OREGON CITY COURIER- FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1902. WILLAMETTE GROCERY MILES & McGLASHAN, PROPS. OREGON CITY, OREGON 25 Cents 7 Bars 1776 Washing Powders 20 Cents Package Fairbank's Gold Dust 10 Cents Mop Sticks 25 Ceil s 8 Ears ; Xlut Laundry Soap 50 Cents CanrMonapole Svrup $1.20 Gallon Can Best Maple Syrup 50 Cents Gallon New Orleans Molasses 15 Cents Our Fine, Blend Coffee We handle a full line of Flour THE MORNINd TUB cannot be enjoyed in a basin of limited capacity nor where the water Bupply and temperature is uncertain by reason oi defective plumbing or heating apparatus. To have both put in thorough working order will not prove expensive if the work is done by F C. GADKE E. E. G. SEOL . Will give you a Bargain in Wall Paper Wall Tinting and in General House Painting Paint Shop near Depot Hotel Wall Paper Now is the time to buy your wall paper and Rlurrow, the paper hanger, will sell it to you cheaper than you can buy it in Portland. Drop a card in the postoffice and have sample-book brought to your house, or telephone Ely Bros.' store J. MURROW, Oregon City A Complete Line -OF Fine Footwear For ladies, gentlemen and children you will find in our stylish and up-to-date stock. Our handsome and durable $3.50 shoe for men can't be equaled for weat quality or style, and ou women's fine $3.00 shoes are the acme of comfoi and graceful outline. Our prices will suit. Krausse Bros 1 TIH1SESS OF IHE SK1X. The only nrjoedy in the world a that will at qm estop Itchiness of the Skin on any part of the body that ib absolutely ofo nrl never failine. is Doan's Oint ment. Free Samples at C. G. Huntley's. Rain and sweat have no etlect harness trea with Eureka Har ness Oil. It re sist! the keen the er soft and do not break. VJy No rough sur- fffV WW Vs. Sold , ererywliere ; 1 in cans ail sues. ' Made by , Standard Oil , lace w -Il and cut. The lj Ed harness not 2:TfV , ; only keeps il Eh j ' , i lookingjike YjJJJy i wears twite ltf7 ( Stir- Jit 8 3 ( D. & P. C. LATOURETTE ATTORNEYS AT LAW Commercial, Beal Estate and Probate Lav Specialties Office In Commercial Bank Building OREGON CITY OREGON QOMMERCIAL BANK of OREGON' CITY capital $100,000 Transacts a general banking business Makes loans and collections, discounts bills buyi and sells domestic and foreign exchange, and receives deposits subject to check. Open from,9 a. m. to 4 p. m. uATOlHETTE, r r f- deut r . J. Meyeb Cashie c. THE GREENMAN PIONEER EXPRESSMAN (Established 1SG5) Prompt delivery to all parts of the olty JREQON CITY OREGON J)R. GEO. HOEYE DENTIST ' ill work warranted and satisfaction guaranteed Crown and Bridge work a specialty Caufleld Building OREGON CITY OREGON I)R. FRANCIS FREEMAN DENTIST Graduate of Northwestern University Dental School, also of American College of Dental Surgery, Chicago Willamette Block OREGON CITY OREGON E. H. COOPER, Notary Public. Real Estate and Insurance, Titles Exam ined, Abstracta Made, Deeds, Mort gages, Etc., Drawn. With J. W. Loder, Stevens Building, Oregon Cuy, Ore. Qt E. HAYES ATTORNEY AT LAW Stevens Building, OREGON CITY opp.iBank of Oregon City OREGON QEO. T. HOWARD NOTARY PUBLIC REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE At Red Front Court House Block OREGON CITY OREGON QRANT B. D1MICK Attorney and Counselor at Law Will practice in all Courts in ihe State, Circuit ana District vourts oi we uuiieu oiaiee. Insolvent debtors taken through bankruptcy. Offloe in btevena Building, Oregon City, Or. J. W. Nonius, M. D. J. W. Powell. M. D. JjOjlRIS & POWELL, Physicians and Surgeons. Calls in city orcountry promptly attended Office: 1,2,17, Charman Bros. Block, Oregon City. JJOBERT A. MILLER ATTORNEYifATLAW ,0. D. EBY, NOTARY PUBLIC.' 