Oregon City courier. (Oregon City, Or.) 1902-1919, December 05, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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Removal Sale Wr L
K Removal Sale
Into the large and spacious qu aters-u'nde
the Methodist church, corner Main and
Seventh street.
The home furnisher is going to move
c Is doing to Sacrifice his Entire Stock f&egardless of Cost
To save the expense of moving. Housekeeper, now is your time to save money and fit your house with new Carpetings, Draperies, Lace Curtains, Furniture, Fine New Steel Ranges, Stoves,
Crockery of all kinds and a fine lot of Holiday Goods are all included in the sale. ALSO ORGANS-Mason, Hamlin, Esty, Chicago Cottage-will all be reduced at this sale. Also include
Twenty-five Webfoot Drop Head Sewing Machines
Former price
$35. Now
Only $19.00
As long as thty last. They are warranted for 10 years. It will pay you to call. Have a lot of remnant in Carpets to be soli at my old price. Thanking you for your past patronage and
1 hoping to see you again
Col ton.
E. Kandle, of Highland, was transact-
family, W. Simmons and family, Levi
Stehman and' wife and Mies Edna Con
rad took ThankBirivinz dinner with Mr.
ing business in Colton last Saturday, j and Mrs. Dick Skeen. The table was
Mr. Farrver, of Oregon City, was in beadti flly decorated with flowers and
.... 1 1 1 1 . ; .1 r t j : . v 1 . 1 : .. , .
Our Vicinity last wee, iuukiuk iui , iainy gruaneu mini guuu """Ro lu CBl-
place to locate, as he has resolved to
make Oregon his home. He is late from
Jack Hargreaves had the misfortune
to get his ankle hurt last week while
working In the mill, but no bones were
broken, aad we trust he will soon be 0.
k. again.
The shooting match on the 2(ith passed
off very quietly, and several of the boys
had goose for tbeir Thanksgiving din.
ner. Louie Callahan, of Highland, was
the crack shot.
Frak Bittner was the lucky man that
won the quilt that was raflleu laBt Sat
urday night.
Mr. and Mr. Frank Winalow have
moved to Colton.
School is progressing nicely, but the
new bell we have heard eo much about
seems slow in coming.
We notice that New York now has a
law prohibiting the use of parlor matches
nd forbidding the same to be made.
We are anyious lest if this law is rigidly
enforced the state will become over
stocked with old maids and bachelors,
as the kind of match is not mentioned
whether just wood or pure flesh and
bone matdbee. ,
Indications are that the majority of
the citizens ol Oregon made a great mis
take last Thursday, and instead of giv
ing thanks forgot and prayed for rain.
T. Wiles and family, W.
Skeen and
The walking sick, what
a crowd of them there are
Persons who are thin and
weak but not sick enough
to go to bed.
"Chronic cases" that's
what the doctors call them,
which in common English
means long sickness.
To stop the continued
loss of flesh they need
Scott's Emujsion. For the
feeling of weakness they
need Scott's Emulsion.
It makes new flesh and
gives new life to the weak
Scott's Emulsion gets
thin and weak persons out
of the rut. It makes new,
rich blood, strengthens the
nerves and gives appetite
for ordinary food.
Scott's Emulsion can be
taken as long as sickness
lasts and do good all the
There's new
and flesh in every dose.
Mr. Wiles conducted the Thanksgiving
ceremonies and they seemed like pioneer
days, from the courteous treatment ,
J. Akins and family took Thanksgiv
ing dinner with Mrs. Akins' parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Atkins.
Grandma Wright has been sick, but t
getting better.
Lillian Gans spent last week with rela
ives in Oregon City.
Miss Sadie Simmons was the guest at
the home of S Wright Sunday.
Dee Wright visited friends and rela
tives the latter part of last week.
The friends of B. Coales are much
alarmed about him, as he has every in
dication of taking down with brain fever.
He has been spending a great deal of
time lately on an invention to protect
ladies' dress waists and at the same
time to keep young men's arms from
getting out of place.
It's a shame to see two young men out
buggy riding by themselves on a Sun
day. Gib, why don't you let Johnnie,
get a buggy of his own, and get a part
ner of the opposite sexT
A great many young folks from this
neighborhood attended, the "show" at
Mulino last Thursday evening.
Misses Effie Morey and Jennie Ak
ins were the guests ofT. Wiles and fam
ily Sunday last. . ,
E. Austen, our sawmill man, will re
ceive his planer tomorrow and will soon
have it in place ready to turn out first
grade lumber, I as he has quite
a lot on hands of seasoned lumber.
Farming is at a standstill,, as the
ground is too wet to sow or plow.
