12 OREGON CITY COURIER FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1902. F-ftr i'rttririiW-''r&rVi iTiliTiTCmilnimimm i Hi 1 AVegetable Prcparationfor As similating iheToodandHegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of SMS Promotes Digesiion.Ckerful- nessaralfest.contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Satft otOldDrSmVELPntBEa Mx.Smna JioduUe Sails- Anise Sent Jkppfrjmrit - ffimJeed - Slarititd Stupr . Itw&mrMs tiavsr. A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Wonns.Convulsions.FcvcriSh ncss and Loss OF SLB Facsimile Signature of KEW YORK. EXACT COPYOF WRAPPEB. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears Signati For Over Thirty Years TMC etNTAUR COMPANY, NEW VORK CfTV. I YOU MAY NOT KNOW IT 1 X But the Best Stock of First-Class X Goods to be Found at Bottom Prices in Oregon City is at ! HARRIS' GROCERY 6vcrytbing Tresh, Iltat and Chan, AT . meat market of $ BeMe tltw , Straiten BMa. Opposite Suspension Bridge, Oregon City y Jliim.Ai.i.jJli iA,,,,,,!!!,,,, iiHii.,iiliji dii ili, 4 jlLnijn1lIbm.n).ji.trifllii.ii).iillll ilhi lS idtlHiflidllliii We carry the only complete line of Caskets, Coffins, Eobei and Linings In Clackamas County. We have the only First-Class Hearse in the County, which we will furnish for less tn Can U had elsewhere, Embalming u tiJij. ur prices k'iavi rettoBttbU. -taction 'guaranteed. I North Molalla. The familiar thoat disease made its appearance among the flocks of turkeys in this section the last week. The grangers Thanksgiving dance will be given on Friday, December 12, 1902. Mr. Welch an Oregon City butcher, was seen on our steets the first of the week. The shooting match on Thursday was well attended. The party that went to Southern Oregon to locate on timber claims have returned. Only one of the party having located. , Do not forget the debate on Wednes day evening. Chicken feed seems to be scarce. A very little fall grains hB been sown in this locality. Uncle Luke Schultise butchered some hogs last week. Nathan has had a falling out with hi s playmates as we understand. ," You can't play in my yard any more ; You can't slide down my cellar door: You Bhan'tcome back any more; The fact is, I don't like you any more," ) Teddv. tr - m m SHANK & 0IS8ELL, Undertakers t Phones 4H and 304. iiiiip!iiiiipiiiTr(jjiiiiiijiiiiiijHi rmiiiniriji Main St Opp. Huntley (Pitp1 "J I I I 1 a A 1 1 (killf Out of 3 I mm Owing to my poor health I am compelled to retire from business, and I shall dispose, of my entire stock of goods at cost during the next thirty days. Every one can make Great Saving bij Patron izing tbe Racket Store. WRAPPERS, OUTING FLANNEL GOWNS, EI DERDOWN SACKS, LADIES' UNDERWEAR, GING HAMS, CALICOES, COLORED AND WHITE APRONS, TOWELING, RIBBON FOR FANCY WORK, BUREAU SCARFS, ALL KINDS OF LACKS, STAND COVERS, CHILDREN'S HOSE (8, 10. 12, 15, 20 'and 25 cents). TABLE LINEN, SHAKER FLAN NEL, LADIES' HANDKERCHIEF-, AND MANY OTHER THINGS NOT MENTIONED, All To Be Sold At Cost, Stafford. Heavy storm of rain and wind Sunday. Monday morning some cellars were found to be flooded. Charlie Borland has gone of6r to Ha-' zelia to tit up a hay press and stump puller for C. C. Borland. John Scliatz has returned from East ern Washington. Mr. Schatz went there eight months ago, and now shines as a full-fltdged carpenter. Heinky and Otto Peters returned from the metropolis Monday. They will work on their father's farm awhile. Ferd Sehmitke is becoming quite pro ficient as an organist. Henry Hohlswath is doing Eome tell ing licks on his father's farm, taking out sis fool stumps. The hegoat belonging to Henry Schaiz has become master of the situation. Do not ask bow. It seems to be. driven about by a Billy. Dick Oldenstradt's potato-digging ma chine is still at John Seedlings. A few dry days would make potato digging a thing of the past. Mr.' Coeby, n old-time resident of this place, was buried in the public cemetery here last Saiurday. About thirty-five years ago Mr. Coeby owned the farm that Mr, Gage bought in 1870. Old residents only remember him per sonally. Death came to the good old man at Woodburn, where he bad resided for some years. Another pioneer Is gone. . , , Mountain View. More rain, more rest, at leaet more raiO. J Balii, November 26, to the wife of J. j V Green, a bouncing boy. ' J. It. Duvall.of Sellwood, was in this burg Sunday. He wishes to sell his property here. He has bought two lots in Sellwood. J. M. Gillettand family spent Thanks giving out at A. L. Jones' near Carus, in Eldorado, A Sunday school has been organized at the Mountain View church. The su perintendedt is a man, whose name we have not learned, of town. Mrs. Moran is assistant superintendent; Mrs. gie Curran, secretary ; Miss L. Craig, treasurer; Miss Pearl Curran, musician. Charlie Albright is able to walk with out his crutches again. He went out to Beaver Creek to spend Sunday with Henry Henrici. ' Grandpa Frost is growing weaker in stead of better. City election passed off quietly and everyone seems to be ha i . Sauna. "I do not look as though I ever was sick." When a woman is sick she falls off in looks. This is" particularly the case when she suffers from diseases peculiar to her sex. Not only is her strength undermined, but she loses beauty of face and grace of form. It is characteristic of the cures of womanly diseases effected by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, that with restored health there is a restora tion of good looks. . " Favorite Prescription " establishes regularity, dries weakening drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. "I wish to thank you for the good your medi cines have done me," writes Mrs. Mae Brown, oi Canton, Fulton Co., Ills. "I was troubled with female weakness and doctored with several dif ferent doctors. They did not seem to help me; indeed I got worse all the time. I had ulcera tion and displacement of the uterus. What 1 suffered no tongue can tell. I had heavy bear-ilig-down pains and thought my back would kill me. I also had a very bad drain, but alter taking five bottles of ' Favorite Prescription ' and three of 'Golden Medical Discovery,' I am feeling as well as ever. It has been almost two vears and I have had no return of the trouble. My friends tell ine I dou't look as though I ever was sick." Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. ,. . and only take raw revisions with him. However, we iiope the people of the sate will do justice to such a law when it is brought before them for the final settlement. We beli;ve as our editor says, "every dog has liis day," and since the initiative and the referendum has become a law in the state, we believe some dog's days are numbered, especial ly a ye Her dog. Blue grass seems to thrive pretty well in Oregon, when once it takes root. So we think our Blue Grass editor will make a success of his paper when he once gets acquainted with the people of the county. The friends of Mrs. Scramlin will be glad to learn that she has retilrnd from a Portland hospital much improved in health. Fred Yohon is doing the carpenter work on Mr. Scheer's hou The show given at this place last week was a grand success. Mr. Scheer is putting up a large jack-of-all-trades house. We have a new missionary in our burg who is making some wonderful explor ations throughout the webfoot state.. .. Joan of Arc. Mav,kburg . And still it tains. Some of the farmeis have got but little wheat sown. Tbanktgiving has come and gone, and so have the turkey b. One of out prominent citizens has flown in the small sum of IS, playing for turkeys, and then, didn't get any. The dauce given by 0. W. Damm at Smith's hall on the 20th, was almost a failure, and Carl had the blues boc:iu, e ids Tearl would ni t go the dance with him. H. Abbot and family have moved to Sollwood, where they will go into bus! ness. lie is a qualified bueiuess uiai and will likely cause a lnm to that ul lendy pmperous little ci"'. Mr, nd Mrs, Will M 'ers, of low , li.ivi ' i d into the Wid Yohon's hoi; r''- cated by II. Shot. rstantl that i f our lh t uoing intri c a bill, uple from i nig cut l i months ol --July HOnld Btigk -hat the 11. g on a bru .! and bu n Ohr f r tnk' fO'?t, ' p.ull' t Mulino. Ely Bros , of Oregon City, spent Sun day in Mulino. Our school is preparing for a Christ mas entertainment. A number of young folks'froin Liberal attended Sunday school here Sunday. Mike Mulvey passed through Mulino last Thursday evening.' Mr. and Mrs. A. Erickeon spent last Thursday evening at the beautiful resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Force. A large crowd attended the show given at the ball. Several of the boys went hunting last Saturday. GEORGE BROS. KESTAUIIAT... and Lunch Counter Opposite Electric Hotel, is the very best place in Oregon City to get a Dainty Lunch or SQUARE MEAL Open at All Hours, day or night Newly Furnished Rooms and Clean Beds Brown & Welch -Proiriktop.s or the- Seventh Street Meat Market A. O. U. W. Building OREGON CITY, OREGON ..THE PLACET.. Kelly tf Ruconich, !rob. HIGH GHADE WHISKEYS GARDE BUILDING A SPECIALTY MAIN STREET' J. W. COLE, Fine Whiskies and Digar All goods bought in bond. Purity and quality guaranteed SOME FAMOUS OLD BRANDS f; r m James E. Pepper, Kentucky Burbon Old Sam Harris Kentucky Bourbon Old Roxbury Rye Cor. Railroad Ave. and Main St.. Spring water. The fire sufferers are still fixing up things and trying to live with courage. News has been heard from Miss Ora Lewellen, and she is not so well. Mrs. Lewellen has gone back to Idaho to see her daughter. The weather there has been bad and they are contemplating taking her to California. ' The new mill firm bad a mishap at tbe mill a few days ago, which injure the saw, and it had to be taken to Port land for repairs, but is all right again now. Mr. Smith is moving onto his place again . The Beat Prescription for Malaria Chills and Fever is a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No cure no pay. Price 60c.i CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Havs Always Bought FREE t Watches Until Jan. 1 only With every TEN DOLLAR SUIT OF CLOTHES we wilLgive a watch guaranteed for one year absolutely free. We have just received a new line of fall and winter Over coats and Suits which we are offering at prices that cannot be duplicated. Shoes, Hats, Underwear and Furniture at lowest prices. G. ROSENSTEIN, Proprietor Next Door to Harding's Drug Store. POPE & CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR Hardware, Stoves. Syracuse Chilled and Steel Plows, Harrows and Cultivators, Planet Jr., Drills and Hoes, Spray Pumps, Imperial Bicycles. PLUMBING A SPECIALTY Cor. Fourth and Main Sts. OREGON CITY Bears the Signature Smith' Dandruff V i stops ttr . 'alp upon three ) moves all it will s' i !i-.ir. 1 "r i e Irung i .1 i ! . .:; - I mo I , ' tin' n i te "ion, and t all lets, aih N The Flour of the Family The Hour of all the Oregon City families is "Patent" flour. The intelligent house wife always gets " Patent" flour because, n is better and more ecomonical to use '.;le in Oregon City by the Portland I '.'Ulllig iUIilS VJU. Be Oa . - CT...--j--' - - - war i Liuihi