'JBSJil Real EBtate bought and sold, money loaned titles examined and abstracts made cash paid for eounty warrants. Probate and commissioners court business and insurance. Jmm BOOM 3, WEINHARD BUILDING OREGON CITY. ... - OREGON, 0. &CHUEBEL TTREN & W. 8. U'REN SCHUEBEL ATTORNEYS AT LAW Deutf&et EbDotai Will nrnctice 'in all courts, make collections and settlements of estates, furnish abstracta of title, lend yon money ana lena your money on nrst mortgage. umce in jgnierpris nuiiaing, OREGON CITY OEKGON E I. SIAS C CALEB IK WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY Silverware and Spectacles CANBI OREGON W. II. YOUNG'S Livery & Feed Stable Finest Turnouts in City OREGON CITY. OREGON S. J.YAUGHAN'S Livery, Feed and Sale Stables . Nearly opposite Suspension bridge First-Class Rigs of All Kinds OREGON CITY, OREGON If yon desire a good complexion nse Mnki Tea. a pure horh drink. It acts on the liver and makes theekio fmooth and clear. Cores Bkk headaches; 25o and ft. Money refunded if it does not satiely you. Write to W. H. Hooker ft Co., Buffalo, N. Y., for ine sample, or llowell 4 Jones, druggists. DR. KiNC'S try NEW DISCOVERY FOR THAT COLD. TAKE MO SUBSTITUTE. Cures Consumption,Cougris, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, LaG rippe, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup and Whooping Cough. NO CURE. NO PAY. ric5G?. andjl. T5'L BOTTLES FREE DIFFICULTY ENCOUNTERED. PEOPLE WILL SOT ASSESS THEIR PROPERTY AS THEY SHOULD. What Is the Remedy For Existing Evils of Assessment. , In your last issue- your picket Hops open fire on the assessors office . We have had some experience in the matter of assessments and if you will give us space will give you our experience. You use the name "Farmer" as though we were the class liable to look this matter up. We have two very able county edi tors and a score of good, honest attorneys that have the welfare of the dear peo ple at heart (about election time) and the farmer especially. We have been taking the Oregonian'a advice, letting statesmen attend to tho.-e duties while we raise hogs, hops, wool, wheat, hell, etc. Election times now, j we know the officers we elect take the oath to support j the constitution, etc. ; the assessor to assess all property at its actual cash value. But do they do it? Well the ex hibit shows for itself. We had the pleasure, or rather displeasure, of being deputy assessor. We took the oath and faithfully tried to carry it out, regard less of friends or foe, even carrying out our pledge to the people in the canvass that elected our entire county ticket. My blanks show an increase in valua tion of over $500,000 on railroads, manu facturers, etc., also money, notes and accounts. What followed? Even mv friends in office turned me down. The board of equalization of which two were members of my own political party and the other one that administered the oath cut my assessment in twain, re ducing the assessment about $500,000 There is to this day some people who say Bill Myers disrupted the populist by that act, although y"u wilt hear few say I did not do my duty. Did the farmer stay with me? Well, the subsequent election tells the tale : There w .s another duty imposed upon me (thinking probably was the best piece of political machinery to be laid on the shelf) that was the listing of the mortgage notes, which most Christian j people thought should not be assessed, j After this the board did not force those to pay that did not wtnt to. The agree ment was if one paid all should. My duties ceased after the notes were listed. But, lo and behold, Bill Myers was to blame for the whole business. Notes and accounts you did not no tice in your article the greatest fraud j rest heie. The exhibit (hows only $7195, notes and accounts. If you will ( examine of this amount (here are very . few mor'gHge notes included. ' , We used to have on our statutes or in the assessment law the mortgage tax law, Tliis law was exacted for the pur- pose of -catching non-resident money lenders . After the repeal the mortgage holder protected by the repeal made the assessment of mortgage notes il legal. The facts being otherwise the repeal only repeal the mortgage law, not the assessment of the note, it being just as liable to assessment as any other note the fact of being backed up by mortgage or the joint signature of John Doe cuts no figure. The beet jurist in the state say so. The matter was re ferred to the state attorney. He also gives out his opinion that mortgage notes are assessable. Are they assessed? If not, why not! Why the assessor knows that if he did his political head would come off and it was not profitable for him to do so. Now, why doesn't this good man that holds that note, money, hank stock, etc., under oath give it into the assessor not profitable to do so. Don't blame the assessor the good Christian people, but the system, usury, rent