There were several Thanksgiving din
ner in the neighborhood, and all seemed
to have good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ha'nriagen and Miss Ef
fie Morey spent Tuesday evening with
Miss Gans, who'entertalned them with
a nice selection ol.music on the piano.
.ill ,:
Gib White and brother are grubbing
with their stump puller and a good time
between showers as the ground is in
good shape.
William Loweryhashis house ready
to move into an ' will be quite an im
provement to (lis place
We will be glad
to send you a few
doses free.
H aura tint t' ' picture In
tlie (01m of a l.t 1 is on the
wrapper of ev . botlla ol
KmuUUm you bu
409 Pearl
50c. aad $1 1
N. Y.
' ugglsti.
Thesan Francisco Call's Beauti
ful Art Supplement,
Beginning with the issue of December
7, 1902, The San Franciico Call will is
sue, free to all its subscribers, a erws of
beautiful art supplemei ts, known as the
celebrated Banghart'Oartoons ,in Pas
tel Colors." The. first supplement
("Dorothy"), out December 7, must be
seen to be appreciated, as it is impossi
ble to describe the dustiness of its color
On the following Sunday, io addition
to the art supplement, "When Cupid
Holds the lteins." The Call will pre
sent its readers with the first chapter of
that intenstly interesting s;ory. "The
Gospel of Judas Iscariot," complete in
two numbers, and to be followed bv a
number of the best novels of the day
and a series of short stories by well
known and popular writers.puzzles, tte.
etc. Now is the time to subscribe for
San Francisco's leading aper. All
dealers and postmasters will accept sub
The Pride of Heroes.
Many sol im-s in the last war wrote to
say that foi Scratches, Bruises, Cuts,
Wounds, is, Sore Feet and Stiff
Joints, Bur i s Arnica Salve U the
in the wot- ame for Burns, Scalds,
Boils, UK- Liu Eruptions and Piles.
It cures oi iy. Only 50c at Gk. A.
Harding'- .tore.
Will Tap Eastern Section of
County and lermlnal Will
Be Near Base of
Mt. Hood.
Meeting of City Council,
The Oregon City & Suburban Rail
way was granted a franchise at the meet
ing of the city council Wednesday nigbt
to run its lines through the . streets of
Oregon City. The streets over which
the new line will run are: Washington,
Fourteenth, Center, Twelfth and Water
streets. They were also given privilege
ol erecting telephone and telegraph lines
along the route.
The ordinance passed by the council
requires said company to file written ac
ception within thirty days of this date,
and to deposit cash or bonds .to the
amount of five hundred dollars, which
will be forfeited to the city if work on
the line is not begun within one year
and work continued until road if com
pleted, which must not Le later than
January 1, 1904.
This new line may mean a great dal
to the people in the eastern part of
Clackamas county, as it is proposed to
run the line through the rich farming
lands in that section and have as it east
ern terminal some important point near
the base of Mt. Hood. Later, it is not
improbable that the road will be ex
tended southward through the county
and onward through Silverton and to
the state capital.
Hon. C. D. Latourette, of this city, is
the prime mover in the enterprise, and
has spent a considerable part of bis time
in 8eattle and San ' rancisco during the
past few months interesting capitalists
in those cities.
The road must pay a license to the
city of two hundred dollars per annum
fo- a period of five years.
It is expected that work will be begun
in a short time and pushed to its com
pletion. The committee on streets and public
improvements were requested to lepair
Molalla avenue, usinn crushed Btone or
auv other material needful.
The v te of .the town election, which
was held on Monday, was canvassed and
found to be correct as first reported, the
figures of which are given elsewhere.
The St. Paul vestry was granted per
mission to extend sidewalk near tlieir
edifice and remove curbing.
City rtcorder was instructed to invite
bids for city printing. Bids to be filed
by next meeting of council.
The newlv-elected couucilmen will
qualify at the next meeting of the huard
in Jauuary!
Union Pacific
The 0. R. & N. Co.
Gives the Choice oi
9:00 a. m.
9:00 p. in.
DEN' a,
6:00 p. m.
ST. PAUL and
Fitting Spectacles and Eye Classes
By Up-to-Date Methods. .
Examinaon Free, by an, Expert Opticican
The Iowa Jeweler, 293 Morrison, near 5th
Ocean Steamers leave Portland every
5 Days for
Boats leaves Portland daily for Willam
ette and Columbia Kiver Points.
Monthly Steamers to China and Japan.
For full Information call on or address nearest
O. K. N. Ticket Agent, or address
A. L. CRAIO, G, P. A.,
Portland, Oregon
kif:M-'.''if!! .
Gold Bituj Free.
