fclfiO.
G. C. Eneelk to A. Powling. ti of
neV, sec 31, 2, 5 e; $;VJ0.
C. Kindbold to G. Jhnke, s4 of sw
see 28, 2, 5 e; J;'50.
pay you to call. Have' a lot of
hoping to
M. Mortensen to R. A. Miller, lot 3, 1
and se of n w of sec 4, 17, 2 e ; $100.
L. O. Caples to E. G. Roberts, sw of
Be of of sec 15, 4, 3 e ; $34 ).
S. J. Mack to F. T. Griffith, lots 1, 2
9, 10, 11, 12, 19, 20, blk 8, blks9, 10f 11
of Oregon City annex ; $1.
E. A . Freytag to S. A. Blount, 5 a in
claim of P. Rih'earson ; $1000.
C. Sannoa to H. W. Hanson, ej of
te4 of sec 18,. and ne of ne 19,2, 4 e;
0. Taylor et al to H. T. Cummins,
interest in nw of sec 8, 2, 5 e ; $800.
E. Greer to H. T. Cummins, nw of
sec 9, 2, 5e; $1.
A. Lenhart, nw of sec 8, 2 5 e ; $205.
O. I. &'S. Co. to P. Pulyaert, 10 a in
claim 40, 2, le;$417.
Carlton & Rosecrans to II. Hayden, 15
a in claim 58, 3, 1 e ; $750.
S. W. R. Jones to H. Jones, w of
nw, sw of sw of sec 10, 5, 3 e; $500.
S. W. R. Jones to S. A. Jones, t of
nw, wjj of neof sec 2, 5, 3 e; $10.
S. W. R. Jones to H. JoneB, e)4 nw
sec 10, yi4 f sw, w of nw, sec 11, ne
e of nw, ne of se, sw of- se, ne of sw of
sec 3, 5, 3 e ; $1000.
S. W. R. Jones to S. Jones, 8 1-2 s 1-2
n 1-2 sec 3, 4, 3e; $1000. ,
G. E. Hargreaves to S. A. A H. Jones,
wl-2 ofne, e 1-2 ofnw, sec2 e 1-2 of
sec 4, ne of nw, w 1-2 of sw, ne of sw,
n 1-2 of se of sec 3, ne of se sec 2, 5, 3 ; $1
Sheriff to D. C. Latourette, 161 a in
sec 23, 2, 2 e, 115 a in claim 48, 3, 3 e ;
$900. . .
Sheriff to O. C. Latourette, 40 a in the
Howland claim ; $1464.
Sheriff to D. C. Latourette, trustee,
lotB 1, 2, blk 143, Oregon City ; $25.
Sheriff to C. D. and D. C. Latourette,
w 1-2 of w 1-2 of nw of sec 29, 3, 2 e ;
Sheriff to C. P. and P. 0. Latourette,
lots 5, 6, and sw of sec 9, 2, 1 e; $625.
Sheriff to A. E. Latourette, trustee, ne
of sw, and lot , sec 22, 3. 2 e ; $400.
A. J. Spangler to G. A. Hardesty, 40
cres in sw of sec 11, 5, 1 e; $400.
M. Zettl to J. Bickner, lot 11, blk 32,
Oswego; $125.
3. Jones to H. Jones, s 1-2 of w 1-2 of
ne of Bee 2, 5, 3e; $2.50.
H. Jones to J. M. Jones, e 1-2 of nw,
ne of sw, ne, ne of se sec 3, w 1-2 of nw,
w 1-2 of sw of sec 11, 5, 8 e; $1500. '
J. Parquett to T. Scott, 80 a in s 1-2 o
se sec 24, 6, le; $1500.
William Barlow et al to A. P. Barlow,
45 a in sec 8, 4, 1 e; $ls
William Barlow bt al to M. S. Barlow,
40 a in sec 3, 4, 1 e; $1.
W illiam Barlow ei al to V. Tull, 10 a
in sec 8, 41e; $2.
Recemmendatlon of a Well Known Chi
cago Physician.
I use and prescribe Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy for almoit all obstinate,
constricted coughs, with direct results.
I prescribe it to children of all ages. Am
glad tc recommend it to all in need and
Beeking relief from colds and coughs and
bronchial afflictions. It is non-narcotic
and safe in the hands of the most unpro-
(essijnal. A universal . panacea for all
mankind Mrs. Mary R. Melendy, M.
D., Ph. D., Chicago, III. This remedy
is for sale by G. A. Harding
A New Dinger.
Tattv.Ttptoei. when robbed of a JwI,
Felt'th Iom to b utterly crewl.
For she cried In a fright,.
"Though tf not anthradght,
I'm Mfrmtd thy win ue It for fewt"
Crock) nl EnquteW.