and profit. We congratulate you, Brother Editor, on your start in your next. Will jou please tell us how you are going to re form these Christian anarchist? Force them to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth under the present bystem. Yours, W. W. Myers For a Bad Cold. If vou have a bad cold you need a good reliable medicine like Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy to loosen and re lieve it, and to allay the irritation and inflammation of the throat and lungs. For sale by Geo. A. Hardii g. lielena, Mont., Oct. 4, 191)2. " Dr. C. A. I'errin, Helena, Mont. I wish to thank you for my re lief. I was suffering agonies frum piic8ud was taking morphine to relii VH me, whon, on the advice oi a friend, i i rocurred a bottle o' yoni Pen in 1'ile SpeciGc and look a tiil'le pi",bhil at night and an-othe-ir t tie root ning. Athallpai-i twelve rorn, my wife pave mi nnotbr fablefroonful, when mi puiii a I otr.jpfd. In two days I was utile to at'end my regulai husii..vs ciiliit I; lelirved. Itwas simply VIOUllt-IiUl. JUUCS MlTnOF.FEK j Furrier. HHi' i-Ji ry. mints iW!.VSiWnhKSl 14 . m V.. ... I W saJTi Largest Clothiers la the Northwest mmk wearsag Apparel , ( For Men and Hoys' The variety of styles and materials we show are all that could be asked. We. want you to come to Portlandaiid look over our lines we will be pleas ed to show you through, whether you wish to buy or not. Men's Business alts Men's Topcoats Men's Raincoats -Men's Overcoats oys5 lothisigof Highest Grade f We are without TD J r m ijoys anu x uuuis riign-vjrauc viuumig ti.a.j any concern in the Northwest. Complete lines of Juvenile Furnishings and Hats in connection with the boys' department. P. C JtO.Ry. Co is the regular Sunday 25c round trip rate between Oregon City and Portland. Gel your tickets at Harding s drug 8l . Asleep Amid Flames. Breaking into a blazing home, some firemai lately dragged the sleeping in- mates from death fancied security, and death near. It's that way when you neglect coughs and colds. Don't do it. Dr. King's New Discovery for con sumption gives perfect protection against all Thaoat, Chest and Lung Troubles. Keep it Dear, and avoid suffering, death, and doctor's bills. A teaspoonful stops a late cough, persistent use the most stubborn. Harmless and nice tasting it's guaranteed to satisfy by Geo. A. Harding, Druggist. Price 50c and $1 Trial bottles free. OASTOniA, Bean the ou Have Always Potatoes Highest market prices for Fancy stock. Shank & Bissell. The Bsst Remedy for Croup. ' From the Atchinson, Kan., Daily Globe. This is the season when the woman who knows the beet remedies for croup is in demands in every neighborhood. One of the most terrible things in the world is to be awakened in the middle of the night by a whoop from one of the children. The croup remedies are almost as sure to be lost, in case of croup, as a revolver is Sure to be lost in case of burglars. There used to be an old fashioned remedy for croup, known as hive syrnp and tolu, but some modern mothers say that Chamberlain's Oougn Remedy is better, and does not cost to much. It causes the patient to "throw up the phlegm" quicker, and gives relief in a snorter time, uive iuib reuieuy soon as the croupy cough appears and it will prevent the attack. It never fails and is pleasant and safe to take. A Startling Surprise. Very few could believe in looking at A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, robust black smith of Tilden, Ind,,that for ten years he suffered such tortures from Rheu matism as few could endure and live. But a wonderful change followed his taking Electric Bitters, "and I have not felt a twinge in over a year." They regulate the Kidneys, purify the blood and cure Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Nervousness, improvediges'.ion and give perfect health. Try them. Only 50cts. at Geo. A. Harding's drug store. LECAL NOTICES. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned has be n appointed administrator In the estate of Albert CUisuer, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are hereby potilled u present the hni'i doly verified according to law and accompanied by the proper vonchers, to the undersigned, at Sprlngwater, Clackamas County, Oregon, within six moot In of the date of this notice. Dated this 30th day of October, 1902. ED. CLOHSKR, GEO. C. BP.OWNEI.L, Administrator. Attorney for Admlnif trator. r Large assortment of Full Dress Tuxedo and Prince Albert a doubt, showing more exclusive dsi gns rW .i.L-r TJ' L rJ- niLi 1 . OF cj 9999 999 999 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned hat been appointed administrator of I lie estate of Morceli Koener deceased. All person 1 having claims ag 'Inst the wid es tate are beretiy noUfied to present the same duly verified according to law and aeennipaaied by the proper vouchers, to the undersigned at the offloe ol J. W. Loder In Oregon City, Che itatnat County, Oregon, within six months from i lie date of this notice, Dated thls;81th day of October, 1902, C, A. NASH, ' Administrator of the estate of Maroell Koener, SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for ClavKamas county, William Crombie, plaintiffs. Clara Hay Crombie defendant. To Clara May Crombie, be above-named de fendant : In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby commanded to appear and answer the complaint tiled against yon ill the above entitled conrt and cause on r before the 2ld day of Decem ber.lMtt, being more than six weeks from the date of first publication of this summons, and the date prescribed by the ordei of suid oourt.and if yon fail so to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the oourt for the relief pmyed for in the complaint, to wi'i that the bonds of matrimony heretofore and now rxlstlnit between you and the plaintiff be forever dissolved, and lor such other and further relief as tu the court may seem equita ble. This summons Is served upon you iiy order or tne Hon. T. A. Mcllride. dated the 3d day of Novem ber, 1002, and Ihe date of Ihe first publication of tnls summons is the vinaayoi November, I'Mi, and Ihe last publication the 19th day of December, FBAKK 8CHLEGEL. Attorney for Plaintiff. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for the county oi tiacxamas. Nancy Bnstwlck, plaintiff, vs. W. C. Bostwlck defendant. To W. C. Bostwlck. the above named defendant: Id the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby notined inai tne risintin ncrem nas men a comnlslnt against yon In the above-entitled conrt and cause, and you are hereby required to appear and answer said complaint on or before the last day or tneoi me lime presvriDea in tne order of publication made herein, to wit: on or before the 2oth day of December, 1902; you are further nolineu inai 11 you lau to appear ana an swer the Mid com olal lit or plead thereto the Plaintiff will cause your default to be entered and will apply to the court Kir Uie renei prayed lor In said complaint, to-wit, lor a uucree forever aia solviug the bonds of matrimony now existing be tween Plaintiff and yourself, also for an order re storing to PlalntifTher maiden name, to wit, Nancy bagar, and for such other and further relief as to equity may seem Just and proper. The date oi the first publication of this sum mons Is Friday, November 7th, 1909, and the lust publication thereof, Friday, December 2B, 19U2, and said summons shall he published ou Friday of each week for a period of six weeks. This summons is published by order of lion. Thos. A. Mcllride, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made November il, 1Wi2. C'HAH- J. SCIiMAItKl,, Attorney for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Elizabeth Shandy, deceased. Notice la bereby given that the undersigned has beon dulv appointed by the county court of ClackKmn county, Oregon, as administrator of the extati' of Elizabeth Bhanily, dnceased. All rnsns laving claims apalnst said SMtiito are hereby nodded to present the same, properly veri fied an by law required, to nie at Wilhoit, Oti'., or my attorneys at Oregon City, Ore., with.it six months from this date. DUd this 17th day ef October, 1902. O. H. BOYLKM, A'tminl.",or. JRH1KKT A. MILLER audo. 1. KilY, A'toruev" fr A luiini - or Get a freo simple of Olia lib" Stomach and Liver Tablets at Harding's drug store They r to take and more pleasant in eff i pills. Then their use is not follow connpipation as is often the ca pilU. It egular mz"., 25 cents p,-r tin ... A -,aMh Hie .d wit uttl Carner V U7j and 8f Morrison UP $10 to $35 10 to 30 12 to 30 10 to 55 oak 9 9999 SUMMONS. . In