OREGON CITY COURIERFRI.DAY, DECEMBER 12, 1902. T01E KEDD f KflDNT , Court House Block, Oregon City, Oregon Useful Christmas Presents. E INVITE you to call and see what we have to otter you for the holidays. Our goods are well bought and we are able to sell at very low prices. Our stock com prises anything the heart can desire in useful Holiday Goods such as READY-MADE DRESSES, UMBRELLAS, SILK HANDKERCHIEFS, FANCY LINEN HAND KERCHIEFS, DRESS SKIRTS , AND WAISTS, KID .GLOVES, FANCY WORK, BASKETS, CROCKERY GLASSWARE, BIBLES, BOOKS, JEWELRY, DOLLS CELLULOID. f, GOODS, FASCINATORS, LAUNDRY BAGS, SOFA PILLOW TOPS, HATS, FANCY SWEAT ERS, SHOPPING BAGS, PURSES OF EVERY DE SCRIPTION, NECKTIES, TOYS OF EVERY KIND and other articles too numerous to mention ... Give us a call before going to other places, as we feel confi dent;ve can please you. THE RED FROIT GEO. T. HOWARD, Prbb. YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT Molalla. Owing to so much rain there has been little fall grain sown in this Beet ion. The Molalla grange met here last Sat urday. There was a large attendance, and also an election of officers. Nearly all the former officers were re-elected, even to Teddy for doorkeeper. Several men from r ere have obtained work in a logging camp recently Btarted across the river from here, on G. J. Trullinger's place. They are engaged principally in getting out piling and ex pect to float them down the river. They will employ several men and teams add will pay good wages. There is talk of having a shooting match here sometime about Christmas and the best Bhot or shooter will have a chance to carry away enough beef to last him awhile. There will also be raf fled off a Marlin 30-30 rifle, with Lyman sight, and reloading tools. It is as good as new. Jeese Bagby passed through Molalla recently with a drove of beef cattle and milch cows, bound towards Oregon City A little bunch of beef cattle at present prices is equal to a gold mine. The Molalla Maccabees are preparing to give an entertainment some time soon. No date is selected so far that we know of. There is also talk of the grange giving an entertainment some time this winter, the proceeds to be turned into the piano fund . '' The Russell Bros, are busy cutting ties and getting ready to make their first river run, which will probably be in February. Some of Molalla's hunters are prepar ing to have a grand cougar hunt as soon as the snow gets deep enough to suit them John Bagby has just returned from the mountains from a hunt for var mints, but owing to continual rain he failfiil in find anv thine. I Our school is progressing finely. The chicken pox scare has about subsided. Bat the Best Stock of First-Class Goods to be Found at Bottom . Prices in Oregon City is at HARRIS' GROCERY ' t Everything Tnsh, Heat and Chart, AT meat market of I). BeMe tttw StratUn Bids Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City . iiiiiilir" illli itii,i,illliN,.iiiiiiiJiiiiiiitfvi tn.....'.'! illi'i'i nij itUhM.nflini..ifli.Hit' riiiiii'iniiiimftiinin We carry the only complete line Linings in Clackamas County. Ve have the only Firnt-Class Hearse in the County, which we will furnish for Ipbs than can be had elsewhere. Embalming a Specialty. Our prices always reasonable. Satisfaction guaranteed.' SHANK & BISSELL. Undertakers L Phones 411 and 304. Main St., Opp. Huntley's. wiiniun miiiiiiMi'nw:inimiiuwiiiiiiwi11' m ipii""M1F f mifi NBrjiimymi !f,ii'"ifny" Uncommon Colds. "It is jus a common cold," people ay. "there's no danger in that." Ad mitting their statement, then there are unoommon colds, colds which are dan gerous; for many a fatal sickness begins with a cold. If we could tell the com mon cold from the uncommon we could feel quite safe. But we can't. The uncommon vari ety is rarely rec ognized until it bag fastened it hold on the lungs, and there are symptoms of consumption. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures coughs, bron chitis, " weak " lungs and other diseases of the organs of respir ation. It in creases, the sup- Ely of pure, rich lood and builds up the emaciated tody. "I took a severe cold which settled in the bronchial tubes," writes Rev. Frank Hay, ot Nor- tonville, Jefferson Co., Kansas. medicines labeled 'Sure number, I was led to t: Medical Discovery. I to cured, and have staved cured. When I think of the great pain I had to endure, and the terrible cough I had, it seems almost a miracle that I was so soon relieved. That God mav scare vou many years and abundantly bless you is the prayer of your grateful friend. If you ask your dealer for "Golden Medical Discovery " because you have confidence in its cures, do not allow yourself to be switched off to a medi cine claimed to be "just as good," but which vou did not ask for aad df winch von know nothine. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure diz ziness and sick headache. After trvtne Sure Cure,' almost without ;ry "Jr. Flerce's ooiaeu I took two bottles and was re-elected; gate-keeper, Fred Moser, jr ceres, Eva Newkirk; pomona, Ivah 01 instead; flora, Emma Fallert; lady assistant steward, Helen Sprage; execu tive committeeman. Jas. H. Brown organist, Lulu M. Kirchem. A epeci meeting will be held on the evening of December 19th; at the request of state secretary, Mrs. Mary S. Howard. Hood View. r t -rt 1 tl.. .....,. .,1 vv.. V. Jjryau ua rewui.y .cu... , PatorV; nf Tn,,. WaRh 1 e i 1 J . 'i. T?i. I wwvip,vvw..-, - ' W. U. Vaugnan is still engageu in 3amfsa Wilson breaking his bunch-grass horses. He is gettinif them so thafie gets some woik out of them. ' There is prospects of a new store building being put up here in the near future. We have not learned what size it is to be. X. Y.Z. I floiog 1 Y5 kt. of fellies:; I ! I a 1 I A I , , ... -' Owing to my poor health I am compelled to retire from business, and I shall dispose of my entire stock of goods at cost during the next thirty days. Every one can make " .' ' ) ' ' ' Orea Saving by Patron izing ibe Racket Store. WRAPPERS, OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS, EI DKRDOWN SACKS. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. GING HAMS, CALICOES, COLORED AND WHITE APRONS, TOWELING, RIBBON FOR FANCY WORK, BUREAU SCARFS, ALL KINDS OF LACES, STAND COVERS, CHILDREN'S HOSE (8, 10. 12, 15, 20 and 25 cents), TABLE LINEN, SHAKER FLAN NEL, LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS, AND MANY OTHER THINGS NOT MENTIONED, All To Be Sold At Cost RACKET STORE. Liberal. Mrs. J. Akin was on the sick list the forepart of the week. Levi Stehman is reading the scrip tures through, and no doubt will soon be on the stump debating. Pierce Wright and friend took a flying trip to Marquam Sunday, visiting friends. B. Coates dug bis well seven more feet since the last writing, and in doing so found everv indication that at that depth it was once the bank of a stream Miss Gans wis the guest of Mrs. Dan iels, of Mulino, last Sunday. Messrs. Newt Farr and McGregory left here this (Tuesday) morning with a fine lot of beef cattle for Charles Al bright. A surprise party was eiven in honor of Miss Edna Oourad, of Marquam, last Wednesday , the 3d, at the home of S. Wright. Even though, it was dark and stormy outside everything was bright and cheerful inside. The evening was Dassed with games and mueic. At mid night light refreshments were served The guests departed at a late hour, each well satisfied that they had braved the inclement weather to come. Those pres' entwere: Mr. and Mrs. B. Coates, Mr. and Mrs. W. Simmons, Mr; and Mrs V. Skeen,Cassieand Alta Skeen.Misses Lida and Sadie Simmons, Edna Conrad ; Messrs. Win. Austin and Arthur Zweitel. Mrs. P. Skeen and Miss Xida Sinv mons wertfthe guests of Mrs. S. Wright last Tuesday, Juices A. Hannegan's thoroughbred trotter ran a nail in her foot. It made her very lame, but she is improving. A party from New Era has purchased the Trullinizer place, and is having ten acres slashed by Wm. Parker. Mr. Hein, of Woodburn, was in this section on business the torepart.of the week. Ephram Hagey and wife, of Mark's prairie, was viBitmg tneir uncie, Levi Stehman, last Sunday. William Skeen went to Oregon City Tuesday to bring out Ed Austen's planer. Merle Jones, of Cams, called on his ex-teacher last Saturday. Sylvia Miss Janie Murray has been on the sick list for several weeks, but we are glad to note that she is improving. The subscribers of the Courier in this vicinity are commenting very favorably on the push and energy which the new proprietor is injecting into the manage ment of the paper. Here's success to yn, Mr. WeBtover. Don't-'forget the church fair to be given by tne Ladies Ata society at Wilson ville on December 13th, in the A. 0. U. W. 