A U-ootl Shot.
A peculiar tucldont harHeuel at the
tartan (Victoria) rifle ratines. A man
wa taking aim at 400' yards, and Jtwt
as he fitvd several magpies flow m
front of him about 200 yards distant
The bullet struck oue of the magplea
and brought it to the ground, and a
bullseye was registered by the marker
for the shot. A bullseye and "magpie"
were thus scored for oue shot
remnants in Carpets to be sold at
see you again
Shout line
and Union Pacific
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice of
as daily
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p. m. 6:00 P-m-
Ocean Steamers leave Portland everv
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Colnmbia River Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
Tot foil information call on or address nearest
O. K. & N. Ticket Agent, or addreea
A. L. CRAIG, G, P. A.,
' Portland, Oregon
p THE &t
an" Vf-ci i-wra
Only transcontinental line
passing directly through
Salt Lake City,
Pueblo, ,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three splendidly epuipped trains
daily to all points East.
Through Sleeping and Dining Cars
and Free Reclining Chair Cars.
The most magnificent scenery in
America bv daylight.
Stop overs allowed on all classes of
For cheapest met and deacrlptlv literature
General Agent,
24 Third Street, Portf nd, Oregon
Dally Round Tripi, except Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A. M
Leave Astoria , 7 F, H
Daily Trips Except Bunday
Leave Portland, Mon., Wed. and tri 7 A. M
Leave The Dalles, Tu., Thnra. and Sat. .7 A. M.
Laava Portland, Tup., Thnra. and Bat. 7 A. U
Laave Dalle, Mon., Wed. and rri T A. M
Lauding, foot Alder Street
A. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore.
J. W. Crichton The Dallee, Ore.
A. K. Fuller Hood River, Ore.
Wolford & Wvers. White Salmon. Wash.
Henry Olmstead Carson, Waab.
John T. Totten Mevenson, Wash.
J. O. Wvatt .Vancouver, Wash.
tmt rt
any old price. Thanking you for
' .
M" anufacturing
"-"- . . . AND
Fitting Spectacles and Eye Glasses
By Up-to-Date Methods.
Examinaon Free, by an Expert Opticicart
The Iowa Jeweler,
$150 IN GOLD
To be Given to Courier 'Subscribers
Absolutely FREE TO ALL
The Courier will distribute among its subscribers $150.00 in
gold on the afternoon of New Year day next. We have secured a '
mammoth pumpkin which is on exhibition in the window of the
Courier office. Its weighs exactly 100 pounds. Every subscriber to
the Oregon City Courier who pays one years subscription will be en
titled to make one estimate upon the number of seed in this splendid
specimen of the genus pumpkin. An additional guess may be made for
each additional subscription paid. Subscribers who have paid their
subscriptions and made one estimate may take additional estimates at
fifty cents each. To the subscribers making the closest estimates as
to the number of seeds in the pumpkin the following prizes will be
awarded :
For the First Best Guess $50.00 in gold
For the Second Best Guess 25.00 in gold
For the Third Best Guess 15.00 in gold
For the Fourth Best Guess 10.00 in gold;
. For the Fifth Best Guess 10.00 in gold'
For the Sixth Best Guess 5.00 in gold'
For the Seventh Best Guess 5.00 in gold
For the Eighth Best Guess. 5.00 in gold
For the Ninth Best Guess.. 5.00 in gold
For the Tenth Best Guess
For the Eleventh Best Guess
For the Twelfth Best Guess ............ 2.50 in gold:
For the Thirteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold:
For the Fourteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold
. For the Fifteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold
In event of two or more persons guessing any wining
ber that' prize will be divided .
On the after noon of New Year day at two o'clock P. M. the
pumpkin will be cut and the seeds counted by a committee of well
known citizens of Oregon City and the prizes awarded to the success
ful estimators.
- We want 2,000 paid up in advance subscribers to the Courier
by the first day of January, 1903. Can't you help us to get them. We
are giving you an elegant opportunity.
Drop into the office, take a look at the pumpkin and leave us aa
estimate on the number of seeds
subscription. If not convenient to come to the office send us a check'
or money order for the amount you want to invest in the Courier All
subscriptions in arrears are entitled to participate to the extent of one
estimate for each subscription paid. If you are already a subscrib er,
pay up the old score if behind and renew for one year in advance an d
make as many estimates as you pay subscriptions, if you are not on
our list get on as soon as you can, and take a lessen in agriculture by
estimating the number of seed in the pumpkin .
Name ..
Date.. 1902.
Address' all communications to
The Courier Publishing Company,
Oregon City, Oregon
your past patronage and
2S3 Morrison, near 5 Hi
5.00 in gold
5.00 in gold
that it contains together with your