the Circuit Court of the Mate of Oreg.n for county of Clackainan. Nellie Field, Plrlutift', vs. Arthur Field, De fendant. To Arthur Field, dcfvmlunt.: above mimed r In the name of the Btate of Oiegon you are hoio by required to appear and an er the complaint filed against you In the above entitled suit in thu above named court, on or before Ui. time set out In the or ler for Ihe pobl cation of the summons,, to wit: On or befo e six weeks alter the first puii lication thereof, being November 7th. 1902, and if you fall so to appear or answer within said time, tilt, plaintiff above named will, for want thereof, apply to the Court for the relief prayed for In her cowpl .int. and for a decree dissolving the bonds ' of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and Deieudaut; that Plaintiff be allowed to roaunia her maiden name and for costs and disbursement. of tne suit. The date of the first Dubllcatlon of this notice is November 7th, llXtt, ana the last date is Decem ber 19th, 1902, and this summons is published pur suant to an order made an entered by Hon.'J'lioinus A. Mcliride, juiIko ot tne above .nutieu uourv, on the !ird day of Novemlier, V.!. A. H. ff11.JN DUNHAM, Attorney for rlnlntitf. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the S'ale of Oregon for the County ol Clackamas. Agnes Lei and, Plaintiff, vs. John Leland, Ee- reiinauu In the name of the State of Oregon, yon are bereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit In the above named court on or before Friday, December 12, 1902, the same being seven weeks from the Ant publication of this summons) and you will take notice that If you fall so to appear and answer said complaint, that the Plaintiff will apply to the court for the reliel demanded in said, complaint, to-wltt That the bonds of matrimony, now existing between you and Plaintiff be dis solved. Th s summons Is published by order of Hon, Thomas A. Mcllride, Judge of th. 6lh Judicial District of the Slate of Oregon, in tho Oregon City Courlerlierald for seven consecutive weeks, couiniencliig Friday, November 7th, 1902, and con tinuing for each week thereafter to and Including I'fidny, December 19, 1902, HOWARD M. BROWNELL, Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notice Is hereby given that W. E. Grantham, Administrator of the estate of Malachl Uranthautr deceased, has filed in the County Court of Clacka mas Uounty. Oregon, bis final account as such Administrator, and the Court has fixed luesday, the 9th day of Deenmbcr, 19(12, at the hour ol 1U o'clock A. M, of said day at the County Court In suid Connty as the time and place for hearing oh jeclions. if any, to said tlual accouut. All persons are heieby notified to appear aid time and place and show cause, if any exisi,. why eukl Html account should not be allowed and said estate finally setHeVavtid said Administrator dlscliaiged. W. E. OKANTHAM, Administrator of the estate of Malachl tlran tht.uj, deceased. A. R. MEN DEN II ALL, Attorney for Administrator. . First publication Noveinber7th, ltsri. Last publlcullon December Mil, 19U2. SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for thv couu,y of Clackamas. C'aiaE. Carpenter, plakhtlfT.vs. George Carpenter, defendant. To fieorge Carpenter, tho above named defend ant: In the nam' of trie state of Orcprou you aro hen by required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the nbove entitled court auil cause, on or before the 23d day of Dooember, 19 '2, being six weeks from the first publication of this summons, and the dale prescribed by the order of said Court, and if you luil so to answer, for want thereof, the Plaintiff will apply to the court lor the relief prayed for In the complaint, U-wit: That the bomii oi matrimony heretoloro and now txlhtlug between you and the Plalntlti be foiovnr disHulvi-d.end that the custody of minor oMld, Kdwaid Carpenter, be awaided lo flie Plato till, and for such oilier soil further relief as to the court may seem equitable. Tins summons Is served upon yon by order of the llon.T. A. Mcllrnlc. Haled lb. third duy of November, ll. 02 and llieaaieof the first publica tion of lhl summons Is II. e 7th day of November, loiii, sod I lu; lust publication the hn h day of De cern ijr. l:i J2. II'RANK SCIM i, r.. A. tie ho P'aiot ', i Company