'hall. Commences-2 p. m. GEORGE BROS. .KESTx UKAMT. and Lunch Counter. Opposite Electric Hotel, is the very best place in Otejosi Qiifey to get a Dainty Lunch or SQUARE Open at All Hours, day or night Newly Furnished Rooms and Clean Beds ' MEAL 1' Wi' Brown & -Propbibtobs op thk- Seventh Street Meat Market A. O. OREGON U. W. CITY, Building" OREGON ..THE PLANET.- Kelly Rciconich, Props. HIGH GRADE WHISKEY! A. SPECIALTY GARDE BUILDING MAIN , J. W. COLE,. Fine Whiskies and Cisi All goods bought in bond.E; Purity and quality guarantesvSS rs SOME FAMOUS OtD BRANDS JameslE. Pepper, Kentucky Burbcn Old Sam Harris Kentucky Ecurbcn Old Roxbury Rye Carun. Mrs. J. Kalbfleisch, of Canby, visited friends and relatives in Carus,last week. Mrs. D.Jones and daughter made a business trip to Portland, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lindsley took dinner with the former's parents, Sunday. Mrs. G. Metzger called on Mrs. H. Jones, Monday. Mies Nellie Stevens spent Sunday with Miss Delia White. Miss Rachel Lewis visited friends in Portland, Wednesday. Minnie As you say limburger cheese is good for the hair, E says the next time you put it in the young man's over coat pocket and the young lady's hat you should be more sly. A surprise party was given Mr. Al. Shinboren, Monday night, a large crowd was present and all had a good time. A very pretty wedding occurred at the home of Mrs. R. Griffith. The bride and groom were Mrs. It. Griffith and Mr. Mike London. At twelve o'clock the bride and groom marched into the parlor, accompanied by the justice of the peace, R. M. Cooper, who performed the ceremony. After the wedding the guests were invited to the dining room, where a deliciouB dinner was served. About forty guests were present. Miss Mary Jones gave a dinner party to a number of her young friends. Sun. Tlinna nrpapnt. ware: Misses Tillv " 'V 1 - Thomas, Edna Irish, Cora Jagger, May aud Celena Jones, Maggie and Lime Lewis, Sarah and Katie Jones', aud Mary Moore; Messrs Steve Londegan, Richard Davis. Dewey Thomas, Will and Dan' Jones, Arthur LindBley ; Mr, Mrs. H. Lindsley, and Mr. and Mrs. D, Jones. Cor. Railroad Ave. and Main If. At the election held on , Saturday, December 6, by Harding Grange, No 122, P. of H., the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Master, 0. D. Robbins, re-elected; ovtrseer, Claud Sprage, re-elected; lecturer, Mri Laura L. Kirchem, re-elected; steward, Howard Gill ; assistant steward, Edwin Gerber, re-elected J chaplain, II. S. An derson ; treasurer, Mrs. Hettie Sprague, re-elected ; secretary, Taul M. Kirchem, A Liberal Offer. The undersigned will give a free sam ple of Chamberlain's stomach and liver tablets to anv one wanting a reliable remedy for disorders ot the stomach biliousness or constipation. This is new remedy and a eood one. G. A Harding. I At Cost ftr (SO Dajs'iS Shoes, Boots, Hats and Pants f For the next sixty days my entire stock of the abova m- rgs tionnd goods will be sold absolutely at cost. . Also a few Bops'' $ Suits.. ... jj If You Want a Bargain Now is the time to get it eceeeettiit I General Merchandise, Oregon Cfirjf ffl Brunswick House and Restaurs ! NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS- Heals at All Hoars Open Dai; anr J&ii Prices Keasooable Only First Class Restaurant in the CHAS CATTA, Opposite Suspension Bridge Smith's Dandruff Pomnd tona itchimr scalo upon application r. r ---- - - 1. ..-.-, j tnrm 10 six removeo an umuuu auu will stop fallina hair. Price 50c., at all druggists. TO CI RE A COLD IS ONE DAT Tir Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. Alt druggmts refund the money 11 11 tans o carer c. w. vsrovei signavmro w v ach b ox. I'oc. Prop. OREGON CEFY3aL e i The Flour of the Family The flour of all the Oregon City familfe is 'Tatent" flour. The intelliseiit ho;r;, "11 m it is better and more ecomonical Made in Oregon City by the Portland rff c. -l iTi a i ... wiie always eis i aiexiu nuujr ueuaaos. (, to Uis31 Flouring Mills Co