We are giving free to every biby in
the county under one year of age a solid
gold r tig. Get with a birthday utone.
Bring the baby to the store for ineaau re
mint that's the only condition. Hunt
ley's Drug Store, Oreg n City.
A Liberal Offar.
The undersigned will give a free sam
ple of Chamberlain's stomach and liver
tablets to any one wanting a reliable
remedy for disorders of the stomach,
biliousness or constipitiou. This is a
new remedy and a good one. G. A.
Only transcontinental line
passing directly through
Salt Lake City,
Colorado Springs
and Denver.
Three BDlendidlv enuipped trains
rloilv to all noints East.
. . J T!l
Through Bleeping ano uiuiug vib
and Free Reclining Chair Cars.
Th mnat inaeniticent scenery in
Amorica h davlhrht.
Stop overs allowed on all classes of
For cheapest mea and descriptive literature
General Agent,
24 Third Street, Portpnd, Oregon
$150 IN GOLD
To be Given to Courier Subscribers
Absolutely FREE TO ALL
The Courier will distribute among its subscribers $150.00 in
gold on the afternoon of New Year day next. We have secured a
mammoth pumpkin which is on exhibition in the window of the
Courier office. Its weighs exactly 100 pounds. Every subscriber to
the Oregon City Courier who pays one years subscription will be en
titled to make one estimate upon the number of seed in this splendid
specimen of the genus pumpkin. An additional guess may be made for
each additional subscription paid. Subscribers who have paid their
subscriptions and made one estimate may take additional estimates at
fifty cents each. To the subscribers making the closest estimates as
to the number of seeds in the pumpkin the following prizes will be
awarded :
For the First Best Guess $50.00 in gold
For the Second Best Guess: 25.00 in gold
For the Third Best Guess 15.00 in gold
For the Fourth Best Guess 10.00 in gold
For the Fifth Best Guess 10.00 in gold
For the Sixth Best Guess 5.00 in gold
For the Seventh Best Guess 5.00 in gold
For the Eighth Best Guess 5.00 in gold
For the Ninth Best Guess 5.00 in gold
For the Tenth Best Guess 5.00 in gold
For the Eleventh Best Guess 5.00 in gold
For the Twelfth Best Guess 2 50 in gold
For the Thirteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold
For the Fourteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold
For the Fifteenth Best Guess 2.50 in gold
In event of two or more persons guessing any wining num
ber that prize will be divided . .
On the after noon of New Year day at two o'clock P. M
Out this oat and take it to CI . A. Hard
ing's drug store and get a free sample of
Ohamberlain's stomach and liver tab
lets, the best physio They cleanse and
invigorate the stomach, iiuorove the ap
petite and regulate the ruweU. Kesu
lr size 25c per bos
Apple boxes lu stoc't at Yoder's mill,
fair miles west of MolatU. A hires J.
8. Voder, Hr.bVard. Or., limie 2.
Dally Round Trtps. except Sunday
Leave Portland 7 A.
Leave Astoria 7 P.
Daily Trips Except Sunday
Leave Portland. Hon., Wf d. and rri 1 A. M.
Leave The Dalles, Tum , Thora. and 8at..7 A. 11.
Lav Portland. Tim, Thura. and Sat. T A. 11
Leave Dalles, Moo.f Wed. and Krl 7 A. M
landing. Foot Alder Street
lorm rHOKia, mts 351 Pohilakd, 0r8u
. J. Taylor Astoria, Ore.
J. W. Crichton The Dalles, Ure.
A. K. Fuller Hood River, Ore.
Wolford A Wvers. White Salmon, Wash.
Henry Olmstead OarJon, Wash.
John T. Totten Stevenson, Wash.
J. O. Wvatt Vancouver, Wash.
pumpkin will be cut and the seeds counted by a committee of well
known citizens of Oregon City and the prizes awarded to the success
ful estimators.
We want 2,000 paid up in advance subscribers to the Courier
by the first day of January, 1903. Can't you help us to get them. We
are giving you an elegant opportunity.
Drop into the office, take a look at the pumpkin and leave us an
estimate on the number of seeds that it contains together with your
subscription. If not convenient to come to the office send us a check
or money order for the amount you want to invest in the Courier All
subscriptions in arrears are entitled to participate to the extent of one
estimate for each subscription paid. If you are already a subscriber,
pay up the old score if behind and renew for one year in advance and
make as many estimates as you pay subscriptions, if you are not on
our list get on as soon as you can, and take a lessen in agriculture by
estimating the number of seed in the pumpkin.
, 1902.
Address all communications to
The Courier Publishing Company,
Oregon City, Oregon